Content Posted in 2019
2019 Asia insights: Building a great place to work for all: The untapped power of gender diversity in Asia, Richard Raymond SMITH, Evelyn KWEK, and Tyler THORPE
255 students are the first to experience SMU’s new residential learning-and-living concept, Singapore Management University
A²-MAC: An Adaptive, Anycast MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks, Hwee-Xian TAN and Mun Choon CHAN
A Bayesian latent variable model of user preferences with item context, Aghiles SALAH and Hady W. LAUW
A better economy by "Design", Lawrence Chong
Accidental captains: How to sink strategy even before it is executed, Zafar Momin
Accountant-general department: Empowering public sector finance through data analytics in Singapore, Gary PAN and Chi Wei CHAN
A closer look tells more: A facial distortion based liveness detection for face authentication, Yan LI, Zilong WANG, Yingjiu LI, Robert H. DENG, Binbin CHEN, Weizhi MENG, and Hui LI
A cloud-based data gathering and processing system for intelligent demand forecasting, Colin K. L. TAY and Kyong Jin SHIM
A co-matching model for multi-choice reading comprehension, Shuohang WANG, Mo YU, Shiyu CHANG, and Jing JIANG
A compact representation of human actions by sliding coordinate coding, Runwei DING, Qianru SUN, Mengyuan LIU, and Hong LIU
A crude bargain: Great powers, oil states, and petro-alignment, Inwook KIM
Action classification by exploring directional co-occurrence of weighted STIPs, Mengyuan LIU, Hong LIU, and Qianru SUN
Action disambiguation analysis using normalized google-like distance correlogram, Qianru SUN and Hong LIU
Adapting BERT for target-oriented multimodal sentiment classification, Jianfei YU and Jing JIANG
Adapting BERT for target-oriented multimodal sentiment classification, Jianfei YU and Jing JIANG
Adaptive randomized scheduling for concurrency bug detection, Zan WANG, Dongdi ZHANG, Shuang LIU, Jun SUN, and Yingquan ZHAO
Adaptive regret minimization in bounded-memory games, Jeremiah BLOCKI, Nicolas CHRISTIN, Anupam DATTA, and Arunesh SINHA
Addressing social needs through remote based design thinking, Hoe-Chin GOI, Wee Liang TAN, Yuki HARA, and Shuichi TAKAO
A definition of the state, Chandran KUKATHAS
A different perspective: Feature interview with Professor David Chan, David CHAN and Shi Ping LOW
A domain based approach to social relation recognition, Qianru SUN, Bernt SCHIELE, and Mario FRITZ
Adopting hyperledger fabric blockchain for EPCglobal network, Pamela Hui Ting CHUA, Yingjiu LI, and Wei HE
A dual-process team mood framework of team creativity, Sean Teck Hao LEE
Adult protection laws in Singapore, Wing Cheong CHAN
Advanced malware detection for android platform, Ke XU
Advancement in organizational behaviour: Essays in honour of Derek S. Pugh, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Adversarial learning on heterogeneous information networks, Binbin HU, Yuan FANG, and Chuan SHI
Advertising and disclosure: Do firms time advertising during disclosure periods?, Yin WANG
A first look at unfollowing behavior on GitHub, Jing JIANG, David LO, Yun YANG, Jianfeng LI, and Li ZHANG
A focus on Singapore's 21st-century landscape, Darren Soh
Against all odds, William Heinecke
Against the communitarian republic, Chandran KUKATHAS
Agile earth observation satellite scheduling: An orienteering problem with time-dependent profits and travel times, Guansheng PENG, Reginald DEWIL, Cédric VERBEECK, Aldy GUNAWAN, Lining XING, and Pieter VANSTEENWEGEN
Agoda: Perpetual disruption and post-acquisition challenges, Kenneth T. GOH, Lipika BHATTACHARYA, and Chi Wei CHAN
A hybrid model for identity obfuscation by face replacement, Qianru SUN, Ayush TEWARI, Weipeng XU, Mario FRITZ, Christian THEOBALT, and Bernt SCHIELE
AI gets real at Singapore's Changi Airport (Part 1), Steve LEE and Steven M. MILLER
Airport retailing at Mondelez: The launch of Toblerone crunchy almond in Asia, Seshan RAMASWAMI and Rajiv MALHOTRA
Ajit Singh [Malyasia, ASEAN Secretary-General, Diplomat], Ajit Singh
A large scale study of long-time contributor prediction for GitHub projects, Lingfeng BAO, Xin XIA, David LO, and Gail C. MURPHY
A link-bridged topic model for cross-domain document classification, Pei YANG, Wei GAO, Qi TAN, and Kam-Fai WONG
All systems go: Building an Internet for good, Sylvia Cadena
Altering the environment to improve appointment system performance, Tugba CAYIRLI and Kum Khiong YANG
Amazon and Walmart on collision course, Nirmalya KUMAR and Sheetal BHARDWAJ
Americans overestimate social class mobility, Michael W. KRAUS and Jacinth J. X. TAN
An adaptive wireless passive human detection via fine-grained physical layer information, Liangyi GONG, Wu YANG, Zimu ZHOU, Dapeng MAN, Haibin CAI, Xiancun ZHOU, and Zheng YANG
Analysing multi-point multi-frequency machine vibrations using optical sampling, Dibyendu ROY, Avik GHOSE, Tapas CHAKRAVARTY, Sushovan MUKHERJEE, Arpan PAL, and Archan MISRA
Analysis of education and job trends in data science, V. LAI, Kyong Jin SHIM, and M. PRITHIVIRAJAN
Analysis of student performance and student participation in online discussions, Kyong Jin SHIM, V. LAI, and M. PRITHIVIRAJAN
Analyzing and modeling users in multiple online social platforms, Roy LEE KA WEI
Analyzing requirements and traceability information to improve bug localization, Michael RATH, David LO, and Patrick MADER
Anarcho-multiculturalism: The pure theory of liberalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
An economic analysis of consumer learning on entertainment shopping websites, Jin LI, Zhiling GUO, and Geoffrey K.F. TSO
An economic analysis of disintermediation on crowdfunding platforms, Jianqing CHEN, Ling GE, and Zhiling GUO
An economic analysis of incentivized positive reviews, Jianqing CHEN, Zhiling GUO, and Jian HUANG
An effective approach for topicspecific opinion summarization, Binyang LI, Lanjun ZHOU, Wei GAO, Kam-Fai WONG, and Zhongyu WEI
An efficient and expressive ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption scheme with partially hidden access structures, revisited, Hui CUI, Robert H. DENG, Junzuo LAI, Xun YI, and Surya NEPAL
An efficient approach to model-based hierarchical reinforcement learning, Zhuoru LI, Akshay NARAYAN, and Tze-Yun LEONG
An empirical study on uncertainty identification in social media context, Zhongyu WEI, Junwen CHEN, Wei GAO, Binyang LI, Lanjun ZHOU, Yulan HE, and Kam-Fai WONG
An essential Applied Statistical Analysis course using RStudio with Project-Based Learning for Data Science, Aldy GUNAWAN, Michelle L. F. CHEONG, and Johnson POH
An evaluation of pure spectrum-based fault localization techniques for large-scale software systems, Simon HEIDEN, Lars GRUNSKE, Timo KEHRER, Fabian KELLER, Andre VAN HOORN, Antonio FILIERI, and David LO
An exploratory comparative study of experts and generalists as change management leaders in non-core areas of organizations, Steven Glenn BURTON
An exploratory study of how to navigate brand management and improve sales performance through control policies, Pavuth SRIARANYAKUL
Angry Birds fly high again with data analytics, Singapore Management University
An implied ground for refusal to enforce iMSAs under the Singapore convention on mediation: The effect of Article 6, Shouyu CHONG and Nadja ALEXANDER
An improved Bayesian unit root test in stochastic volatility models, Yong LI and Jun YU
An integrative approach to investigating bilingual advantages in cognitive decline: The Australian longitudinal study of ageing, Wei Xing TOH, Andree HARTANTO, Joanne Qin Ying TAN, and Hwajin YANG
An interview question that brought about some thoughts, Zhengxiao WU
An introduction to the Singapore Convention on Mediation - Perspectives from Singapore, Nadja ALEXANDER and Shou Yu CHONG
Annapurna: Building a real-world smartwatch-based automated food journal, Sougata SEN, Vigneshwaran SUBBARAJU, Archan MISRA, Rajesh Krishna BALAN, and Youngki LEE
Annotated leading copyright cases in major Asian jurisdictions, Kung-chung LIU
Annotated leading trademark cases in major Asian jurisdictions, Kung-chung LIU
A note-restructuring intervention increases students’ exam scores, Dov COHEN, Emily KIM, Jacinth J. X. TAN, and Mary-Ann WINKELMES
A novel development of tort law: Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2018] UKSC 4, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG; Gary Kok Yew CHAN; and Yihan GOH
A novel hierarchical Bag-of-Words model for compact action representation, Qianru SUN, Qianru, Hong LIU, Hong LIU, Liqian MA, and Tianwei ZHANG
AnswerBot: An answer summary generation tool based on stack overflow, Liang CAI, Haoye WANG, Bowen XU, Qiao HUANG, Xin XIA, David LO, and Zhenchang XING
Anti-Chinese sentiments and the ‘Return’ of the Pribumi discourse, Charlotte SETIJADI
Anwar Ibrahim: Forgiveness, character and values can rescue Malaysia, Singapore Management University
A one-size-fits-all approach to corporate governance codes and compliance by smaller listed firms: An examination of companies listed in Hong Kong and Singapore, Christopher C. H. CHEN
API method recommendation without worrying about the task-API knowledge gap, Qiao HUANG, Xin XIA, Zhenchang XING, David LO, and Xinyu WANG
API recommendation for event-driven Android application development, Weizhao YUAN, Huu Hoang NGUYEN, Lingxiao JIANG, Yuting CHEN, Jianjun ZHAO, and Haibo YU
Applying design thinking to student outreach projects: Experiences from an Information Systems School, Swapna GOTTIPATI, Venky SHANKARARAMAN, and Alan MEGARGEL
Approaches to public trust in Singapore, David CHAN
App-Titude test: Reviewing productivity-boosting and anxiety-busting apps, Nurin Nazifa Binte Mohd Yusoff
A quantile-based asset pricing model, Tomohiro ANDO, Jushan BAI, Mitohide NISHIMURA, and Jun YU
Are bond ratings informative? Evidence from regulatory regime changes, Louis H. EDERINGTON, Jeremy C. GOH, Yen Teik LEE, and Lisa Zongfei YANG
A recipe for success: Asia's F&B franchising, Kek Sin Koh
Are disclosed auditor materiality thresholds informative of firms’ earnings quality? – Evidence from the revised ISA 700 audit report, Beng Wee GOH, Kiat Bee Jimmy LEE, Na LI, and Dan LI
Are fair wages possible in the palm oil industry?, Singapore Management University
A reformulated test for unconscionability, Vincent OOI and Walter YONG
Are leaders born or made?, Singapore Management University
Are refugees special?, Chandran KUKATHAS
Are there any Cultural Rights?, Chandran KUKATHAS
Are we really making a difference?: Lessons from Nesta's Innovation Lab, Philip Colligan
Are we really making a difference?: Lessons from Nesta’s Innovation Lab, Philip Colligan
Are you on the right track? Learning career tracks for job movement analysis, Meng-Fen CHIANG, Ee-peng LIM, Wang-Chien LEE, Yuan TIAN, and Chih-Chieh HUNG
Are you sugarcoating your feedback without realizing it?, Michael SCHAERER and Roderick I. SWAAB
Arifin Siregar [Indonesia, Minister of Trade], Arifin Siregar
ARM Holdings: IP licensing to internet of things, Howard THOMAS and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Artepharm: Commercialising the Malaria cure in Africa, Hao LIANG, Adina WONG, and Jiang HAN
Artificial intelligence, real concerns…and cash, Singapore Management University
Arts and society: A Symbiosis, Mayur Singh
Arts for community development in Singapore, Kar Yee Lim
Art works: Ang Kay Sing, Ishan Singh
Ascertaining contractual terms in Taiwan, Ying Chieh WU
ASEAN law in the new regional economic order: Global trends and shifting paradigms, Pasha L. HSIEH and Bryan MERCURIO
A self-regulation model of leader authenticity based on mindful self-regulated attention and political skill, Erik DIETL and Jochen REB
A self-training framework for automatic identification of exploratory dialogue, Zhongyu WEI, Yulan HE, Simon SHUM, Rebecca FERGUSON, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
Asia Alpha Management (A): Tackling a Volatile Market, Philip Charles ZERRILLO and Matthew Louis DEARTH
Asia Alpha Management (B): Tackling a Volatile Market, Philip Charles ZERRILLO and Matthew Louis DEARTH
Asia: Investment law and agreements in the Asian regional context, Locknie HSU
Asian luxury retail is human, Stéphane J.G. Girod
A six year longitudinal study of graduate expectations: The implications for company recruitment and selection strategies, Christopher MABEY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Kevin DANIELS
A space for learning? Physical, relational and agential space in a strategy consultancy project, Karen HANDLEY, Andrew STURDY, Robin FINCHAM, and Timothy CLARK
A space for learning? Physical, relational and agential space in a strategy consultancy project, Karen HANDLEY, Andrew STURDY, Robin FINCHAM, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Assembling the future ready technical services team in SMU libraries, Kai Leong HENG
Assessing carbon pollution standards: Electric power generation pathways and their water impacts, Kustini LIM-WAVDE, Haibo ZHAI, Robert John KAUFFMAN, and Edward S. RUBIN
Assessing meaningful within-person variability in Likert-scale rated personality descriptions: An IRT tree approach, Jonas W. B. LANG, Filip LIEVENS, Filip DE FRUYT, Ingo ZETTLER, and Jennifer L. TACKETT
Assessing personality dynamics in personnel selection, Joanna SOSNOWSKA, Joeri HOFMANS, and Filip LIEVENS
Assessing the generalizability of code2vec token embeddings, Hong Jin KANG, Tegawende F. BISSYANDE, and David LO
Asset classes, Nicolas L. JACQUET
Associationistic luce rule, Jiangtao LI and Rui TANG
A state aggregation approach for stochastic multiperiod last-mile ride-sharing problems, Lucas AGUSSURJA, Shih-Fen CHENG, and Hoong Chuin LAU
A strategic value appropriation path for cloud computing, Abhishek KATHURIA, Arti MANN, Jiban KHUNTIA, and Robert J. KAUFFMAN
A study in separate judgments, Kwan Ho LAU
A study on Singapore haze, Bingtian DAI, Kasthuri JAYARAJAH, Ee-Peng LIM, Archan MISRA, and Shriguru NAYAK
A Sufficient Condition for the Tops-Only Property of Strategy-Proof Social Choice Functions in the Case of Two Voters, Huaxia ZENG
A survey on bluetooth 5.0 and mesh: New milestones of IoT, Juenjie YIN, Zheng YANG, Hao CAO, Tongtong LIU, Zimu ZHOU, and Chenshu WU
A survey on sensor calibration in air pollution monitoring deployments, Balz MAAH, Zimu ZHOU, and Lothar THIELE
Asymmetric information and conglomerate discount: Evidence from spinoffs, Charlie CHAROENWONG, Kuan Yong David DING, and Jing PAN
Asymptotic theory for estimating drift parameters in the fractional Vasicek model, Weilin XIAO and Jun YU
Attention-based LSTM-CNNs for uncertainty identification on Chinese social media texts, Binyang LI, Kaiming ZHOU, Wei GAO, Xu Han HAN, and Linna ZHOU
Audience perceptions of charismatic and non-charismatic oratory: The case of management gurus, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH
Audit games, Jeremiah BLOCKI, Nicolas CHRISTIN, Anupam DATTA, Ariel D. PROCACCIA, and Arunesh SINHA
Audit mechanisms for provable risk management and accountable data governance, Jeremiah BLOCKI, Nicolas CHRISTIN, Anupam DATTA, and Arunesh SINHA
Automatic code review by learning the revision of source code, Shu-Ting SHI, Ming LI, David LO, Ferdian THUNG, and Xuan HUO
Automatic, highly accurate app permission recommendation, Zhongxin LIU, Xin XIA, David LO, and John GRUNDY
Automatic query reformulation for code search using crowdsourced knowledge, Mohammad M. RAHMAN, Chanchal K. ROY, and David LO
Automatic query reformulation for code search using crowdsourced knowledge, Mohammad M. RAHMAN, Chanchal K. ROY, and David LO
Automatic vulnerability detection and repair, Siqi MA
Automating change-level self-admitted technical debt determination, Meng YAN, Xin XIA, Emad SHIHAB, David LO, Jianwei YIN, and Xiaohu YANG
Automating intention mining, Qiao HUANG, Xin XIA, David LO, and Gail C. MURPHY
Automation tax vs robot-tax, Vincent OOI
Balancing machine and human skill sets, Richard Raymond SMITH
Battling counterfeits in a massive market: Designing and evaluating an ID-tag based solution for electronic product monitoring and controlling, Xiao Ying CHEN
Battling dirty toilets: Singapore’s final frontiers, Rosie CHING and Jing Hui Nicholas LEE
Becoming a better leader, David CHAN
Being sensitive to positives has its negatives: An approach/avoidance perspective on reactivity to ostracism, Ferris D. LANCE, Shereen FATIMAH, Ming YAN, Lindie H. LIANG, Huiwen LIAN, and Douglas J. BROWN
Belgium, Brexit and Nationalism, Singapore Management University
Bellamy’s turnaround in China, Sterling HUANG and YouTing ZHOU
Better inpatient health quality at lower cost: Should I participate in the online healthcare community first?, Kai LUO, Qiu-Hong WANG, Hock Hai TEO, and Xi CHEN
Between innovation and legitimation-boundaries and knowledge flow in management consultancy, Andrew STURDY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Robin FINCHAM, and Karen HANDLEY
Beyond academic abilities, David CHAN
Beyond oil: Saudi Vision 2030 and Saudi-South Korean relations, Inwook KIM
Beyond the buzzword, Ryal Wun
Biclustering via mixtures of regression models, Raja VELU, Zhaoque ZHOU, and Chyng Wen TEE
Big data for climate change actions and the paradox of citizen informedness, Kustini LIM-WAVDE and Robert J. KAUFFMAN
BIKER: A tool for Bi-information source based API method recommendation, Liang CAI, Haoye WANG, Qiao HUANG, Xin XIA, Zhenchang XING, and David LO
Bilateral dependency neural networks for cross-language algorithm classification, Duy Quoc Nghi BUI, Yijun YU, and Lingxiao JIANG
Bilingualism positively predicts mathematical competence: Evidence from two large-scale studies, Andree HARTANTO, Hwajin YANG, and Sujin YANG
BLE-Enabled Medication Events Monitoring System (MEMS) for community dwelling seniors, Avinash SUBRAMANIAM, Hwee Xian TAN, and Hwee-pink TAN
Blockchain+AI: Unveiling the Future Economy, Qiang QU and Yimin LIN
Blockchain: Disrupting entertainment, Singapore Management University
Blockchain: It’s not all about cryptocurrencies, Singapore Management University
Bodies of work: skilling at the bottom of the global nursing care chain, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA and Jenica Ana RIVERO
Bold and responsible leadership in uncharted waters: The future of BW Tankers, Annie KOH, Flocy JOSEPH, and Sin Mei CHEAH
Book of secrets for entrepreneurial success, Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Book review: Anthropologies of unemployment: New perspectives on work and its absence Edited by Jong Bum Kwon and Carrie M. Lane, Aliya Hamid RAO
Book review: Marriage, divorce, and distress in northeast Brazil: Black women’ perspectives on love, respect, and kinship, Aliya Hamid RAO
Book review: Mothers at work: Who opts out?, Aliya Hamid RAO
Book review of: Eric S. Nelson. Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in early twentieth-century German thought, Steven BURIK
Book review of 'Experimental practice: Technoscience, alterontologies, and more-than-social movements' by Dimitris Papadopoulos, Orlando WOODS
Book review of Independent directors in Asia: A historical, contextual and comparative approach, Pearlie M. C. KOH
Book review of "Management consulting: A guide to the profession", Timothy CLARK
Book review of "Management consulting: A guide to the profession", Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Book review of "Managerial consulting skills: A practical guide", Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Book review of "The world’s newest profession: Management consulting in the twentieth century", Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Book Reviews: Introduction, Robert J. Kauffman
Book review: The negotiator's desk reference, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON
Borrower targeting under microfinance: Competition with motivated microfinance institutions and strategic complementarity, Brishti Guha and Prabal ROY CHOWDHURY
Bots in libraries: They're coming for your jobs (or is it?), Salihin MOHAMMED ALI
Bounded rank optimization for effective and efficient emergency response, Pallavi Madhusudan MANOHAR, Pradeep VARAKANTHAM, and Hoong Chuin LAU
Brain drain, brain waste and exporting talent, Singapore Management University
Brazil: The challenges ahead, Singapore Management University
Breaking the cycle of abusive supervision: How disidentification and moral identity help the trickle-down change course, Shannon G. TAYLOR, Matthew D. GRIFFITH, Abhijeet K. VADERA, Robert FOLGER, and Chaim R. LETWIN
Bridging the gap: An exploratory study of corporate social responsibility among SMEs in Singapore, Mui Hean LEE, Angela Ka MAK, and A. PANG
Build emotion lexicon from microblogs by combining effects of seed words and emoticons in a heterogeneous graph, Kaisong SONG, Shi FENG, Wei GAO, Daling WANG, Ling CHEN, and Chengqi ZHANG
Build emotion lexicon from the mood of crowd via topic-assisted joint non-negative matrix factorization, Kaisong SONG, Wei GAO, Ling CHEN, Shi FENG, Daling WANG, and Chengqi ZHANG
Building a case for the replacement of a legacy library management system, Nilofar Maideen Shameem
Building a conceptual framework in image reinvention: A case study of SWISS, Switzerland’s national airline, A. PANG, Victor Yew-Cho YEN, Angeline Soon-Jia SOH, and Annina BUEHLER
Building an equitable and inclusive city through housing policies: Singapore’s experience, Sock Yong PHANG
Building an equitable and inclusive city through housing policies: Singapore’s experience, Sock Yong PHANG
Building a successful F&B franchise, Singapore Management University
Building effective media relations with social media influencers, A. PANG, E. Y. TAN, T. Y. KWAN, R. S. LIM, and P. B. LAKHANPAL
Building effective media relations with social media influencers in Singapore, A. PANG, Elizabeth Yingzhi TAN, Rachael Song-Qi LIM, Truda Yue-Ming KWAN, and Priyanka Bhardwaj LAKHANPAL
Building Indonesia, Singapore Management University
Building mangroves with TREEs, Singapore Management University
Building relationships through integrated online media platforms: Analysis of top 100 global brands, Wonsun SHIN, Augustine PANG, and Hyo Jung KIM
Building the green movement, Singapore Management University
Building trust for a positive employee experience, Richard Raymond SMITH
Café Betterfield: Optimising the food menu, ANG, Marcus and HU RUEY HENG ARTHUR
Can a liberal society tolerate illiberal elements?, Chandran KUKATHAS
Can Being Overconfident Make You a Better Leader?, Kenny PHUA, T. Mandy THAM, and Chi Shen WEI
Can liquidity shifts explain the lockup expiration effect in stock returns?, Chandrasekhar KRISHNAMURTI, Avanidhar SUBRAHMANYAM, and Tiong Yang THONG
Can mediation survive in a world of Trumpian negotiators? Thought provoking - new thinking, Nadja ALEXANDER
Capacities and customization in policy design, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Azad BALI
Capacity allocation in flexible production networks: Theory and applications, Guodong LYU, Wang-Chi CHEUNG, Mabel C. CHOU, Chung-Piaw TEO, Zhichao ZHENG, and Yuanguang ZHONG
Career sponsorship: An effective way for developing women leaders, Jovina ANG
Cases, materials and commentary on Singapore intellectual property law, LLEWELYN, Hui Ming NG, and Nicole Xuan Yuan OH
