Content Posted in 2025
3-D virtual world education: An empirical comparison with face-to-face classroom, Xiaofeng CHEN, Keng SIAU, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
A 360-degree perspective of education in 3-D virtual worlds, B. ESCHENBRENNER, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Keng SIAU
A casebook on company law: Materials and commentary, Pearlie M. C. KOH
Accordance and conflict between religious and scientific precautions against COVID-19 in 27 societies, T. SAMORE; D.M.T. FESSLER; A.M. SPARKS; C. HOLBROOK; L. AARØE; C.G. BAEZA; M.T. BARBATO; P. BARCLAY; R. BERNIŪNAS; J. CONTRERAS-GARDUÑO; B. COSTA-NEVES; M.P. GRAZIOSO; P. ELMAS; P. FEDOR; LI, Norman P.; R. FERNÁNDEZ-MORALES; L. GARCIA-MARQUES; P. GIRALDO-PEREZ; P. GUL; and F. HABACHT
A commitment rule for insolvency forum, Anthony J. CASEY, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ, and Robert K. RASMUSSEN
A comparison of comparisons: Evidence from an international comparative study of 'smart cities', Kevin WARD, Teresa ABBRUZZESE, Tim BUNNELL, Paolo CARDULLO, I-Chun Catherine CHANG, Byron MILLER, Ramon RIBERA-FUMAZ, Haeran SHIN, Zachary SPICER, Orlando WOODS, and Orlando WOODS
A comparison of four approaches to modeling information insufficiency, Pengya AI and Sonny ROSENTHAL
A computational aesthetic design science study on online video based on triple-dimensional multimodal analysis, Zhangguang KANG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Keng SIAU
A dangerous passion : Leadership and the question of honor, by Haig Patapan (SUNY Press, 2021), Antong LIU
Adaptive content-aware influence maximization via online learning to rank, Konstantinos THEOCHARIDIS, Panagiotis Karras, Manolis Terrovitis, Spiros Skiadopoulos, and Hady Wirawan LAUW
Advanced conceptual modeling techniques, Marcela GENERO, Fabio GRANDI, Willem-Jan VAN DEN HEUVEL, John KROGSTIE, Kalle LYYTINEN, Heinrich C. MAYR, Jim NELSON, Antoni OLIVÉ, Mario PIATTINI, Geert POELS, John RODDICK, Keng SIAU, Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA, and Eric S. K. YU
Advanced principles for improving database design, systems modeling, and software development, Keng SIAU and J. ERICKSON
Advanced principles for improving database design, systems modeling, and software development, Keng SIAU
Advanced topics in database research, Volume 1, Keng SIAU
Advanced topics in database research, Volume 2, Keng SIAU
Advanced topics in database research, Volume 3, Keng SIAU
Advanced topics in database research, Volume 4, Keng SIAU
Advanced topics in database research, Volume 5, Keng SIAU
Advances in research on anthropogenic drivers of climate change, Andrew JORGENSON, Hassan EL TINAY, Jared FITZGERALD, Jennifer GIVENS, Taekyeong GOH, Xiaorui HUANG, Orla KELLY, Annika Marie RIEGER, and Ryan P. THOMBS
A feasibility-preserved quantum approximate solver for the capacitated vehicle routing problem, Ningyi XIE, Xinwei LEE, Dongsheng CAI, Yoshiyuki SAITO, Nobuyoshi ASAI, and Hoong Chuin LAU
A full-history network dataset for BTC asset decentralization profiling, Ling CHENG, Qian SHAO, Fengzhu ZENG, and Feida ZHU
AI and creativity: Effects of culture and task emotiveness in human-AI collaboration, Choon Ngee TAN
AI and data science for public policy, Kenneth BENOIT
AI coders are among us : Rethinking programming language grammar towards efficient code generation, SUN Zhensu, DU Xiaoning, YANG Zhou, LI Li, and David LO
AI competency acquisition online? Engaging undergraduate students in an AI 101 Course through a chatbot workshop, Thomas MENKHOFF and Lydia TEO
AI in accounting: A value-focused thinking study, Keng SIAU, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, B. ESCHENBRENNER, L. CHEN, and Y. QIAN
Airport blues: Passengers grounded by Microsoft-CrowdStrike outage, Kiruthika RAMANATHAN, Rafael J. BARROS, and Thomas LIM
AIS SIGHCI position paper, Dennis GALLETTA, Ping ZHANG, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Alexander C. T. Geppert, Fleeting cities: Imperial expositions in fin-de-siècle Europe, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Algorithm envelopment in platform markets, Liang CHEN, Zhou ZHOU, and Lester CHAN
Alibaba’s innovation-driven approach to intellectual property rights governance, Liang CHEN, Sin Mei CHEAH, Can HUANG, and Guoqiao LIU
A lightweight and privacy-preserving answer collection scheme for mobile crowdsourcing, Yingling DAI, Jian WENG, Anjia YANG, Shui YU, and Robert H. DENG
Alternative investment market: Assessment and proposals for its deepening from the perspective of small and medium enterprises, Andrea Patricia ALBA MOLINA and Nydia REMOLINA LEON
A meta-analysis comparing relational and semantic models, Keng SIAU, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Qing CAO
A meta-analysis: Gamification in education, Y. WANG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and T. SHEN
Analysing tweets on COVID-19 vaccine : A text mining approach, Swetha GOTTIPATI and Debashis GUHA
An analysis of open innovation determinants: The case study of Singapore based family owned enterprises, Annie KOH, Esther KONG, and Giuseppe TIMPERIO
An assessment of users’ cyber security risk tolerance in reward-based exchange, Xinhui ZHAN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Maggie X. CHENG
Andrew Phang (Gen. Ed.), Pioneer, polymath and mentor: The life and legacy of Yong Pung How, Kwan Ho LAU and Bryan LEOW
An empirical investigation on end-users’ acceptance of enterprise systems, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Xin TAN, and Soon Hing TEH
An empirical study of automatic program repair techniques for injection vulnerabilities, Tingwei ZHU, Tongtong XU, Kui LIU, Jiayuan ZHOU, Xing HU, Xin XIA, Tian ZHANG, and David LO
An examination of online product comparison service: Fit between product type and disposition style, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, W. HONG, L. CHEN, and H. LEE
An experimental investigation of the effect of expert decision analyses and explanations support on consensus and decision accuracy in small groups, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and I. BENBASAT
An experimental study on user interpretation of icons, Keng SIAU and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
An exploratory study of conventional machine learning and large language models for sentiment analysis, Cui ZOU, Jingyuan CAI, Langtao CHEN, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
An exploratory study to investigate the impact of using facial expression symbols to supplement computer conferencing, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Anti-suit injunctions and dispute resolution clauses, Adeline CHONG
A participants' DSS for a management game with a DSS generator, G. K. YEO and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
A practical fog-based privacy-preserving online car-hailing service system, Jianfei SUN, Guowen XU, Tianwei ZHANG, Mamoun ALAZAB, and Robert H. DENG
Archetypes, Ivy H. Y. KOH and Norman P. LI
Are cities losing innovation advantages? Online versus face-to-face interactions, Ruben GAETANI, Naqun HUANG, Jing Li, and Yanmin YANG
A reckoning with the traditional diplomatic community, Patrick QUINTON-BROWN
A recurring improvisational methodology for change management in ERP implementation, Michelle SIEBER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
A review of Chinese sentiment analysis: Subjects, methods, and trends, Zhaoxia WANG, Donghao HUANG, Jingfeng CUI, Xinyue ZHANG, Seng-Beng HO, and Erik CAMBRIA
A review on eye-tracking metrics for sleepiness, Debasis ROY and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
A review on neuropsychophysiological correlates of flow, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Tejaswini YELAMANCHILI, and Keng SIAU
A review on the effects of chanting and solfeggio frequencies on well-being, Xuyu YANG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Fen LIN
Artificial intelligence-enhanced decision support for informing global sustainable development: A human-centric AI-Thinking approach, Meng-Leong HOW, Sin Mei CHEAH, Yong-Jiet CHAN, Aik Cheow KHOR, and Eunice Mei Ping SAY
Assertion, stakes and expected blameworthiness: An insensitive invariantist solution to the bank cases, Brandon YIP
Assessing classical and expressive aesthetics of web pages using machine learning, Ang CHEN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Langtao CHEN
Assessing real-time flow experience in human-computer interaction: An electroencephalogram (EEG) study, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Tejaswini YELAMANCHILI, Keng SIAU, and Langtao CHEN
Assignment (or novation) of indemnity policies, Chee Ho THAM
Associations of cardiac function and arterial stiffness with cerebrovascular disease, Chin Hong. TAN and Jacinth Jia Xin TAN
A study of web users' waiting time, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
A study on tolerable waiting time: how long are web users willing to wait?, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
A study on tolerable waiting time: How long are web users willing to wait?, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
A survey on concurrent processing of graph analytical queries: Systems and algorithms, Yuchen LI, Shixuan SUN, Hanhua XIAO, Chang YE, Shengliang LU, and Bingsheng HE
Attention to market expansion: Aspirational antecedent and risk-taking consequence, Renfei GAO, Man ZHANG, Xiaogang HE, and Zhengyu LI
Augmented reality: Increasing engagement, motivation, and retention in education, He LIU, Jessica BOLES, Jessica SUMMERS, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
AugSSO: Secure threshold single-sign-on authentication with popular password collection, Changsong JIANG, Chunxiang XU, and Guomin YANG
Australian banking and finance law and regulation, Han-wei LIU and Weiping HE
Australia’s definition of royalties: Overreach or evolution, Vincent OOI and Kerrie SADIQ
Author Exchange : Memories of Unbelonging : Ethnic Chinese Identity Politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia (University of Hawai'i Press, 2023) and Narratives of Civic Duty : How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia (Cornell University Press, 2022), Charlotte SETIJADI and Aram HUR
Automating procurement practices using artificial intelligence, Xingyi LI, Bert De REYCK, and Onesun Steve YOO
Ayala Corp: Helping in rapid ramp-up of the Philippines test trace and treat (T3), Lieven DEMEESTER and Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Baffle : Hiding backdoors in offline reinforcement learning datasets, Chen GONG, Zhou YANG, Yunpeng BAI, Junda HE, Jieke SHI, Kecen LI, Arunesh SINHA, Bowen XU, Xinwen HOU, David LO, and Tianhao WANG
Bank competition amid digital disruption: Implications for financial inclusion, Erica Xuewei JIANG, Yang Gloria YU, and Jinyuan ZHANG
Barriers to labor migration for the rural poor: Experimental evidence from a vocational training program in Bangladesh, Abu S. SHONCHOY, Tomoki FUJII, and Selim RAIHAN
Battling hawkers’ and consumers’ resistance to change: The course of digitalisation never did run smooth (A) and (B), Yi Meng LAU, Siaw Ling LO, and Thomas LIM
Beijing’s regulatory crackdown is unlikely to end any time soon, Henry S. GAO
Between God and nation : The colonial origins of democracy support in British Africa, Bastian BECKER and Dean C. DULAY
Beyond borders, beyond boundaries: How globalization affects real estate prices, Ritu MEHLAWAT
Big houses on a small island : Legislating Singapore’s ‘good class’ bungalows, Edward S. W. TI
Bilingual profiles differentially predict executive functions during early childhood: A Latent profile analysis, Hwajin YANG, Germaine Y. Q. TNG, Wee Qin NG, and Sujin YANG
