"Principles of Singapore Business Law" by Wee Ling LOO

Principles of Singapore Business Law

Publication Type

Edited Book

Publication Date



The Principles of Singapore Business Law, first published in 2009, was followed by a second edition in 2013. This third edition provides a timely update of the legal changes that have taken place since then, stating the law as on 4th May 2019. In keeping with the aims of this publication since the first edition, the volume sets out the law of relevance to business, with the lay reader in mind, while providing glimpses into some complex and unsettled areas of law that are of practical interest. In this vein, layman’s language is adopted and pedagogical features are used to summarise, illustrate and provide mindmaps of basic concepts. Unsettled areas are separately highlighted in reflection boxes to provoke further thinking. This volume features some chapters that have been completely or extensively rewritten and others streamlined in both language and content to ensure greater accessibility to the lay reader.


Asian Studies | Business Organizations Law | Commercial Law

Research Areas

Corporate, Finance and Securities Law




Cengage Learning Asia