Case studies for teaching stylistics for business communication, Siow-Heng ONG
Categorizing the content of GitHub README files, Gede Artha Azriadi PRANA, Christoph TREUDE, Ferdian THUNG, Thushari ATAPATTU, and David LO
Censored observation recovery for causal inference using temporal sequence and iterative data simulation, Ai-Phuong HOANG and Robert John KAUFFMAN
Central place theory and the power law for cities, Wen-Tai HSU and ZOU XIN
CEO contractual protection and debt contracting, Xia CHEN, Qiang CHENG, Alvis K. LO, and Xin WANG
Certainty and uncertainty of cross-border copyright infringement litigation in Singapore, Tiong Min YEO
Chapter 1: ASEAN law in the new regional economic order: An introductory roadmap to the ASEAN economic community, Pasha L. HSIEH and Bryan MERCURIO
Chapter 9: Transnational legal services in Southeast Asia: Legal implications of the AEC and FTAs, Pasha L. HSIEH
Characterizing and identifying reverted commits, Meng YAN, Xin XIA, David LO, Ahmed E. HASSAN, and Shanping LI
Characterizing common and domain-specific package bugs: A case study on Ubuntu, Xiaoxue REN, Qiao HUANG, Xin XIA, Zhenchang XING, Lingfeng BAO, and David LO
Chen Yidan: Educating for the future, Singapore Management University
China's Belt and Road Initiative and ASEAN's maritime clusters, Hans-Dieter EVERS and Thomas MENKHOFF
China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Understanding the dynamics of a global transformation, Yue Wah CHAY, Thomas MENKHOFF, and Linda LOW
China's "Mercantilist" government subsidies, the cost of debt and firm performance, Chu Yeong LIM, Jiwei WANG, and Cheng (Colin) ZENG
Chineseness, belonging and cosmopolitan subjectivities in Post-Suharto independent films, Charlotte SETIJADI
Chuan Leekpai [Thailand, Prime Minister], Leekpai Chuan
CIMLoc: A Crowdsourcing Indoor Digital Map Construction System for Localization, Xiuming ZHANG, Yunye JIN, Hwee Xian TAN, and Wee-Seng SOH
City Mart: Creating an ecosystem and corporate synergies in the Myanmar market; A blueprint for expanding in frontier economies, Philip Charles ZERRILLO and Adina WONG
Clients’ different moves in managing the client-consultant relationship, Mirela SCHWARZ and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Climbing the corporate ladder and within-person changes in narcissism: Reciprocal relationships over two decades, Bart WILLE, Joeri HOFMANS, Filip LIEVENS, Mitja D. BACK, and Filip DE FRUYT
Clique percolation for finding naturally cohesive and overlapping document clusters, Wei GAO, Kam-Fai WONG, Yunqing XIA, and Ruifeng XU
Clustering models for topic analysis in graduate discussion forums, Mallika GOKARN NITIN, Swapna GOTTIPATI, and Venky SHANKARARAMAN
Coarse revealed preference, Gaoji HU, Jiangtao LI, John K. QUAH, and Rui TANG
CodeHow: Effective Code Search Based on API Understanding and Extended Boolean Model (E), Fei LV, Jian-guang LOU, Shaowei WANG, Dongmei ZHANG, and Jainjun ZHAO
Cognitive and social interaction analysis in graduate discussion forums, Mallika GOKARN NITIN, Swapna GOTTIPATI, and Venky SHANKARARAMAN
Cognitive, social, emotional, and subjective health benefits of computer use in adults: A 9-year longitudinal study from the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS), Andree HARTANTO, Jose C. YONG, Wei Xing (ZHUO Weixing) TOH, Sean Teck Hao LEE, Yue Qi Germaine TNG, and William TOV
Cold-start aware deep memory networks for multi-entity aspect-based sentiment analysis, Kaisong SONG, Wei GAO, Lujun ZHAO, Changlong SUN, and Xiaozhong LIU
Collaborative relationships in the creation and fashioning of management ideas: Gurus, editors and managers, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH
Collusion attacks and fair time-locked deposits for fast-payment transactions in Bitcoin, Xingjie YU, Shiwen Michael THANG, Yingjiu LI, and Robert H. DENG
Commentary: Influence of smartphone addiction proneness of young children on problematic behaviors and emotional intelligence: Mediating self-assessment effects of parents using smartphones, Qin Ying Joanne TAN, Andree HARTANTO, Wei Xing TOH, and Hwajin YANG
Commonality: A longitudinal study, Raja VELU, Zhaoque ZHOU, and Chyng Wen TEE
Communicating cancer: Media agenda building for health promotion in Singapore, A. MAK and A. PANG
Communicating corporate social responsibility in Singapore: Towards more effective media relations, A. PANG, Angela Ka Ying MAK, and Joanne M. H. LEE
Communicating corporate social responsibility: Media agenda building in Australia, Augustine PANG
Communicating crisis: How culture influences image repair in Western and Asian governments, Yvonne Siew‐Yoong LOW, Jeni VARUGHESE, and Augustine PANG
Communicating crisis: How culture influences image repair in Western and Asian Governments, Yvonne Siew‐Yoong LOW, Jeni VARUGHESE, and A. PANG
Communicating in a post-truth landscape: Analyses of Presidents Donald Trump and Rodrigo Duterte’s crisis response strategies, ISMAIL, M. A. PAGULAYAN, C. M. A. FRANCIA, and A. PANG
Communicating policy advice to climate change policy makers, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Michael HOWLETT
Communication, organizing and organization: An overview and introduction to the special issue, Francois COOREN, Timothy KUHN, Joep P. CORNELISSEN, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Comparison mining from text, Maksim TKACHENKO
Compensating regulation of land: UK and Singapore compared, Seng Wei, Edward TI
Competition, markups, and gains from trade: A quantitative analysis of China between 1995 and 2004, Wen-Tai HSU, Yi LU, and Guiying Laura WU
Configuring expert knowledge: The consultant as sector specialist, Robin FINCHAM, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Karen HANDLEY, and Andrew STURDY
Conservatism, liberalism and ideology, Chandran KUKATHAS
Constructing a strategy on the creation of core competencies for African companies, Shenxue LI, Timothy CLARK, and John SILLINCE
Contemporary issues in mediation (Vol 3)Joel Lee & Marcus Lim gen eds, Eunice CHUA
Context recovery in location-based social networks, Wen Haw CHONG
Contextualism reconsidered: Some skeptical reflections, Chandran KUKATHAS
Contingency model of conflict, A. PANG
Contingency theory of strategic conflict management: Directions for the practice of crisis communication from a decade of theory development, discovery and dialogue, Augustine PANG, Yan JIN, and Glen. T. CAMERON
Contingency theory of strategic conflict management: Unearthing factors that influence ethical elocution in crisis communication, Augustine PANG, Yan JIN, and Glen T. CAMERON
Contingency theory: Strategic management of conflict in public relations, CAMERON, A. PANG, and Yan JIN
Continuous implementation with small transfers, Yi-Chun CHEN, Takashi KUNIMOTO, and Yifei SUN
Contracts formed by software: An approach from the law of mistake, Vincent OOI
Contracts formed by software: When things go wrong, Vincent OOI
Contractual estoppel and the fork in the road, Kwan Ho LAU
Contributors of Singaporean youths' wellbeing: Life goals, family-community-nation capitals, opportunity and social mobility, Kong Weng HO
Conversation analysis in management research, David GREATBATCH and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Conveying the adaptation of management panaceas: The case of management gurus, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Pojanth BHATANACHAROEN, and David GREATBATCH
Cooking up the kampung spirit: Ngiam Su-Lin, Ishan Singh
Corn, soybeans or fallow: Dynamic farmland allocation under uncertainty, Onur BOYABATLI, Javad NASIRY, and Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU
Corporate crisis planning: Tensions, issues, and contradictions, A. PANG, Fritz CROPP, and Glen T. CAMERON
Corporate image vacuum: Nature, characteristics and implications for the organization, NORAIZAH and A. PANG
Corporate image vacuum: Nature, characteristics and implications for the organization, Noraizah ZAINAL ABIDIN and Augustine PANG
Corporate in-house human capital investment in tax planning, Xia CHEN, Qiang CHENG, Travis K. CHOW, and Yanju LIU
Corporate myths: Sourcing and vendor management in Asia Pacific, Patrick THNG
Corporate social media spokesperson: Who should speak on behalf of the organization in times of crises?, DAMAYANTI, S. A. RODRIGUES, S. CHUA, and A. PANG
Corporate tax aggressiveness and insider trading, Sung Gon CHUNG, Beng Wee GOH, Kiat Bee Jimmy LEE, and Terry SHEVLIN
Correlation-sensitive next-basket recommendation, Duc Trong LE, Hady Wirawan LAUW, and Yuan FANG
Counselling referral for university students: A phenomenological study from the teachers’ perspective, Poh Yaip Steven NG and Yee Lin Ada CHUNG
Counting members in my league: Mate value moderates economic effects of local operational sex ratio, Zilin YAN
Court-annexed mediations within Singapore: A complex interface between individual place and the court environment, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON
Crazy Rich Asians: Bringing Americans to Singapore, Singapore Management University
Creating access to quality legal representation – The queen's counsel (re)appears in Singapore, Kwan Ho LAU
Creating the 'right' impression: Towards a dramaturgy of management consultancy, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Graeme SALAMAN
Creating top ranking options in the continuous option and preference space, Bo TANG, Kyriakos MOURATIDIS, Man Lung YIU, and Zhenyu CHEN
Credit assignment for collective multiagent RL with global rewards, Duc Thien NGUYEN, Akshat KUMAR, and Hoong Chuin LAU
Crisis communication and image repair discourse, BENOIT and A. PANG
Crisis communication research in Singapore, A. PANG
Crisis leadership: When should the CEO step up?, Marela LUCERO, Alywin Teng Kwang TAN, and Augustine PANG
Critical consulting: New perspectives on the management advice industry, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Robin FINCHAM
Cross-country differences in the effect of political connections on stock price informativeness, Yuanto KUSNADI and Bin SRINIDHI
Crossed wires: Endorsement signals and the effects of IPO firm delistings on venture capitalists’ reputations, David GOMULYA, Kyuho JIN, Peggy M. LEE, and Timothy G. POLLOCK
Cross-language learning for program classification using bilateral tree-based convolutional neural networks, Duy Quoc Nghi BUI, Lingxiao JIANG, and Yijun YU
Cross-language mining and retrieval, Wei GAO and Cheng NIU
Cross-lingual identification of ambiguous discourse connectives for resource-poor language, Lanjun ZHOU, Wei GAO, Binyang LI, Zhongyu WEI, and Kam-Fai WONG
Cross-lingual query suggestion using query logs of different languages, Wei GAO, Cheng NIU, Jian-Yun NIE, Ming ZHOU, Jian HU, Kam-Fai WONG, and Hsiao-Wuen HON
Crush on you, Singapore Management University
Cryptocurrencies and code before the courts, Vincent OOI and Kian Peng SOH
CryptoCurrency mining on mobile as an alternative monetization approach, Nguyen Phan Sinh HUYNH, Kenny CHOO, Rajesh Krishna BALAN, and Youngki LEE
Cultural capital schemes in Asia: Mirroring Europe or carving out their own concepts?, David OCON
Cultural impediment or reflection of global phenomenon: State of social media crisis preparedness in Singapore, A. PANG and Christabel Reena DAVID
Cultural privacy, Chandran KUKATHAS
Cultural rights again: A rejoinder to Kymlicka, Chandran KUKATHAS
Cultural rights in Australia, Chandran KUKATHAS
Cultural toleration, Chandran KUKATHAS
Culture and emotion in crisis communication: Indigenization of the Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model, Lee-Ching CHENG, Yvonne Ai-Chi LOH, and A. PANG
DABKE: Secure deniable attribute-based key exchange framework, Yangguang TIAN, Yingjiu LI, Guomin YANG, Willy SUSILO, Yi MU, Hui CUI, and Yinghui ZHANG
Daily satisfaction as a joint function of positive and negative affect: Moderating effects of cognitive habits, Indra Alam Syah AZIZ
Darkness and light: Absence and presence in Heidegger, Derrida, and Daoism, Steven BURIK
Das Rousseau probleme: Nicholas Phillipson’s Adam Smith, Chandran KUKATHAS
Data analytics-driven e-Commerce for the small seller: Zilingo, Reddi KOTHA and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Data mining approach to the detection of suicide in social media: A case study of Singapore, Jane H. K. SEAH and Kyong Jin SHIM
Data mining approach to the identification of at-risk students, Li Chin HO and Kyong Jin SHIM
Data protection in the Internet: National rapporteur (Singapore), Ee-Ing ONG
Data regulation with Chinese characteristics, Henry S. GAO
“Daughter” as a positionality and the gendered politics of taking parents into the field, Menusha DE SILVA and Kanchan GANDHI
DBS and SMU join hands to launch sustainability programme, Singapore Management University
DBS India: Banking on the unbanked, Swee Liang TAN and S. N. VENKATARAMANAN
Deadlier road Accidents? Traffic safety regulations and heterogeneous motorists’ behavior, Christine HO and Madhav S. ANEY
Dealing with emotions of stakeholders during crises: Why should leaders care?, A. PANG, Kim HYO-JUNG, and Suwichit CHAIDAROON
Dealing with external stakeholders during the crisis: Managing the information vacuum, A. PANG
Debate on Bernard Yack’s book nationalism and the moral psychology of community, Jonathan HEARN, Chandran KUKATHAS, David MILLER, and Bernard YACK
Debt heterogeneity and covenants, Yun LOU and Clemens A. OTTO
Decentralized planning for non-dedicated agent teams with submodular rewards in uncertain environments, Pritee AGRAWAL, Pradeep VARAKANTHAM, and William YEOH
Deep code comment generation, Xing HU, Ge LI, Xin XIA, David LO, and Zhi JIN
Deep code comment generation with hybrid lexical and syntactical information, Xing HU, Ge LI, Xin XIA, David LO, and Zhi JIN
DeepJIT: an end-to-end deep learning framework for just-in-time defect prediction, Thong HOANG, Hoa Khanh DAM, Yasutaka KAMEI, David LO, and Naoyasu UBAYASHI
DeepReview: Automatic code review using deep multi-instance learning, Hengyi LI, Shuting SHI, Ferdian THUNG, Xuan HUO, Bowen XU, Ming LI, and David LO
Deep specification mining, Tien-Duy B. LE and David LO
Deep transfer bug localization, Xuan HUO, Ferdian THUNG, Ming LI, David LO, and Shu-Ting SHI
Defending negative liberty, Chandran KUKATHAS
Delia Albert [Philippines, Secretary of Foreign Affairs], Delia Albert
Democracy is good for ranking: Towards multi-view rank learning and adaptation in web search, Wei GAO and Pei YANG
Demystifying business celebrity, Eric GUTHEY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Brad JACKSON
Density of demand and the consumer benefit from Uber, Matthew H. SHAPIRO
Depletion manipulations decrease openness to dissent via increased anger, Ming-Hong TSAI and Norman P. LI
Derek Pugh: His contribution to the advancement of organisational behaviour, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Design and assessment of myoelectric games for prosthesis training of upper limb amputees, MEERALAKSHMI RADHAKRISHNAN, Asim SMAILAGIC, Brian FRENCH, Daniel P. SIEWIOREK, and Rajesh Krishna BALAN
Design and implementation of an RFID-based customer shopping behavior mining system, Zimu ZHOU, Longfei SHANGGUAN, Xiaolong ZHENG, Lei YANG, and Yunhao LIU
Design and implementation of decision support for traffic management at multipurpose port gates, Ketki KULKARNI, Hoong Chuin LAU, Hai WANG, Sathyavarathan SIVABALASINGAM, and Trong Khiem TRAN
Designing policies in uncertain contexts: Entrepreneurial capacity and the European Emission Trading Scheme, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Sarah GIEST
Design issues in a Chinese financial information extraction system, Qingzhong LI, Wei GAO, Wenjie LI, Kam-Fai WONG, Chunfa YUAN, and Yun WANG
Design of purchaser-supplier relationship, David GOMULYA and Bryan NGOI
Detect rumor and stance jointly by neural multi-task learning, Jing MA, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
Detect rumors in microblog posts using propagation structure via kernel learning, Jing MA, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
Detect rumors on Twitter by promoting information campaigns with generative adversarial learning, Jing MA, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
Detect rumors using time series of social context information on microblogging websites, Jing MA, Wei GAO, Zhongyu WEI, Yueming LU, and Kam-Fai WONG
Determinants of urban land supply in People's Republic of China: How do political factors matter?, Wen-Tai HSU, Xiaolu LI, Yang TANG, and Jing WU
Determining the number of communities in degree-corrected stochastic block models, Shujie MA, Liangjun SU, and Yichong ZHANG
Deterrence under nuclear asymmetry: THAAD and the prospects for missile defense on the Korean peninsula, Inwook KIM and Soul PARK
Different debts for different purposes - Taurus v SOMO [2017] UKSC 64; [2017] 3 WLR 1170, Chee Ho THAM
Different means to the same end: A comparative contingency analyses of Singapore and China’s management of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) crisis, Yan JIN, Augustine PANG, and Glen T. CAMERON
Digital Disruption: The New York Times Asia-Pacific Writing Competition 2018, New York Times
Dilemma of a dutiful daughter: Liberty and friendship in the thought of Kartini, Chandran KUKATHAS
Directors' duties in Singapore: Law and perceptions, Pearlie M. C. KOH and Hwee Hoon TAN
Discounts and Termination of Close-end Funds, Chen CHEN
Discretionary dissemination on Twitter, Richard M. CROWLEY, Wenli HUANG, and Hai LU
Disease gene classification with metagraph representations, Sezin KIRCALI ATA, Yuan FANG, Min WU, Xiao-Li LI, and Xiaokui XIAO
Disentangled person image generation, Liqian MA, Qianru SUN, Stamatios GEORGOULIS, Luc VAN GOOL, Bernt SCHIELE, and Mario FRITZ
Disjunctures of belonging and belief: Christian migrants and the bordering of identity in Singapore, Lily KONG and Orlando WOODS
Dispatch guided allocation optimization for effective emergency response, Supriyo GHOSH and Pradeep VARAKANTHAM
Displaying group cohesiveness: Humour and laughter in the public lectures of management gurus, David GREATBATCH and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Dispositional gratitude moderates the association between socioeconomic status and interleukin-6, Andree HARTANTO, SEAN T. H. LEE, and Jose C. YONG
Dispute settlement provisions in ASEAN’s external economic agreements with China, Japan and Korea, Henry S. GAO
Disruption risk mitigation in supply chains: The risk exposure index revisited, Sarah Yini GAO, David SIMCHI-LEVI, Chung-Piaw TEO, and Zhenzhen YAN
Dissecting arbitrage costs, F. Y. Eric LAM, Chishen WEI, and K. C John WEI
Distilling managerial insights and lessons from AI projects at Singapore's Changi Airport (Part 2), Steve LEE and Steven M. MILLER
Distributed Gibbs: A linear-space sampling-based DCOP algorithm, Duc Thien NGUYEN, William YEOH, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Roie ZIVAN
Distributed similarity queries in metric spaces, Keyu YANG, Xin DING, Yuanliang ZHANG, Lu CHEN, Baihua ZHENG, and Yunjun GAO
Divestment of Changi International Airport Services by Temasek Holdings, Terence P. C. FAN, Changhyun KIM, and Chaik Ming KOH
Do Alpha males deliver Alpha? Facial structure and hedge funds, Yan LU and Melvyn TEO
Do coaches in the National Basketball Association actually display racial bias? Replication and extension, Gokhan ERTUG and Massimo MAORET
Does capitalism infringe property rights: A reply to Peter Morriss, Chandran KUKATHAS
Does demography determine talent?, Philip ZERRILLO
Does early active bilingualism enhance inhibitory control and monitoring? A propensity-matching analysis, Andree HARTANTO and Hwajin YANG
Does foreign direct investment lead to industrial agglomeration?, Wen-Tai HSU, Yi LU, Xuan LUO, and Lianming ZHU
Does having a bad boss make you more likely to be one yourself?, Shannon G. TAYLOR, Robert FOLGER, Abhijeet K. VADERA, Matthew D. GRIFFITH, and Chaim R. LETWIN
Does health insurance make people happier? Evidence from Massachusetts’ healthcare reform, Seonghoon KIM and Kanghyock KOH
Do firms respond to peer disclosures? Evidence from clinical trial disclosures, Vedran CAPKUN, Yun LOU, Clemens A. OTTO, and Yin WANG
Doing business in Myanmar: Dressing up the bride, Ma Cherry Trivedi
Dominant coalitions directing acquisitions: Different decision makers, different decisions, Cyndi Man ZHANG and Henrich R. GREVE
Dominic Puthucheary [Malaysia, Member of Parliament, Founder Barisan Sosialis], Dominic Puthucheary
Do mobile banner ads increase sales? Yes, in the offline channel, Ernst C. OSINGA, Menno ZEVENBERGEN, and Mark W. G. VAN ZUIJLEN
Don't blame me: The effects of CEO power, board affiliation, and Sarbanes-Oxley on CEO turnover following financial misrepresentation, David GOMULYA
Do real estate agents have information advantages in housing markets?, Sumit AGARWAL, Jia HE, Tien Foo SING, and Changcheng SONG
Do satisfied employees deliver better service experiences that result in satisfied customers, and, what are the factors affecting employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction?, Chuen Kong Kevin CHEONG
Do we stand on common ground? A threat appraisal model for terror alerts issued by the Department of Homeland Security, Augustine PANG, Jin YAN, and Glen T. CAMERON
Do we stand on common ground? A threat appraisal model for terror alerts issued by the Department of Homeland Security, Augustine PANG, Yan JIN, and Glen T. CAMERON
Driving and effective data-ready culture: How companies can take on a datadriven approach to 11 business, Johnson POH
Driving change at Appliances International, India (A), Roy Y. J. CHUA, Sheetal BHARDWAJ, and Jovina ANG
Driving change at Appliances International, India (B), Roy Y. J. CHUA, Sheetal BHARDWAJ, and Jovina ANG
Driving sustainable and responsible investment, Singapore Management University
DroidEvolver: Self-evolving Android malware detection system, Ke XU, Yingjiu LI, Robert H. DENG, Kai CHEN, and Jiayun XU
DSM: A specification mining tool using recurrent neural network based language model, Tien-Duy B. LE, Lingfeng BAO, and David LO
Dynamic joint sentiment-topic mode, Yulan HE, Chenghua LIN, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
Dynamic student classification on memory networks for knowledge tracing, Sein MINN, Michel C. DESMARAIS, Feida ZHU, Jing XIAO, and Jianzong WANG
Earnings Management, Buyout Group Reputation and Post-offering Long-Run Stock Performance of Reverse LBOs, Teng Yinzi ZHOU
East Asian low marriage and birth rates: The role of life history strategy, culture, and social status affordance, Jose YONG, Norman P. LI, Peter K. JONASON, and Yi Wen TAN
Easy does IT: Blockchain-based solutions for the future, David Wong, Freddy Setiawan, and Alvin Yong
Ecological rationality: Fast-and-frugal heuristics for managerial decision making under uncertainty, Shenghua LUAN, Jochen REB, and Gerd GIGERENZER
Econometric estimates of Earth's transient climate sensitivity, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, Thomas LEIRVIK, and Trude STORELVMO
Economic cycles as a source of social influence on individuals, Nina SIROLA
Editors' Introduction, Robert John KAUFFMAN, Jae Kyu LEE, and Norman M. SADEH