Blasting a new trail: How a bold start-up revolutionised outsourcing in China, home of the world’s largest mining industry, Adam TATARYNOWICZ, Mahima RAO-KACHROO, and Aimin YAN
Bogging down investors: An unintended consequence of litigation risk, Siwen FU, Ke WANG, Liandong ZHANG, and Liu ZHENG
Book review: The Malayan Emergency: Revolution and Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire by Karl Hach, Wen-Qing (WEI Wenqing) NGOEI
Border problems: Mapping the third border, Jason Grant ALLEN and Rosa Maria LASTRA
Bosch: Joining the digital revolution of automotive aftermarket in China, Robin SPECULAND, Liang CHEN, Lipika BHATTACHARYA, and Liang YU
Breaking the language barriers? Machine translation technology and analysts’ forecasts for firms with foreign operations, Bingxu FANG and Pengkai LIN
Bridging expert knowledge with deep learning techniques for just-in-time defect prediction, Xin ZHOU, Donggyun HAN, and David LO
Building narratives and probing concepts: Preparing materials for co-design with autistic livestreamers, Terrance MOK, Tyson HARTLEY, Anthony TANG, Adam MCCRIMMON, and Lora OEHLBERG
Buy now pay (Pain?) later, DEHAAN, Jungbae KIM, Jungbae KIM, Ben LOURIE, and Chenqi ZHU
Can lower(ed) expert opinions lead to better consumer ratings?: The case of Michelin stars, X. LI, Y. DENG, P. MANCHANDA, and Bert De REYCK
Capacity allocation and revenue sharing in healthcare alliances, Xiaoquan GAO, Jianpei WEN, and Jie SONG
Catching the digital wave : Jumbo group shows how digital transformation and its seafood business can go together, Xuesong GENG, Andrew CHIN, and Thomas LIM
Causality analysis for neural network security, Bing SUN
Celebrating Professor Rita McGrath: Winner of the CK Prahalad Outstanding Scholar / Practitioner Award, Strategic Management Society, US 2022: A conversation with Howard Thomas, Rita McGRATH and Howard THOMAS
Chain of preference optimization: Improving chain-of-thought reasoning in LLMs, Xuan ZHANG, Chao DU, Tianyu PANG, Qian LIU, Wei GAO, and Min LIN
Characterising reproducibility debt in scientific software: A systematic literature review, Zara HASSAN, Christoph TREUDE, Michael NORRISH, Graham WILLIAMS, and Alex POTANIN
Characteristics of ERP software maintenance: A multiple case study, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Silvana FAJA, and Teuta CATA
China and global trade order post Ukraine War: From value chains to values chains, Henry S. GAO
China business at a crossroads: Institutions, innovation, and international competitiveness, Joseph L. C. CHENG and Daphne W. YIU
China's global leadership aspirations and domestic support for climate policy, Chen XIANG and Terry van GEVELT
China’s traditional, modern, and neo-socialist world orders, William A. CALLAHAN
Chinese global orders: Socialism, tradition, and nation in China-Russia relations, William A. CALLAHAN
Chinese visions of self and Other: The international politics of noses, William A. CALLAHAN
Christian geographers, Christian geographies, Justin Kh TSE
Cissie Fairchilds, Women in early modern Europe, 1500—1700, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Cities and climate change, Matthias ROTH, Enric AGUILAR, and Winston T. L. CHOW
Cities, texts and social networks 400–1500, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Climate governance and investor protection: reducing the regulatory chill in a warming world, Man YIP
Coevolution of SOEs and the Chinese economy: The roles of SOE heterogeneity from the institutional, strategic, and organizational perspectives, Kenneth G. HUANG, Runtian JING, Jun XIA, Man ZHANG, Weiguo ZHONG, and David ZHU
Commentary on order 24 (committal) of the rules of court 2021, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON
Companies’ choices pivotal under new quarterly reporting regime, Jiwei WANG and Prasart JONGJAROENKAMOL
Compensation thresholds for collective sales: Singapore & Australia compared, Seng Wei, Edward TI
Competency model for general managers of chain independent clinical laboratory (ICL) subsidiaries, Haiyan WEN
Component-based development using UML, L. ZHAO and Keng SIAU
Computer-supported collaborative learning: A research framework, Yuan LONG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Brenda Eschenbrenner, and Terrance Schoonover
Conclusion: Geographies of Religion as Integrative Study, Justin Kh TSE, Lily KONG, and Orlando WOODS
Concretely mapped symbolic memory locations for memory error detection, Haoxin TU, Lingxiao JIANG, Jiaqi HONG, Xuhua DING, and He JIANG
Confronting the smart city governance challenge, Luca MORA and et. al
Constitutional, governance or market failures: China, climate change and energy transition, Henry S. GAO and Weihuan ZHOU
Constitutionalizing cities : Realizing government agendas or sites for denizen engagement?, De Maartje VISSER
Constitutions and the rule of law in Asia, De Maartje VISSER, Victor V. RAMRAJ, and Arun THIRUVENGADAM
Contactless and scalable approaches for human health and performance sensing, Ngoc Doan Thu TRAN
Contemporary issues in database design and information systems development, Keng SIAU
Contested spaces of nobility in early modern Europe, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Contract law, Chee Ho THAM and TAN Zhong Xing
Converting counterfeiters in emerging markets to authorized suppliers: A new anti-counterfeiting measure, Liling LU, Xin FANG, Sarah Yini GAO, and Burak KAZAZ
Corporate disclosures for green supply chains: Evidence from Scope 3 emissions disclosure, Young Jun CHO, Jungbae KIM, Holly I. YANG, and Mengjie YANG
Corporate governance challenges in initial coin offerings, Nydia REMOLINA LEON and Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ
Correlation and causation analysis for cross-sectional and panel data, Barry NUQOBA
CoSec : On-the-Fly security hardening of code LLMs via supervised co-decoding, Dong LI, YAN Meng, Yaosheng ZHANG, Zhongxin LIU, Chao LIU, Xiaohong ZHANG, Ting CHEN, and David LO
Costly signaling theory, Hui Ying Ivy KOH and Norman P. LI
COVID-19 and investors' trading behavior: Evidence from the New Zealand equity market, Finn West WILKINSON, Marinela Adriana FINTA, and Olena ONISHCHENKO
COVID-19 calls for remote reskilling and retraining, C. ZOU, W. ZHAO, and Keng SIAU
COVID-19 pandemic – Online education in the new normal and the next normal, X. XIE, Keng SIAU, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
COVID-19 Pandemic: Role of technology in transforming business to the new normal, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
Creative innovativeness with information systems (IS) and its role in quality IS usage, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Crisis and emergency risk communication and emotional appeals in COVID-19 public health messaging: Quantitative content analysis, Shirley S. Ho, CHUAH, Agnes S. F., Sonny ROSENTHAL, Sonny ROSENTHAL, Hye Kyung KIM, and Shannon S. H. Soh
Critical success factors for ERP implementation and upgrade, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Santiago DELGADO
Cross-disciplinary models and applications of database management: Advancing approaches, Keng SIAU
Cross-group differences in age, period, and cohort effects: A bounding approach to the gender wage gap, Ohjae GOWEN, Ethan FOSSE, and Christopher WINSHIP
Cultivating power: Gardens in the global politics of diplomacy, war, and peace, William A. CALLAHAN
Cultural contexts differentially shape parents’ loneliness and wellbeing during the empty nest period, Andree HARTANTO, Lester Wei Xiang SIM, Davelle Jing Yi LEE, Naydanna M. MAJEED, and Jose C. YONG
Current state of geoengineering, Joshua LUCZAK
Debt collection and assignment of debts: Navigating the legal maze, Jodi GARDNER and Chee Ho THAM
Debtor-in-possession financing in reorganization procedures: Regulatory models and proposals for reform, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ
Deception in cyberspace: A comparison of text-only vs. avatar-supported medium, Holtjona GALANXHI and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Decision making models and decision support, Mark R. LEHTO and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Decision-making models, decision support and problem solving, Mark R. LEHTO, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Ji Soo YI
DeepRefiner: Multi-layer Android malware detection system applying deep neural networks, Xu KE, Yingjiu Li, Robert H. DENG, and Kai CHEN
Deep representation learning for time series forecasting, Gerald WOO
Deep utopia : Life and meaning in a solved world : Nick Bostrom, Ideapress Publishing, 2024, 525pp., ISBN 9781646871643, Matthew HAMMERTON
DeFi and the metaverse: Legal and regulatory challenges of decentralisation of financial services, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
DEI in climate policy : Miles to go, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Sreeja NAIR
DeLiDAR: Decoupling LiDARs for pervasive spatial computing, KANATTA GAMAGE RAMESH DARSHANA RATHNAYAKE, Razat Sutradhar, Abbaas A. M. Nishar, Weerakoon Dulaj S., Ashwin Ashok, and Archan MISRA
Demo2Test: Transfer testing of agent in competitive environment with failure demonstrations, Jianming CHEN, Yawen WANG, Junjie WANG, Xiaofei XIE, Dandan WANG, Qing WANG, and Fanjiang XU
Densely connected bidirectional LSTM with applications to sentence classification, Zixiang DING, Rui XIA, Jianfei YU, Xiang LI, and Jian YANG
Design education as a catalyst for innovation: A case study from Singapore, Tamas MAKANY, Nur Hidayah Abu BAKAR, and Cheaw Hwei LOW
Designing behavioural insights for policy : Processes, capacities & institutions, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Assel MUSSAGULOVA
Developing gamification research in information systems, De LIU, Richard LANDERS, Paul LOWRY, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Radhika SANTHANAM
Development of an instrument to measure the adoption of mobile services, Shang GAO, John KROGSTIE, and Keng SIAU
Diaspora politics and a rising China: Ambivalent ties amid geopolitical changes, Jiaqi M. LIU
Difference of convex functions programming for policy optimization in reinforcement learning, Akshat KUMAR
Digital India, Rajendra SRIVASTAVA, Vijay SHANKAR S, and Aman Rajeev KULKARNI
Digital infrastructure development through digital infrastructuring work: An institutional work perspective, Adrian YEOW, Wee-Kiat LIM, and Samer FARAJ
Director overseas experience and cross-border acquisitions: Evidence from China, LIU Chenxi and Mengyao KANG
Direct to market or centralised distribution? A regional supply chain optimisation strategy, Alan ZELLER, Pascale CRAMA, and Sin Mei CHEAH
Disparity-aware domain adaptation in stereo image restoration, Bo YAN, Chenxi MA, Bahetiyaer BARE, Weimin TAN, and Steven C. H. HOI
Disseminating ideas and influence through transnational peer-education, De Maartje VISSER
Divide-and-Conquer: Confluent Triple-Flow Network for RGB-T salient object detection, Hao TANG, Zechao LI, Dong ZHANG, Shengfeng HE, and Jinhui TANG
Do bank CEOs learn from crisis experiences?, Yang YU
Do commercial ties influence ESG ratings? Evidence from Moody's and S&P, Xuanbo LI, Yun LOU, and Liandong ZHANG
Does generative AI facilitate investor trading? Evidence from ChatGPT outages, Qiang CHENG, Pengkai LIN, and Yue ZHAO
Do investor sentiments drive cryptocurrency prices?, Erdinc AKYILDIRIM, Ahmet Faruk AYSAN, Oguzhan CEPNI, and Pinar DARENDELI
Domestic institutional interiors in early modern Europe. Edited by Sandra Cavallo and Silvia Evangelisti, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Dreaming as a critical discourse of national belonging: China Dream, American Dream and world dream, William A. CALLAHAN
