Submissions from 2025
Real-time estimated Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score with intervals: Improved risk monitoring with estimated uncertainty in health condition for patients in intensive care units, Yan HE, Qian LUO, Hai WANG, Zhichao ZHENG, Haidong LUO, and Oon Cheong OOI Journal Article
COVID-19 and investors' trading behavior: Evidence from the New Zealand equity market, Finn West WILKINSON, Marinela Adriana FINTA, and Olena ONISHCHENKO Journal Article
Do bank CEOs learn from crisis experiences?, Yang YU Journal Article
Director overseas experience and cross-border acquisitions: Evidence from China, LIU Chenxi and Mengyao KANG Journal Article
Every voice has its bright and dark sides: Understanding observers’ reactions to coworkers’ voice behaviors, Szu-Han LIN, Shereen FATIMAH, Emily C. POULTON, Cony M. HO, D. Lance FERRIS, and Russell E. JOHNSON Journal Article
Well-being of formal leaders: A critical and interdisciplinary review of predictors shaping leader well-being, Burak OC and KRAIVIN PARIPONT CHINTAKANANDA Journal Article
A head-to-head comparison of situational judgment tests and assessment centers for measuring and predicting the same performance dimensions, Iman SHAKERI and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
A new era of technology-infused retailing, Dhruv GREWAL, Anne L. ROGGEVEEN, Sabine BENOIT, Maria Lucila Osorio Andrade, Ruud WETZELS, and Martin WETZELS Journal Article
Coevolution of SOEs and the Chinese economy: The roles of SOE heterogeneity from the institutional, strategic, and organizational perspectives, Kenneth G. HUANG, Runtian JING, Jun XIA, Man ZHANG, Weiguo ZHONG, and David ZHU Journal Article
It's just a game! Effects of fantasy in a storified test on applicant reactions, Marie L. OHLMS, Klaus G. MELCHERS, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Old signals, new era: Reconsidering how customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction impact shareholder wealth, Cesar ZAMUDIO, Suyun MAH, and Vanitha SWAMINATHAN Journal Article
Retirement and organizations: Advocating organizational responsibility for retirement in practice and scholarship, Valerie CAINES, Gokhan ERTUG, Prashant BORDIA, and Deidra J. SCHLEICHER Editorial
Something in the air: Does air pollution affect fund managers’ carbon divestment?, Thanh HUYNH, Frank Weikai LI, and Ying XIA Journal Article
Anatomical depiction: How showing a product's inner structure shapes product valuations, Seo Yoon KANG, Junghan KIM, and Arun LAKSHMANAN Journal Article
Automating procurement practices using artificial intelligence, Xingyi LI, Bert De REYCK, and Onesun Steve YOO Journal Article
How deep-level and surface-level board diversity, formal and informal social structures affect innovation, Guoli CHEN, Po-Hsuan HSU, Yen Teik LEE, and Daniel Z. MACK Journal Article
Interfaces, social information processing, and diversity cascades: How board diversity influences invention output, Daniel Z. MACK, Guoli CHEN, Po-Hsuan HSU, Yen Teik LEE, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article
Path nets: Concurrence and recurrence in the dynamics of organizing, Brian T. PENTLAND, Waldemar KREMSER, and Kenneth T. GOH Journal Article
Seeking new ground for managing: An introduction to the Special Issue on “Awakening to Ourselves, One Another, and the Earth: Awareness Practices and Systems Change”, Kathryn Goldman SCHUYLER, Lemuel W. WATSON, and Jochen REB Transcript
Submissions from 2024
Algorithm envelopment in platform markets, Liang CHEN, Zhou ZHOU, and Lester CHAN Journal Article
Exploring students' computer-supported collaborative argumentation with socio-scientific issues, Wenli CHEN, Yiting HAN, Jesmine TAN, Aileen Siew Cheng CHAI, Qianru LYU, and Lyna Journal Article
Flexible vs. dedicated technology choice in the presence of multiproduct subscription programs, Liling LU, Onur BOYABATLI, and Sarah Yini GAO Working Paper
FOMO and the ICO: The salience of quality signals, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Sandzhar TAZHIBAEV, and Johannes GARTNER Journal Article
Optimizing initial screening for colorectal cancer detection with adherence behavior, Sarah Yini GAO, Yan HE, Ruijie ZHANG, Zhichao ZHENG, Shao Wei Lam LAM, and Emile TAN Journal Article
Personality dynamics turn positive and negative mood into creativity, Ronald BLEDOW, Jana KUHNEL, and Julius KUHL Journal Article