Editors' Introduction to Regular Research Section, Jae Kyu LEE, Patrick Y. K. CHAU, Robert J. KAUFFMAN, and Norman M. SADEH
Education and citizenship in diverse societies, Chandran KUKATHAS
Education as early stage brokerage: Cooling out asspiring migrants for the global hotel industry, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA
Effective leadership in crisis: When should the CEO step up to be the organization’s spokesperson?, M. LUCERO, A. TAN, and A. PANG
Effective media relations across the crisis lifecycle: Media influencers’ perspectives for online and offline engagement, A. PANG, J. KHABAR, P. LIM, D. BHALAIK, and C. H. NG
Effects of rescheduling on patient no-show behavior in outpatient clinics, Jiayi LIU, Jingui XIE, Kum Khiong YANG, and Zhichao ZHENG
Efficacy of crisis management plans: Toward a revised synthesis model in managing crises, LOW, V. CHUNG, and A. PANG
Efficient algorithms for solving aggregate keyword routing problems, Qize JIANG, Weiwei SUN, Baihua ZHENG, and Kunjie CHEN
Efficient and privacy-preserving online face recognition over encrypted outsourced data, Xiaopeng YANG, Hui ZHU, Rongxing LU, Ximeng LIU, and Hui LI
Efficient data retrieval for large-scale smart city applications through applied bayesian interference, Jin Ming KOH, Marcus SAK, Hwee Xian TAN, Huiguang LIANG, Fachmin FOLIANTO, and Tony QUEK
Efficient distributed reachability querying of massive temporal graphs, Tianming ZHANG, Yunjun GAO, Chen LU, Wei GUO, Shiliang PU, Baihua ZHENG, and CHRISTIAN S. Jensen
Efficient extraction of JSON information in SAS using the SCANOVER function, Murphy CHOY and Kyong Jin SHIM
Embedding WordNet knowledge for textual entailment, Yunshi LAN and Jing JIANG
Embracing the strategic management of conflict: A twenty-year review of contingency theory in public relations, J. H. SHIN, A. PANG, and G. T. CAMERON
Emerging app issue identification from user feedback: Experience on WeChat, Cuiyun GAO, Wujie ZHENG, Yuetang DENG, David LO, Jichuan ZENG, Michael R. LYU, and Irwin KING
Emotions in social media: An analysis of tweet responses to MH370 search suspension announcement, Su Lin YEO, Augustine PANG, Michelle L. F. CHEONG, and Tye Shi Jerome Quincy YEO
Empathetic computing for inclusive application design, Kenny CHOO TSU WEI
Empirical investigation of digital strategies in online retail, Yong Chin TAN
Encompass: Creating innovation in broadcast, everyday (A), Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER and Anne-Valerie OHLSSON-CORBOZ
Encompass: Creating innovation in broadcast, everyday (B), Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Enduring image: Capturing defining moments in crises, Benjamin HO, Augustine PANG, Grace Xiao-Pei AUYONG, and Liang-Tong LAU
Enduring image: Toward a conceptualization capturing defining moments in crises and how these impact organizations, Benjamin HO, Grace Xiao-Pei AUYONG, J. DONG, Liang Tong LAU, and A. PANG
Enduring image: When shared image of first mention becomes image of permanence, A. PANG and A. CHUA
Enforcement of a judgment debt in the face of an arbitration agreement, Darius CHAN
Enforcement of international settlement agreements resulting from mediation under the Singapore convention – Private international law issues in perspective, Shou Yu CHONG and Felix STEFFEK
Enforcing public takeover regulation: Reconciling public and private interests, Wai Yee WAN
Enhancing multi-hop sensor calibration with uncertainty estimates, Balz MAAG, Zimu ZHOU, and Lothar THIELE
Enhancing sentences in the absence of a prosecution appeal, Kwan Ho LAU
Enhancing SMEs’ data analytics capability through university tie-ups, Gary PAN, Poh Sun SEOW, and Benjamin Huan Zhou LEE
Enlarged panels in the Court of Appeal of Singapore, Kwan Ho LAU
Entity summarization of reviews and micro-reviews, Thanh Son NGUYEN
Entrepreneurship, college, and credit: The golden triangle, Roberto M. SAMANIEGO and Juliana Yu SUN
Envy in response to help: A helping as status relations model, Kenneth TAI, Katrina LIN, and Catherine K. LAM
E pluribus plurum, or, how to fail to back into a state in spite of really trying, Chandran KUKATHAS
Equality and diversity, Chandran KUKATHAS
Equal-quantile rules in resource allocation with uncertain needs, Yan LONG, Jay SETHURAMAN, and Jingyi XUE
Equitable Compensation and the Brickenden “Rule” After Winsta Holding Pte Ltd and another v Sim Poh Ping and others, Nicholas LIU
Equity Style Returns and Institutional Investor Flows, Kenneth A. FROOT and Melvyn TEO
Equivalence of stochastic and deterministic mechanisms, Yi-Chun CHEN, Jiangtao LI, Jiangtao LI, and Yeneng SUN
Essay on asset pricing, Fei GAO
Essays in asset pricing, Wanshan SONG
Essays in commodities and freight markets, Nelson YAP
Essays in corporate finance, Meng GAO
Essays on anomalies in asset pricing, Xinrui DUAN
Essays on human capital, growth and innovation: Political economy perspective, Di SIMA
Essays on the determinants of success of crowdfunding projects, Yee Heng TAN
Essays on the information role of credit default swaps, Hao CHENG
Essence: Nguyen Trung, Tulip Duong, Ly Tran Quynh Giang, Nguyen Son, Do Hoang Tuong, Kian Chow KWOK
Establishing HR professionals' influence and credibility: Lessons from the capital markets and investment banking sector, Paul ALDRICH, Graham DIETZ, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and P.eter HAMILTON
Estimating finite-horizon life-cycle models: A quasi-Bayesian approach, Xiaobin LIU
Estimating selection models without instrument with Stata, Xavier D’Haultfœuille, Arnaud MAUREL, Xiaoyun QIU, and Yichong ZHANG
Estimation and Inference of fractional continuous-time model with discrete-sampled data, Xiaohu WANG, Weilin XIAO, and Jun YU
ETF momentum, Frank Weikai LI, Song Wee Melvyn TEO, and Chloe Chunliu YANG
Ethical concerns in court-connected online dispute resolution, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON
Ethical pluralism from a classical liberal perspective, Chandran KUKATHAS
European human resource management: An introduction to comparative theory and practice, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Evaluating vulnerability to fake news in social networks: A community health assessment model, Bhavtosh RATH, Wei GAO, and Jaideep SRIVASTAVA
Evidence aggregation for answer re-ranking in open-domain question answering, Shuohang WANG, Mo YU, Jing JIANG, Wei ZHANG, Xiaoxiao GUO, Shiyu CHANG, Zhiguo WANG, Tim KLINGER, Gerald TESAURO, and Murray CAMPBELL
Evolution of digital payments: Early learnings from Singapore’s cashless payment drive, Dennis NG
Examining augmented virtuality impairment simulation for mobile app accessibility design, Tsu Wei, Kenny (ZHU Shuwei, Kenny) CHOO; Rajesh Krishna BALAN; and Rajesh Krishna BALAN
Examining fifteen years of ethics research in the Journal of Accountancy: 2002 to 2016, Clarence GOH
Examining learning transformation in project-based learning process, Gary PAN, Poh Sun SEOW, and Grace KOH
Examining outcomes of marketing actions from customer, investor, and operational perspectives, Leon Gim LIM
Examining the Chinese approach to crisis management: Cover-ups, saving face, and taking the “Upper Level Line”, Lan YE and Augustine PANG
Examining the effects of over communication of crisis preparedness messages by governments: Testing the Crisis Message Processing Model, K. TAY, R. R. AGATHA, M. O. LWIN, and A. PANG
Examining the relationship between trust and culture in the consultant-client relationship, Stephanos AVAKIAN, Timothy CLARK, and Joanne ROBERTS
Excel and simulation for accountants, Clarence GOH
Executive function and subjective well-being in middle and late adulthood, Wei Xing TOH, Hwajin YANG, and Andree HARTANTO
Executive overconfidence and securities class actions, Suman BANERJEE, Mark HUMPHERY-JENNER, Vikram NANDA, and T. Mandy THAM
Executive search and selection: Imperfect theory or intractable industry?, L. C. BRITTON, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and D. F. BALL
Executive search and the European recruitment market, Helena WATSON, Derrick BALL, Christine BRITTAN, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Executives’ gender, prospect theory bias and insider trading, Saba SEHRISH, Kuan Yong David DING, and Nuttawat VISALTANACHOTI
Exit, freedom, and gender, Chandran KUKATHAS
Expatriatism: The theory and practice of open borders, Chandran KUKATHAS
Expatriatism: The theory and practice of open borders, Chandran KUKATHAS
Experience and signaling value in technology licensing contract payment structures, Reddi KOTHA, Pascale CRAMA, and Phillip H. KIM
Experiences & challenges with server-side WiFi indoor localization using existing infrastructure, Dheryta JAISINGHANI, Rajesh Krishna BALAN, Vinayak NAIK, Archan MISRA, and Youngki LEE
Experiencing HRM: The importance of the inside story, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Christopher MABEY, and Denise SKINNER
Experiencing human resource management, Christopher MABEY, Denise SKINNER, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Experimental democracy for China: Dewey’s method, Sor-hoon TAN
Experimental studies using statistical algorithms on transliterating phoneme sequences for English-Chinese name translation, Wei GAO and Kam-Fai WONG
Explaining moral variety, Chandran KUKATHAS
Explaining moral variety, Chandran KUKATHAS
Explicating the information vacuum: Stages, intensifying factors and organizational implications, WOON, D. CHEW, A. SEAH, N. MUNTAG, and A. PANG
Exploiting bilingual information to improve web search, Wei GAO, John BITZER, Ming ZHOU, and Kam-Fai WONG
Exploiting mobility for predictive urban analytics & operations, Kasthuri JAYARAJAH
Exploiting query logs for cross-lingual query suggestions., Wei GAO, Cheng NIU, Jian-Yun NIE, Ming ZHOU, Kam-Fai WONG, and Hsiao-Wuen HON
Exploiting the interdependency of land use and mobility for urban planning, Kasthuri JAYARAJAH, Andrew TAN, and Archan MISRA
Explore alternatives now! - Performance mgmt in the multi-dimensional digital world, Richard Raymond SMITH
Exploring and visualizing household electricity consumption patterns in Singapore: A geospatial analytics approach, Yong Ying TAN and Tin Seong KAM
Exploring offline friendships on the social information network: Network characteristics, information diffusion, and tie strength, Felicia NATALI
Extracting common emotions from blogs based on fine-grained sentiment clustering, Shi FENG, Daling WANG, Ge YU, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
EzLog: Data visualization for logistics, Aldy GUNAWAN, Benjamin GAN, Jin An TAN, Sheena L.S.L VILLANUEVA, and Timothy K.J. WEN
Facing his critics, Chandran KUKATHAS
Failures of flexibility: How perceived control motivates the individualization of work-life conflict, Alison T. WYNN and Aliya Hamid RAO
Fair division with uncertain needs, Jingyi XUE
Family togetherness, Navneet Bhatnagar
Fear of freedom: Political correctness, free speech and alien invasions, Chandran KUKATHAS
Feature-based transfer learning In natural language processing, Jianfei YU
Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data Analytics, Xin XIA and David LO
FIMCE: A fully isolated micro-computing environment for multicore systems, Siqi ZHAO and Xuhua DING
FIMCE: A fully isolated micro-computing environment for multicore systems, Siqi ZHAO and Xuhua DING
Final stage development of the Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model in crisis communication: The myth of low engagement in crisis, A. PANG, Yan JIN, and Glen T. CAMERON
Financial knowledge and portfolio complexity in Singapore, Benedict S. K. KOH, Olivia S. MITCHELL, and Susann ROHWEDDER
Financial reporting changes and internal information environment: Evidence from SFAS 142, Qiang CHENG, Young Jun CHO, and Holly I. YANG
Financial sector in Singapore, Hwee Kwan CHOW and Sai Fan PEI
Financing Singapore’s SMEs and the crowdfunding industry in Singapore, Swee Liang TAN, Yoke Wang TOK, and Thitipat CHANSRINIYOM
Finding flaws from password authentication code in Android apps, Siqi MA, Elisa BERTINO, Surya NEPAL, Jianru LI, Ostry DIETHELM, Robert H. DENG, and Sanjay JHA
Finding needles in a haystack: Leveraging co-change dependencies to recommend refactorings, Marcos César DE OLIVEIRA, Davi FREITAS, Rodrigo BONIFACIO, Gustavo PINTO, and David LO
Fine-grained geolocation of tweets in temporal proximity, Wen Haw CHONG and Ee Peng LIM
Fintech: The new DNA of financial services, Pranay GUPTA and T. Mandy THAM
Five trends in presidential rhetoric: An analysis of rhetoric from George Washington to Bill Clinton, Elvin T. LIM
Flexible moral behavior in the workplace, Kraivin CHINTAKANANDA
Flexible online task assignment in real-time spatial data, Yongxin TONG, Libin WANG, Zimu ZHOU, Bolin DING, Lei CHEN, Jieping YE, and Ke XU
FogFly: A traffic light optimization solution based on fog computing, Quang Tran MINH, Chanh Minh TRAN, Tuan An LE, Binh Thai NGUYEN, Triet Minh TRAN, and Rajesh Krishna BALAN
FoodAI: Food image recognition via deep learning for smart food logging, Doyen SAHOO; Hao WANG; Ke SHU; Xiongwei WU; Hung LE; Palakorn ACHANANUPARP; Ee-peng LIM; and HOI, Steven C. H.
Forecasting equity index volatility by measuring the linkage among component stocks, Yue QIU, Tian XIE, Jun YU, and Qiankun ZHOU
Forecasting large covariance matrix with high-frequency data: A factor correlation matrix approach, Yingjie DONG and Yiu Kuen TSE
Forecasting realized volatility using a nonnegative semiparametric model, Anders ERIKSSON, Daniel P. A. PREVE, and Jun YU
Foreign country priorities in the internationalization process: A measure and an exploratory test on British firms, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Derek S. PUGH
Foreign direct investment, a movement toward investors' centricity, a behavioral perspective, Jimmy Wee Teck TAN
Fractured lives, newfound freedoms? The dialectics of religious seekership among Chinese migrants in Singapore, Orlando WOODS and Lily KONG
Freedom versus autonomy, Chandran KUKATHAS
Free market of crowdsourcing: Incentive mechanism design for mobile sensing, Xinglin ZHANG, Zheng YANG, Zimu ZHOU, Haibin CAI, Lei CHEN, and Xiang-Yang LI
Free market of crowdsourcing: Incentive mechanism design for mobile sensing, Xinglin ZHANG, Zheng YANG, Zimu ZHOU, Haibin CAI, Lei CHEN, and Xiang-Yang LI
Friedrich Hayek and liberalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
From actions to paths to patterning: Toward a dynamic theory of patterning in routines, Kenneth T. GOH and Brian T. PENTLAND
From a universalistic to a polycentric approach in organisational research, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, G. MALLORY, and D. EBSTER-BROSZ
From classification to quantification in tweet sentiment analysis, Wei GAO and Fabrizio SEBASTIANI
From digital traces to marketing insights: Recovering consumer preferences for digital entertainment services and online shopping, Ai Phuong HOANG
From dramaturgy to theatre as technology: The case of corporate theatre, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Iain MANGHAM
From physical security to cybersecurity, Arunesh SINHA, Thanh H. NGUYEN, Debarun KAR, Matthew BROWN, Milind TAMBE, and Albert Xin JIANG
From retweet to believability: Utilizing trust to identify rumor spreaders on Twitter, Bhavtosh RATH, Wei GAO, Jing MA, and Jaideep SRIVASTAVA
From RSSI to CSI: Indoor localization via channel response, Zheng YANG, Zimu ZHOU, and Yunhao LIU
Functionality & privacy in mobile applications - who's going to win the game, Debin Gao
Function risk assessment under memory leakage, Jianming FU, Rui JIN, Yan LIN, Baihe JIANG, and Zhengwei GUO
Future directions of crisis communication research: Emotions in crisis – The next frontier, JIN and A. PANG
Gauging effectiveness: First and second-best policy design, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Michael HOWLETT
Gender, emotional displays and negotiation outcomes, Horacio Arruda FALCAO FILHO
Generating aspect-oriented multi-document summarization with event-aspect model, Peng LI, Yinglin WANG, Wei GAO, and Jing JIANG
Generating expensive relationship features from cheap objects, Xiaogang WANG, Qianru SUN, Tat-Seng CHUA, and Marcelo ANG
Geographical and demographic approaches to leaving religion, Lily KONG and Orlando WOODS
Geographic decomposition of inequality in health and wealth: Evidence from Cambodia, Tomoki FUJII
Geographic decomposition of inequality in health and wealth: Evidence from Cambodia, Tomoki FUJII
Geometric top-K processing: Updates since MDM'16 [Advanced Seminar], Kyriakos MOURATIDIS
George Yeo [Singapore, Minister of Foreign Affairs], George Yeo
Get the SMU edge: Make a difference [advertisement], Singapore Management University
Getting the story straight, Christopher MABEY and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Gibberish, assistant, or master? Using tweets linking to news for extractive single-document summarization, Zhongyu WEI and Wei GAO
Global ambitions: Positioning Singapore as a contemporary arts hub, Su Fern HOE
Global analysis of an expectations augmented evolutionary dynamics, Angelo ANTOCI, Antonio GAY, Massimiliano LANDI, and Pier Luigi SACCO
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 Singapore report, Olexander S. CHERNYSHENKO, David GOMULYA, Wei Ming J. PHAN, Yoke Yong LAI, Moon-ho R. HO, Marilyn A. UY, Kim Yan CHAN, and Olwen BEDFORD
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2012 Singapore report, Olexander S. CHERNYSHENKO, Marilyn A. UY, David GOMULYA, Francis L. K. WONG, Moon-ho R. HO, Yoke Yong LAI, Kim Yan CHAN, and Olwen BEDFORD
Global value chains and the CPTPP, Pao-Li CHANG and Tran Bao Phuong NGUYEN
Global value chains and the CPTPP, Pao-Li CHANG and Tran Bao Phuong NGUYEN
Globe Telecom: Redefining telecommunication in the Philippines, Philip C. ZERRILLO, Havovi JOSHI, and Christopher DULA
Glocalised constitution-making in the twenty-first century: Evidence from Asia, Maartje DE VISSER and Bui Ngoc SON
Goh Chok Tong [Singapore, Prime Minister], Chok Tong Goh
Governmental intervention in corporate crises - An Asian perspective, A. PANG, P. H. TAN, L. PHONG, B. J. L. LAREZA, and J. Y. LEONG
Government funding of town councils: The role of private law, Benjamin Joshua ONG
Grab: Building a leading O2O technology company in Southeast Asia, Richard Raymond SMITH and Adina WONG
GRACE: Introducción a la Ingeniería, Rafael J. BARROS, Gerardo DUQUE, John A. ROJAS, Luz Marina SÁNCHEZ, and José Divitt VELOSA
Great Women: Integrating micro-entrepreneurs into the regional value chain, Howard THOMAS and Lakshmi APPASAMY
Grey market for indian IPOs: Investor sentiment and after-market performance, Chandrasekhar KRISHNAMURTI, Tiong Yang THONG, and Vishwanath RAMANNA
Growing a global forest: Ant Financial, Alipay, and the Ant Forest, Ryan MERRILL, Hannah H. CHANG, Hao LIANG, and Yang LAN
GTA-m: Greedy Trajectory-Aware (m copies) routing for airborne networks, Xiaoping MA, Hwee Xian TAN, and Alvin C. VALERA
Guest editor’s introduction: Controversies and continuities in management studies: Essays in honour of Karen Legge, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Handbook of policy formulation, Michael HOWLETT and Ishani MUKHERJEE
Handbook of political theory, Chandran KUKATHAS and Gerald A. GAUS
Hanif Omar [Malaysia, Inspector General of Police], Hanif Omar
Hard discounters: Underestimate at your own peril, Singapore Management University
Harmful transparency in teams, Parimal BAG and Nona PEPITO
Harnessing the potential of the Indonesian diaspora, Charlotte SETIJADI
Harry Susilo [Indonesia, Founder Sekar Group], Harry Susilo
Hayek and liberalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
Hayek and modern liberalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
Hayek and the problem of living in two worlds, Chandran KUKATHAS
Hayek and the state, Chandran KUKATHAS
Hayek on liberalism, nationalism, and federalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
Hayek’s critique of democracy, Chandran KUKATHAS
Head above the parapet: How minority subordinates influence group outcomes and the consequences they face, Burak OC, Michael R. BASHSHUR, and Celia MOORE
Heart Faculty: Jacelyn Lim, Ishan Singh
Hemen Mazumdar: The last romantic, Caterina CORNI and Nirmalya KUMAR
Heterogeneous embedding propagation for large-scale e-commerce user alignment, Vincent W. ZHENG, Mo SHA, Yuchen LI, Hongxia YANG, Yuan FANG, Zhenjie ZHANG, Kian-Lee TAN, and Kevin Chen-Chuan CHANG
High-frequency Internet survey of a probability sample of older Singaporeans: The Singapore Life Panel, Rhema VAITHIANATHAN, Bryce HOOL, Michael D. HURD, and Susann ROHWEDDER
Hip-hop: Listen and be the judge, Ishan Singh
History of public relations in Singapore, M. O. LWIN and A. PANG
Homage: Building an app for elderly home care, Singapore Management University
Homage: Harnessing technology to tackle Singapore’s ageing challenges, Jonathan Henry CHANG and Lakshmi. APPASAMY
Hospital-skilled nursing facility referral linkage reduces readmission rates among Medicare patients receiving major surgery, Andrew J. SCHOENFELD, Xuan ZHANG, David C. GRABOWSKI, Vincent MOR, Joel S. WEISSMAN, and Momotazur RAHMAN
Hostile takeover regimes in Asia: A comparative approach, Umakanth VAROTTIL and Wai Yee WAN
Hot Seat: A risk management simulation game, See Liang FOO
Housing equity and household consumption in retirement: Evidence from the Singapore Life Panel, Lipeng CHEN, Liang JIANG, Sock Yong PHANG, and Jun YU
How can the Library show value in the research cycle and help to build institutional reputation: An example from SMU, Pin Pin Yeo
How China’s ageing population will impact on the rest of us, Singapore Management University
How crisis managers define ethical crisis communication practice: Identifying organizational factors that influence the adoption of ethical stances during crises, JIN, A. PANG, and J. SMITH
How data analytics may turn SMEs into smart enterprises, Gary PAN and Poh Sun SEOW
How do board ties affect the adoption of new practices? The effects of managerial interest and hierarchical power, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Jung Wook SHIM, Chang Hyun KIM, and Anja TUSCHKE
How does energy matter? Rural electrification, entrepreneurship, and community development in Kenya, Antoine VERNET, Jane N. O. KHAYESI, Vivian GEORGE, Gerard GEORGE, and Abubakar S. BAHAJ
How does machine learning change software development practices?, Zhiyuan WAN, Xin XIA, David LO, and Gail C. MURPHY
How does tax avoidance affect transparency?, Congcong LI, Mark MA, Tom OMER, and Kunpeng SUN
"How do I look?": The fashion industry needs a makeover, Trang Chu Minh
How do prior ties affect learning by hiring?, Vivek TANDON, Gokhan ERTUG, and Gianluca CARNABUCI
How do we adopt multiple cultural identities? A multidimensional operationalization of the sources of culture, Badri ZOLFAGHARI, Guido MOLLERING, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Graham DIETZ
How have sexual predators thrived in the workplace?, Singapore Management University
How institutions enhance mindfulness: Interactions between external regulators and front-line operators around safety rules, Ravi S. KUDESIA, Ting LANG, and Jochen REB