Dynamic illusion and new types of visual effects, M. IDESAWA, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, A. HASHIMOTO, and M. SUZUKI
Early liquidation and compensation of OTC derivatives in bankruptcy cases: Law and economic analysis of Article 74 of the Law 1328 of 2009, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Ecosystem-oriented development of new energy vehicle industry and its spillover effects, Jianli LI
Editorial: DSAA 2023 journal track on theoretical and practical data science and analytics., Bin YANG, Feida ZHU, and Wei WEI
e-ducation, J. ERICKSON and Keng SIAU
Effect of augmented reality on consumer behavior in e-commerce, Chibuke UZOECHINA and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Effect of gamification on intrinsic motivation, Edna CHAN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Qizhang LIU, and Zhiwei LU
Effect of hypertext and animation on learning, Ashu GURU, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Patricia M. HAIN
Effect of timing and source of online product recommendations: An eye-tracking study, Yan SHI, Qing ZENG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Chuan-Hoo TAN, Choon Ling SIA, Keng SIAU, and Jiaqi YAN
Effects of mindfulness and emotion regulation on aesthetics: A theoretical model from hedonic perspective of processing fluency, Geng-Bao LIN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Choon Ling SIA
Effects of the use of leaderboards in education, Yu-Hsien CHIU and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Effects of voice pitch on social perceptions vary with relational mobility and homicide rate, T. AUNG; A.K. HILL; J.K. HLAY; C. HESS; M. HESS; J. JOHNSON; L. DOLL; S.M. CARLSON; C. MAGDINEC; I. GONZÁLEZ-SANTOYO; R.S. WALKER; D. BAILEY; S. ARNOCKY; BRYAN CHOY KWOK CHENG; LI, Norman P.; T. KYRITSIS; Q. ATKINSON; B. JONES; J. KOSTER; and J. BURNS
Efficacy of social media utilization by public accounting firms: Findings and directions for future research, B. ESCHENBRENNER, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and V. TELAPROLU
Efficient and fair data valuation for horizontal federated learning, Shuyue WEI, Yongxin TONG, Zimu ZHOU, and Tianshu SONG
Efficient autonomous exploration with dueling DDQN enhancing active SLAM through reinforcement learning, Xin LI, Kenji Kah Hoe LEONG, Chee Kiat SEOW, Nicholas PUGEAULT, and Qi CAO
Efficient large-universe multi-authority ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with white-box traceability, Kai ZHANG, Hui LI, Jianfeng MA, and Ximeng LIU
EFMD’s view of critical issues of gender equality and diversity in business schools, Eric CORNUEL, Matthew WOOD, and Howard THOMAS
Eleanor Hubbard, City women: Money, sex, and the social order in early modern London, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Electronic government strategies and implementation, Wayne HUANG, Keng SIAU, and Kwok Kee WEI
Elevating automated software maintenance tasks with large language models, Xin ZHOU
Emotion as high level perception, Brandon YIP
Emotions as modulators of desire, Brandon YIP
Empirical assessment of factors influencing success of enterprise resource planning implementations, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Z. ISLAM, and M. TAN
Enabling efficient spatial keyword queries on encrypted data with strong security guarantees, Xiangyu WANG, Jianfeng MA, Feng LI, Ximeng LIU, Yinbin MIAO, and Robert H. DENG
Enabling technologies for e-commerce and ERP integration, Keng SIAU and Jake MESSERSMITH
Enabling verifiable multiple keywords search over encrypted cloud data, Yinbin MIAO, Jian WENG, Ximeng LIU, Kim-Kwang Raymond CHOO, Zhiquan LIU, and Hongwei LI
End-users’ acceptance of enterprise resource planning systems: An investigation using grounded theory approach, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Xin TAN, and Monica BEETHE
Enhancing stance classification on social media using quantified moral foundations, Hong ZHANG, Quoc-Nam NGUYEN, Prasanta BHATTACHARYA, Wei GAO, Liang Ze WONG, Brandon Siyuan LOH, Joseph J. P. SIMONS, and Jisun AN
Enhancing student engagement in introductory economics with interactive videos and synthesized readings in flipped learning, Bei HONG and Duan Ning Magdeleine LEW
Ensuring data confidentiality via plausibly deniable encryption and secure deletion: A survey, Qionglu ZHANG, Shijie JIA, Bing CHANG, and Bo CHEN
Enterprise resource planning: Solutions and management, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Enterprise-wide strategic information systems planning for Shanghai Bell Corporation, Y. LONG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Z. ZHU
Equity and society, Man YIP
Equity and trusts, Hang Wu TANG and Yong Seng TAY
ERP + E-business = A new vision of enterprise system, B. WANG and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
ERP implementation: Chief Information Officers’ perceptions of critical success factors, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Kathryn M. ZUCKWEILER, and Janet Lee-Shang LAU
Essays on corporate finance, Su Hee YUN
Ethical considerations and legal issues relating to federated learning, Warren B. CHIK and Florian GAMPER
European yearbook of constitutional law 2023 : Constitutional law in the digital era, Charlotte VAN OIRSOUW, Jurgen DE POORTER, Ingrid LEIJTEN, Gerhard VAN DER SCHYFF, Maarten STREMLER, and De Maartje VISSER
Every voice has its bright and dark sides: Understanding observers’ reactions to coworkers’ voice behaviors, Szu-Han LIN, Shereen FATIMAH, Emily C. POULTON, Cony M. HO, D. Lance FERRIS, and Russell E. JOHNSON
Exogenous loss of analyst coverage and choice of audit quality, Simon Yu Kit FUNG, Zheng WANG, Liandong ZHANG, and Xindong ZHU
Expanding public health insurance to parents : Effect on parents' and children’s well-being, Michelle MARCUS and Xuan ZHANG
Exploring a multimodal fusion-based deep learning network for detecting facial palsy, Heng Yim Nicole OO, Min Hun LEE, and J. H. LIM
Extracting deep features from short ECG signals for early atrial fibrillation detection, Xiaodan WU, Yumeng ZHENG, Chao-Hsien CHU, and Zhen HE
EyeGraph : Modularity-aware spatio temporal graph clustering for continuous event-based eye tracking, Panahetipola Mudiyanselage Nuwan BANDARA, Thivya KANDAPPU, Archan MISRA, Ila GOKARN, and Archan MISRA
Factored MDP based moving target defense with dynamic threat modeling, Megha BOSE, Praveen PARUCHURI, and Akshat KUMAR
Factors influencing adoption of mobile computing, Wenli ZHU, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Fan ZHAO
Factors influencing the adoption of e-marketplaces by small organizations: An empirical investigation, Xin TAN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Charalambos IACOVOU, and JaeKyung. KIM
Factors influencing users’ adoption of mobile computing, W. ZHU, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and F. ZHAO
FDI : Attack neural code generation systems through user feedback channel, Zhensu SUN, Xiaoning DU, Xiapu LUO, Fu SONG, David LO, and Li LI
Financial accounting: International Financial Reporting Standards, Bill THOMAS, Wendy TIETZ, Themin SUWARDY, KOH Wei Chern, Walter HARRISON, and HORNGREN. Charles
Finding purpose in higher education: Insights from the distinctive career of Professor Rajani Naidoo, Howard THOMAS
FinTech empowerment: Data science, AI, and machine learning, Keng SIAU, Michael HILGERS, Langtao CHEN, Steve LIU, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Richard HALL, and Barry FLACHSBART
Fintech: finance, technology and regulation, Nydia REMOLINA
Firms’ camouflage: How do firms deter potential rivals?, Xuan LI, William P. WAN, Daphne W. YIU, and Chaowen DENG
Flexible vs. dedicated technology choice in the presence of multiproduct subscription programs, Liling LU, Onur BOYABATLI, and Sarah Yini GAO
Flow experience in virtual worlds: Individuals versus dyads, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Brenda ESCHENBRENNER
Flow in gaming: Literature synthesis and framework development, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, B. ESCHENBRENNER, Q. ZENG, V. TELAPROLU, and S. SEPEHR
Food computing: Domain adaptation and causal inference, Qing WANG
Food self-sufficiency and building-integrated urban agriculture: Lessons from Singapore, Tomoki FUJII, Christoph WAIBEL, Xinyi DU, and Zhongming SHI
Foreign investment under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Makane Moise MBENGUE and Stefanie SCHACHERER
Forging more-than-Indian citizenship pathways: (Inter)national education, religious values, and new frontier of multicultural belonging in Singapore, Emma Alexandra GRIMLEY, Orlando WOODS, and Lily KONG
From a learning to a smart nation: The rise of the digitalization megatrend and Singapore's development, Siu Loon HOE
From congestion to connectivity, Shoeb KAGDA
From low power to action: Reappraising powerlessness as an opportunity restores agency, Michael SCHAERER, Michael SCHAERER, Trevor A. FOULK, Elizabeth B. WOLF, and Winnie Y. JIANG
From the accounting graduate’s and the employer’s perspectives: Exploring the key roles in making skill acquisition and transfer happen, Gary PAN; Poh Sun SEOW; Clarence GOH; and Duan Ning, Magdeleine LEW
From the guest editors: The human side of the future of work: Understanding the role people play in shaping a changing world, Jochen I. MENGES, Lauren C. HOWE, Erika HALL, Jon M. JACHIMOWICZ, Sharon K. PARKER, Riki TAKEUCHI, Abhijeet K. VADERA, Ashley WHILLANS, and Susan K. COHEN
Fuzzing drones for anomaly detection: A systematic literature review, Vikas Kumar MALVIYA, Wei MINN, Lwin Khin SHAR, and Lingxiao JIANG
Fuzzy neural logic network and its learning algorithms, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and NAH Fiona
Gamification in ERP systems: A study on intrinsic motivation and user behavioral intentions, Esi ADEBORNA, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Luvai MOTIWALLA
Gamification of education: A review of literature, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Qing ZENG, Venkata R. TELAPROLU, Abhishek PADMANABHUNI AYYAPPA, and Brenda ESCHENBRENNER
Gamification of education using computer games, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Venkata TELAPROLU, Shashank RALLAPALLI, and Pavani R. VENKATA
Gamification of enterprise systems, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, B. ESCHENBRENNER, C. CLAYBAUGH, and P. KOOB
Gender and the city before modernity, Fiona WILLIAMSON
General report, Man YIP
Generative AI in finance: Risks and potential solutions, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Generative Artificial Intelligence in business higher education: A focus group study, Xuenan HUO and Keng SIAU
Generative artificial intelligence: The protection of personal data and countering false narratives about the person, Warren B. CHIK
Geographies of creativity: Inherited concepts, revised vistas, Anjeline de Dios and Lily Kong
Getting on board with incentivising ESG, Shai GANU
Glenn Clark, Judith Owens, and Greg T. Smith, eds., City limits: Perspectives on the historical European city, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Global China beyond grand strategy: Rethinking diaspora youth engagement from the ground up, Jiaqi LIU
Gotcha ! This model uses my code ! Evaluating membership leakage risks in code models, Zhou YANG, Zhipeng ZHAO, Chenyu WANG, Jieke SHI, Dongsum KIM, Donggyun HAN, and David LO
Governance with and of AI: The role of ethics, equity, and trustworthiness, Nydia REMOLINA LEON, Cigdem GURGUR, Mustafa OZBILGIN, and Jeannie PATERSON
Governing intelligence: Singapore’s evolving AI governance framework, Jason Grant ALLEN, Jane LOO, and Jose LUNA
