Lee Kong Chian School of Business Research Collection | Lee Kong Chian School of Business | Singapore Management University
The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. The school research areas include Organisational behavior & human resources (OBHR), Strategy & Organisation, Finance, Quantitative finance, Operations management, Marketing, Communication management.


Submissions from 2023


Cheating constraint decisions and discrimination against workers with lower financial standing, Grace J. H. LIM, Marko PITESA, and Abhijeet K. VADERA Journal Article


Commentaries on “Scale use and abuse: Toward best practices in the deployment of scales”, Constantine S. KATSIKEAS, Shilpa MADAN, C. Miguel BRENDL, Bobby J. CALDER, Donald R. LEHMANN, Hans BAUMGARTNER, Bert WEIJTERS, Mo WANG, Chengquan HUANG, and Joel HUBER Journal Article


Design education as a catalyst for innovation: A case study from Singapore, Tamas MAKANY, Nur Hidayah Abu BAKAR, and Cheaw Hwei LOW Conference Proceeding Article


Designing payment models for the poor, Bhavani Shanker UPPARI and Sasa ZORC Working Paper


Employer branding in the healthcare sector: The role of instrumental and symbolic image attributes among potential applicants and doctors, Jiaxin LUO, Aristides I. FERREIRA, Filip LIEVENS, and Beatriz R. TRIGO Journal Article


From market making to matchmaking: Does bank regulation harm market liquidity?, Gideon SAAR, Jian SUN, Ron YANG, and Haoxiang ZHU Journal Article


Going beyond Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) samples and problems in organizational research, Marko PITESA and Michele J. GELFAND Editorial


Information spillover and corporate policies: The case of listed options, Gennaro BERNILE, Jianfeng HU, Guangzhong LI, and Roni MICHAELY Journal Article


Leading a business school, Julie DAVIS, Howard THOMAS, Eric CORNUEL, and Rolf D. CREMER Book


Personnel selection: A review of ways to maximize validity, diversity, and the applicant experience, Chad H. Van Iddekinge, Filip LIEVENS, and Paul R. Sackett Journal Article


Perspectives on the mission, value and impact of the business school, Howard THOMAS and Howard THOMAS Magazine Article


Presidential economic approval rating and the cross-section of stock returns, Zilin CHEN, Zhi DA, Dashan HUANG, and Liyao WANG Journal Article


Putting manufacturing on the offensive, Arnoud DE MEYER, Kasra FERDOWS, and Ann VEREECKE Journal Article


R&D consortia in competitive supply chains, Pascale CRAMA, Gaoyan LU, and Yi XU Journal Article


R&D project portfolio collaboration: How to structure the strategic alliance, Guiyun FENG, Pascale CRAMA, and Wenqi LIAN Conference Proceeding Article

Successful ageing in 'smart' Singapore, Kheng Min MA Book Chapter


Sustainability impact assessment of new ventures: An emerging field of research, Klaus FICHTER, Florian LUDEKE-FREUND, Stefan SCHALTEGGER, and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX Journal Article


The inclusive organizing playbook, Kenneth T. GOH, Daniel Z. MACK, and Jovina ANG Book


Understanding human-centred artificial intelligence in the banking sector, Krishnaraj Arul OBUCHETTIAR and Alan @ Ali MADJELISI MEGARGEL Journal Article


Which businesses enroll in innovation training? Evidence from a field experiment, Pascale CRAMA, Reddi KOTHA, Cintia Kulzer SACILOTTO, and Vish KRISHNAN Working Paper


Work effort: A conceptual and meta-analytic review, Chad H. Van Iddekinge, John D. ARNOLD, Herman AQUINIS, Jonas W. B. LANG, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article

Submissions from 2022


Can lower(ed) expert opinions lead to better consumer ratings?: The case of Michelin stars, X. LI, Y. DENG, P. MANCHANDA, and Bert De REYCK Working Paper