How practitioners perceive automated bug report management techniques, Weiqin ZOU, David LO, Zhenyu CHEN, Xin XIA, Yang FENG, and Baowen XU
How practitioners perceive coding proficiency, Xin XIA, Zhiyuan WAN, Pavneet S. KOCHHAR, and David LO
How sector volatility spills into related markets, Singapore Management University
How some new products succeed while others flop, Singapore Management University
How ‘status’ considerations affect China’s UN votes, Singapore Management University
How ties with family members influence professionals' creativity in family businesses: The role of hive effect and trust, Rameshwari RAMACHANDRA
How to address the AI Governance discussion? What can we learn from Singapore’s AI strategy?, Nydia REMOLINA LEON and Josephine SEAH
How to be Singaporean: Becoming global national citizens and the national dimension in cosmopolitan openness, Wen Li THIAN
How to derive causal insights for digital commerce in China? A research commentary on computational social science methods, David C.W. PHANG, Kanliang WANG, Qiu-hong WANG, Robert John KAUFFMAN, and Maurizio NALDI
How to get published in the best management journals, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Mike WRIGHT, and David J. KETCHEN
How to take feedback seriously, David CHAN
HRM: A unified understanding or multiplicity of meanings, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Human action classification based on sequential bag-of-words model, Hong LIU, Qiaoduo ZHANG, and Qianru SUN
Human activity prediction by mapping grouplets to recurrent self-organizing map, Qianru SUN, Hong LIU, Mengyuan LIU, and Tianwei ZHANG
Humility breeds authenticity: How authentic leader humility shapes follower vulnerability and felt authenticity, Burak OC, Michael A. DANIELS, James M. DIEFENDORFF, Michael Ramsay BASHSHUR, and Gary John GREGURAS
iCare benefits: Assisting low income retail consumers in Vietnam – Part A, Howard THOMAS, Aurobindo GHOSH, and Chi Wei CHAN
iCare benefits: Assisting low income retail consumers in Vietnam – Part B, Howard THOMAS, Aurobindo GHOSH, and Chi Wei CHAN
ICT: In-field calibration transfer for air quality sensor deployments, Yun CHENG, Xiaoxi HE, Zimu ZHOU, and Lothar THIELE
Identifying and computing the exact core-determining class, Ye LUO and Hai WANG
Identifying latent grouped patterns in cointegrated panels, Wenxin HUANG, Sainan JIN, and Liangjun SU
Illusion of gender parity in education: Intrahousehold resource allocation in Bangladesh, Sijia XU, Abu S. SHONCHOY, and Tomoki FUJII
I love SMU: Heart, life, passion, soul [advertisment], Singapore Management University
Image transformation: Drivers, factors, outcomes and implications, YEN, A. PANG, and M. O. LWIN
Imagining “Indonesia”: Ethnic Chinese film producers in pre-independence cinema, Charlotte SETIJADI and Thomas BARKER
Immigration and freedom, Chandran KUKATHAS
Immigration and freedom, Chandran KUKATHAS
Impact of moral ethics on consumers’ boycott intentions: A cross-cultural study of crisis perceptions and responses in the United States, South Korea, and Singapore, KyuJin SHIM, Hichang CHO, Soojin KIM, and Su Lin YEO
Implicit linking of food entities in social media, Wen Haw CHONG and Ee Peng LIM
Improved marginal likelihood estimation via power posteriors and importance sampling, Yong LI, Nianling WANG, and Jun YU
Improving knowledge tracing model by integrating problem difficulty, Sein MINN, Feida ZHU, and Michel C. DESMARAIS
Improving multi-label emotion classification via sentiment classification with dual attention transfer network, Jianfei YU, Luis MARUJO, Jing JIANG, Pradeep KARUTURI, and William BRENDEL
Improving reusability of software libraries through usage pattern mining, Mohamed Aymen SAIED, Ali OUNI, Houari A. SAHRAOUI, Raula Gaikovina KULA, Katsuro INOUE, and David LO
IM Skaugen SE v MAN Diesel & Turbo SE [2018] SGHC 123, Adeline CHONG
Incentives: Achieving business results with the right pay scheme, Fermin Diez
Income and subjective well-being: Evidence from Singapore's first national non-contributory pension, Yanying CHEN and Yi Jin TAN
Indigenous rights, Chandran KUKATHAS and Ross POOLE
Indoor localization via multi-modal sensing on smartphones, Han XU, Zheng YANG, Zimu ZHOU, Longfei SHANGGUAN, Ke YI, and Yunhao LIU
Inducing development: Social remittances and the expansion of oil palm in the Philippines, Marvin Joseph F. MONTEFRIO, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA, and Ma. Rose Cristy B. JOSOL
INFAR: insight extraction from app reviews, Cuiyun GAO, Jichuan ZENG, David LO, Chin-Yew LIN, Michael R. LYU, and Irwin KING
Inference in partially identified panel data models with interactive fixed effects, Shengjie HONG, Liangjun SU, and Yaqi WANG
Inferring ongoing human activities based on recurrent self-organizing map trajectory, Qianru SUN and Hong LIU
Inferring trip occupancies in the rise of ride-hailing services, Meng-Fen CHIANG, Ee-peng LIM, Wang-Chien LEE, and Tuan-Anh HOANG
Infiltrating the Business School … How we lounged our way!, Sumita GOVINDAN, Redzuan Abdullah, and Rajendra MUNOO
Influence of online consumer reviews on brand choice, Patricia LUI
Information-quality aware routing in event-driven sensor networks, Hwee Xian TAN, Mun-Choon CHAN, Wendong XIAO, Peng-Yong KONG, and Chen-Khong THAM
Information sampling, judgment and the environment: Application to the effect of popularity on evaluations, Gaël LE MENS, Jerker DENRELL, Balázs KOVACS, and Hülya KARAMAN
Information sharing between mutual funds and auditors, Ole-Kristian HOPE, Pingui RAO, Yanping XU, and Heng YUE
Information-theoretic multi-view domain adaptation, Pei YANG, Wei GAO, Qi TAN, and Kam-Fai WONG
Information-theoretic multi-view domain adaptation: A theoretical and empirical study, Pei YANG and Wei GAO
Injunctive relief: But let’s agree not to have it?, Kwan Ho LAU
Innovation and small business success, Anirban MUKHERJEE and Hannah H. CHANG
Innovation: Does Asia need Newton or Edison?, Rajendra K. Srivastava and Philip Zerrillo
Innovation, economic development, and IP in India and China: An analysis of six industries, Kung-chung LIU and Uday S. RACHERIA
Innovation, growth, and dynamic gains from trade, Wen-Tai HSU, Raymond G. RIEZMAN, and Ping WANG
Innovations in Asia: Selected case studies, Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Singapore Management University
Innovative Entrepreneurs' Workbook: A guide for innovators and entrepreneurs, Arcot Desai NARASIMHALU
In praise of the strange virtue of people-smuggling, Chandran KUKATHAS
In search of the impactful and the interesting: Swings of the pendulum?, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Steven W. FLOYD, and Mike WRIGHT
Insider trading and corporate spinoffs, Charlie CHAROENWONG, Kuan Yong David DING, and Jing PAN
Insights from machine-learned diet success prediction, Ingmar WEBER and Palakorn ACHANANUPARP
InSPeCT: Iterated local search for solving path conditions, Fuxiang CHEN, Aldy GUNAWAN, David LO, and Sunghun KIM
Instance-specific selection of AOS methods for solving combinatorial optimisation problems via neural networks, Teck Hou (DENG Dehao) TENG, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Aldy GUNAWAN
Instead of predicting the future, we should get on with creating the future, Shweta MIDGIL and Richard SMITH
Integrated assignment and routing with mixed service mode cross-dock, Vincent YU, Aldy GUNAWAN, Eric I. JUNAIDI, and Audrey T. WIDJAJA
Integrated crisis mapping: Towards a publics-based, emotion-driven conceptualization in crisis communication, Yan JIN, Augustine PANG, and Glen T. CAMERON
Integrated CSR communication: Toward a model encompassing media agenda building with stakeholder dialogic engagement, A. PANG, A. MAK, and W SHIN
Integrated reward scheme and surge pricing in a ride sourcing market, Hai YANG, Chaoyi SHAO, Hai WANG, and Jieping YE
Integrated reward scheme and surge pricing in a ride-sourcing market, Hai YANG, Chaoyi SHAO, Hai WANG, and Jieping YE
Integrated risk management: A conceptual framework with research overview and applications in practice, Panos KOUVELIS, Lingxiu DONG, Onur BOYABATLI, and Rong LI
Integrated telegram and web-based forum with automatic assessment of questions and answers for collaborative learning, Michelle L. F. CHEONG, Yun-Chen CHEN, and Bing Tian DAI
Integrating node embeddings and biological annotations for genes to predict disease-gene associations, Sezin Kircali ATA, Le OU-YANG, Yuan FANG, Chee-Keong KWOH, Min WU, and Xiao-Li LI
Integrating regional directives with local perspectives in corporate crisis communication: Synchronizing a regional crisis communication master plan – and the challenges of enforcing it, A. PANG, F. CROPP, and Glen T. CAMERON
Integrity, meritocracy and inclusiveness: Singapore's core values, Tony TAN and Philip ZERRILLO
Intellectual property, innovation and the retail industry, Singapore Management University
Interim relief: National report for Singapore, Siyuan CHEN and Huiwen, Denise WONG
International organizations as mobilizing structures: World CSR associations and their disparate impacts on members’ CSR practices, 2000-2016, Shawn POPE and Alwyn LIM
International trade, FDI and agency problems, Yuting CHEN
International trade in the Alibaba and Amazon age, Singapore Management University
Intimate partner violence, interpersonal aggression, and life history strategy, Aurelio José FIGUEREDO, Paul Robert GLADDEN, JeanMarie BIANCHI, Emily Anne PATCH, Phillip S. KAVANAGH, Connie J. A. BECK, Marcela SOTOMAYOR-PETERSON, Jiang YUNFAN, and Norman P. LI
Intraday information from S&P 500 index futures options, Kian Guan LIM, Chen YING, and Kian Leong Nelson YAP
Introducing regulatory robustness ratings for mediation regimes, Nadja ALEXANDER
Introduction: Can we bridge the rigour-relevance gap?, Robin FINCHAM and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Introduction: The emergence of critical perspectives on consulting, Robin FINCHAM and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Introduction: The importance of policy design: Effective processes, tools and outcomes, Michael HOWLETT and Ishani MUKHERJEE
Introduction: Understanding the transformational power of China's Belt and Road Initiative, Yue Wah CHAY and Thomas MENKHOFF
Is a bamboo ceiling stifling the rise of potential leaders?, Singapore Management University
Is feminism bad for multiculturalism?, Chandran KUKATHAS
Is HR developing future CHROs effectively?, Richard Raymond SMITH
Is it time to drive a stake through key performance indicators?, Singapore Management University
Islam, democracy and civil society, Chandran KUKATHAS
Is liberal democracy in decline?, Singapore Management University
Is memory enhanced by the context or survival threats? A quantitative and qualitative review on the survival processing paradigm, Peter Kay Chai TAY, Peter K. JONASON, Norman P. LI, and Grand H.-L. CHENG
Is Predicted Data a Viable Alternative to Real Data?, Tomoki FUJII and Roy VAN DER WEIDE
Is predicted data a viable alternative to real data?, Tomoki FUJII and Roy VAN DER WEIDE
Issue definition and the opinion-policy link: Public preferences and health care spending in the US and UK, Stuart N. SOROKA and Elvin T. LIM
Is there space for violence?: A data-driven approach to the exploration of spatial-temporal dimensions of conflict, Tin Seong KAM and Vincent ZHI
Is the US unique? International evidence on the aggregate earnings-returns association, Lindsey GALLO, Rebecca HANN, Congcong LI, and Viktoriya ZOTOVA
Iterated local search algorithm for the capacitated team orienteering problem, Aldy GUNAWAN, Kien Ming NG, Vincent F. YU, Gordy ADIPRASETYO, and Hoong Chuin LAU
It’s about time: Readiness, commitment and stability in close relationships, Christopher R. AGNEW, Benjamin W. HADDEN, and Kenneth TAN
It’s all about the commercial experience, Singapore Management University
It's lonely at the bottom (too): The effects of experienced powerlessness on social closeness and disengagement, Trevor A. FOULK, Irene E. DE PATER, Michael SCHAERER, Christilene DU PLESSIS, Randy LEE, and Amir EREZ
Iuiga’s Conundrum: ‘Clicks’’ only or ‘Bricks’ too?, Kapil R. TULI, Sandeep R. CHANDUKALA, and Sheetal BHARDWAJ
I want to be busy: Instrumental regulation of busyness among conscientious individuals, Brandon KOH
Jailangkung: Indonesian spirit-basket divination, Margaret CHAN
Japan: Portfolio Rebalancing – A Bright Spot for Abenomics, David FERNANDEZ, Akito FUKUNAGA, Shin KADOTA, and Yoshio TAKAHASHI
JMS at 50: Trends over time, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Mike WRIGHT, Zilia ISKAUJINA, and Philip GARNETT
JobComposer: Career path optimization via multicriteria utility learning, Richard J. OENTARYO, Xavier Jayaraj Siddarth ASHOK, Ee-peng LIM, and Philips Kokoh PRASETYO
JobSense: A data-driven career knowledge exploration framework and system, Xavier Jayaraj Siddarth ASHOK, Ee-peng LIM, and Philips Kokoh PRASETYO
Joint ranking for multilingual web search, Wei GAO, Cheng NIU, Ming ZHOU, and Kam-Fai WONG
Joint topic modeling for event summarization across news and social media streams, Wei GAO, Peng LI, and Kareem DARWISH
Jokes about politics: The good, the bad and the ugly, David CHAN
José Ramos-Horta [Indonesia, President of East Timor], José Ramos-Horta
Juntos Global: Deploying human centered design to motivate the newly banked, Howard THOMAS and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
J. Y. Pillay [Singapore, Civil Service], Joseph Yuvaraj Pillay
Kartini Muljadi [Indonesia, Judge, Lawyer], Kartini Muljadi
Keep calm and collaborate for impact, Gulcin CRIBB
Keeping investors onboard: A corporate social responsibility crisis response framework, Clarence GOH
Knowledge base question answering with topic units, Yunshi LAN, Shuohang WANG, and Jing JIANG
Knowledge base question answering with topic units, Yunshi LAN, Shuohang WANG, and Jing JIANG
Knowledge legitimation and audience affiliation through storytelling: The example of management gurus, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH
Knowledge narratives and heterogeneity in management consultancy and business services, Robin FINCHAM, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Karen HANDLEY, and Andrew STURDY
Lagrangian relaxation for large-scale multi-agent planning, Geoffrey J. GORDON, Pradeep VARAKANTHAM, William YEOH, Hoong Chuin LAU, Ajay S. ARAVAMUDHAN, and Shih-Fen CHENG
Landscape configuration and urban heat island effects: Assessing the relationship between landscape characteristics and land surface temperature in Phoenix, Arizona, John Patrick CONNORS, Christopher S. GALLETTI, and Winston T. L. CHOW
Large scale online multiple kernel regression with application to time-series prediction, Doyen SAHOO, Steven C. H. HOI, and Bin LIN
Laughing with the gurus, David GREATBATCH and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Law enforcement resource optimization with response time guarantees, Jonathan CHASE, Jiali DU, Na FU, Truc Viet LE, and Hoong Chuin LAU
Lay theories about social class buffer lower-class individuals against poor self-rated health and negative affect, Jacinth J. X. TAN and Michael W. KRAUS
Learning cross-modal embeddings with adversarial networks for cooking recipes and food images, Hao WANG, Doyen SAHOO, Chenghao LIU, Ee-Peng LIM, and Steven C. H. HOI
Learning directional co-occurrence for human action classification, Hong LIU, Mengyuan LIU, and Qianru SUN
Learning latent characteristics of locations using location-based social networking data, Thanh Nam DOAN
Learning spatio-temporal co-occurrence correlograms for efficient human action classification, Qianru SUN and Hong LIU
Learning to rank only using training data from related domain, Wei GAO, Peng CAI, Kam-Fai WONG, and Aoying ZHOU
Learning to self-train for semi-supervised few-shot classification, Xinzhe LI, Qianru SUN, Yaoyao LIU, Shibao ZHENG, Qin ZHOU, Tat-Seng CHUA, and Bernt SCHIELE
Lee Kong Chian School of Business Year in Review 2016-2017, Singapore Management University
Lee Kong Chian School of Business Year in Review 2017-2018, Singapore Management University
Legal area classification: A comparative study of text classifiers on Singapore Supreme Court judgments, Jerrold SOH, How Khang LIM, and Ian Ernst CHAI
Leveling the playing field between large and small institutions: Evidence from the SEC’s XBRL mandate, Nilabhra BHATTACHARYA, Young Jun CHO, and Jae B. KIM
Leveraging artificial intelligence to capture the Singapore rideshare market, Pradeep VARAKANTHAM
Liberalism and its critics, Chandran KUKATHAS
Liberalism and multiculturalism: The politics of indifference, Chandran KUKATHAS
Liberalism, communitarianism and political community, Chandran KUKATHAS
Liberalism, multiculturalism and oppression, Chandran KUKATHAS
Liberalism: The international context, Chandran KUKATHAS
Liberty, Chandran KUKATHAS
Liberty and the challenge of diversity, Chandran KUKATHAS
Lighting the spark in the Philippines, Rosemarie Andres
Lightweight privacy-preserving ensemble classification for face recognition, Zhuo MA, Yang LIU, Ximeng LIU, Jianfeng MA, and Kui REN
Limit theory for moderate deviations from integrated GARCH processes, Yubo TAO
Linky: Visualizing user identity linkage results for multiple online social networks (Demo), Roy Ka-Wei LEE, Ming Shan HEE, Philips Kokoh PRASETYO, and Ee-Peng LIM
LiveForen: Ensuring live forensic integrity in the cloud, Anyi LIU, Huirong FU, Yuan HONG, Jigang LIU, and Yingjiu LI
Living lessons in success, Wee Liang TAN
Li Xiabo and the meaning of dissent, Chandran KUKATHAS
Locating the social ladder across cultures and identities, Michael W. KRAUS, Jacinth J. X. TAN, and Melanie B. TANNENBAUM
Location, location, location? Not any more, Singapore Management University
Logistics Genealogies: A dialogue with Stefano Harney, Stephen Matthias HARNEY, Mattia FRAPORTTI, and Niccolo CUPINI
Logos and Dao revisited: A non-metaphysical interpretation, Steven BURIK
Long-term impacts of parliamentary gender quotas in a single-party system: Symbolic co-option or delayed integration?, Devin K. JOSHI and Rakkee KUTTIKADAN Thimothy
Long-term index fund ownership and stock returns, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Wanshan SONG, Ashish TIWARI, and Zhe ZHANG
Look before you jump, Kapil R. TULI
Looking beyond the obvious: Power, epistemic culture and student migration in the knowledge-based economy, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA
Looking beyond the vague terms in Singapore's fake news laws, Benjamin Joshua ONG
Luxola to Sephora online: Opportunities in beauty, Reddi KOTHA and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Luxury branding for Asia, Singapore Management University
Made in Singapore, Pao-Li CHANG and Phuong T. B. NGUYEN
Mahathir bin Mohamad [Malaysia, Prime Minister], Mahathir bin Mohamad
Main-stream media behaviour analysis on Twitter: A case study on UK general election, Zhongyu WEI, Yulan HE, Wei GAO, Binyang LI, Lanjun ZHOU, and Kam-Fai WONG
Making a good thing better: Enhancing password/PIN-based user authentication with smartwatch, Bing CHANG, Yingjiu LI, Qiongxiao WANG, Wen-Tao ZHU, and Robert H. DENG
Making ethnic tourism good for the poor, Jean Junying LOR, Shelly KWA, and John A. DONALDSON
Making it work as a working mother: The role of paradox mindset in positive appraisal of working motherhood tensions, Tengjiao HUANG
Making sense of crowd-generated content in domain-specific settings, Agus SULISTYA
Making wearable sensing less obtrusive, Huy Vu TRAN and Archan MISRA
Management consultancy and humour in action and context, Andrew STURDY and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Management consultancy: Boundaries and knowledge in action, Andrew STURDY, Karen HANDLEY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Robin FINCHAM
Management consultancy: Boundaries and knowledge in action, Andrew STURDY, Karen HANNDLEY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Robin FINCHAM
Management consultancy: Issues, perspectives, and agendas [Preface], Robin FINCHAM and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Management consulting, Stephanos AVAKIAN and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Management consulting: Themes, theories and trajectories, Stephanos AVAKIAN and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Management fashion as collective action: The production of management best-sellers, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH
Management fashion as image-spectacle: The production of best-selling management books, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH
Management fashion as image-spectacle: The production of best-selling management books, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH
Management gurus as celebrity consultants, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Pojanath BHATANCHAROEN, and David GREATBATCH
Management research on fashion: A review and evaluation, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Management selection by executive recruitment consultancies: A survey and explanation of selection methods, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Management speak: Why we listen to what management gurus tell us, David GREATBATCH and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Managing across borders In Asia, Richard R. SMITH and Suee Chieh Tan
Managing a nation's image during crisis: A study of the Chinese government's image repair efforts in the “Made in China” controversy, Peijuan CAI, Lee Pei TING, and Augustine PANG
Managing consultants: Consultancy as the management of impressions, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Managing natural resources: Organizational strategy, behaviour, and dynamics, Gerard GEORGE and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX
Managing natural resources: Organizational strategy, behaviour, and dynamics, Gerard GEORGE and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX
Managing news in a managed media: Mediating the message in, Augustine PANG
Managing swaption portfolio risk under different interest rate regimes, Poh Ling NEO and Chyng Wen TEE
Managing the power and pitfalls of data in AI, Singapore Management University
Mapping cultural tightness and its links to innovation, urbanization, and happiness across 31 provinces in China, Roy Y. J. CHUA, Kenneth HUANG, and Mengzi JIN
Mareva injunctions under Singapore law, Adeline CHONG
Marina Mahathir [Malaysia, Activist], Marina Mahathir
Maskin meets Abreu and Matsushima, Yi-Chun CHEN, Takashi KUNIMOTO, Yifei SUN, and Siyang XIONG
Mate preferences for warmth-trustworthiness predict romantic attraction in the early stages of mate selection and satisfaction in ongoing relationships, Katherine A. VALENTINE, Norman P. LI, Andrea L. MELTZER, and Ming-Hong TSAI
Maximizing multifaceted network influence, Yuchen LI, Ju FAN, George V. OVCHINNIKOV, and Panagiotis KARRAS
Maximum likelihood estimation for the fractional Vasicek model, Katsuto TANAKA, Weilin XIAO, and Jun YU
Maybank: Organisational transformation through human resources, Fermin Augusto DIEZ, Lakshmi APPASAMY, and Adina WONG
Measurement matters: Higher waist-to-hip ratio but not body mass index is associated with deficits in executive functions and episodic memory, Andree HARTANTO and Jose C. YONG