Governing the global city's mandarinate: Politically motivated appointments in Singapore's public sector, George WONG and George WONG
Gradient wild bootstrap for instrumental variable quantile regressions with weak and few clusters, Wenjie WANG and Yichong ZHANG
GradualReality : Enhancing physical object interaction in virtual reality via interaction state-aware blending, HyunA SEO, Juheon YI, Rajesh Krishna BALAN, and Youngki LEE
Graph continual learning with debiased lossless memory replay, Chaoxi NIU, Guansong PANG, and Ling CHEN
Grassroots volunteerism in Singapore: A survey of the literature, WONG and George
Green regionalism in world trade law, Pasha L. HSIEH
Grievance politics and technocracy in a developmental state, Ijlal NAQVI, Federico M. ROSSI, and Rayner Kay Jin TAN
Guest editorial – Special issue: Environmental, social, governance, and taxation, Vincent OOI and Amy LAWTON
Guide to legal analysis and writing, Ee-ing ONG
Handbook of the geographies of religion, Lily KONG, Orlando WOODS, and Justin Kh TSE
Hardware-assisted live kernel function updating on Intel platforms, Lei ZHOU, Fengwei ZHANG, Kevin LEACH, Xuhua DING, Zhenyu NING, Guojun WANG, and Jidong XIAO
HateGAN: Adversarial generative-based data augmentation for hate speech detection, Rui CAO and Roy Ka-Wei LEE
HCI in business and organizations: Digital transformation with HCI, metaverse, and AI technologies, Xuenan HUO, Yuzhou QIAN, Keng SIAU, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
HCI in Business: First International Conference, HCIB 2014, Heraklion, Greece, June 22-27: Proceedings, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 10th International Conference, HCIBGO 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, Proceedings, Part I, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 10th International Conference, HCIBGO 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, Proceedings, Part II, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 11th International Conference, HCIBGO 2024, Washington, DC, June 29 – July 4: Proceedings, Part I, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 11th International Conference, HCIBGO 2024, Washington, DC, June 29 – July 4: Proceedings, Part II, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: 5th International Conference, HCIBGO 2018, Las Vegas, NV, July 15-20: Proceedings, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Bo Sophia XIAO
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 7th International Conference, HCIBGO 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19-24: Proceedings, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 8th International Conference, HCIBGO 2021, Virtual Event, July 24-29: Proceedings, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 9th International Conference, HCIBGO 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 - July 1: Proceedings, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: eCommerce and Consumer Behavior: 6th International Conference, HCIBGO 2019, Orlando, FL, July 26-31: Proceedings, Part I, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: eCommerce and Consumer Behavior: 6th International Conference, HCIBGO 2019, Orlando, FL, July 26-31: Proceedings, Part II, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Keng SIAU
HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: eCommerce and Innovation: Third International Conference, HCIBGO 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22: Proceedings, Part I, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Chuan-Hoo TAN
HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: eCommerce and Innovation: Third International Conference, HCIBGO 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22: Proceedings, Part II, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Chuan-Hoo TAN
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: Interacting with Information Systems: 4th International Conference, HCIBGO 2017, Vancouver, Canada, July 9-14: Proceedings, Part I, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Chuan-Hoo TAN
HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations: Supporting Business: 4th International Conference, HCIBGO 2017, Vancouver, Canada, July 9-14: Proceedings, Part II, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Chuan-Hoo TAN
HCI in Business: Second International Conference, HCIB 2015, Los Angeles, CA, August 2-7: Proceedings, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Chuan-Hoo TAN
HCI International 2021: Late breaking papers: HCI Applications in Health, Transport, and Industry, 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29: Proceedings, Constantine STEPHANIDIS, Vincent G. DUFFY, Heidi KROMKER, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Keng SIAU, Gavriel SALVENDY, and June WEI
HCI International 2022: Late breaking papers: HCI for Today's Community and Economy, 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Event, June 26 - July 1: Proceedings, Matthias RAUTERBERG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Keng SIAU, H. KROMKER, J. WEI, and G. SALVENDY
HCI International 2023: Late Breaking Papers: HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23-28, Proceedings, Part VII, P. ZAPHIRIS, A. IOANNOU, R. A. SOTILARE, J. SCHWARZ, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Keng SIAU, J. WEI, and G. SALVENDY
HCI research issues in electronic commerce, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Sid DAVIS
HCI studies in management information systems, P. ZHANG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and J. PREECE
HCI testing in laboratory or field settings, Chuan-Hoo TAN, Austin SILVA, Rich LEE, Kanliang WANG, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
HCI testing in laboratory or field settings, Chuan-Hoo TAN, Austin SILVA, Rich LEE, Kanliang WANG, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
HDWSA2 : A secure hierarchical deterministic wallet supporting stealth address and signature aggregation, Xin YIN, Zhen LIU, Guomin YANG, Guoxing CHEN, and Haojin ZHU
Heidegger’s Gelassenheit, Daoist Wuwei 無為, and Non-willing, Steven BURIK
Here, there, and elsewhere: Ethnicity, identity, and global orientation at an Indian international school in Singapore, Emma Alexandra GRIMLEY, Orlando WOODS, and Lily KONG
Hi3D: Pursuing high-resolution image-to-3D generation with video diffusion models, Haibo YANG, Yang CHEN, Yingwei PAN, Ting YAO, Zhineng CHEN, Chong-wah NGO, and Tao MEI
(Hidden) social influences in switching mobile service platforms, Virpi K. TUUNAINEN, Tuure TUUNANEN, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Hong Kong and Singapore law and FinTech, Evan GIBSON, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ, and Nydia REMOLINA
Horizontal concentration and vertical concentration in capitalist agriculture: Re-interpreting Marx and Chayanov, Qian Forrest ZHANG
Hot at the top: The influence of self-rated attractiveness on self-perceived status, Lynn K. L. TAN, Michal FOLWARCZNY, Tobias OTTERBRING, and Norman P. LI
How “Ceremonial Openness” prevents organizational change : An analysis of corporate earnings calls in the oil and gas industry, 2007–2020, Isak LADEGAARD and Annika Marie RIEGER
How do cognitive biases affect the use of information systems, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
How does highly educated Chinese woman’s endorsement of traditional family values impact her well-being?, Qiong ZHOU
How legal technology will change the business of law, Christian VEITH, Michael BANDLOW, Michael HARNISCH, Hariolf WENZLER, Markus HARTUNG, and Dirk HARTUNG
How surrogacy arrangements fail children, Seow Hon TAN
How TikTok “Locks In” its users with reference to what happened in the homeland version Douyin application, Yang YANG, LI Zi'ang, Zhigen ZHAO, Sabrina (Zi Tong) PENG, Liyu DOU, Changyu LI, and Yinqi WANG
How to make a smooth transition into your golden years, Thomas MENKHOFF
Human dignity in Asia : Dialogue between law and culture, Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu ed., Cambridge University Press 2022, 480 pp., Kenny CHNG and Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG
Human sensors in the city of super apps: Mobilizing people as infrastructure for smart city development in Jakarta, Indonesia, Prerona DAS, Orlando WOODS, and Lily KONG
Hypervisible China, William A. CALLAHAN
Identifying legal and ethical values in AI, Keng SIAU, Fiona NAH, Chunyan DING, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Identity and security in China: The negative soft power of the China dream, William A. CALLAHAN
If we seek, do we learn?: Predicting knowledge of global warming, LeeAnn KAHLOR and Sonny ROSENTHAL
ImageInThat: Manipulating images to convey user instructions to robots, Karthik MAHADEVAN, Blaine LEWIS, Jiannan LI, Bilge MUTLU, Anthony TANG, and Tovi GROSSMAN
Impact assessment of UNIQLO’s Neighbours Helping Neighbours, Weng Lin NG and Dalvin SIDHU
Impact of achievement-oriented gamification in ERP systems: Examining subjective and objective user outcomes, E. ADEBORNA, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and L. MOTIWALLA
Impact of flow and brand equity in 3D virtual worlds, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER, David DEWESTER, and So Ra PARK
Impact of framing and base size of computer security risk information, Xinhui ZHAN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Keng SIAU, Richard HALL, and Maggie CHENG
Impact of industrial park platforms on SME financing: Evidence from the LD Park, Zhendong LIU
Implicit commitments to workplace environment and corporate information production: Evidence from indoor environment quality, Summer Rui HUANG, Leonard Leye LI, Louise Yi LU, and Rencheng WANG
Important characteristics of software development team members: An empirical investigation using Repertory Grid, Keng SIAU, Xin TAN, and Hong SHENG
Improved construction for inner product functional encryption, Qingsong ZHAO, Qingkai ZENG, and Ximeng LIU
Improving environment novelty quantification for effective unsupervised environment design, Jayden TEOH, Wenjun LI, and Pradeep VARAKANTHAM
Improving multimodal human pose estimation by adversarial modality enhancement, Jiangnan XIA, Qilong WU, Yanyin GUO, Yi LI, Jianghan CHENG, Junwei LI, and Zhiyuan ZHANG
Improving the maritime transshipment operations at the Noble Group, FRAGKOS I. and Bert De REYCK
In China, it’s one man, one ideology, one party, Henry S. GAO
Indirect effects of intrusive parenting on externalizing behaviors in socioeconomically disadvantaged children : A parallel mediation analysis, Germaine Y. Q. TNG and Hwajin YANG
Individual liberty, safety and police liabilities under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act, Gary Kok Yew CHAN
Individual or team analyst reports? The organization of analyst research activities, Xia CHEN, Ning JIA, and Dan. WANG
Industry return predictability: A machine learning approach, David E. RAPACH, Jack K. STRAUSS, Jun TU, and Guofu ZHOU
Influence and consensus in group decision making environment, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Byungcho KIM
Influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on decision-making for market-entry strategies in emerging economies, Tejas DESHPANDE
Information modeling in the new millennium, M. ROSSI and Keng SIAU
Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies: Advanced topics in database research, J. KROGSTIE, T. HALPIN, and Keng SIAU
Information quality on the World Wide Web: Development of a framework, J. KANDARI, E. JONES, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and R. BISHU