Charting new courses to enter foreign markets: Conceptualization, theoretical framework, and research directions on non-traditional entry modes, Keith D. BROUTHERS, Liang CHEN, Sali LI, and Noman SHAHEER Journal Article

Digital transformation and international strategies, Roger STRANGE, Liang CHEN, and Maria Tereza Leme FLEURY Journal Article


Governance and design of digital platforms: A review and future research directions on a meta-organization, Liang CHEN, Tony W. TONG, Shaoqin TANG, and Nianchen HAN Journal Article


Learning from manipulable signals, Mehmet EKMEKCI, Leandrro GORNO, Lucas MAESTRI, Jian SUN, and Dong WEI Journal Article


Nature Tech: A nascent ecosystem, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX Report


Optimal channel strategy of luxury brands in the presence of online marketplace and copycats, Sarah Yini GAO, Wei Shi LIM, and Ziqiu YE Journal Article


Shaping OTT movie consumption through immersive cinema: A qualitative investigation of consumer perspectives, Avirupa BASU, Pratap C. MANDAL, Ashutosh. B. MURTI, Tamas MAKANY, and Tamas MAKANY Journal Article


The impact of subscription programs on customer purchases, Raghu IYENGAR, Young-Hoon PARK, and Qi YU Journal Article


The value of fiduciary duties: Evidence from en bloc sales in Singapore, Jianfeng HU, Kelvin F. K. LOW, and Wei ZHANG Journal Article

The future of business schools: Purpose, action, and impact, Rico BALDEGGER, Ayman EL TARABISHY, David AUDRETSCH, Dafna KARIV, Katia PASSERINI, and Wee Liang TAN Edited Book

Forecasting airport transfer passenger flow using real-time data and machine learning, Xiaojia GUO, Yael GRUSHKA-COCKAYNE, and Bert De REYCK Journal Article

Corporate governance of innovation in Singapore Chinese family business, Geok Chwee ONG, Thomas MENKHOFF, Lawrence LOH, and Patrick H M Loh Book Chapter


Avoiding bias in the search for implicit bias, Wilson CYRUS-LAI, Warren TIERNEY, Christilene Du PLESSIS, My NGUYEN, Michael SCHAERER, Elena Giulia CLEMENTE, and Eric Luis UHLMANN Journal Article


Can big data cure risk selection in healthcare capitation program? A game theoretical analysis, Zhaowei SHE, Turgay AYER, and Daniel MONTANERA Journal Article


Is there a strategic organization in the behavioral theory of the firm? Looking back and looking forward, Henrich R. GREVE and Cyndi Man ZHANG Journal Article


Responsible hedge funds, Hao LIANG, Lin SUN, and Song Wee Melvyn TEO Journal Article


Revisiting meta-analytic estimates of validity in personnel selection: Addressing systematic overcorrection for restriction of range, Paul R. SACKETT, Charlene ZHANG, Christopher M. BERRY, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


Social performance feedback and firm communication strategy, Heli WANG, Ming JIA, Yi XIANG, and Yang LAN Journal Article


The effects of school-based management on Indian government schools, Panchali GUHA Journal Article


A consumer perspective on managing the consequences of chain liability, Julia HARTMANN, Sebastian FORKMANN, Sabine BENOIT, and Stephan C. HENNEBERG Journal Article


Artificial Intelligence, consumers, and the experience economy, Hannah H. CHANG and Anirban MUKHERJEE Book Chapter


Bringing excitement to empirical business ethics research: Thoughts on the future of business ethics, Mayowa T. BABALOLA, Matthijs BAL, Charles H. CHO, Lucia GARCIA-LORENZO, Omrane GUEDHAMI, Hao LIANG, Greg SHAILER, and Suzanne VAN GILS Journal Article


Building up a culture of respect, Siow-heng ONG News Article


Ethical branding in a divided world: How political orientation motivates reactions to marketplace transgressions, Thomas ALLARD and Brent McFerran Journal Article


Explanation guided contrastive learning for sequential recommendation, Lei WANG, Ee-peng LIM, Zhiwei LIU, and Tianxiang ZHAO Conference Proceeding Article