Media relations in an evolving media landscape, Augustine PANG, Vivien H. E. CHIONG, and Nasrath Begam Binte Abul Hassan
Mediating the media: A journalist-centric model in managing the media by corporate communication practitioners, Augustine PANG
Mediation, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON and Sabiha SHIRAZ
Memaksa Steel, Philip Charles ZERRILLO
Memory and resource leak defects and their repairs in Java projects, Mohammadreza GHANAVATI, Diego COSTA, Janos SEBOEK, David LO, and Artur ANDRZEJAK
Men’s cosmetics: Challenging conventional marketing wisdom, Dae Ryun Chang
Meta-transfer learning for few-shot learning, Qianru SUN, Yaoyao LIU, Tat-Seng CHUA, and Bernt SCHIELE
MicroBTC: Efficient, flexible and fair micropayment for Bitcoin using hash chains, Zhiguo WAN, Robert H. DENG, David Kuo Chuen LEE, and Ying LI
Micro-coaching as a blend to make e-learning more effective, Krishnan NARAYANAN
Mind your language: The effects of linguistic ostracism on interpersonal work behaviors, John FISET and Devasheesh P. BHAVE
Mine-Craft: Can technology take us towards a mine-free world?, Roshni Kapur
Mining sandboxes for Linux containers, Zhiyuan WAN, David LO, Xin XIA, Liang CAI, and Shanping LI
Misaligned incentives and mortgage lending in Asia, Richard GREEN, Roberto MARIANO, Andrey PAVLOV, and Susan WACHTER
Mistake, Pey Woan LEE and Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG
Mixed bayesian implementation in general environments, Takashi KUNIMOTO
Mixed-dish recognition with contextual relation networks, Lixi DENG, Jingjing CHEN, Qianru SUN, Xiangnan HE, Sheng TANG, Zhaoyan MING, Yongdong ZHANG, and Tat-Seng CHUA
MNCs and CSR engagement in Asia: A dialectical model, Angela Ka Ying MAK, Suwichit CHAIDAROON, and Augustine PANG
Mobike: A worthy bike-sharing unicorn?, Hao LIANG and Chi Wei CHAN
Mobilising dissent in a digital age: The curious case of Amos Yee, Orlando WOODS
Mobility-driven BLE transmit-power adaptation for participatory data muling, Chung-Kyun HAN, Archan MISRA, and Shih-Fen CHENG
Mobility increases localizability: A survey on wireless indoor localization using inertial sensors, Zheng YANG, Chenshu WU, Zimu ZHOU, Xinglin ZHANG, Xu WANG, and Yunhao LIY
Model and analysis of labor supply for ride-sharing platforms in the presence of sample self-selection and endogeneity, Hao SUN, Hai WANG, and Zhixi WAN
Modeling location-based social network data with area attraction and neighborhood competition, Thanh Nam DOAN and Ee-peng LIM
Modeling movement decisions in networks: A discrete choice model approach, Larry LIN JUNJIE
Modeling sequential and basket-oriented associations for top-K recommendation, Duc-Trong LE DUC TRONG
Model Law on cross-border insolvency comes of age: New times or new paradigms, Gerard MCCORMACK and Wai Yee WAN
Modify or extend? The application of the structure conduct performance approach to service industries, L. C. BRITTON, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and D. BALL
MODLoc: Localizing multiple objects in dynamic indoor environment, Xiaonan Guo, Dian ZHANG, Kaishun WU, and Lionel M. NI
Monetary Policies in a Small Open Economy Model with Labor Mobility and Remittances, Diana Rose DEL ROSARIO
Monthly spending dynamics of the elderly following a health shock: Evidence from Singapore, Terence C. CHENG, Jing LI, and Rhema VAITHIANATHAN
Moral universalism and cultural difference, Chandran KUKATHAS
"More free time, more overtime?" An examination of the overtime paradox for part-time employees through the lens of non-working time, Hsin Ning YONG
Moved by conflict: Exploring the relationship between experienced conflict and individual mobility patterns, Nur Camellia Binte ZAKARIA, Kenneth T. GOH, Youngki LEE, and Rajesh Krishna BALAN
Mr Lim Chee Onn appointed as Chancellor of SMU, Singapore Management University
Multicultural citizens: The philosophy and the politics of identity, Chandran KUKATHAS
Multiculturalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
Multiculturalism and the idea of an Australian identity, Chandran KUKATHAS
Multiculturalism on its head: Unexpected social boundaries and new migration in Singapore, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA
Multimodal review generation for recommender systems, Quoc Tuan TRUONG and Hady W. LAUW
Multimodal transformer networks for end-to-end video-grounded dialogue systems, Hung LE, Doyen SAHOO, Nancy F. CHEN, and Steven C. H. HOI
Multiperspective graph-theoretic similarity measure, Dung D. LE and Hady W. LAUW
Multiple speed assessments: Theory, practice, and research evidence, Christoph N. HERDE and Filip LIEVENS
Multi-roles affiliation model for general user profiling, Lizi LIAO, Heyan HUANG, and Yashen WANG
Multi-task zipping via layer-wise neuron sharing, Xiaoxi HE, Zimu ZHOU, and Lothar THIELE
Multi-view discriminant transfer learning, Pei Yang YANG and Wei GAO
Music popularity, diffusion and recommendation in social networks: A fusion analytics approach, Jing REN
Myanmar enacts modern arbitration regime, Darius CHAN
Narrative methods for organisational and communication research, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Nationalism and multiculturalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
Natural and effective obfuscation by head inpainting, Qianru SUN, Liqian MA, Seong Joon OH, Luc VAN GOOL, Bernt SCHIELE, and Mario FRITZ
Natural document clustering by clique percolation in random graphs, Wei GAO and Kam-Fai WONG
Nature of VIX jumps on market timing of hedge funds, Yueh-Neng LIN and Choo Yong, Jeremy GOH
Navigating an eternal ocean – EnerGaia’s emergent strategy in the market for Spirulina, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Ryan Knowles MERRILL
Negotiating crisis in the new media environment: Evolution of crises online, gaining legitimacy offline, Augustine PANG, Nasrath Begam ABUL HASSAN, and Aaron Chee Yang CHONG
Negotiating crisis in the new media environment: Evolution of crises online, gaining legitimacy offline, Augustine PANG, Nasrath Begam Binte Abul Hassan, and Aaron Chee Yang CHONG
Negotiating crisis in the Social Media environment: Evolution of crises online, gaining credibility offline, A. PANG, Nasrath Begam Binte Abul Hassan, and Aaron Chee Yang CHONG
Negotiating damages once again, Kwan Ho LAU
Network-clustered multi-modal bug localization, Thong HOANG, Richard J. OENTARYO, Tien-Duy B. LE, and David LO
Neural-machine-translation-based commit message generation: how far are we?, Zhongxin LIU, Xin XIA, Ahmed E. HASSAN, David LO, Zhenchang XING, and Xinyu WANG
Neural network based detection of self-admitted technical debt: From performance to explainability, Xiaoxue REN, Zhenchang XING, Xin XIA, David LO, Xinyu WANG, and John GRUNDY
New factors wanted: Evidence from a simple specification test, Ai HE, Dashan HUANG, and Guofu ZHOU
New media and crises: New media – A new medium in escalating crises?, J. SIAH, M. BANSAL, and A. PANG
New media: A new medium in escalating crises?, Joanna Ann Mei SIAH, Namrata BANSAL, and Augustine PANG
New online service on international arbitration, Adeline CHONG
New perspectives on M&A research, Zhefei LI
NIL Is not nothing: Recognition of Chinese network informal language expressions, Yunqing XIA, Kam-Fai WONG, and Wei GAO
Nonstationary panel models with latent group structures and cross-section dependence, Wenxin HUANG, Sainan JIN, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Liangjun SU
North East Integrated Care Programme (ICP): A ground-up and grounded model, Kar Yee Lim and Zhong Liang Ong
Now you seaweed, Now you don't: Photographing Rongcheng's disappearing seaweed houses, Yanjing Liu
Now you seaweed, Now you don’t: Photographing Rongcheng’s disappearing seaweed houses, Yajing Liu
NTU Singapore and SMU launch PhD exchange programme, Singapore Management University
Nurturing the cultural desert: The role of museums in Singapore, Su Fern HOE and Terence CHONG
O arquipélago liberal: Contornos de um conceito de liberalismo (In Portuguese), Chandran KUKATHAS and Ana BARRADAS
ObliDC: An SGX-based oblivious distributed computing framework with formal proof, Pengfei WU, Qingni SHEN, Robert H. DENG, Ximeng LIU, Yinghui ZHANG, and Zhonghai WU
Occupational shortage and labor market adjustments: A theory of islands, Joanne TAN and Riccardo ZAGO
Of promoting networking and protecting privacy: Effects of defaults and regulatory focus on social media users’ preference settings, Hichang CHO, Sungjong ROH, and Byungho PARK
Of promoting networking and protecting privacy: Effects of defaults and regulatory focus on social media users’ preference settings, Hichang CHO, Sungjong ROH, and Byungho PARK
Old ethics in new wineskins? Examining the ethical difficulties in court online dispute resolution, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON
Omnidirectional coverage for device-free passive human detection, Zimu ZHOU, Zheng YANG, Chenshu WU, Longfei SHANGGUAN, and Yunhao LIU
On analysing supply and demand in labor markets: Framework, model and system, Hendrik Santoso SUGIARTO, Ee-peng LIM, and Ngak Leng SIM
On David Miller on immigration control, Chandran KUKATHAS
One cheer for Constantinople: A comment on Pettit and Skinner on Hobbes and freedom, Chandran KUKATHAS
One-class order embedding for dependency relation prediction, Meng-Fen CHIANG, Ee-peng LIM, Wang-Chien LEE, Xavier Jayaraj Siddarth ASHOK, and Philips Kokoh PRASETYO
One step away from Morris-Garner: Wrotham park damages in Singapore, Man YIP and Alvin W. L. SEE
On factor models with random missing: EM estimation, inference, and cross validation, Liangjun SU, Ke MIAO, and Sainan JIN
Ong Keng Yong [Singapore, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Civil Service], Keng Yong Ong
Online advertising by the comparison challenge approach, Jae Wong LEE and Jae Kyu LEE
Online collaborative filtering with implicit feedback, Jianwen YIN, Chenghao LIU, Jundong LI, Bing Tian DAI, Yun-Chen CHEN, Min WU, and Jianling SUN
Online growing neural gas for anomaly detection in changing surveillance scenes, Qianru SUN, Hong LIU, and Tatsuya HARADA
Online learning on incremental distance metric for person re-identification, Yuke SUN, Hong LIU, and Qianru SUN
Online learning tool on external financing needs, Yuanto KUSNADI
Online spatio-temporal matching in stochastic and dynamic domains, Meghna LOWALEKAR, Pradeep VARAKANTHAM, and Patrick JAILLET
Online tutorial to teach expenditure cycle, Poh Sun SEOW, Gary PAN, and Suay Peng WONG
Online tutorial to teach revenue cycle, Poh Sun SEOW, Gary PAN, and Suay Peng WONG
On reliability of patch correctness assessment, Xuan-Bach D. LE, Lingfeng BAO, David LO, Xin XIA, Shanping LI, and Corina S. PASAREANU
On sen on comparative justice, Chandran KUKATHAS
On the effectiveness of housing purchase restriction policy in China: A difference in difference approach, Jerry X. CAO, Bihong HUANG, and Rose Neng LAI
On the Fintech revolution: Interpreting the forces of innovation, disruption and transformation in financial services, Peter GOMBER, Robert J. KAUFFMAN, Chris PARKER, and Bruce W. WEBER
On-the-fly Android static analysis with applications in vulnerability discovery, Daoyuan WU
Open access in SMU and Singapore, Pin Pin Yeo
Operating a digital marketing agency out of China, Singapore Management University
Opinion shopping to avoid going concern audit opinion and subsequent audit quality, Heesun CHUNG, Catherine Heyjung SONU, Yoonseok ZANG, and Jong-Hag CHOI
Options available to an unsuccessful party in an arbitration, Darius CHAN
Oral History Interview with Arnoud De Meyer, Arnoud DE MEYER
Oral History Interview with Lily Kong, Lily Kong
Oral History Interview with Lily Kong (Part 2), Lily Kong
Oral History Interview with Timothy Clark, Timothy CLARK
Ordinal text quantification, Giovanni Da San MARTINO, Wei GAO, and Fabrizio SEBASTIANI
Organizations and societal economic inequality: A review and way forward, Hari BAPUJI, Gokhan ERTUG, and Jason D. SHAW
Organization structure and structural change in European manufacturing organisations, Derek PUGH, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Geoff MALLORY
Out now: Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Asia, Adeline CHONG
Overcome FOMO: Five easy steps, one social media platform at a time, Nurin Nazifa Binte Mohd Yusoff
Overfitting in automated program repair: Challenges and solutions, Dinh Xuan Bach LE
Panel threshold regressions with latent group structures, Ke MIAO, Liangjun SU, and Wendun WANG
Parametric rationing with uncertain needs, Yan LONG and Jingyi XUE
Parenting and inequality in insecure times. A comment to the symposium, Aliya Hamid RAO
Parody social media accounts: Influence and impact on organizations during crisis, Sarah WAN, Regina KOH, Andrew ONG, and Augustine PANG
Parody social media accounts: Influence and impact on organizations during crisis, WAN, W. TAN, R. KOH, A. ONG, R. LIM, and A. PANG
Partisan Conflict and Stock Price, Dashan HUANG and WANG LIYAO
Partner commitment in close relationships mitigates social-class differences in subjective well-being, Jacinth J. X. TAN, Michael W. KRAUS, Emily A. IMPETT, and Dacher KELTNER
Party autonomy in the choice of law for torts in Asia, Tiong Min YEO
PatchNet: A tool for deep patch classification, Thong HOANG, Julia LAWALL, Richard J. OENTARYO, Yuan TIAN, and David LO
PatchNet: A tool for deep patch classification, Thong HOANG, Julia LAWALL, Richard J. OENTARYO, Yuan TIAN, and David LO
PatchNet: Hierarchical deep learning-based stable patch identification for the Linux Kernel, Thong HOANG, Julia LAWALL, Yuan TIAN, Richard J. OENTARYO, and David LO
Pay satisfaction and work-family conflict across time, Devasheesh P. BHAVE, Amit KRAMER, and Theresa M. GLOMB
Peeling back the (onion) layers of the Dark Web, Singapore Management University
Perception of corrupt acts: East vs. West, Singapore Management University
Perceptions, expectations, and challenges in defect prediction, Zhiyuan WAN, Xin XIA, Ahmed E. HASSAN, David LO, Jianwei YIN, and Xiaohu YANG
Perceptions of fairness, David CHAN
PerfLearner: learning from bug reports to understand and generate performance test frames, Xue HAN, Tingting YU, and David LO
Performance characterization of deep learning models for breathing-based authentication on resource-constrained devices, Jagmohan CHAUHAN, Jathusan RAJASEGARAN, Surang SENEVIRATNE, Archan MISRA, Aruan SENEVIRATNE, and Youngki LEE
Performance decline, political connections and institutional factors: A multi-country analysis, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Abdul RASHEED, and Esther DEL BRIO
Performance evaluation of MQTT and CoAP via a common middleware, Dinesh THANGAVEL, Xiaoping MA, Alvin VALERA, Hwee Xian TAN, and Colin Keng-Yan TAN
Performing the organization: Organization theatre and imaginative life as physical presence, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
PerSentiment: A personalized sentiment classification system for microblog users, Kaisong SONG, Ling CHEN, Wei GAO, Shi FENG, Daling WANG, and Chengqi ZHANG
Personalized microblog sentiment classification via adversarial cross-lingual learning, Weichao WANG, Shi FENG, Wei GAO, Daling WANG, and Yifei ZHANG
Personalized sentiment classification based on latent individuality of microblog users, Kaisong SONG, Shi FENG, Wei GAO, Daling WANG, Ge YU, and Kam-Fai WONG
Personnel management and the use of executive recruitment consultancies, Ian CLARK and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Person re-identification over encrypted outsourced surveillance videos, Hang CHENG, Huaxiong WANG, Ximeng LIU, Yan FANG, Meiqing WANG, and Xiaojun ZHANG
Phoneme-based transliteration of foreign names for OOV problem, Wei GAO, Kam-Fai WONG, and Wai LAM
Pièce de Résistance: Art movements and their power to change the world, Stephanie Tran Rojas
Pierre Bayle's philosophical commentary on the words of Jesus Christ: Compel them to come in, John KILCULLEN and Chandran KUKATHAS
Plan D: Design and social responsibility, Harah Chon
Platform business transformation: A temporal perspective on strategy implementation, Daniel Z. MACK, Weiru CHEN, and Quy HUY
Pluralism, multiculturalism and group rights, Chandran KUKATHAS
Pluralism within the limits of reason: From David Hume to Isaiah Berlin, Chandran KUKATHAS
Policy design and non-design: A continuum of formulation modalities, Michael HOWLETT and Ishani MUKHERJEE
Policy design for sustainability at multiple scales: The case of transboundary haze pollution in Southeast Asia, Ishani MUKHERJEE
Policy effectiveness and capacity: two sides of the design coin, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Azad S. BALI
Policy formulation: Where knowledge meets power in the policy process, Michael HOWLETT and Ishani MUKHERJEE
Political connections and the value of cash holdings, Yuanto KUSNADI
Political ideas and political interests, Chandran KUKATHAS
Political ideology of the board and CEO dismissal following financial misconduct, Uisung PARK, Warren BOEKER, and David GOMULYA
Political theory in Australia, Chandran KUKATHAS
Political thought, political development, and America’s two foundings, Elvin T. LIM
Political turnovers, ownership, and corporate investment in China, Jerry X. CAO, Julio BRANDON, Tiecheng LENG, and Sili ZHOU
Politics and policy: Chinese money and its impact on the regulation of residential property in the West, Edward Seng Wei TI
Polygenic hazard scores in preclinical Alzheimer's disease, Chin Hong TAN, Bradley T. HYMAN, Jacinth J. X. TAN, Christopher P. HESS, William P. DILLON, Gerard D. SCHELLENBERG, Lilah M. BESSER, Walter A. KUKULL, Karolina KAUPPI, Linda K. MCEVOY, Ole A. ANDREASSEN, Anders M. DALE, Chun Chieh FAN, and Rahul S. DESIKAN
Popular versus elite democracies and human rights: Inclusion makes a difference, Devin K. JOSHI, J. S. MALOY, and Timothy M. PETERSON
Pose guided person image generation, Liqian MA, Xu JIA, Qianru SUN, Bernt SCHIELE, Tinne TUYTELAARS, and Luc VAN GOOL
Potential pilot problems: Treatment spillovers in financial regulatory experiments, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Charles JONES, and Xiaoyan ZHANG
Pourquoi devrions-nous utiliser des tests de jugement situationnel pour la sélection du personnel?, Filip LIEVENS and Peeters HELGA
Power and negotiation: Review of current evidence and future directions, Michael SCHAERER, Laurel TEO, Nikhil MADAN, and Roderick I. SWAAB
Power and negotiation: Review of current evidence and future directions, Michael SCHAERER, Laurel TEO, Nikhil MADAN, and Roderick I. SWAAB
Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and rukun: Managing the trans-boundary haze crisis in Indonesia, Reidinar Juliane WARDOYO and Augustine PANG
Practical and effective sandboxing for Linux containers, Zhiyuan WAN, David LO, Xin XIA, and Liang CAI
Practitioners' views on good software testing practices, Pavneet S. KOCHHAR, Xin XIA, and David LO
Pre-crisis threat assessment: A cognitive appraisal approach to understanding of the faces and fabric of threats faced by organizations, JIN, A. PANG, and G. T. CAMERON
Predicting episodes of non-conformant mobility in indoor environments, Kasthuri JAYARAJAH and Archan MISRA
Predicting indoor crowd density using column-structured deep neural network, Akihito SUDO, Teck Hou (DENG Dehao) TENG, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Yoshihide SEKIMOTO
Prediction of relatedness in stack overflow: Deep learning vs. SVM: A reproducibility study, Bowen XU, Amirreza SHIRANI, David LO, and Mohammad Amin ALIPOUR
Preferences with changing ambiguity aversion, Jingyi XUE
Preventing accounting fraud, Singapore Management University
PriBioAuth: Privacy-preserving biometric-based remote user authentication, Yangguang TIAN, Yingjiu LI, Ximeng LIU, Robert H. DENG, and Binanda SENGUPTA
Pride and protectionism: U.S. trade policy and its impact on Asia, Mark Zandi, Steve Cochrane, Ryan Sweet, Ruth Stroppiana, and Katrina Ell
Principles of marketing: An Asian perspective, Philip KOTLER, Gary ARMSTRONG, Swee Hoon ANG, Siew Meng LEONG, Chin Tiong TAN, and David K. TSE
Principles of Singapore Business Law, Wee Ling LOO
Privacy at work: A review and a research agenda for a contested terrain, Devasheesh P. BHAVE, Laurel H. TEO, and Reeshad S. DALAL
Privacy-preserving biometric-based remote user authentication with leakage resilience, Yangguang TIAN, Yingjiu LI, Rongmao CHEN, Ximeng LIU, Bing CHANG, and Xingjie YU
Privacy-preserving remote user authentication with K-times untraceability, Yangguang TIAN, Yingjiu LI, Binanda SENGUPTA, Robert H. DENG, Albert CHING, and Weiwei LIU
Proactive and reactive resource/Task allocation for agent teams in uncertain environments, Pritee AGRAWAL
Probabilistic collaborative representation learning for personalized item recommendation, Aghiles SALAH and Hady W. LAUW
Problem-solving or self-enhancement? A power perspective on how CEOs affect R&D search in the face of inconsistent feedback, Radina BLAGOEVA, Tom J. M. MOM, Justin J. P. JANSEN, and Gerard GEORGE
Proclaiming trade policy: 'Delegated Unilateral Powers' and the limits on Presidential Unilateral Enactment of Trade Policy, Brandon ROTTINGHAUS and Elvin T. LIM
Professional problems: The burden of producing the ‘Global’ Filipino nurse, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA
Profit people and planet, Havovi Joshi
Project Sidewalk: A Web-based crowdsourcing tool for collecting sidewalk accessibility data at scale, Manaswi SAHA, Michael SAUGSTAD, Hanuma MADDALI, Aileen ZENG, Ryan HOLLAND, Steven BOWER, Aditya DASH, Sage CHEN, Anthony Li, Kotaro HARA, and Jon FROEHLICH
Proposed reforms to Singapore Goods and Services Taxation in the digital economy, Hern Kuan LIU and Vincent OOI
Prosocial implicit trait policies underlie performance on different situational judgment tests with interpersonal content, Stephan J. MOTOWIDLO, Filip LIEVENS, and Kamalika GHOSH
Protecting consumers' personal data in the digital world: Challenges and changes, Man YIP
Proud to be Thai: The puzzling absence of ethnicity-based political cleavages in Northeastern Thailand, Jacob I. RICKS
Provable de-anonymization of large datasets with sparse dimensions, Anupam DATTA, Divya SHARMA, and Arunesh SINHA
Prudential Singapore: Subsidiary CEO succession – Trick or treat, Gordon PERCHTHOLD and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Public and private enforcement of corporate and securities laws: An empirical comparison of Hong Kong and Singapore, Wai Yee WAN, Christopher C. H. CHEN, and Say H. GOO
Public Cleanliness Satisfaction Survey [2017], Paulin STRAUGHAN and Mathews MATHEW
Public Cleanliness Satisfaction Survey [2018], Paulin STRAUGHAN and Mathews MATHEW
Public diplomacy and image management: How the US government repaired its image from the 2008 Financial Crisis, A. CHUA, S. L. SIM, and A. PANG
QCRI: Answer selection for community question answering - Experiment for Arabic and English, Massimo NICOSIA, Simone FILICE, Alberto BARRON-CEDENO, Iman SALEH, Hamdy MUBARAK, Wei GAO, Preslav NAKOV, Giovanni Da San MARTINO, Alessandro MOSCHITTI, Kareem DARWISH, Lluis Marquz MARQUZ, Shafiq JOTY, and Walid Magdy MAGDY