Information search patterns in e-commerce product comparison services, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Weiyin HONG, Liqiang CHEN, and Hong-Hee LEE
Information search patterns in e-commerce product comparison services, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Hong-Hee LEE, and Liqiang CHEN
Information systems user competency: A conceptual foundation, B. ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Innovating today to build a sustainable tomorrow, Daryl NG
Innovations in database design, web applications, and information systems management, Keng SIAU
In search of exits: Emigration freedom, irregular departures, and state-building in China, Jiaqi M. LIU
Institutional boundaries and trust of virtual teams in collaborative design: An experimental study in a virtual world environment, Shu Z. SCHILLER, Brian MENNECKE, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Andy LUSE
Interactive known-item search in large video corpora, Zhixin MA
Interactive video search with multi-modal LLM video captioning, Yu-Tong CHENG, Jiaxin WU, Zhixin MA, Jiangshan HE, Xiao-Yong WEI, and Chong-wah NGO
Interconnectedness and financial stability in the era of artificial intelligence, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Interface design for handheld mobile devices, Peter TARASEWICH, Jun GONG, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
International investment law and sustainable development - Key cases from the 2010s, Stefanie SCHACHERER
Interpersonal primary care continuity for chronic conditions is associated with fewer hospitalizations and emergency department visits among Medicaid enrollees, A. Gaglioti, C. Li, P. Baltrus, Zhaowei SHE, M. Douglas, M. Moore, A. Rao, L. Immergluck, T. Ayer, A. Bazemore, G. Rust, and D. Mack
Interpretable machine learning models to predict hospital patient readmission, Xiaoquan GAO, Sabriya ALAM, Pengyi SHI, Franklin DEXTER, and Nan KONG
Introduction: Human-computer interaction studies in management information systems, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, P. ZHANG, and S. McCOY
Investigating deception in cyberspace, Holtjona Galanxhi and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Investigating Roemer’s law: Would increased hospital capacity drive higher utilisation?, Ashish KUMAR, Sin Mei CHEAH, Christopher M. POSKITT, and Sean Shao Wei LAM
Investigating the bidirectional association between executive functions and well-being in middle-aged and older adults : A cross-lagged modeling approach, Clement Y. H. LAU and Hwajin YANG
Investigating the effect of full and partial social media abstinence on fear of missing out and well-being outcomes: A daily diary experimental approach, Andree HARTANTO, K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA, Meenakshi KOTHARI, A. Y. H. GOH, Frosch Yi Xuan QUEK, and Nadyanna M. MAJEED
Investigating the link between IADL and depressive symptoms in older adults: A cross-sectional serial mediation model, Wee Qin NG and Hwajin YANG
(In)Visible China: Understanding Chinese global orders, Hassan KARRAR, William A. CALLAHAN, Carwyn MORRIS, and Stephen WHITEMAN
Is e-commerce a solution for the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater?, Keng SIAU and Candy CHONG
Isolating compiler bugs by generating effective witness programs with Large Language Models, Haoxin TU, Zhide ZHOU, He JIANG, IMAM NUR BANI YUSUF, Yuxian LI, and Lingxiao JIANG
Is subjective well-being insured against income shocks? Evidence from 20-year panel data in South Korea, Jiyeon AHN, Taehyun AHN, and KIM
Is the Godfather Wise?, Matthew HAMMERTON
Judex Calculat – Neue Berufsbilder und Technologie in der juristischen Ausbildung, Dirk HARTUNG
Just-In-Time TODO-missed commits detection, Haoye WANG, Zhipeng GAO, Xing HU, David LO, John GRUNDY, and Xinyu WANG
KFC in Vietnam: American fried chicken meets Asian rice bowl, Patricia LUI, Lipika BHATTACHARYA, and Lakshmi APPASAMY
Knowledge sharing with customers on the WWW: Approaches by national tourism organizations, Xinran YOU, Joseph O'Leary, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Lack of dream-capital among Korean youths: Rationally chosen or culturally forbidden?, Seokho KIM, Hongjung KIM, Sangkyu LEE, Eunji KIM, and Ohjae GOWEN
Law-aware autonomous driving, Yang SUN
Law, love, and freedom: From the sacred to the secular, Seow Hon TAN
Learning through mobile devices: Leveraging affordances as facilitators of engagement, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Learning to optimize the dispatch time interval for on-demand food delivery service, Jingfeng YANG, Zhiqin ZHANG, and Hoong Chuin LAU
Leases as subdivisions of land : A comparative analysis of Singapore, New South Wales & British Columbia, Seng Wei, Edward TI and Pearlie PEH
Legal and regulatory issues on artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and big data, Wai Yee WAN, Michael TSIMPLIS, Keng SIAU, Wei T. YUE, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Gabriel M. YU
Legal governance of artificial intelligence in healthcare devices and services in Singapore, Warren B. CHIK and Haran SUGUMARAN
Legal operations: Getting more from in-house legal departments and their outside counsel, Christian VEITH, Nora TOPHOF, Tessia TOBER, Meinhard WEIZMANN, Markus HARTUNG, and Dirk HARTUNG
Legal Tech at Bucerius Law School, Dirk HARTUNG
Lehtimäki v Cooper: A narrow decision with wide implications, Man YIP
Leveraging Large Language Model for automatic patch correctness assessment, Xin ZHOU, Bowen XU, Kisub KIM, DongGyun HAN, Hung Huu NGUYEN, Thanh LE-CONG, Junda HE, Bach LE, and David LO
Lightweight and efficient neural natural language processing with quaternion networks, Yi TAY, Aston ZHANG, Anh Tuan LUU, Jinfeng RAO, Shuai ZHANG, Shuohang WANG, Jie FU, and Siu Cheung HUI
LLMs-based augmentation for domain adaptation in long-tailed food datasets, Qing WANG, Chong-wah NGO, Ee-peng LIM, and Qianru SUN
Longitudinal bidirectional relation between fear of missing out and risky loot box consumption: Evidence for FoMO-Driven Loot Boxes Spiral Hypothesis, Andree HARTANTO and K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA
Long-tailed out-of-distribution detection via normalized outlier distribution adaptation, Wenjun MIAO, Guansong PANG, Jin ZHENG, and Xiao BAI
Luxury and gender in European towns, 1700–1914. Deborah Simonton, Marjo Kaartinen, and Anne Montenach (eds), Fiona WILLIAMSON
Machine learning as arbitrage: Can economics help explain AI?, Huahao LU, Matthew SPIEGEL, and Hong ZHANG
Major economies are taking aim at China’s EV industry. Here’s what to know, Weihuan ZHOU and Henry S. GAO
Making accounting education fit for purpose for the new economy, Yew Kee HO, Jean LIU, Sze Kee KOH, Kai Teck NG, Sa-Pyung Sean SHIN, Tin Wee TAN, and Yuanto ZHU KUSNADI
Making an impact while ‘muddling through’: Conversations with Anne Tsui, Anne TSUI and Howard THOMAS
Mapping generative AI regulation in finance and bridging regulatory gaps, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Marginalized migrants and urbanization in Southeast Asia, George WONG and George WONG
Masculinity in the Reformation era, edited by Scott H. Hendrix and Susan C. Karant-Nunn, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Max-share misidentification, Liyu DOU, Paul HO, and Thomas LUBIK
Measuring knowledge of indoor environmental hazards, Sonny ROSENTHAL
Measuring model alignment for code clone detection using causal interpretation, Shamsa ABID, Xuemeng CAI, and Lingxiao JIANG
Media use, interpersonal communication, and personal relevance as external and internal representations of climate change, Sonny ROSENTHAL and Pengya AI
Memories of unbelonging: Ethnic Chinese identity politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia, Charlotte SETIJADI
Meta-entrepreneurship: An analysis theory on integrating generative AI, agentic AI, and metaverse for entrepreneurship, Yingying ZHANG and Keng SIAU
Meta-RCNN: Meta learning for few-shot object detection, Xiongwei WU, Doyen SAHOO, and Steven HOI
Mind the gap: Development and validation of an evolutionary mismatched lifestyle scale and its impact on health and wellbeing, Jiaqing O, Trefor ASPDEN, Andrew G. THOMAS, Lei CHANG, Moon-Ho Ringo HO, Norman P. LI, and Mark Van VUGT
Misadventures and traps in stamp duty dodging in Singapore, Vincent OOI
Misinformation regulations: Early evidence on corporate social media strategy, Richard M. CROWLEY, Yun LOU, Samuel T. TAN, and Liandong ZHANG
Mitigating regression faults induced by feature evolution in deep learning systems, Hanmo YU, Zan WANG, Xuyang CHEN, Junjie CHEN, Jun SUN, Shuang LIU, and Zishuo DONG
Mobile interaction design: Integrating individual and organizational perspectives, Peter TARASEWICH, Jun GONG, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and David DEWESTER
Mobile technology in education: Uses and benefits, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
More human-likeness, less self-disclosure? Avatars' form realism and job applicants' self-disclosure in AI interviews, Yamin XU, Keng SIAU, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Motivations to seek science videos on YouTube: Free-choice learning in a connected society, Sonny ROSENTHAL
Multicultural experience and young Chinese people’s subjective well-being: An indirect effect through self-construal, Xiaoyu DAI, Davelle Jing Yi LEE, and Chi-ying CHENG
Multidimensional predictors of adolescents’ nonacademic digital media use in the U.S. : Insights from a bioecological perspective, Hwajin YANG, Sujin YANG, Yingjia YANG, and Qin Ying Joann TANG
Multi-label thoracic disease image classification with cross-attention networks, Congbo MA, Hu WANG, and Steven C. H. HOI
Multilevel research, David CHAN
Multi-modal alignment via hyperbolic geometry, Suyu LIU
Multimodal misinformation detection by learning from synthetic data with multimodal LLMs, Fengzhu ZENG, Wenqian LI, Wei GAO, and Yan PANG
Multiobjective linear ensembles for robust and sparse training of few-bit neural networks, Ambrogio Maria BERNARDELLI, Stefano GUALANDI, Simone MILANESI, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Yorke-Smith NEIL
MWP-BERT: Numeracy-augmented pre-training for math word problem solving, Zhenwen LIANG, Jipeng ZHANG, Lei WANG, Wei QIN, Yunshi LAN, Jie SHAO, and Xiangliang ZHANG
Navigating insolvency risks in emerging markets, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ and Elena DALY
Navigating unutilised tax losses in Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei, Vincent OOI
Neuron semantic-guided test generation for deep neural networks fuzzing, Li HUANG, Weifeng SUN, Meng YAN, Zhongxin LIU, Yan LEI, and David LO
Nium’s journey to become the leader in real-time global payments, Annie KOH, Sin Mei CHEAH, and David FERNANDEZ
No consistent evidence for between- and within-person associations between objective social media screen time and body image dissatisfaction: Insights from a daily diary study, Adalia Y. H. GOH, Andree HARTANTO, K. T. A. Sandeeshwara KASTURIRATNA, and Nadyanna M. MAJEED
Normative impacts and legitimacy dimensions in the intersection of trade and agile regulation within comprehensive free trade agreements, Stefanie SCHACHERER
Novel techniques in recovering, embedding, and enforcing policies for control-flow integrity, Yan LIN
Nuanced relationships between indices of smartphone use and psychological distress: Distinguishing problematic smartphone use, phone checking, and screen time, Yue Qi Germaine TNG and Hwajin YANG
Nurturing youth climate action: A blue carbon perspective, Thomas MENKHOFF and Chuen Kong Kevin CHEONG
Of light and shadows: Buddhism, cinema, and the question of diffused religion in modern China, Teng-kuan NG