Hard truth for adulting, Paul Heng Leong LIM Book Chapter


Innovation in the sharing economy: A framework and future research agenda, Sabine BENOIT, Yonggui WANG, Lefa TENG, Daniel P. HAMPSON, and Xia LI Journal Article


Misunderstood menu metrics: Side-length food sizing leads to quantity underestimation and overeating, Thomas ALLARD and Stefano PUNTONI Journal Article


Riding off into the sunset: Dual-class structure in the age of unicorns going public, Hao LIANG, Junho PARK, and Wei ZHANG Working Paper


That's important, interesting, and generative: Winners of the AMJ 2021 Best Paper Award and Research Impact Award, Jennifer HOWARD-GRENVILLE, Gurneeta VASUDEVA, and Daphne W. YIU Transcript


The alphabet soup in reporting and measuring ESG, Hao LIANG and Kam Chee CHAN Magazine Article


The differential effects of CSR and CSI on consumer willingness to pay: Implications for service providers and retailers, Sabine BENOIT, Julia HARTMANN, Christina SICHTMANN, and Martin WETZELS Journal Article


The disappearing convenience of convenience stores, RAMASWAMI, S. News Article

The future of marketing & advertising in Asia, Jin K. HAN, Yung Kyun CHOI, and Sangman HAN Journal Article


The sun is rising in the East: Dual-class shares and the competitive landscape of technological industries in Asia, Hao LIANG, Tran Bao Phuong NGUYEN, and Wei ZHANG Working Paper


Using machine learning to extract insights from consumer data, Hannah H. CHANG and Anirban MUKHERJEE Book Chapter

Videogames and their material representations: Prototyping interactive experiences for social and cognitive purposes, Feichin Ted TSCHANG (or F. Ted TSCHANG), Beatrice D’IPPOLITO, and Mathieu-Claude CHABOUD Journal Article

Strategic financial management Part II: Seasoned equity offerings, corporate payout policy, and the case of regulated utilities, Fangjian FU and Clifford W. SMITH Journal Article


Attraction versus competition: A tale of two similarity effects in director selection of Chinese firms, GAO Renfei, Helen HU, and Toru YOSHIKAWA Journal Article


Contextualizing the organizational mindset, Joseph A. CARPINI and Burak OC Journal Article


Corporate actions and the manipulation of retail investors in China: An analysis of stock splits, Sheridan TITMAN, Chi Shen WEI, and Bin ZHAO Journal Article


Distinctive features of nonverbal behavior and mimicry in application interviews through data analysis and machine learning, Sanne ROGIERS, Elias CORNEILLIE, Filip LIEVENS, Frederik ANSEEL, Peter VEELAERT, and Wilfried PHILIPS Journal Article


Employer image within and across industries: Moving beyond assessing points-of-relevance to identifying points-of-difference, Greet Van Hoye, Filip LIEVENS, Bert Weijters, and Saartje Cromheecke Journal Article


Experiential learning: The case of training MBA students in an Asian school, Chiyachantana N. CHIRAPHOL, Kuan Yong David DING, and Jack Jiajun HONG Journal Article


Fractile graphical analysis in finance: A new perspective with applications, Anil K. BERA and Aurobindo GHOSH Journal Article


Out of the trap: Conversion funnel business model, customer switching costs, and industry profitability, Niloofar ABOLFATHI, Andrea FOSFURI, and Simone SANTAMARIA Journal Article


Reaching for rigor and relevance: Better marketing research for a better world, Shilpa MADAN and et. al. Journal Article


Smart charging of electric vehicle: An innovative business model for utility firms, Owen WU, Safak YUCEL, and Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU Journal Article


The breadth of normative standards: Antecedents and consequences for individuals and organizations, Shilpa MADAN, Shankha BASU, Sharon NG, and Krishna SAVANI Journal Article

The role of maritime transport for transportation of scrap and recyclates in networks of recycling plants, Joyce M. W. LOW and Lieven DEMEESTER Conference Paper