QCRI at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Probabilistic Methods for Binary and Ordinal Quantification, Giovanni Da San MARTINO, Wei GAO, and Fabrizio SEBASTIANI
Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, W. K. G. SEAH and Hwee Xian TAN
Quantifying activity levels of community-dwelling seniors through beacon monitoring, Jin Qiang GOH, Hwee-Pink TAN, and Hwee Xian TAN
Quantile treatment effects and bootstrap inference under covariate-adaptive randomization, Xin ZHENG and Yichong ZHANG
Quantum computing is here to stay, Manoj THULASIDAS
Query weighting for ranking model adaptation, Peng CAI, Wei GAO, Aoying ZHOU, and Kam-Fai WONG
Question answering with textual sequence matching, Shuohang WANG
Questioning proximity: East Asian TV Dramas in Indonesia, Charlotte SETIJADI
R3: Reinforced Ranker-Reader for open-domain Question Answering, Shuohang WANG, Mo YU, Xiaoxiao GUO, Zhiguo WANG, Tim KLINGER, Wei ZHANG, Shiyu CHANG, Gerald TESAURO, Bowen ZHOU, and Jing JIANG
Random coefficient continuous systems: Testing for extreme sample path behavior, Yubo TAO, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Jun YU
Random mechanism design on multidimensional domains, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Huaxia ZENG
Ranking model selection and fusion for effective microblog search, Zhongyu WEI, Wei GAO, Tarek EL-GANAINY, Walid MAGDY, and Kam-Fai WONG
Rawls: A theory of justice and its critics, Chandran KUKATHAS and Philip PETTIT
Rawls: Critical assessments, Chandran KUKATHAS
Reaching a settlement before the arbitration hearing, Darius CHAN
Readability of 10-K reports and stock price crash risk, Chansog (Francis) KIM, Ke WANG, and Liandong ZHANG
Real world, large scale IoT systems for community eldercare: Experiences and lessons learned, Alvin Cerdena VALERA, Wei Qi LEE, Hwee-Pink TAN, Hwee Xian TAN, and Huiguang LIANG
Reappraisal and savoring as mediators of the effect of informal mindfulness practice on well-being, Yan Qiang TAN
Recent developments: Presumed resulting trusts, vitiating factors for trusts, interrupting adverse possession, and abandonment of leasehold covenants, Kelvin F. K. LOW and Alvin W. L. SEE
Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil and commercial matters – Singapore, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG
Recommendation vs sentiment analysis: A text-driven latent factor model for rating prediction with cold-start awareness, Kaisong SONG, Wei GAO, Shi Feng FENG, Daling WANG, Kam-Fai WONG, and Chengqi ZHANG
Recommending APIs for software evolution, Ferdian THUNG
Recommending frequently encountered bugs, Yun ZHANG, David LO, Xin XIA, Jing JIANG, and Jianling SUN
Recommending new features from mobile app descriptions, He JIANG, Jingxuan ZHANG, Xiaochen LI, Zhilei REN, David LO, Xindong WU, and Zhongxuan LUO
Recommending who to follow in the software engineering Twitter space, Abhabhisheksh SHARMA, Yuan TIAN, Agus SULISTYA, Dinusha WIJEDASA, and David LO
Reconciling modernity and tradition in a liberal society, Chandran KUKATHAS
Recovering misdirected trust assets in the face of torrens indefeasibility, Alvin W. L. SEE
Recruitment and selection, Filip LIEVENS and Derek CHAPMAN
Recruitment in Europe: The employment agency market in the 12 EC countries, I. ABBOTT and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
REC solar: Strategising on a solar coaster, Xuesong GENG and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Red flags accounting fraud game, Poh Sun SEOW, Gary PAN, and Thomas LIM
Re-examining the law and economics of the business judgment rule: Notes for its implementation in non-US jurisdictions, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ
Reflections on thinking about the POFMA, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG
Reform of Singapore's foreign judgment rules, Adeline CHONG
Refusal bias in HIV data from the Demographic and Health Surveys: Evaluation, critique and recommendations, Oyelola A. ADEGBOYE, Tomoki FUJII, and Denis H. Y. LEUNG
Refusal bias in HIV data from the Demographic and Health Surveys: Evaluation, critique and recommendations, Oyelola A. ADEGBOYE, Tomoki FUJII, and Denis H. Y. LEUNG
Regional landscape analysis on vunerable children: Child health, protection, education, and early childhood development, Jared THAM and Han Peng HO
Regional prevalence of health worker absenteeism in Tanzania, Tomoki FUJII
Registered replication report: Dijksterhuis & Van Knippenberg (1998), Michael O'DONNEL; Leif NELSON; Evi ACKERMANN; Balazs ACZEL; and Yuk Yue, Jennifer TONG
Regret minimizing audits: A learning-theoretic basis for privacy protection, Jeremiah BLOCKI, Nicolas CHRISTIN, Anupam DATTA, and Arunesh SINHA
Regulation and use cases for cryptocurrencies, Singapore Management University
Regulations and brain drain: Evidence from Wall Street star analysts’ career choices, Yuyan GUAN, Congcong LI, Hai LU, and Franco WONG
Reinforcement learning for collective multi-agent decision making, Duc Thien NGUYEN
Relevant knowledge helps in choosing right teacher: Active query selection for ranking adaptation, Peng CAI, Wei GAO, Kam-Fai WONG, and Aoying ZHOU
Reliable and privacy-preserving truth discovery for mobile crowdsensing systems, Chuan ZHANG, Liehuang ZHU, Chang XU, Ximeng LIU, and Kashif SHARIF
Removing situation descriptions from situational judgment test items: Does the impact differ for video-based versus text-based formats?, Philipp SCHÄPERS, Filip LIEVENS, Jan-Philipp FREUDENSTEIN, Joachim HÜFFMEIER, Cornelius J. KÖNIG, and Stefan KRUMM
Renegotiation of Software Outsourcing Contracts, H. HUANG, X. HU, Robert John KAUFFMAN, and H. XU
Repairing an organization’s image in times of crises: What strategies to use when?, A. PANG, B. HO, and N. MALIK
Repairing an organization’s image in times of crises: What strategies to use when?, Augustine PANG, Benjamin Meng-Keng HO, and Nuraini MALIK
Report on introducing a statutory variation of trusts jurisdiction, Yock Lin TAN, Aeng Cheng Charles LIM, Hang Wu TANG, and Tiong Min YEO
Reputational damage on Twitter #hijack factors, dynamics, and response strategies for crowdsourced campaigns, A. PANG, Jeremiah Icanh Lim LIMSICO, Lishan PHONG, Bernadette Joy Lopez LAREZA, and Sim Yee LOW
Research handbook on Asian financial law, Wai Yee WAN, Douglas ARNER, Andrew GODWIN, and Shen WEI
Researching comparative and international human resource management: Key challenges and contributions, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, David GRANT, and Marielle HEIJLTJES
Researching management consulting: An introduction to the handbook, Matthias KIPPING and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Researching situated learning: Participation, identity and practices in client-consultant relationships, Karen HANDLEY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Robin FINCHAM, and Andrew STURDY
Research Methods and Issues, Laura R. WEINGART and Kenneth T. GOH
Research on extreme poverty governance based on social network analysis, Wenyong LEI
Reserved optimisation: Handling incident priorities in emergency response systems, Muralidhar KONDA, Supriyo GHOSH, and Pradeep VARAKANTHAM
Resilient Collaborative Intelligence for Adversarial IoT Environments, Dulanga WEERAKOON, Kasthuri JAYARAJAH, Randy TANDRIANSYAH, and Archan MISRA
Responsibility for past injustice: How to shift the burden, Chandran KUKATHAS
Responsible and sustainable business, Singapore Management University
Responsible leadership, Flocy Joseph
Restructured frame-of-reference training improves rating accuracy, Ming-Hong TSAI, Serena WEE, and Brandon KOH
Rethinking non-recognition: Taiwan’s new pivot to ASEAN and the one-China policy, Pasha L. HSIEH
Rethinking the RECP in the third regionalism: Paradigm shifts in world trade law?, Pasha L. HSIEH
Rethinking the role of management consultants as disseminators of business knowledge: Knowledge flows, directions, and conditions in consulting projects, Andrew STURDY, Karen HANDLEY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Robin FINCHAM
Retirement adequacy of mature workers in Singapore, Rhema VAITHIANATHAN and Stephen HOSKINS
Return and volatility spillovers between the Renminbi and Asian Currencies, Hwee Kwan CHOW-TAN
Revealed traits: A novel method for estimating cross-cultural similarities and differences in personality, Cory COSTELLO, Dustin WOOD, and William TOV
Revenue and taxation: Other taxes, Ken Loon ONG, Hern Kuan LIU, and Vincent OOI
Review: How China escaped the poverty trap by Yuen Yuen Ang, John A. DONALDSON
Reviewing journal rankings and revisiting peer reviews: Editorial perspectives, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Mike WRIGHT
Review of "Dangerous company: The consulting powerhouses and the companies they save and ruin", Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Review of "Management gurus and management fashion: A dramatistic inquiry", Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Review of Michael Oakeshott, rationalism in politics and other essays, and Paul Franco, The Political Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, Chandran KUKATHAS
Review of "Popular management books: How are they made and what they mean for organisation", Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Review of "Rip off: The scandalous inside story of the management consulting money machine", Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Reviews: Architectures of knowledge: Firms, capabilities and communities, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Revisiting supervised and unsupervised models for effort-aware just-in-time defect prediction, Qiao HUANG, Xin XIA, and David LO
Revisiting the human capital system, Richard Raymond SMITH
Revisiting the Miller-Kanazawa debate: Should Asia be afforded more attention from evolutionary psychologists?, Sean Teck Hao LEE
Rhetoric or remorse? An analysis of BP’s structure of apology in the Gulf Coast oil spill, A. DIERS and A. PANG
Ridesourcing systems: A framework and review, Hai WANG and Hai YANG
Rights of culture, rights of conscience, Chandran KUKATHAS
Robust factorization machine: A doubly capped norms minimization, Chenghao LIU, Teng ZHANG, Jundong LI, Jianwen YIN, Peilin ZHAO, Jianling SUN, and Steven C. H. HOI
Robustly optimal reserve price, Wei HE and Jiangtao LI
Robustness, sensitivity and sampling variability of Pareto-optimal selection system solutions to address the quality-diversity trade-off, Wilfried DE CORTE, Paul SACKETT, and Filip LIEVENS
Robust tracking with discriminative ranking middle-level patches, Hong LIU, Zilin LIANG, and Qianru SUN
Route planning for a fleet of electric vehicles with waiting times at charging stations, Baoxiang LI, Shashi Shekhar JHA, and Hoong Chuin LAU
Rumor detection on Twitter with tree-structured recursive neural networks, Jing MA, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
Running on the spot? A review of twenty years of research on the management of human resources in comparative and international perspective, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Howard GOSPEL, and John MONTGOMERY
Safe and secure? Not without digital hygiene, Kunaciilan Nallappan
Salient pairwise spatio-temporal interest points for real-time activity recognition, Mengyuan LIU, Hong LIU, Qianru SUN, Tianwei ZHANG, and Runwei DING
Sanctions for nuclear inhibition: Comparing sanctions conditions between Iran and North Korea, Inwook KIM and Jung-Chul LEE
Saravanan Gopinathan [Singapore, Dean of National Institute of Education], Saravanan Gopinathan
Scaled PCA: A new approach to dimension reduction, Dashan HUANG, Fuwei JIANG, Guoshi TONG, and Guofu ZHOU
SCAN: Multi-hop calibration for mobile sensor arrays, Balz MAAG, Zimu ZHOU, Olga SAUKH, and Lothar THIELE
Scarcity in the twenty-first century: How the resource nexus affects management, Simon J. D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Mark WORKMAN, and Charles DEAN
Schedule creep: In search of an uncongested baseline block time by examining scheduled flight block times worldwide 1986–2016, Terence P. C. FAN
School of Law Annual Report 2018: Embracing change in an Evolving world, Singapore Management University
Search engines and internet defamation: Of publication and legal responsibility, Gary Kok Yew CHAN
Searching for the X-Factor: Exploring corpus subjectivity for word embeddings, Maksim TKACHENKO, Chong Cher CHIA, and Hady W. LAUW
Search in my way: Practical outsourced image retrieval framework supporting unshared key, Xiangyu WANG, Jianfeng MA, Ximeng LIU, and Yinbin MIAO
Second stage development of the Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model in crisis communication: Organizational strategies for crises that require high and low organizational engagements, Augustine PANG, Yan JIN, and Glen T. CAMERON
Secure enforcement of isolation policy on multicore platforms with virtualization techniques, Siqi ZHAO
Secure online/offline data sharing framework for cloud-assisted industrial internet of things, Yinbin MIAO, Qiuyun TONG, Kim-Kwang Raymond CHOO, Ximeng LIU, Robert H. DENG, and Hongwei LI
Securing messaging services through efficient signcryption with designated equality test, Yujue WANG, Hwee Hwa PANG, Robert H. DENG, Yong DING, Qianhong WU, and Bo QIN
Securing the corporate sustainability advantage, Havovi Joshi
Security token offerings: The next big thing?, Singapore Management University
Seeing like a Hayekian, Chandran KUKATHAS
Seeking and ensuring interdependence: Commitment desirability and the initiation and maintenance of close relationships, Kenneth TAN, Christopher R. AGNEW, and Benjamin W. HADDEN
See no evil, hear no evil? Dissecting the impact of online hacker forums, Wei T. YUE, Qiu-Hong WANG, and Kai‐Lung HUI
Selection methods used by executive search consultancies in four European countries: A survey and critique, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Selective discrete particle swarm optimization for the team orienteering problem with time windows and partial scores, Vincent F. YU, Perwira A. A. N. REDI, Parida JEWPANYA, and Aldy GUNAWAN
Self-determination theory as a framework for understanding needs of youth at-risk: Perspectives of social service professionals and the youth themselves, Tania NAGPAUL and Jinwen CHEN
Self-refining deep symmetry enhanced network for rain removal, Hong LIU, Hanrong YE, Xia LI, Wei SHI, Mengyuan LIU, and Qianru SUN
Semantic and influence aware k-representative queries over social streams, Yanhao WANG, Yuchen LI, and Kianlee TAN
Semantic patches for Java program transformation, Hong Jin KANG, Ferdian THUNG, Julia LAWALL, Gilles MULLER, Lingxiao JIANG, and David LO
Semiparametric estimation of partially linear dynamic panel data models with fixed effects, Liangjun SU and Yonghui ZHANG
Seng Hua Hng foodstuffs: Cracking the camel nut for growth, using data analytics, Gary PAN, Sin Mei CHEAH, and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Sensitive behavior analysis of android applications on unrooted devices in the wild, Xiaoxiao TANG
Sensorem – An efficient mobile platform for wireless sensor network visualization, Jin Ming KOH, Marcus SAK, Hwee Xian TAN, Huiguang LIANG, Fachmin FOLIANTO, and Tony QUEK
Sensorless sensing with WiFi, Zimu ZHOU, Chenshu WU, Zheng YANG, and Yunhao LIU
Sentence-level evidence embedding for claim verification with hierarchical attention networks, Jing MA, Wei GAO, Shafiq JOTY, and Kam-Fai WONG
Service Innovation in the Non-Profit Sector, Gabriel Boon Siong LIM
Setting aside an international arbitration award based on deficient pleadings, Darius CHAN
Setting the stage for special needs theatre, Chandran R
Severance by Unilateral Declaration: Lessons From Singapore, Alvin W. L. SEE
Shared leadership and team motivation: An exploratory study, Yufeng CHI
Sharing sequential values in a network, Ruben JUAREZ, Yu Ko CHIU, and Jingyi XUE
Sherlock: Microenvironment sensing for smartphones, Zheng YANG, Longfei SHANGGUAN, Weixi GU, Zimu ZHOU, Chenshu WU, and Yunhao LIU
Short sellers and corporate disclosure, Xia CHEN, Qiang CHENG, T. LUO, and Heng YUE
Short-selling prior to analyst recommendations, Can QU
Should claims on a bill of exchange be stayed in favour of arbitration?, Kwan Ho LAU
Shrimp on smartphones? eFishery: Agile innovation in Indonesian aquaculture (A), Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Adina WONG
Shrimp on smartphones? eFishery: Agile innovation in Indonesian aquaculture (B), Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Adina WONG
SIEVE: Helping developers sift wheat from chaff via cross-platform analysis, Agus SULISTYA, Gede A. A. P. PRANA, David LO, and Christoph TREUDE
Significance of sector-specific corporate social responsibility initiatives: Status and role of CSR in different sectors, A. PANG, A. MAK, and M. H. LEE
Signposting as a principle in lawmaking, Seow Hon TAN
Signs of social class: The experience of economic inequality in everyday life, Michael W. KRAUS, Jun Won PARK, and Jacinth J. X. TAN
Silence, procrustes and colonization: A response to Clegg et al.'s 'noise, parasites and translation: Theory and practice in management consulting', Andrew STURDY, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Robin FINCHAM, and Karen HANDLEY
Silver generation, golden age: Vanessa Keng, Nurin Nazifa Binte Mohd Yusoff
Similar but not quite the same: Differential unique associations of trait fear and trait anxiety with inhibitory control, Wei Xing TOH and Hwajin YANG
Similarities and differences in European conceptions of human resource management: Toward a polycentric study, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Derek PUGH
Simple effective named entity recognition for microblogs: Arabic as an example, Kareem DARWISH and Wei GAO
Simulated annealing for the single-vehicle cyclic inventory routing problem, Aldy GUNAWAN, Vincent F. YU, Audrey T. WIDJAJA, and Pieter. VANSTEENWEGEN
Singapore: A mix of traditional and new rules, Adeline CHONG
Singapore Apex Court lays down clear framework for arbitrability of insolvency-related claims, Darius CHAN
Singapore as a centre for international commercial litigation: Party autonomy to the fore, Adeline CHONG and Man YIP
Singapore as an ASEAN asset management hub, Francis KOH and Boris LIEDTKE
Singapore as a sustainable city: Past, present and the future, Tomoki FUJII and Rohan RAY
Singapore Company Law and the economy: Reciprocal influence over 50 years, Vincent OOI and Cheng Han TAN
Singapore Consumer Law, Gary LOW
Singapore convention on mediation, Adeline CHONG
Singapore convention series: Why is there no ‘seat’ of mediation?, Shouyu CHONG and Nadja ALEXANDER
Singapore Management University: Marketing a Master of Business Administration Programme, S. RAMASWAMI, Michelle P. LEE, and Chi Wei CHAN
Singapore Mediation Handbook, Nadja ALEXANDER, Joel LEE, and Kit-Wye LUM
Singapore's consistent, agile support for innovation and IP in a digital age, Sam SIM and Vincent OOI
Singapore’s ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ experience of city branding, Chee Wei TAN, Jiao TAN, Vignesh BASKARAN, and Mark CHONG
Singapore's International Arbitration Act 2012 vs Hong Kong's Arbitration Ordinance 2011, Darius CHAN
Singapore's latest efforts at regulating online hate speech, Siyuan CHEN and Chen Wei CHIA
Singhealth and SMU partner to train undergraduates in health economics and management, Singapore Management University
Single sourcing versus multisourcing: The roles of output verifiability on task modularity, Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, Alok GUPTA, and Sameer HASIJA
Situational judgment tests as measures of 21st century skills: Evidence across Europe and Latin America, Christoph HERDE, Filip LIEVENS, Emily G. SOLBERG, HARBAUGH Jan L., Mark H. STRONG, and Gary J. BURKHOLDER
Situational judgment tests for selection: Traditional versus construct-driven approaches, Paul A. TIFFIN, Lewis W. PATON, Deborah O'MARA, Carolyn MacCANN, Jonas W. B. LANG, and Filip LIEVENS
SLADE: A smart large-scale task decomposer in crowdsourcing, Yongxin TONG, Lei CHEN, Zimu ZHOU, H. V. JAGADISH, and Lidan SHOU
Small data, small steps: Lessons from assessing the Investment Studio, Jiaxin LOW
Smart contract development: Challenges and opportunities, Weiqin ZOU, David LO, Pavneet Singh KOCHHAR, Xuan-Bach D. LE, Xin XIA, Yang FENG, Zhenyu CHEN, and Baowen XU
Smartkarma: Market opportunity in investment research, Reddi KOTHA and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Smartwatch-based early gesture detection & trajectory tracking for interactive gesture-driven applications, Tran Huy VU, Archan MISRA, Quentin ROY, Kenny Tsu Wei CHOO, and Youngki LEE
SMRT: Internal crisis leadership, Augustine PANG and Lakshmi APPASAMY
SMU appoints new Provost and School of Social Sciences Dean, Singapore Management University
SMU celebrates the graduation of its 15th and largest batch, Singapore Management University
SMU enhances its undergraduate curriculum to nurture graduates who can deliver meaningful impact globally, Singapore Management University
SMU expands city campus footprint with new sustainable development named Tahir Foundation Connexion, Singapore Management University
SMU honours Professor Arnoud De Meyer with its highest appointment of University Professorship, Singapore Management University
SMU launches new degree programmes in Computer Science and Computing & Law, Singapore Management University
SMU partners with Google to nurture future-ready analytics talent to meet industry demand, Singapore Management University
SMU School of Law awarded significant research grant to address governance of AI and data use, in support of the development of Singapore’s digital economy, Singapore Management University
SMU & Singapore Judicial College to jointly offer Master of Laws in Judicial Studies from August 2019, Singapore Management University
SMU: We are different [advertisement], Singapore Management University
SMU: We mean business: We are different, Singapore Management University
Sociability, golf courses, and the performance of institutional investors, Chi Shen WEI and Lei ZHANG
Social hierarchy and joint search as antecedents of innovation originality, Metin Onal VURAL and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX
Social justice and the nation-state: A modest attack, Chandran KUKATHAS
Social media content analysis: Natural language processing and beyond, Kam-Fai WONG, Wei GAO, Ruifeng XU, and Wenjie LI
Social media crisis preparedness of organizations in Singapore, DAVID and A. PANG
Social media hype in times of crises: How can organizations respond?, A. PANG
Social media hype in times of crises: Nature, characteristics and impact on organizations, Augustine PANG
Social media influencers as crisis risks: Impact of personal indiscretions on professional endorsements, SNG, T. Y. AU, K. E. LIM, and A. PANG
Social network monitoring for bursty cascade detection, Wei XIE, Feida ZHU, Jing XIAO, and Jianzong WANG
Social software development: Insights and solutions, Abhishek SHARMA
Social tipping points and Earth systems dynamics, R.A. Bentley, E. Maddison, P. Ranner, J. Bissell, C. Caiado, P. Bhatanacharoen, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Botha M., Akinbami F., Hollow M., Michie R., Huntley B., Curtis S., and Garnett P.