Old signals, new era: Reconsidering how customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction impact shareholder wealth, Cesar ZAMUDIO, Suyun MAH, and Vanitha SWAMINATHAN
On/ in the ground with Vietnamese communists: The Cu Chi Tunnels in the classroom, Wen-Qing NGOEI
Online burst events detection oriented real-time microblog message stream, Guozhong DONG, Jun GAO, Liang HUANG, and Chunlei SHI
Online control of adaptive large neighborhood search using deep reinforcement learning, Reijnen REIJNEN, Yingqian ZHANG, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Zaharah BUKHSH
On the probability of necessity and sufficiency of explaining Graph Neural Networks: A lower bound optimization approach, Ruichu CAI, Yuxuan ZHU, Xuexin CHEN, Yuan FANG, Min WU, Jie QIAO, and Zhifeng HAO
Open finance: Regulatory challenges of the evolution of data sharing arrangements in the financial sector, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Open innovations in co-creation community platform : Bonding, crowding and complementor’ s engagement, Daphne W. YIU and Yiqian LU
Open source software development process model – A grounded theory approach, Keng SIAU and Yuhong TIAN
Optimal HAR inference, Liyu DOU
Optimization of customer service area and driver dispatch area for on-demand food delivery, Jingfeng YANG, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Hai WANG
Optimizing initial screening for colorectal cancer detection with adherence behavior, Sarah Yini GAO, Yan HE, Ruijie ZHANG, Zhichao ZHENG, Shao Wei Lam LAM, and Emile TAN
Our roads are choking us, Mark STEVENSON, Ferdinand BALFOORT, and Darius BALFOORT
Out-of-distribution detection in long-tailed recognition with calibrated outlier class learning, Wenjun MIAO, Guansong PANG, Xiao BAI, Tianqi LI, and Jin ZHENG
Overseas vendor registration regime: Singapore’s goods and services tax on the digital economy, Annie KOH, Sin Mei CHEAH, and Themin SUWARDY
Path nets: Concurrence and recurrence in the dynamics of organizing, Brian T. PENTLAND, Waldemar KREMSER, and Kenneth T. GOH
Patient engagement in the medical facility waiting room using gamified healthcare information delivery, Raheel HASSAN, Nathan W. TWYMAN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Keng SIAU
Patterns of activity participation and the well-being of older adults in Singapore, Zidane TIEW, Rachel NGU, and Yi Wen TAN
Perception of socioeconomic status: A meta-analysis of manipulations, Jacinth Jia Xin TAN and Yong En Amos TAI
Performance evaluation of NewSQL databases in a distributed architecture, Zhiyao ZHANG, Alan @ Ali MADJELISI MEGARGEL, and Lingxiao JIANG
Peter Clark, European cities and towns 400-2000, F. WILLIAMSON
Physician-patient interactions in online healthcare communities: The effects of preconsultation on service delivery and patient satisfaction, Qian TANG and Anqi ZHAO
Pigs and the city, Sayd RANDLE
Policy-takers and policy calibrations: exploring the demand side of micro-level policy design choices, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Panchali GUHA
Policy uncertainty reduces green investment, Mengyu WANG, Jeffrey WURGLER, and Hong ZHANG
Politicians’ green incentives and external auditing, Ole-Kristian HOPE, Heng YUE, and Qinlin ZHONG
Positive and negative affect differentially predict individual differences and intra-individual changes in daily cognitive failures in younger and older adults, Ysabel A. GUEVARRA, Nadyanna M. MAJEED, NUR EVA ALISHA BINTE MOHAMED HISHAM, and Andree HARTANTO
Power shift: Steering the energy sector towards a net zero future, Tengku Muhammad TAUFIK
Practical attribute-based multi-keyword search scheme in mobile crowdsourcing, Yinbin MIAO, Jianfeng MA, Ximeng LIU, Xinghua LI, Zhiquan LIU, and Hui LI
Practitioners' expectations on automated test generation, Xiao YU, Lei LIU, Xing HU, Jacky KEUNG, Xin XIA, and David LO
Presentation of computer security risk information: Impact of framing and base size, Xinhui ZHAN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Keng SIAU, Richard HALL, and Maggie CHENG
Prevention is better than cure: Rethinking court behaviour and design, De Maartje VISSER
Principle advancements in database management technologies: New applications and frameworks, Keng SIAU and J. ERICKSON
Privacy issues in the era of ubiquitous commerce, Holtjona GALANXHI and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Privacy-preserving Byzantine-robust federated learning via blockchain systems, Yinbin MIAO, Ziteng LIU, Hongwei LI, Kim-Kwang Raymond CHOO, and Robert H. DENG
Privacy-preserving outsourced clinical decision support system in the cloud, Ximeng LIU, Robert H. DENG, Kim-Kwang Raymond CHOO, and Yang YANG
Producer-oriented and consumer-oriented alternative food networks and rural revitalization in China: Distinct trajectories and variegated impacts, Meiling WU and Qian Forrest ZHANG
Promise and peril of collaborative code generation models : Balancing effectiveness and memorization, Zhi CHEN and Lingxiao JIANG
Proper purposes and directors' duties: Time to slay the chimera?, Pearlie M. C. KOH
Property and Trust, S. CHESTERMAN, Andrew B.L. PHANG, Yihan GOH, and Man YIP
Property values as a function of law and policy, Seng Wei, Edward TI
Psychoanalysis and Eastern Christianities : An introduction, Justin K. H. TSE
Publishing in management: Exhilaration, bafflement and frustration, Mike Wright, David J. Ketchen, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK
Putting Daoist thought into practice : Happiness, longevity, and enlightenment., Devin K. JOSHI
Quality assurance in software engineering: A journey towards explainable automated solutions, Ratnadira WIDYASARI
Quantifying delay propagation in airline networks, Liyu DOU, Jakub KASTL, and John LAZAREV
Quantum binary classifiers for noisy datasets, Paul Robert GRIFFIN, Nikolaos SCHETAKIS, and Davit AGHAMALYAN
Quantum-enhanced simulation-based optimization for newsvendor problems, Monit SHARMA, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Rudy RAYMOND
Quantum relaxation for solving multiple knapsack problems, Monit SHARMA, Jin YAN, Hoong Chuin LAU, and Rudy RAYMOND
Quid Pro Quo: An exploration of reciprocity in code review, Carlos Gavidia-Calderon, DongGyun HAN, and Amel Bennaceur
Radon-resistant new construction, Sonny ROSENTHAL
Rationalizable incentives: Interim rationalizable implementation of correspondences, Takashi KUNIMOTO, Rene SARAN, and Roberto SERRANO
Real-time estimated Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score with intervals: Improved risk monitoring with estimated uncertainty in health condition for patients in intensive care units, Yan HE, Qian LUO, Hai WANG, Zhichao ZHENG, Haidong LUO, and Oon Cheong OOI
Reflections on “Geography and Religions”, Orlando WOODS
Reflections on "Grounded theologies’ : ‘Religion’ and the ‘secular’ in human geography," by Justin Tse, Justin Kh TSE
Reflections on “Veiled meanings : Young British Muslim women and the negotiation of differences”, Orlando WOODS
Registered replication report: A large multilab cross-cultural conceptual replication of Turri et al. (2015), Braeden Hall, Kathleen Schmidt, Jordan Wagge, Savannah C. Lewis, Sophia C. Weissgerber, Felix Kiunke, ..., and Andree HARTANTO
Regulating adaptive medical artificial intelligence: Can less oversight lead to greater compliance?, Jiayi LAI, Liang XU, Xin FANG, and Tinglong DAI
Regulating auditing algorithms: An Asian solution?, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Regulating personal data usage in COVID-19 control conditions, Mark FINDLAY and Nydia REMOLINA
Reimagining tribunals and administrative justice in Singapore, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG and Swati JHAVERI
Reinforcement Nash Equilibrium Solver, Xinrun WANG, Chang YANG, Shuxin LI, Pengdeng LI, Xiao HUANG, Hau CHAN, and Bo AN
Reinforcement tuning for detecting stances and debunking rumors jointly with large language models, Ruichao YANG, Wei GAO, Jing MA, Hongzhan LING, and Bo WANG
Relational and technological assessment of CRM providers: A multifactor study, Craig C. CLAYBAUGH, Iris REYCHAV, and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Relationship commitment regulation: Influencing a partner's commitment to achieve one's commitment goals, Laura V. MACHIA, Kenneth TAN, and Christopher R. AGNEW
Relationships between willingness to share information for benefits and trust, Gaurav BANSAL and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Religion, Justin Kh TSE and Lily KONG
Replay-and-forget-free graph class-incremental learning: A task profiling and prompting approach, Chaoxi NIU, Guansong PANG, Ling CHEN, and Bing LIU
Report on the Royal Navy remark books held at the Hydrographic Office, Taunton, UK, C. WILKINSON, C. WARD, and Fiona WILLIAMSON
Research issues in human-computer interaction in the web-based environment, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Sid DAVIS
Research on the impact of firms' perception of economic policy uncertainty on their digital transformation, Fanwei MENG
Research on the influence of complementary assets on innovation performance of new R&D institutions, Yong LI
Resource characterisation of personal-scale sensing models on edge accelerators, Mattia ANTONINI, Tran Huy VU, Chulhong MIN, Alessandro MONTANARI, Akhil MATHUR, and Fahim KAWSAR
Respear: Earable-based robust respiratory rate monitoring, Yang LIU, Kayla-Jade BUTKOW, Jake STUCHBURY-WASS, Adam PULLIN, Dong MA, and Cecilia MASOLO
Responses to Covid-19 threats: An evolutionary psychological analysis, Stephen M. COLARELLI, Tyler J. MIRANDO, Kyunghee HAN, Norman P. LI, Carter VESPI, Katherine A. KLEIN, and Charles P. FALES
Retirement and organizations: Advocating organizational responsibility for retirement in practice and scholarship, Valerie CAINES, Gokhan ERTUG, Prashant BORDIA, and Deidra J. SCHLEICHER
Revealing the dark and bright sides of ChatGPT: an exploratory study on user perceptions, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Jingyuan CAI, Ruilin ZHENG, and Langtao CHEN
Review forum : Intervention before interventionism : A global genealogy. By Patrick Quinton-Brown. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2024., Robbie SHILLIAM, Lina BENABDALLAH, Heloise WEBER, Craig N. MURPHY, Samuel MOYN, Jennifer M. WELSH, and Patrick QUINTON-BROWN
Revisiting conversation discourse for dialogue disentanglement, Bobo LI, Hao FEI, Fei LI, Shengqiong WU, Lizi LIAO, Yinwei WEI, Tat-seng CHUA, and Donghong JI
Revisiting masked auto-encoders for ECG-language representation learning, Hung Manh PHAM, Aaqib SAEED, and Dong MA
Robust image hashing via random Gabor filtering and DWT, Zhenjun TANG, Man LING, Heng YAO, Zhenxing QIAN, Xianquan ZHANG, Jilian ZHANG, and Shijie XU
Robust learning with probabilistic relaxation using hypothesis-test-based sampling, Zilin WANG
Role of social media in public accounting firms, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Zhiwei LU
Romantic/Emotional Infidelity, Bryan Kwok Cheng CHOY and Norman P. LI
Rwanda Electric Motors: Carbon credit monetisation, Helen Yangfang ZHOU and Lakshmi APPASAMY
Safety through feedback in constrained RL, Shashank Reddy CHIRRA, Pradeep VARAKANTHAM, and Praveen PARUCHURI
Salary and career snippets revelation #2 : Accountancy possibilities, perspectives and purpose, Clarence GOH, Gary PAN, and Poh Sun SEOW
Saul’s bullshit: It’s not all good, man, Joshua LUCZAK
Scoping software engineering for AI: The TSE perspective, Sebastián UCHITEL, Marsha CHECHIK, Massimiliano DI PENTA, Bram ADAMS, Nazareno AGUIRRE, Gabriele BAVOTA, Domenico BIANCULLI, Kelly BLINCOE, Ana CAVALCANTI, Yvonne DITTRICH, Filomena FERRUCCI, Rashina HODA, LiGuo HUANG, David LO, and et al.