What you see is what you get? Measuring companies' projected employer image attributes via companies' employment webpages, Christian P. THEURER, Philipp SCHAPERS, Andranik TUMASJAN, Isabell M. WELPE, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article

Theory and econometrics of financial asset pricing, Kian Guan LIM Book

Inter-generational socio-emotional wealth and succession in family firms during adversity, Kim Lai Kuan WONG, Daniel Z. MACK, and Toru YOSHIKAWA Conference Proceeding Article


A comprehensive examination of the cross-validity of Pareto-Optimal versus fixed-weight selection systems in the biobjective selection context., Wilfried DE CORTE, Filip LIEVENS, and Paul R. SACKETT Journal Article


Customer concentration and corporate carbon emissions, Saiying DENG, Tinghua DUAN, Frank Weikai LI, and Xiaoling PU Working Paper


Developing organizational innovation capability in high-technology domain using limited resource, Minh H. VO, Daniel Z. MACK, and Quy N. HUY Conference Proceeding Article


Do alpha males deliver alpha? Facial width-to-height ratio and hedge funds, Yan LU and Melvyn TEO Journal Article


Dynamic stochastic matching under limited time, Aouad ALI and Omer SARITAC Journal Article


Inflation expectations can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, Aurobindo GHOSH, Khyati CHAUHAN, and Muskan BAGRODIA News Article


Information acquisition and expected returns: Evidence from EDGAR search traffic, Frank Weikai LI and Chengzhu SUN Journal Article


International asset pricing with strategic business groups, Massimo MASSA, Hong ZHANG, and Hong ZHANG Journal Article


Pricing and quality strategies for an on-demand housekeeping platform with customer-intensive services, Jianjun YU, Yanli FANG, Yuanguang ZHONG, Xiong ZHANG, and Ruijie ZHANG Journal Article


The cryptocurrency participation puzzle, Ran DUCHIN, David H. SOLOMON, Jun TU, and Xi WANG Working Paper


Where we are from matters: Assessing the impact of immigrants on firm environmental performance, Narae LEE Conference Proceeding Article

Crowdfunding Explained, Hannah H. CHANG Video

Bayesian dithering for learning: Asymptotically optimal policies in dynamic pricing, Woonghee Tim HUH, Michael Jong KIM, and Meichun LIN Journal Article

Managing complexity and Covid-19: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Aurobindo GHOSH, Amit HALDAR, and Kalyan BHAUMIK Edited Book

Strategic debate on financial inclusion: Is life or livelihood a false choice, Aurobindo GHOSH Book Chapter


A zero-based cultural perspective on dealing with the hybrid reality of teaching in business schools, Susan FOURNIER and Howard THOMAS Magazine Article


Communication in the gig economy: Buying and selling in online freelance marketplaces, Stephan LUDWIG, Dennis HERHAUSEN, Dhruv GREWAL, Liliana BOVE, Sabine BENOIT, Ko DE RUYTER, and Peter URWIN Journal Article


Countercyclical marketing during recessions, Nirmalya KUMAR Journal Article

Creating a new management university: Tracking the strategy of Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore (1997-2019/2020), Howard THOMAS, Alex WILSON, and Michelle P. LEE Book


Economic and environmental implications of biomass commercialization in agricultural processing, Bin LI, Onur BOYABATLI, and Buket AVCI Journal Article


Entering dystopia: Should your face be the key to your fate?, Shilpa MADAN, Krishna SAVANI, and Gita V. JOHAR Blog Post


Eradicating Malaria: Innovation diffusion in the face of grand challenges, Han JIANG, Hao LIANG, and Dongning YANG Working Paper

Foreword: Strategy and management perspective, Howard THOMAS Book Chapter


Gamifying an assessment method: What signals are organizations sending to applicants?, Konstantina GEORGIOU and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


Oil price shocks and stock market anomalies, Zhaobo ZHU, Licheng SUN, Jun TU, and Qiang JI Journal Article