Societal trust and corporate tax avoidance, Kiridaran KANAGARETNAM, Jimmy LEE, Chee Yeow LIM, and Gerald LOBO
Socioeconomic mobility and talent utilization of workers from poorer backgrounds: The overlooked importance of within-organization dynamics, Marko PITESA and Madan M. PILLUTLA
Sociosexuality and sexual conflict in mating strategies, Nadhilla Velda MELIA and Norman P. LI
So, farewell then ... Reflections on editing the Journal of Management Studies, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Mike WRIGHT
Soliciting resources from others: An integrative review, Jia Hui LIM, Kenneth TAI, Peter A. BAMBERGER, and Elizabeth W. MORRISON
Sources of health financing and health outcomes: A panel data analysis, Tomoki FUJII
South Korea: Building ties in Southeast Asia, Singapore Management University
Sovereign immunity in the enforcement of awards against States, Darius CHAN
Spatio-temporal analysis and prediction of cellular traffic in metropolis, Xu WANG, Zimu ZHOU, Fu XIAO, Kai XING, Zheng YANG, Yunhao LIU, and Chunyi PENG
Specification tests for temporal heterogeneity in spatial panel models with fixed effects, Yuhong XU and Zhenlin YANG
Specific job search self-efficacy beliefs and behaviors of unemployed ethnic minority women, Greet VAN HOYE, Edwin A. J. VAN HOOFT, Jolien STREMERSCH, and Filip LIEVENS
Spillover effects in mutual fund companies, Clemens SIALM and T. Mandy THAM
Spread, depth, and order flow patterns of warrants and their underlying stocks on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Charlie CHAROENWONG, Nuttawat VISALTANACHOTI, and David K. DING
Stablecoins: The cryptocurrency Holy Grail?, Singapore Management University
Standardized LM tests for spatial error dependence in linear or panel regressions, Badi H. BALTAGI and Zhenlin YANG
Standard of Care and Indeterminacy in Medical Negligence, Kee Yang LOW and Aaron Chor Yin LIM
Starbucks China: Facing Luckin, the local disruptor, Nirmalya KUMAR and Sheetal BHARDWAJ
Staying in the limelight: Image management strategies of Kim Kardashian – Lessons for corporate communication, ANUSHKA, K. WONG, K. R. OH, M. H. CHUA, and A. PANG
Stewardship for the 21st century, Singapore Management University
Stock market responses to unethical behavior in organizations: An organizational context model, Bradford E. BAKER, Rellie DERFLER-ROZIN, Marko PITESA, and Micheal D. JOHNSON
Stock price contagion effects of low-quality audits at the individual audit partner level, Ferdinand A. GUL, Chee Yeow LIM, Kun WANG, and Yanping XU
Stock recommendations in China: Buyer beware, Singapore Management University
Stop calling those who speak up a vocal minority, David CHAN
Stranded: A spark of hope, Jayarani and Lakshmi APPASAMY
Strategic communication in crisis governance: Singapore’s management of the SARS crisis, Jin YAN, Augustine PANG, and Glen T. CAMERON
Strategic management of communication: Insights from the contingency theory of strategic conflict management, Augustine PANG, Yan JIN, and Glen T. CAMERON
Strategic response from Singapore Airlines to the rapid expansion of global, full-service hub carriers in the Middle East, Terence P. C. FAN
Strategy viewed from a management fashion perspective, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Streaming music diffusion in a semi-closed social environment, Jing REN and Robert John KAUFFMAN
Stripping to the undercoat: A review and reflections on a piece of organization theatre, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Iain MANGHAM
Striving to earn more: A survey of work strategies and tool use among crowd workers, Toni KAPLAN, Susumu SAITO, Kotaro HARA, and Jeffrey P. BIGHAM
Strong consistency of spectral clustering for stochastic block models, Liangjun SU, Wuyi WANG, and Yichong ZHANG
Strong consistency of spectral clustering for stochastic block models, Liangjun SU, Wuyi WANG, and Yichong ZHANG
Structo: A start-up in 3D printing for the dental industry, Reddi KOTHA and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Structure and structural change in European manufacturing organisations: A comparative study, Derek PUGH, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, and Geoff MALLORY
Studying the relationship between performance and Z-Scores for manufacturing firms in Singapore, See Liang FOO and Shaakalya PATHAK
Studying troubleshooting in computer-controlled production systems: Lessons in research design and implementation, Susan R. BEREITER and Steven M. MILLER
Subgroup differences in situational judgment test scores: Evidence from large applicant samples, Christoph N. HERDE, Filip LIEVENS, Duncan J. R. JACKSON, Ali SHALFROOSHAN, and Philip L. ROTH
Subjective effectiveness in agent-to-human negotiation: A frame x personality account, Yinping YANG, Ya Hui M. SEE, Andrew ORTONY, and Jacinth Jia Xin TAN
Subverting Institutions: Derrida and Zhuangzi on the power of institutions, Steven BURIK
Subverting the logics of "smartness" in Singapore: Smart eldercare and parallel regimes of sustainability, Orlando WOODS
SugarMate: Non-intrusive blood glucose monitoring with smartphones, Weixi GU, Yuxun ZHOU, Zimu ZHOU, Xi LIU, Han ZOU, Pei ZHANG, Costas J. SPANOS, and Lin ZHANG
Summarizing source code with transferred API knowledge, Xing HU, Ge LI, Xin XIA, David LO, Shuai LU, and Zhi JIN
Sun Ray Scheme: Building leadership capabilities in the social service sector, Jonathan Henry CHANG and Chi Wei CHAN
Supporting party autonomy in the enforcement of cross-border mediated settlement agreements: A brave new world or unchartered territory?, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON
Surakiart Sathirathai [Thailand, Deputy Prime Minister], Surakiart Sathirathai
SureCash: Promoting financial inclusion in Bangladesh, Aurobindo Ghosh and Lipika Bhattacharya
Surrogacy, child’s welfare, and public policy in adoption applications, Seow Hon TAN
Surrogacy, child’s welfare and public policy in adoption applications: UKM v. Attorney-General, Seow Hon TAN
Survey article: Multiculturalism as fairness: Will Kymlicka's multicultural citizenship, Chandran KUKATHAS
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono [Indonesia, President], Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Sustaining independent journals, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Mike WRIGHT
Swaption portfolio risk management: Optimal model selection in different interest rate regimes, Poh Ling NEO and Chyng Wen TEE
SybMatch: Sybil detection for privacy-preserving task matching in crowdsourcing, Jiangang SHU, Ximeng LIU, Kan YANG, Yinghui ZHANG, Xiaohua JIA, and Robert H. DENG
Symposium on POFMA: Parliamentary debates about POFMA – Hansard beyond statutory interpretation?, Benjamin Joshua ONG
Tackling elder abuse: State intervention under Singapore's Vulnerable Adults Act, Wing Cheong CHAN
Tackling the health gap: The role of psychosocial processes, Nancy E. ADLER and Jacinth J. X. TAN
Taiwan, Christopher C. H. CHEN
Taiwan IP court decisions tend to treat likelihood of confusion and likelihood of dilution as mutually interchangeable, Kung-chung LIU and Fa-Chang CHENG
Taking a journey on research data management in Singapore, Pin Pin Yeo and Danping Dong
Taking bills of exchange into arbitration, Kwan Ho LAU
Taking careful stock of the CHRO role, Richard Raymond SMITH
Taking leaps of faith: Evaluation criteria and resource commitments for early-stage inventions, Phillip H. KIM, Reddi KOTHA, Sebastian P. L. FOURNÉ, and Kristof COUSSEMENT
Talent flow analytics in online professional network, Richard J. OENTARYO, Ee-peng LIM, Xavier Jayaraj Siddarth ASHOK, and Philips Kokoh PRASETYO
Talent flow is key to Greater Bay Area development, Singapore Management University
Tan Cheng Bock [Singapore, Member of Parliament], Cheng Bock Tan
Tapping the power of local knowledge: A local-global interactive perspective, Shenxue LI, Mark EASTERBY-SMITH, Majorie A. LYLES, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Target material identification with commodity RFID devices, Xinyi LI, Chao FENG, Nana DING, Ju WANG, Jie XIONG, Yuhui REN, Xiaojiang CHEN, and Dingyi FANG
Target saving in an overlapping generations model, Brishti Guha and Ashok S. GUHA
Taxation of automation and artificial intelligence as a tool of labour policy, Vincent OOI and Glendon GOH
Taxation of automation and artificial intelligence as a tool of labour policy, Vincent OOI and Glendon GOH
Taxing "all other income" in Singapore and Malaysia, Vincent OOI
Tax uncertainty and business activity, Jungho LEE and Jianhuan XU
Teachers, education, and inequality in the developing world, Singapore Management University
Team-level constructs, David CHAN
Technological convergence and entrepreneurial opportunities, Wee Liang TAN
Technologies for ageing-in-place: The Singapore context, Nadee GOONAWARDENE, Pius LEE, Hwee Xian TAN, Alvin C. VALERA, and Hwee-Pink TAN
Technology specifications and production timing in a co-opetitive supply chain, Baozhuang NIU, Kanglin CHEN, Xin FANG, Xiaohang YUE, and Xin WANG
Tech to the future: Is it time to curb the tech bandwagon?, Chris Oestereich
Telling tales: Management consultancy as the art of story telling, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and G. SALAMAN
Telling tales: Management gurus' narratives and the construction of managerial identity, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Graeme SALAMAN
Temporal trajectories of enacted complexity in creative project teams, Kenneth T. GOH and Brian T. PENTLAND
Temporal understanding of human mobility: A multi-time scale analysis, Tongtong LIU, Zheng YANG, Yi ZHAO, Chenshu WU, Zimu ZHOU, and Yunhao LIU
Ten trends in international mediation, Nadja ALEXANDER
Ten years of hunting for similar code for fun and profit (keynote), Stephane GLONDU, Lingxiao JIANG, and Zhendong SU
Text analytics approach to examining corporate social responsibility, Nurul Asyikeen Binte AZHAR, Gary PAN, Poh Sun SEOW, Andrew KOH, and Wan Ying TAY
Text sophistication and sophisticated investors, Juha JOENVAARA, Jari KARPPINEN, Song Wee Melvyn TEO, and Cristian Ioan TIU
The 1994 Practice Statement and twenty years on, Kwan Ho LAU
The active audience? Gurus, management ideas and consumer variability, Claudia GROß, Stefan HEUSINKVELD, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The adaptive functions of jealousy, Jose C. YONG and Norman P. LI
The aging of a young nation: Population aging in Singapore, Rahul MALHOTRA, Andre M. MULLER, Su AW, Gerald Choon Huat KOH, Yin-Leng THENG, Stephen James HOSKINS, Chek Hooi WONG, Chunyan MIAO, Wee-Shiong LIM, Chetna MALHOTRA, and Angelique CHAN
The American people in crisis: A content analysis, Roderick P. HART, Sharon E. JARVIS, and Elvin T. LIM
The anti-federalist strand in progressive politics and political thought, Elvin T. LIM
The anti-intellectual presidency: The decline of presidential rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush, Elvin T. LIM
The arts and culture strategic review report: Harnessing the arts for community-building, Su Fern HOE
The Asian way and modern liberalism: A Hayekian perspective, Chandran KUKATHAS
The Australian political system, David LOVELL, Ian MCALLISTER, William MALEY, and Chandran KUKATHAS
The avoidance of pre-bankruptcy transactions: An economic and comparative approach, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ
The beat goes on: Arthur Choo, Ishan Singh
The bright side of political uncertainty: The case of R&D, Julian ATANASSOV, Brandon JULIO, and Tiecheng LENG
The business of accelerating the acceleration of startups, David Wai Lun NG
The capacitated team orienteering problem, Aldy GUNAWAN, Kien Ming NG, Vincent F. YU, Gordy ADIPRASETYO, and Hoong Chuin LAU
The case for open immigration, Chandran KUKATHAS
The changemaker playlist - Music Edition, Gabrielle See
The changing use of executive recruitment consultancies: 1989-1993, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The chilling effect of enforcement of computer misuse: Evidences from online hacker forums, Qiu-hong WANG, Rui-Bin GENG, and Seung Hyun KIM
The constitutionality of ouster clauses: Nagaenthran a/l K Dharmalingam v Attorney-General [2018] SGHC 112, Benjamin Joshua ONG
The corporate social media spokesperson: Who should speak on behalf of the organization in times of crises?, Ratna DAMAYANTI, S. A. RODRIGUES, S. CHUA, and A. PANG
The corporate social responsibility of TQLS group in the Liangshan prefecture (A), Heli WANG, Sin Mei CHEAH, Bo HE, and Hongliang ZHANG
The corporate social responsibility of TQLS group in the Liangshan prefecture (B), Heli WANG, Sin Mei CHEAH, Bo HE, and Hongliang ZHANG
The corporate social responsibility of TQLS group in the Liangshan prefecture (C), Heli WANG, Sin Mei CHEAH, Bo HE, and Hongliang ZHANG
The cultural contradictions of socialism, Chandran KUKATHAS
The cultural relativity of human resource management: Is there a universal model?, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The dark side of implementing Basel capital requirements: Theory, evidence, and policy, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ and Nydia REMOLINA
The differential impact of interactions outside the organization on employee well-being, Devasheesh P. BHAVE, Freyr HALLDÓRSSON, Eugene KIM, and Alexandru M. LEFTER
The economics of managerial taxes and corporate risk-taking, Chris ARMSTRONG, Stephen GLAESER, Sterling HUANG, and Daniel TAYLOR
The effect of SSAP 101 on loss provisioning by property-casualty insurers, Jiang CHENG, Travis K. CHOW, Tzu-Ting LIN, and Tee Yong Jeffrey NG
The effects of corporate reputation and compensation disclosure on investor judgments, Poh Sun SEOW, Clarence GOH, and Gary PAN
The effects of perceived decision-making styles on evaluations of openness and competence that elicit collaboration, Ming-Hong TSAI, Nadhilla Velda MELIA, and Verlin B. HINSZ
The elements of effective program design: A two-level analysis, Michael HOWLETT, Ishani MUKHERJEE, and Jeremy RAYNER
The extensive and intensive margins of time investments on the skill development of children and adolescents, Yi Rachel TAN
The fashion of management fashion: A surge too far?, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The federalist provenance of the principle of privacy, Elvin T. LIM
The flexible University: Neoliberal education and the global production of migrant labor, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA
The founding of Flipz: Living the entrepreneurship dream?, Kenneth T. GOH and Sin Mei CHEAH
The Future is a Moving Goal Post: Change Management in Academic Libraries, Gulcin CRIBB
The future of Asian trade deals and IP, Kung-Chung LIU and Julien CHAISSE
The geography of CSR, David K. DING, Christo FERREIRA, and Udomsak WONGCHOTI
The global learning crisis, Claudia Costin
The governance divide in global corporate responsibility: The global structuration of reporting and certification frameworks, 1998-2017, Shawn POPE and Alwyn LIM
The heritage-making conundrum in Asian cities: Real, transformed and imagined legacies, David OCON
The idea of a multicultural society, Chandran KUKATHAS
The impact of advertising share of voice on the idiosyncratic risk of the firm, Sungkyun MOON, Kapil R. TULI, and Anirban MUKHERJEE
The impact of an electrical mini-grid on the development of a rural community in Kenya, AbuBakr BAHAJ, Luke BLUNDEN, Christopher KANANI, Patrick JAMES, Issac KIVA, Zoe MATTHEWS, Heather PRICE, Hildah ESSENDI, Jane EALKINGHAM, and Gerard GEORGE
The impact of buyer uncertainty on the selection of executive recruitment consultancies, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The impact of camaderie on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry, Huiping Josephine TAN
The impact of changes mislabeled by SZZ on just-in-time defect prediction, Yuanrui FAN, Xin XIA, Daniel A. COSTA, David LO, Ahmed E. HASSAN, and Shanping LI
The impact of CSR on corporate financial performance, David K. DING
The impact of entrepreneurial leadership on team climate and innovation work behaviour in start-up contexts, Kin Kah NEO
The impact of monetary policy announcements on stock market: Evidence from China, Yu ZENG
The impact of strategic choice on the international-ization of the firm, Timothy CLARK and Geoff MALLORY
The influence of work on personality trait development: The Demands-Affordances TrAnsactional (DATA) model, an integrative review, and research agenda, Stephen A. WOODS, Bart WILLE, Chia-huei WU, Filip LIEVENS, and Filip DE FRUYT
The informational role of overconfident CEOs, Chi Shen WEI and Lei ZHANG
The information in asset fire sales, Sheng HUANG, Matthew C. RINGGENBERG, and Zhe ZHANG
The interpersonal effect of guilt expressions on cooperation: The role of social perceptions, Nadhilla Velda MELIA
The investment model scale, Christopher AGNEW, Ezgi BESIKCI, and Kenneth TAN
The labor theory of justice, Chandran KUKATHAS
The last refuge hard and soft hansonism in contemporary Australian politics, Chandran KUKATHAS and William MALEY
The liberal archipelago: A theory of diversity and freedom, Chandran KUKATHAS
The life of Brian, or now for something completely difference-blind, Chandran KUKATHAS
The limitation on benefits provision in BEPS Action 6/Multilateral Instrument: Ineffective overreaction of mind-numbing complexity: Part 2, Blazej KUZNIACKI
The lion and the lamb: Demythologizing Franklin Roosevelt's fireside chats, Elvin T. LIM
The lovers' quarrel: The two foundings and American political development, Elvin T. LIM
The making of a successful analytics master degree program: Experiences and lessons drawn for a young and small Asian university, Michelle L. F. CHEONG
The making of a successful analytics master degree program: Experiences and lessons drawn for a young and small Asian university, Michelle L. F. CHEONG
The management guru as organizational witchdoctor, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Graeme SALAMAN
The management of natural resources: An overview and research agenda, Gerard GEORGE, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, and Teng Lit LIAK
The market provision of management services, information asymmetries and service quality - Some market solutions: An empirical example, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The Mediating Effects of Job Engagement between Spirituality at Work and Performance, Eileen Pei Shan LAI
The mirage of global justice, Chandran KUKATHAS
The modern library and its roles in publishing and research support: An example from Singapore Management University, Pin Pin YEO
The multidimensionality of business risk: A managerial perspective implications for its classification, interpretation & management, Prakash BAGRI
The new UN Convention on mediation (aka the ‘Singapore Convention’) – Why it’s important for Hong Kong, Nadja ALEXANDER and Shou Yu CHONG
Theoretical principles relevant to assessment center design and implementation, George C. THORNTON and Filip LIEVENS
The Oxford handbook of management consulting, Matthias KIPPING and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The perception of spontaneous and volitional laughter across 21 societies, Gregory A. BRYAN, Daniel M. FESSLER, Riccardo FUSAROLI, Edward CLINT, Dorsa AMIR, Brenda CHAVEZ, Kaleda K. DENTON, Cinthya DIAZ, Lealaiailoto T. DURAN, Jana FANCOVICOVA, Michal FUX, Erni F. GINTING, Youssef HASAN, Anning HU, Shanmukh V. KAMBLE, Tatsuya KAMEDA, Kiri KURODA, Norman P. LI, and et al
The perception of variety, Singapore Management University
The philosophy of economic rationalism: Thoughts on conservative discontent, Chandran KUKATHAS
The power of sameness, Singapore Management University
The principles of the law of restitution in Singapore, Hang Wu TANG
The process of internationalization in the operating firm, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Derek S. PUGH, and Geoff MALLORY
The pyramid of nonprofit responsibilities: The institutionalization of organizational actorhood across sectors, Shawn POPE, Patricia BROMLEY, Alwyn LIM, and John W. MEYER
The quest for replicability: A review of research data policies in economics journals, Melody CHIN and Danping DONG
The (re)introduction of dual-class share structures in Hong Kong: a historical and comparative analysis, Hui Robin HUANG, Wei ZHANG, and Siu Cheung Kelvin LEE
The relationship between future goals and achievement goal orientations: An intrinsic-extrinsic motivation perspective, Jie Qi LEE, Dennis M. MCINERNEY, Gregory Arief D. LIEM, and Yasmin Y. ORTIGA
The relationships of team diversity, social capital and ambidexterity, Hock Seng NG