Seeking new ground for managing: An introduction to the Special Issue on “Awakening to Ourselves, One Another, and the Earth: Awareness Practices and Systems Change”, Kathryn Goldman SCHUYLER, Lemuel W. WATSON, and Jochen REB
Self-supervised spatial-temporal normality learning for time series anomaly detection, Yutong CHEN, Hongzuo XU, Guansong PANG, Hezhe QIAO, Yuan ZHOU, and Mingsheng SHANG
Sequencing dengue control policy in Singapore: An evolutionary perspective for policy design, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Panchali GUHA
Shaping green regionalism : New trade law approaches to environmental sustainability, Pasha L. HSIEH
Shared dynamic data audit supporting anonymous user revocation in cloud storage, Yinghui ZHANG, Chen CHEN, Dong ZHENG, Rui GUO, and Shengmin XU
Sheets of scattered sand : Cantonese protestants and the secular dream of the Pacific Rim, Justin Kh TSE
Sheila Sweetinburgh, ed., Negotiating the political in Northern European urban society, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Shortening emergency medical response time with joint operations of uncrewed aerial vehicles with ambulances, Xiaoquan GAO, Nan KONG, and Paul GRIFFIN
Simple and effective curriculum pointer-generator networks for reading comprehension over long narratives, Yi TAY, Shuohang WANG, Anh Tuan LUU, Jie FU, Minh C. PHAN, Xingdi YUAN, Jinfeng RAO, Siu Cheung HUI, and Aston ZHANG
Singapore in 2018: Between uncharted waters and old ghosts, George WONG and Jun Jie WOO
SL2MF: Predicting synthetic lethality in human cancers via logistic matrix factorization, Yong LIU, Min WU, Chenghao LIU, Xiao-Li LI, and Jie ZHENG
Smart heuristics in business relationships: Toward a typology, Jochen REB and Nilotpal JHA
Smart living for elderly: Design and human-computer interaction considerations, Ranjana SHARMA, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Kavya SHARMA, Teja S. KATTA, Natalie PANG, and Alvin YONG
Smartphone-use profiles and cognitive and socioemotional outcomes in middle-aged and older adults : A Latent profile analysis, Hwajin YANG, Germaine Y. Q. TNG, Shuna S. KHOO, and Anshu TE
Social anxiety and emotion regulation flexibility : a daily diary approach, Germaine Y. Q. TNG and Hwajin YANG
Source code provisions and evolving exceptions in economic agreements, Locknie HSU
Space and self in early modern European cultures, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Spatial trajectories, theories, and topoi in the study of religion and film, Teng-kuan NG
Sri Lanka's quest for a reformed constitution: Lessons froma lost opportunity, Austin I. PULLE and Suri RATNAPALA
Statutory trusts and trusty statutes, James LEE and Man YIP
Stopping the revolving door: MDP-based decision support for community corrections placement, Xiaoquan GAO, Pengyi SHI, and Nan KONG
Strengthening the institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, Seow Hon TAN
Stronger cultural ties needed to deepen ASEAN–EU cooperation in a polarised world, David OCON and Lluis BONET
Study on the risk-based quarterly reporting regime, Jiwei WANG and Prasart JONGJAROENKAMOL
Subsidiary governance and corporate tax planning: The effect of parent-subsidiary common directors and offficers, Xin WANG, Yongxin XU, Liandong ZHANG, and Gaoping ZHENG
Sustainable development principles and the global South in the context of planetary change, Michelle LIM
Sustaining patient portal continuous use intention and enhancing deep structure usage: Cognitive dissonance effects of health professional encouragement and security concerns, Murad MOQBEL, Barbara HEWITT, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Rosann M. MCLEAN
Synthesizing e-government stage models – A meta-synthesis based on meta-ethnography approach, Keng SIAU and Y. LONG
Systems analysis and design: People, processes, and projects, Keng SIAU, Roger CHIANG, and Bill C. HARDGRAVE
Systems analysis and design: Techniques, methodologies, approaches, and architectures, R. CHIANG, Keng SIAU, and B. HARDGRAVE
Systems analysis & design: An essential part of IS education, Albert L. HARRIS, Michael LANG, Briony J. OATES, and Keng SIAU
Taxing crypto-asset transactions: Foundations for a globally coordinated approach, Vincent OOI
Team collaboration in virtual worlds: The role of task complexity, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, B. MENNECKE, and S. SCHILLER
Technology-enabled measurement in Singapore, David CHAN
Teeth segmentation from bite-wing X-Ray images by integrating nested dual UNet with swin transformers, Yubo LI, TIAN Yibin, Zhiyuan ZHANG, Xueyang ZHANG, DU Bingran, and Zhi ZENG
Ten years as boundary object: The search for identity and belonging as 'Hongkongers', George WONG, Darlene Machell ESPENA, and George WONG
Testing a theoretical model for enterprise system adoption, S. TEH, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and M. BEETHE
The boundaries of the law: Can US private enforcement discipline foreign firms?, Massimo MASSA, Xiaoqiao WANG, Bohui ZHANG, and Hong ZHANG
The case for AI authorship in copyright law, Cheng Lim SAW and Duncan Liang Wei LIM
The case for stronger scrutiny of the deductibility of crypto losses, Vincent OOI
The case for stronger scrutiny of the deductibility of crypto losses, Vincent OOI
"The Catholic Church has a big structure": Social movement activists and the role of local Catholic churches in Hong Kong and Ukraine within the civil societies, Halyna HERASYM and Justin Kh TSE
The community economics shaping alternative spaces of Islamic futurity in Singapore, Orlando WOODS
“The Constant Companion of Virtue”: On the Dilemma and Political Implications of Kantian Honor, Antong LIU
The definition of investor and investment, Stefanie SCHACHERER and August REINISCH
The deterrence effects of tax whistleblower laws : Evidence from New York’s false claims acts, Yoojin LEE; Ruimin, Shaphan Harun NG; Terry SHEVLIN; and Aruhn VENKAT
The ecology of dialogic interactions towards sustainability of school-based curriculum development, Li-Yi WANG, Victor Der-Thanq CHEN, and Wei-Leng NEO
The effect of carbon pricing on firm performance: Worldwide evidence, Tinghua DUAN, Frank Weikai LI, and Hong ZHANG
The effect of data model, system and task characteristics on user query performance – An empirical study, Hock CHAN, Keng SIAU, and Kwok-Kee WEI
The effect of private placement on investment efficiency: Empirical evidence from the new refinancing regulations, Zhiyong HAN
The end of the beginning for the geographies of religion?, Orlando WOODS, Lily KONG, and Justin Kh TSE
The EU and the Indo-Pacific Region - Prospects of a Green Partnership, Stefanie SCHACHERER
The experiential value of gambling in f2p gamespaces, Orlando WOODS
The family in early modern England. Edited by Helen Berry and Elizabeth Foyster, Fiona WILLIAMSON
The Fourth International Workshop on Smart Data for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger (SDBD '24), Feida ZHU, Jian PEI, Michael ZELLER, and Bingxue ZHANG
The future of digital justice, Dirk HARTUNG, Florian BRUNNADER, Christian VEITH, Philipp PLOG, and Tim WOLTERS
The future of personal data protection law in Singapore: A role for the use of artificial intelligence and the propertisation of personal data, Warren B. CHIK
The Handprint approach, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Ryan K. MERRILL
The impact of childhood sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect on suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury: A systematic review of meta-analyses, Yuan Yu Alicia CHIA, Andree HARTANTO, Tse Shuen WAN, Shauna Sha Min TEO, Wei Xiang SIM, and K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA
The impact of generative AI in the financial sector [El impacto de la inteligencia artificial generativa en el sector financiero], Nydia REMOLINA LEON
The impact of instrumental attribution in AI-enabled monitoring on counterproductive work behavior, Qiang ZHANG
The impact of monetary value gains and losses on cybersecurity behavior, Samuel Noah SMITH, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Maggie CHENG, and Santosh Kuma RAVINDRAN
The impact of organizational dynamic capability on collaborative innovation: A supply chain perspective, Xiangdong WANG
The impact of S2B2C model on the performance of chain enterprises, Qingyang ZHAO
The impact of security cues on user perceived security in e-commerce, Samuel N. SMITH, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Maggie X. CHENG
The implementation of the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: International divergences and challenges ahead, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ
The interaction effects of fintech and bank lending on growth: Evidence from the ASEAN region, TAN Swee Liang
The international politics of physical appearance: From Tang Dynasty China to contemporary Taiwan, William A. CALLAHAN
The Joint Statement on E-commerce: Is this glass half empty or half full?, Henry S. GAO
The long and short of mistress relationships: Sex-differentiated mate preferences reflect a compromise of mating ideals, Bryan K. C. CHOY, Norman P. LI, and Kenneth TAN
The middle sort of people in provincial England, 1600-1750, Fiona WILLIAMSON
The nose knows: Foreignness and fortune in China, William A. CALLAHAN and Kieran HANSEN
Theoretical versus practical complexity: The case of UML, Keng SIAU, John ERICKSON, and LihYunn LEE
Theory advancing practice: The Contingency Theory in the strategic management of crises, conflicts, and complex public relations issues, PANG, A. and Yan JIN
The path to greening our future, Havovi JOSHI
The peripheral experiences and positionalities of Korean New Zealander returnees: Skilled return migrants and knowledge transfer, Jane Yeonjae LEE
The politics of walls: Barriers, flows, and the sublime, William A. CALLAHAN
The postsecular and the pedagogical in political theologies in Sinophone communities, Justin Kh TSE
The promise and perils of debtor-in-possession financing: Lessons from the United States, Kenneth AYOTTE and Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ
The promise and perils of smart (city) bots as educational tools, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, and Shaohui FOONG
The reasonableness standard of compliance in the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act, Warren B. CHIK
The role of knowledge sharing via organizational social media in the workplace, Murad A. MOQBEL and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
