School of Computing and Information Systems | Singapore Management University Research | Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management University
The collection contains journal articles, conference proceedings articles, books and book chapters, dissertations, and more written by the faculty and students at the Singapore Management University School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS). The school was formerly known as the School of Information Systems (SIS) and was renamed in 2021. The school research areas include Data science & engineering, Cybersecurity, Information systems & management, Intelligent systems & optimisation, Software & cyber-physical systems. SCIS is also focused on innovative research and education in computing, information systems, data management and analytics, as well as problems and issues at the intersection of information systems related technology and management, which includes urban systems and operations, active citizenry and communities, safety and security.


Browse the School of Computing and Information Systems Collections:

MITB Thought Leadership Series

Research Collection School of Computing and Information Systems

School of Computing and Information Systems Dissertations and Theses

LARC Research Publications