Regularization in deep learning, Peng LIU Book
Smart heuristics in business relationships: Toward a typology, Jochen REB and Nilotpal JHA Journal Article
Trust building across and within cultures: A study of Guinea, West Africa, and China, Hwee Hoon TAN, Xiushun SUN, and Yue WANG Journal Article
Universal return and factor timing, Poh Ling NEO, Chyng Wen TEE, and Jeroen KERKHOF Working Paper
How to make a smooth transition into your golden years, Thomas MENKHOFF News Article
Catching the digital wave : Jumbo group shows how digital transformation and its seafood business can go together, Xuesong GENG, Andrew CHIN, and Thomas LIM Magazine Article
Celebrating Professor Rita McGrath: Winner of the CK Prahalad Outstanding Scholar / Practitioner Award, Strategic Management Society, US 2022: A conversation with Howard Thomas, Rita McGRATH and Howard THOMAS Journal Article
EFMD’s view of critical issues of gender equality and diversity in business schools, Eric CORNUEL, Matthew WOOD, and Howard THOMAS Journal Article
Finding purpose in higher education: Insights from the distinctive career of Professor Rajani Naidoo, Howard THOMAS Journal Article
Making an impact while ‘muddling through’: Conversations with Anne Tsui, Anne TSUI and Howard THOMAS Journal Article
Regulating adaptive medical artificial intelligence: Can less oversight lead to greater compliance?, Jiayi LAI, Liang XU, Xin FANG, and Tinglong DAI Working Paper
Strategic cross-subsidization in healthcare capitation programs: Evidence from Medicare Advantage, Zhaowei SHE, Turgay AYER, Bilal GOKPINAR, and Danny R. HUGHESD Journal Article
Stress reactivity and sociocultural learning: More stress-reactive individuals are quicker at learning sociocultural norms from experiential feedback, Shilpa MADAN, Krishna SAVANI, Pranjal H. MEHTA, Desiree Y. PHUA, Ying-Yi HONG, and Michael W. MORRIS Journal Article
Validity of social media assessments in personnel selection: A systematic review of the initial evidence, Franz W. MÖNKE, Nicolas ROULIN, Filip LIEVENS, Marie Therese BARTOSSEK, and Philipp SCHÄPERS Journal Article
Which idea to pursue? Gender differences in novelty avoidance during creative work, Mengzi JIN and Roy Y. J. CHUA Journal Article
Crisis communication cases from Asia, Su Lin YEO and Krishnamurthy SRIRAMESH Edited Book
Behavioral factors associated with patients' non-attendance: A retrospective study in an outpatient specialty clinic at a women's and children's hospital in Singapore, Yue TANG, Houyuan JIANG, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, Chui Yee LOKE, and Bee Keow GOH Journal Article
Do women receive worse financial advice?, Utpal BHATTACHARYA, Amit KUMAR, Sujata VISARIA, and Jing ZHAO Journal Article
Extubation decisions with predictive information for mechanically ventilated patients in ICU, Guang CHENG, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, Haidong LUO, and Oon Cheong OOI Journal Article
Insights from an updated personnel selection meta-analytic matrix: Revisiting general mental ability tests’ role in the validity-diversity trade-Off, Christopher M. BERRY, Filip LIEVENS, Charlene ZHANG, and Paul R. SACKETT Journal Article
Network effects, word of mouth, and entry performance: A study of digital freemium products, Noman SHAHEER, Liang CHEN, Jingtao YI, Sali LI, and Huiwen SU Journal Article
Physical frictions and digital banking adoption, Hyun Soo CHOI and Roger LOH Journal Article
The boundaries of the law: Can US private enforcement discipline foreign firms?, Massimo MASSA, Xiaoqiao WANG, Bohui ZHANG, and Hong ZHANG Journal Article
The promise and perils of smart (city) bots as educational tools, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, and Shaohui FOONG Conference Paper
An exponential cone programming approach for managing electric vehicle charging, Li CHEN, Long HE, and Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU Journal Article
Appointment scheduling with delay tolerance heterogeneity, Shuming WANG, Jun LI, Marcus ANG, and Tsan Sheng NG Journal Article
A regulatory focus theory perspective on the dynamics between action and power, Shereen FATIMAH, Hun Whee LEE, Lance D.. FERRIS, and Henry R. YOUNG Journal Article
Cultural Tightness in Organizations: Investigating the Impact of Formal and Informal Cultural Tightness on Employee Creativity, Roy Y. J. CHUA, Na ZHAO, and Meng HAN Journal Article