The spatial turn of social and cultural history: A review of the current field, Fiona WILLIAMSON
The tragedy of honor in early modern political thought : Hobbes, Mandeville, Montesquieu, and Rousseau, Antong LIU
The transformation of emotion : First and third person perspectives in developmental context, Brandon YIP
The Two-echelon vehicle routing problem with transshipment nodes and occasional drivers: Formulation and adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic, Vincent F. YU, Minh P. K. NGUYEN, Kuza PUTRA, Aldy GUNAWAN, and I. Gusti Bagus Budi DHARMA
The uses of space in early modern history, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Those million-dollar flats are outliers : Housing remains largely affordable, Sock Yong PHANG
Tianxia in comparative perspectives: Alternative models for a possible planetary order, Roger T. AMES, Sor-hoon TAN, and Steven Y. H. YANG
Tort law, Amirthalingam KUMARALINGAM and Gary Kok Yew CHAN
To switch or not to switch? Individual differences in executive function and emotion regulation flexibility, Wei Xing TOH and Hwajin YANG
Toward a greater understanding of end-users’ acceptance of ERP systems, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, X. TAN, and S. H. TEH
Toward a unified model of information systems success, Keng SIAU, Yoanna LONG, and Min LING
Towards a data-driven financial system: The impact of COVID-19, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Towards a data-driven financial system: The impact of COVID-19, Nydia REMOLINA LEON
Towards gradient-based time-series explanations through a spatiotemporal attention network, Min Hun LEE
Towards more precise coincidental correctness detection with Deep Semantic Learning, Huan XIE, Yan LEI, Meng YAN, Shanshan LI, Xiaoguang MAO, Yue YU, and David LO
Towards robust models of code via energy-based learning on auxiliary datasets, Duy Quoc Nghi BUI and Yijun YU
Towards robust, secure, and privacy-aware large language models of code, Zhou YANG
Towards trustworthy recommendation systems: Beyond collaborative filtering, Zhongzhou LIU, ZHONGZHOU
Trait mindfulness is associated with enhanced daily affectivity and cognition independent of daily stressors exposure: Insights from large-scale daily diary studies in the US and Singapore, Yi Jing CHUA, Andree HARTANTO, and Nadyanna M. MAJEED
Transcript, Value capture and affordable housing : Insights from Singapore, Sock Yong PHANG
Transplanting manufacturing power: Observations from five years at Fujitsu, Steven M. MILLER
Trust-based collective investment schemes, Man YIP
Trust building across and within cultures: A study of Guinea, West Africa, and China, Hwee Hoon TAN, Xiushun SUN, and Yue WANG
Ubiquitous commerce: Beyond wireless commerce, H. GALANXHI-JANAQI and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Umbrella review of meta-analyses on the risk factors, protective factors, consequences and interventions of cyberbullying victimization, K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA, Andree HARTANTO, Crystal H. Y. CHEN, Eddie M. W. TONG, and NADYANNA BINTE MOHAMED MAJEED
Uncovering merchants' willingness to wait in on-demand food delivery markets, Jian LIANG, Ya ZHAO, Hai WANG, Zuopeng XIAO, and Jintao KE
Understanding and fighting scams: Media, language, appeals and effects, Shuhua ZHOU, Xiao Fan LIU, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, S. HARRISON, X. ZHANG, S. ZHEN, D. YEUNG, J. HSIAO, R. LC, A. CHAN, X. WANG, C. JIANG, F. LIN, J. LI, A. WONG, L. CHAN, B. GEORGE, and P. LI
Understanding business group performance in an emerging economy: Acquiring resources and capabilities in order to prosper, Daphne W. YIU, Garry D. BRUTON, and Yuan LU
Understanding engagement in educational computer games, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Yunjie ZHOU, Adeline BOEY, and Hanji LI
Understanding factors influencing proficient information systems usage, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Understanding gender differences in media perceptions: A comparison of 2D versus 3D media, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, David DEWESTER, and Brenda ESCHENBRENNER
Understanding highly competent information system users, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Understanding sociability through Mandevillean Pride: Comments on Robin Douglass's Mandeville's Fable, Antong LIU
Understanding South Korean middle power diplomacy discourses through the concept of Sadae (Serving the Great), Young chul CHO and William A. CALLAHAN
Understanding the governance and inheritance mechanism of Fujian merchants from the perspective of modern economics, Feiyan ZHANG
Unified modeling language: Systems analysis, design, and development issues, Keng SIAU and Terry HALPIN
Unified training of universal time series forecasting transformers, Gerald WOO, Chenghao LIU, Akshat KUMAR, Caiming XIONG, Silvio SAVARESE, and Doyen SAHOO
Universal return and factor timing, Poh Ling NEO, Chyng Wen TEE, and Jeroen KERKHOF
Unjustified performance, Man YIP
(Un)mapping the Punjab onto Singapore's Gurdwaras: Diasporic territorialities and decolonial spaces of Sikh socialisation, Siew Ying SHEE and Orlando WOODS
Urban heat and within-city residential sorting, Stefan BORSKY, Eric FESSELMEYER, and Lennart VOGELSAND
Urban H: Housing, heat, and health, Loretta LEES
Urban sustainability: The Singapore experience, Chuan Seng LEE
Usability of performance dashboards, usefulness of operational and tactical support, and quality of strategic support: A research framework, Bih-Ru LEA and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Use of eye-tracking to identify psychological indicators of sleepiness, Debasis ROY, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, and Matthew THIMGAN
User acceptance of advice by AI agents: Expectation-system fit perspective, Jingyuan CAI and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Users' perceptions of web download delay: An empirical study, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, Qi FEI, and Holtjona GALANXHI
Using expert support and its explanation facilities for group decision making, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and Izak BENBASAT
VadCLIP: Adapting vision-language models for weakly supervised video anomaly detection, Peng WU, Xuerong ZHOU, Guansong PANG, Lingru ZHOU, Qingsen YAN, Peng WANG, and Yanning ZHANG
Validation of a model of information systems user competency, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Validity of social media assessments in personnel selection: A systematic review of the initial evidence, Franz W. MÖNKE, Nicolas ROULIN, Filip LIEVENS, Marie Therese BARTOSSEK, and Philipp SCHÄPERS
VFIRM: Verifiable fine-grained encrypted image retrieval in multi-owner multi-user settings, Qiuyun TONG, Yinbin MIAO, Lei CHEN, Jian WENG, Kim-Kwang Raymond CHOO, Ximeng LIU, and Robert H. DENG
Vicarious liability: Policy, rationales, and its limits, Aaron YOONG, Yi Hang LAU, and Wen Yee CHANG
Virtual reality for hazard mitigation and community resilience: An interdisciplinary collaboration with community engagement to enhance risk awareness, N. J. STONE, G. YAN, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH, C. SABHARWAL, K. ANGLE, F. E. HATCH, S. RUNNELS, V. BROWN, G. M. SCHOOR, and C. ENGELBRECHT
Visions for the future: Towards more vibrant, sustainable, and smart cities, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, and Chuen Kong Kevin CHEONG
Visualizing affective democracy: Learning community in China and Taiwan through images of foreigners, William A. CALLAHAN
Visualizing international politics: A manifesto, William A. CALLAHAN
Voices behind the veil: Unravelling the hijab debate in Singapore through the lived experiences of hijab-wearing Malay-Muslim women, George WONG and George WONG
Was 2024 a good year for you? Let’s review your yardsticks…, Seow Hon TAN and Su Ching LIM
Web browsing and spyware intrusion, S. SHUKLA and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
Well-being of formal leaders: A critical and interdisciplinary review of predictors shaping leader well-being, Burak OC and KRAIVIN PARIPONT CHINTAKANANDA
What factors determine thesubsidiary mode of overseas R&D by developing-country MNEs? Empirical evidence from Chinese subsidiaries abroad, Yanyu WANG, Wei XIE, Jizhen LI, and Chenxi LIU
What have corporations got to do with it? A political economy approach to organizations and climate change, Annika Marie RIEGER
What is wrong with workism?, Matthew HAMMERTON
What makes them so special? Identifying attributes of highly competent information system users, Brenda ESCHENBRENNER and Fiona Fui-hoon NAH
What's success? And what is it that gives meaning to our lives?, Seow Hon TAN
When mothers do it all: Gender-role norms and women’s fertility intentions in post-industrial societies, Sinn Won HAN, Ohjae GOWEN, and Mary C. BRINTON
When taxi drivers meet dynamic pricing: A lesson from Singapore's JustGrab program, Shih-Fen CHENG, Wen-Tai HSU, and Jing LI
Wherefore art thou competitors? How situational affordances help differentiate among prosocials, individualists, and competitors, Y. LIU; A.W. STIVERS; R.O. MURPHY; N.J. VAN DOESUM; J. JOIREMAN; M. GALLUCCI; E. AHARONOV-MAJAR; U. ATHENSTAEDT; L. BAI; R. BÖHM; N.R. BUCHAN; X.-P. CHEN; K.B. DUMONT; J.B. ENGELMANN; LI, Norman P.; H. EUH; S. FIEDLER; J. FRIESEN; S. GÄCHTER; and C. GARCIA
Who is gossiping? Interactive effects of status and status conflict on competence-related gossip, Pei DONG and Abhijeet K. VADERA
Who is using flexible work arrangements among couples? A longitudinal analysis of the disparities between gender, parenthood, and cccupations, Senhu WANG and CHENG Cheng
Why AI’s role in advancing sustainability is underestimated, Lipika BHATTACHARYA
Why did retail liquidity programs fail?, Thomas ERNST, Chester SPATT, and Jian SUN
Why isn’t Formula 1 going electric?, Terry Van GEVELT
Women and portraits in early modern Europe: Gender, agency and identity, Fiona WILLIAMSON
Word co-occurrence regularized non-negative matrix tri-factorization for text data co-clustering, Aghiles SALAH, Melissa AILEM, and Mohamed NADIF
World Wide Wait, Fiona Fui-hoon NAH and K. KIM
Your Past is my Present: Does evoking historical analogies change public opinion regarding foreign policy?, Anil MENON, Yehonathan ABRAMSON, Dean C. DULAY, and Pauline JONES
Youthfulness and Rousseau’s anti-pluralist realism about political pluralism, Antong LIU
为绿色公共交通导向型开发设计更好的机制 (Designing Better Mechanisms for Green Transit Oriented Developments), Sock Yong PHANG