"Integrated assignment and routing with mixed service mode cross-dock" by Vincent YU, Aldy GUNAWAN et al.

Publication Type

Conference Paper



Publication Date



Amixed service mode cross-dock is a cross-dock facility that considers the useof flexible doors. Instead of having a specific task as an exclusive mode, eachdoor can be used as a flexible door, either an inbound or an outbound doordepending on the requirement. Having a mixed service mode cross-dock in anintegrated assignment and routing problem is a new model in large field ofcross-docking problems. Decisions that need to be made include doors’functionality, suppliers’ assignments, customers’ deliveries, and vehicles’ routeswith the objective of minimizing the total transportation and material handlingcosts. We develop a mathematical programming model and propose a SimulatedAnnealing (SA) algorithm to solve this new problem. Results from our owngenerated datasets show that our proposed SA is able to find all optimalsolutions with lower computational times compared against those of commercialsoftware, CPLEX. We further compare the total cost between a mixed service modecross-dock and an exclusive service mode cross-dock. Our results show that thecost savings from using our strategy are as much as 1.05%.


dock-door assignment, vehicle routing problem, cross-dock, simulated annealing


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Research Areas

Intelligent Systems and Optimization


14th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems ICLC 2019, Taipei, Taiwan, August 19-22



City or Country

Taipei, Taiwan