The retransmission of rumor-related tweets: Characteristics of source and message, CHUA, Cheng-Ying TEE, A. PANG, and Ee-peng LIM
The retransmission of rumor-related tweets: Characteristics of source and message, Alton Y. K. CHUA, Cheng-Ying TEE, A. PANG, and Ee-peng LIM
The revealed preference theory of stable matchings with one-sided preferences, Gaoji HU, Jiangtao LI, and Rui TANG
The reviewing of the American Mind: Allan Bloom and his critics, Chandran KUKATHAS
The Right Chord: Evelyn Lee, Ishan Singh
The rise and fall of bike-sharing platforms: A lesson in e-commerce, Singapore Management University
The rise of open scholarly data and possible implications, Aaron Tay
The rise of open scholarly data & possible implications for libraries, Aaron TAY
The rise of party autonomy in commercial conflict of laws, Tiong Min YEO
The rise of real-time retail payments, Zhiling GUO
The rise of satirical news sites and its effects on organizational reputation, LEE, J. CHIA, and A. PANG
The role of bilingual interactional contexts in predicting interindividual variability in executive functions: A latent variable analysis, Andree HARTANTO and Hwajin YANG
The role of career and wage incentives in labor productivity: Evidence from a two-stage field experiment in Malawi, Hyuncheol KIM, Seonghoon KIM, and Thomas KIM
The role of emotions in crisis responses: Inaugural test of the integrated crisis mapping (ICM) model, Yan JIN, Augustine PANG, and Glen T. CAMERON
The role of historians in East Asia’s history problem, Hiro SAITO
The role of situations in situational judgment tests: Effects on construct saturation, predictive validity, and applicant perceptions, Philipp SCHÄPERS, Patrick MUSSEL, Filip LIEVENS, Cornelius J. KÖNIG, Jan-Philipp FREUDENSTEIN, and Stefan KRUMM
The role of space and time in balancing conflicting pressures through routine dynamics, Kenneth T. GOH and Claus RERUP
The role of the arts in placemaking Singapore, Su Fern Hoe
The role of urban mobility in retail business survival, Krittika D'SILVA, Kasthuri JAYARAJAH, Anastasios NOULAS, Cecilia MASCOLO, and Archan MISRA
The ‘Seven S’ approach to subject-based banding in schools, David CHAN
The significance of civil society, Chandran KUKATHAS and David LOVELL
The Singapore convention on mediation - A brighter future for Asian dispute resolution, Eunice CHUA
The Singapore convention on mediation - A brighter future for Asian dispute resolution, Eunice CHUA
The Singapore Convention on Mediation: A Commentary, Nadja ALEXANDER and Shouyu CHONG
The situated production of stories, David GREATBATCH and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
The social ladder: A rank-based perspective on social class, Michael W. KRAUS, Jacinth J. X. TAN, and Melanie B. TANNENBAUM
The spirulina strategy, Singapore Management University
The state of legal innovation in Asia-Pacific, Jerrold Tsin Howe SOH
The stigma that keeps consultants from using flex time, Alison T. Wynn and Aliya Hamid RAO
The story of colours in traffic accidents, Singapore Management University
The Story of the Blue Chair: Designer/Librarian Journey, Gulcin CRIBB, Tamagin BLAKE-SMITH, and Devika SANGARAM
The technology tide: Has IT hit the shores of social innovation?, Andrew Koh
The temporal pattern of creativity and implementation in teams, Kathrin ROSING, Ronald BLEDOW, Michael FRESE, Nataliya BAYTALSKAYA, Johanna Johanna JOHNSON LASCANO, and James L. FARR
The theory of politics: An Australian perspective, Chandran KUKATHAS
The thought collective: Challenges in balancing social and financial goals (A), Kenneth T. GOH, SEAH WAN ZHEN, and Chi Wei CHAN
The thought collective: Challenges in balancing social and financial goals (B), Kenneth T. GOH, SEAH WAN ZHEN, and Chi Wei CHAN
The transformation of Globe Telecom, Havovi JOSHI, Christopher DULA, and Philip ZERRILLO
The transition from socialism: State and civil society in Gobarchev's USSR, Chandran KUKATHAS, David W. LOVELL, and William MALEY
The two foundings thesis, Sonu BEDI and Elvin T. LIM
The unusual suspect: Reflections on the attach on America, Chandran KUKATHAS
The use of domestic precedents in proving Foreign Law, Kwan Ho LAU
The use of metaphor in the client-consultant relationship: A study of management consultants, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and G. SALAMAN
The use of selection methods by executive recruitment consultancies (In Polish), Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and J. BILLSBERRY
The who, where, what, how and when of market entry, Gideon MARKMAN, Peter GIANIODIS, G. Tyge PAYNE, Christopher TUCCI, Igor FILATOTCHEV, Reddi KOTHA, and Eric GEDAJLOVIC
The world in 2019, Vaibhav SAHGAL
The world predictive power of U.S. equity market skewness risk, Jian CHEN, Fuwei JIANG, Shuyu XUE, and Jiaquan YAO
The WTO’s transparency obligations and China, Henry S. GAO
Thinking LEAN: The relevance of Gemba-Kaizen and visual assessment in collection management, Nazimah RAM NATH
Thinking smart:How to master work, life and everything in-between, Nirmalya KUMAR
Third party employment branding: What are its signaling dimensions, mechanisms, and sources?, Brian R. DINEEN, Greet VAN HOYE, Filip LIEVENS, and Lindsay Mechem ROSOKHA
Thirty years of instrument research: What have we learned and where are we going?, Michael HOWLETT, Ishani MUKHERJEE, and J.J. WOO
Three essays on corporate finance, Mengyao KANG
Three essays on corporate finance, Yuan ZHUANG
Three essays on information diffusion and market friction, Li GUO
Three essays on nonstationary time-series analysis and network dynamics, Yubo TAO
Three essays on return predictability and asset pricing, Fuwei JIANG
Three “I’s” to build the supporting ecosystem for our future economy, David CHAN
Three useful things to know about customer value propositions, Singapore Management University
Three useful things to know about running a team, Singapore Management University
Tolerating the intolerable, Chandran KUKATHAS
Toleration without limits: A construction and defence of Pierre Bayle's philosophical commentary, Chandran KUKATHAS
Tony Tan [Singapore, President, Minister for Defence, Education], Tony Tan
Too much of a good thing – when virtue becomes vice, David CHAN
Topic extraction from microblog posts using conversation structures, Jing LI, Ming LIAO, Wei GAO, Yulan HE, and Kam-Fai WONG
TopicSummary: A tool for analyzing class discussion forums using topic based summarizations, Swapna GOTTIPATI, Venky SHANKARARAMAN, and Renjini RAMESH
Tort law, Amirthalingam KUMARALINGAM and Gary Kok Yew CHAN
To the attention of mobile software developers: Guess what, test your app!, Luis C. CRUZ, Rui ABREU, and David LO
To transform or NOT to transform: Academic libraries in the age of uncertainty, Gulcin CRIBB
Toward a holistic approach of evaluating higher education institutes, Yidan CHEN
Toward a publics-driven, emotion-based approach in crisis communication: Testing the Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model, Yan JIN, A. PANG, and Glen T. CAMERON
Toward a publics-driven, emotion-based conceptualization in crisis communication: Unearthing dominant emotions in multi-staged testing of the Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model, Yan JIN, Augustine PANG, and Glen T. CAMERON
Towards accurate object localization with smartphones, Longfei SHANGGUAN, Zimu ZHOU, Zheng YANG, Kebin LIU, Zhenjiang LI, and Yunhao LIU
Towards accurate object localization with smartphones, Longfei SHANGGUAN, Zimu ZHOU, Zheng YANG, Kebin LIU, Zhenjiang LI, and Yunhao LIU
Towards a crisis pre-emptive image management model, Augustine PANG
Towards a crisis pre-emptive image management model, A. PANG
Towards a dynamic theory of enacted complexity, Kenneth T. GOH and Brian T. PENTLAND
Towards a harmonised approach to mediation legislation in Asia?, Nadja ALEXANDER
Towards mining comprehensive Android sandboxes, Tien-Duy B. LE, Lingfeng BAO, David LO, Debin GAO, and Li LI
Towards more Intra-Asia judicial cooperation in the constitutional sphere, Maartje DE VISSER
Towards understanding Android system vulnerabilities: Techniques and insights, Daoyuan WU, Debin GAO, Eric K. T. CHENG, Yichen CAO, Jintao JIANG, and Robert H. DENG
Tracking sentiment and topic dynamics from social media, Yulan HE, Chenghua LIN, Wei GAO, and Kam-Fai WONG
Tracking the language of time and space, 1945-2008, Roderick P. HART and Elvin T. LIM
Traffic-Cascade: Mining and visualizing lifecycles of traffic congestion events using public bus trajectories, Agus Trisnajaya KWEE, Meng-Fen CHIANG, Philips Kokoh PRASETYO, and Ee-peng LIM
Trailblazing inclusion in the higher education landscape, Singapore Management University
Transnational business governance interactions and financial regulation change: A case of Asian financial markets, Simin GAO and Christopher C. H. CHEN
Transnational corporate governance codes: Lessons from regulating related party transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore, Christopher C. H. CHEN and Wai Yee WAN
Trust and the headhunter, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Tweet sentiment: From classification to quantification, Wei GAO and Fabrizio SEBASTIANI
Twitter and the discovery mindset, Singapore Management University
Twitter CEO’s life and business lessons, Singapore Management University
Twitter’s acquisition of magic pony technology in the race for AI, Kenneth T. GOH, Sin Mei CHEAH, and Sin Mei CHEAH
Two concepts of liberalism, Chandran KUKATHAS
Two-sided value-based music artist recommendation in streaming music services, J. REN, Robert John KAUFFMAN, and D. KING
Uncertainty can be fun and motivating!, Singapore Management University
Understanding consultancy as performance: The dramaturgical metaphor, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and G. SALAMAN
Understanding Hayek, Chandran KUKATHAS
Understanding how timing of alliance formation affects new-venture survival: The dynamics of temporal congruence and contingency, David GOMULYA
Understanding open ports in Android applications: Discovery, diagnosis, and security assessment, Daoyuan WU, Debin GAO, Rocky K. C. CHANG, En HE, Eric K. T. CHENG, and Robert H. DENG
Understanding policy designs over time: Layering, stretching, patching and packaging, Michael HOWLETT, Ishani MUKHERJEE, and Jeremy RAYNER
Understanding the fundamentals of freight markets volatility, Kian Guan LIM, Nikos K. NOMIKOS, and Nelson YAP
Understanding the law of assignment, Chee Ho THAM
Unified M-estimation of fixed-effects spatial dynamic models with short panels, Zhenlin YANG
Unilateral transfers of contractual obligations, Kwan Ho LAU
Unjust enrichment: Revolution and evolution in the Asia-Pacific, Tiong Min YEO
Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory, Stefan BRONNIMANN, Rob ALLAN, Linden ASHCROFT, Saba BAER, Mariano BARRIENDOS, Fiona WILLIAMSON, and et al
Unsupervised discovery of discourse relations for eliminating intra-sentence polarity ambiguities, Lanjun ZHOU, Binyang LI, Wei GAO, Zhongyu WEI, and Kam-Fai WONG
Unsupervised multi-graph cross-modal hashing for large-scale multimedia retrieval, Liang XIE, Lei ZHU, and Guoqi CHEN
Unsupervised user identity linkage via factoid embedding, Wei XIE, Xin MU, Roy Ka Wei LEE, Feida ZHU, and Ee-peng LIM
U.S. economic outlook for the rest of 2018, Singapore Management University
Use of humor in crisis communication, GOH, K. SEET, Y. CHEN, X. NG, and A. PANG
Use of new media in government crisis communication: Assessing exigency, effectiveness, and expedience, C. CHONG, N. MATHUR, and A. PANG
US government efforts to repair its image after the 2008 financial crisis, Andrea A. CHUA and Augustine PANG
Using content-level structures for summarizing microblog repost trees, Jing LI, Wei GAO, Zhongyu WEI, Baolin PENG, and Kam-Fai WONG
Using conversation analysis for business and management students, David GREATBATCH and Timothy CLARK
Using customer service dialogues for satisfaction analysis with context-assisted multiple instance learning, Kaisong SONG, Lidong BING, Wei GAO, Jun LIN, Lujun ZHAO, Jiancheng WANG, Changlong SUN, Xiaozhong LIU, and Qiong ZHANG
Using data analytics to raise productivity and profitability: 4 key steps for SMEs, Gary PAN and Poh Sun SEOW
Using English information in Non-English web search, Wei GAO, Wei GAO, and Ming ZHOU
Using finite-state models for log differencing, Hen AMAR, Lingfeng BAO, Nimrod BUSANY, David LO, and Shahar MAOZ
Using multiple methods to more fully understand causal relations: Positive affect enhances social relationships, Shannon MOORE, Ed DIENER, and Kenneth TAN
Using online tutorials to teach the accounting cycle, Tracey Chunqi ZHANG, Lay Chin LOW, and Poh Sun SEOW
Using tweets to help sentence compression for news highlights generation, Zhongyu WEI, Yang LIU, Chen LI, and Wei GAO
US Presidential election 2012 prediction using census corrected Twitter model, Junyu CHOY, Michelle L. F. CHEONG, Nang Laik MA, and Ping Shung KOO
Utilizing computational trust to identify rumor spreaders on Twitter, Bhavtosh RATH, Wei GAO, Jing MA, and Jaideep SRIVASTAVA
Utilizing microblogs for improving automatic news high-lights extraction, Zhongyu WEI and Wei GAO
Venturing overseas, keeping business in the family, Singapore Management University
Verifiable computation using re-randomizable garbled circuits, Qingsong ZHAO, Qingkai ZENG, Ximeng LIU, and Huanliang XU
Veriown: Connecting the invisible woman in India, Howard THOMAS and Sheetal BHARDWAJ
Views and news from the 8th Journal of Private International Law Conference 2019 in Munich, Matthias WELLER, Giesela RUHL, Saloni KHANDERIA, Rui DIAS, Adeline CHONG, Apostolos ANTHIMOS, Ivana KUNDA, Ekaterina PANNEBAKKER, and Tobias LUTZI
Virtual trees in the real world, Singapore Management University
Visiting 'Home': Contacts with the homeland, self-reflexivity and emergent migrant bilingual identities, Alan WILLIAMS and Charlotte SETIJADI
Vocal programming for people with upper-body motor impairments, Lucas ROSENBLATT, Patrick CARRINGTON, Kotaro HARA, and Jeffrey P. BIGHAM
Volatility timing under low-volatility strategy, Poh Ling NEO and Chyng Wen TEE
Volatility timing under low-volatility strategy, Poh Ling NEO and Chyng Wen TEE
Voluntary disclosure with multiple channels and investor sophistication, Richard M. CROWLEY
Voting and commenting mechanisms in ongoing crowdsourcing platforms: A case study of lego ideas platform, Khalid Murzig M. ALHARBI
VT-Revolution: Interactive programming tutorials made possible, Lingfeng BAO, Zhenchang XING, Xin XIA, David LO, and Shanping LI
VT-Revolution: Interactive programming video tutorial authoring and watching system, Lingfeng BAO, Zhenchang XING, Xin XIA, and David LO
Vu Khoan [Vietnam, Deputy Prime Minister], Vu Khoan
Vulnerability to extreme heat in Metropolitan Phoenix: Spatial, temporal, and demographic dimensions, Winston T. L. CHOW, Wen-Ching CHUANG, and Patricia GOBER
VuRLE: Automatic vulnerability detection and repair by learning from examples, MA SIQI, Ferdian THUNG, David LO, Cong SUN, and Robert H. DENG
Warrants and their underlying stocks: Microstructure evidence from an emerging market, Charlie CHAROENWONG, David K. DING, and Nuttawat VISALTANACHOTI
Waste not, want not: Rayner Loi, Mike Ross Carroll
Weak σ-convergence: Theory and applications, Jianning KONG, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Donggyu SUL
Wealth inequality and financial development: Revisiting the symmetry breaking mechanism, Haiping ZHANG
We can hear you with Wi-Fi!, Guanhua WANG, Yongpan ZOU, Zimu ZHOU, Kaishun WU, and Lionel M. NI
Weight-based boosting model for cross-domain relevance ranking adaptation, Peng CAI, Wei GAO, Kam-Fai WONG, and Aoying ZHOU
Welcome message from the General Chairs, Nabil I. ALSHURAFA, Archan MISRA, and Abhishek MUKHERJI
Welfare, contract, and the language of charity, Chandran KUKATHAS
Well-being concepts and components, William TOV
Well-tuned algorithms for the team orienteering problem with time windows, Aldy GUNAWAN, Hoong Chuin LAU, Kun LU, and Lu KUN
What are mobile friendly library sites offering? A survey, Chee Hsien Aaron (ZHENG Zhixian) TAY
What are mobile friendly library sites offering? A survey, Chee Hsien Aaron (ZHENG Zhixian) TAY
What are the most powerful predictors of charitable giving to victims of typhoon Haiyan: Prosocial traits, socio-demographic variables, or eye cues?, Zoi MANESI, Paul A. M. Van Lange, Niels J. Van Doesum, and Thomas V. Pollet
What do Chinese clients want?, Ji LI and Wei ZHANG
What does a highly liveable Singapore mean?, David CHAN
What’s in a name? Industry 4.0 or Fourth Industrial Revolution or Digital Transformation, Gulcin CRIBB
When a nation’s leader is under siege: Managing personal reputation and engaging in public diplomacy, A. PANG, Ratna DAMAYANTI, and Yong-Sheng Eugene WOON
When a pandemic strikes: Towards the social media pandemic communication model, R. LIM, E. TAN, W. LIM, A. PANG, and A. PANG
When diversity becomes a problem, Singapore Management University
When do expert teams fail to create impactful inventions?, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Yimin LIN, and Gerard GEORGE
When silence is golden: The use of strategic silence in crisis management, Phuong D. LE, Hui Xun TEO, Augustine PANG, Yuling LI, and Cai-Qin GOH
When the tables are turned: The effects of the 2016 US Presidential election on in-group favoritism and out-group hostility, Burak OC, Celia MOORE, and Michael R. BASHSHUR
Where2Change: Change request localization for app reviews, Tao ZHANG, Jiachi CHEN, Xian ZHAN, Xiapu LUO, David LO, and He JIANG
Where does right-wing populism succeed sub-nationally? Explaining regional variation within France, Hamzah BIN ZAID and Devin K. JOSHI
Whether the Australian government inclines more to monarchy, or to a republic, Chandran KUKATHAS
Which variables should I log?, Zhongxin LIU, Xin XIA, David LO, Zhenchang XING, Ahmed E. HASSAN, and Shanping LI
Who should make decision on this pull request? Analyzing time-decaying relationships and file similarities for integrator prediction, Jing JIANG, David LO, Jiateng ZHENG, Xin XIA, Yun YANG, and Li ZHANG
Who? Whom? Reparations and the problem of agency, Chandran KUKATHAS
Why and how public trust matters, David CHAN
Why is my code change abandoned?, Qingye WANG, Xin XIA, David LO, and Shanping LI
Why not all failing teams are equal, Singapore Management University
Why open borders, Chandran KUKATHAS
Why performing arts belongs in the school of life, Paul Adams
Why reinventing the wheels? An empirical study on library reuse and re-implementation, Bowen XU, Le AN, Ferdian THUNG, Foutse KHOMH, and David LO
Why smart leaders fail, David CHAN
WiFi-based indoor line-of-sight identification, Zimu ZHOU, Zheng YANG, Chenshu WU, Longfei SHANGGUAN, Haibin CAI, Yunhao LIU, and Lionel M. NI
WiFi-based indoor line-of-sight identification, Zimu ZHOU, Zheng YANG, Chenshu WU, Longfei SHANGGUAN, Haibin CAI, Yunhao LIU, and Lionel M. NI
Will society break down when women earn more than men?, Singapore Management University
Win-win in distributive negotiations: The economic and relational benefits of strategic offer framing, Michael SCHAERER, Martin SCHWEINSBERG, Nico THORNLEY, and Roderick I. SWAAB
Within and beyond communities of practice: Making sense of learning through participation, identity and practice, Karen HANDLEY, Andrew STURDY, Robin FINCHAM, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Within-person job performance variability over short timeframes: Theory, empirical research, and practice, Reeshad S. DALAL, Balca ALAYBEK, and Filip LIEVENS
“Woke” advertising and The Best Men Can Be, Singapore Management University
Women in innovation: Challenges and opportunities, Mengzi JIN
Women’s preferences for men’s facial masculinity are strongest under favorable ecological conditions, U. M. MARCINKOWSKA; M. J. RANTALA; A. J. LEE; M. V. KOZLOV; T. AAVIK; H. CAI; J. CONTRERAS- GARDUNO; B. J. DIXON; O. A. DAVID; LI, Norman P.; Norman. P. LI; I. E. ONYISHI; K. PRASAI; F. PAZHOOHI; P. PROKOP; S. L. ROSALES CARDOZO; N. SYDNEY; H. TANIGUCHI; I. KRAMS; and B. J. W. DIXON
Worker demographics and earnings on amazon mechanical turk: An exploratory analysis, Kotaro HARA, Kristy MILLAND, Benjamin V. HANRAHAN, Chris CALLISON-BURCH, Abigail ADAMS, Saiph SAVAGE, and Jeffrey P. BIGHAM
Working it out: Migrants’ perspectives of social inclusion in the workplace, George MAJOR, Agnes TERRASCHKE, Emily MAJOR, and Charlotte SETIJADI
Writing and reasoning: A guide for facilitators, Justyn OLBY
Zainul Abidin Rasheed [Malaysia, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs], Zainul Abidin Rasheed
Zine 2018: A look at the past year, SMU Libraries