From the guest editors: The human side of the future of work: Understanding the role people play in shaping a changing world, Jochen I. MENGES, Lauren C. HOWE, Erika HALL, Jon M. JACHIMOWICZ, Sharon K. PARKER, Riki TAKEUCHI, Abhijeet K. VADERA, Ashley WHILLANS, and Susan K. COHEN Editorial
The downstream impact of upstream tariffs: Evidence from investment decisions in supply chains, Thorsten MARTIN and Clemens A. OTTO Journal Article
The effect of nationalism on governance choices in cross-border collaborations, Gokhan ERTUG, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, Douglas DOW, and Jesper EDMAN Journal Article
Firms’ camouflage: How do firms deter potential rivals?, Xuan LI, William P. WAN, Daphne W. YIU, and Chaowen DENG Conference Proceeding Article
A theory of host country sentiments: An illustration in cross-border acquisitions, Daphne W. YIU, William P. WAN, Xiaocong TIAN, and Kelly Xing CHEN Journal Article
Female CHRO appointments: A crack in the glass ceiling?, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Daisuke UCHIDA, and Richard SMITH Journal Article
Foreign director exit in the midst of deteriorating bilateral political relations, Xiaocong TIAN, Yuehua XU, and Daphne W. YIU Journal Article
Geographic links and predictable returns, Zuben JIN and Frank Weikai LI Journal Article
Open innovations in co-creation community platform : Bonding, crowding and complementor’ s engagement, Daphne W. YIU and Yiqian LU Conference Proceeding Article
Predicting personality or prejudice? Facial inference in the age of artificial intelligence, Shilpa MADAN and Gayoung PARK Journal Article
Uncertain search with knowledge transfer, Woonghee Tim HUH, Michael Jong KIM, and Meichun LIN Working Paper
Who is gossiping? Interactive effects of status and status conflict on competence-related gossip, Pei DONG and Abhijeet K. VADERA Conference Proceeding Article
Locking in overseas buyers amid geopolitical conflicts, Di FAN, Pengcheng MA, Lin CUI, and Daphne W. YIU Journal Article
Optimal policies and heuristics to match supply with demand for online retailing, Qiyuan DENG, Xiaobo LI, Yun Fong LIM, and Fang LIU Journal Article
Perceived context typicality and beliefs in the generalizability of management research findings, Przemyslaw HENSEL and Adam TATARYNOWICZ Journal Article
Price discovery on decentralized exchanges, Agostino CAPPONI, Ruizhe JIA, and Shihao YU Working Paper
Reeling in the slack: An integrative review to reinstate slack as a central theoretical construct for management research, Matthew P. MOUNT, Gokhan ERTUG, Korcan KAVUSAN, Gerard GEORGE, and Tengjian ZOU Journal Article
Who profits from trading options?, Jianfeng HU, Antonia KIRILOVA, Gilbert Seongkyu PARK, and Doojin RYU Journal Article
AI competency acquisition online? Engaging undergraduate students in an AI 101 Course through a chatbot workshop, Thomas MENKHOFF and Lydia TEO Book Chapter
Autonomous stores: How levels of in-store automation affect store patronage, Sabine BENOIT, Birgit ALTRICHTER, Dhruv GREWAL, and Carl-Philip AHLBOM Journal Article
Enhancing government service delivery: A case study of ACQAR implementation and lessons learned from ChatGPT integration in a Singapore government agency, Hui Shan LEE; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; and Eng Lieh OUH Conference Proceeding Article
Formal versus informal supervisor socio-emotional support behaviours and employee trust: The role of cultural power distance, Jaee CHO, S. Arzu WASTI, Krishna SAVANI, Hwee Hoon TAN, and Michael W. MORRIS Journal Article
Job insecurity and well-being: Integrating life history and transactional stress theories, Nina SIROLA Journal Article
Lessons from the demise of the Brent Crude oil futures contract on the Singapore Exchange, Kuan Yong David DING and Wui Boon LIM Journal Article
Nationalist sentiments and the multinational enterprise: Insights from organizational sociology, Jesper EDMAN, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, Gokhan ERTUG, and Ruth V. AGUILERA Journal Article
Nonstandard errors, Albert J. MENKELD, Shihao YU, and et al. Journal Article
Nurturing youth climate action: A blue carbon perspective, Thomas MENKHOFF and Chuen Kong Kevin CHEONG Book Chapter
On-site sensory experience boosts acceptance of cultivated chicken, Mark CHONG, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, and Tricia Marjorie FERNANDEZ Journal Article
Politically connected EMNCs in a (de)globalising world: A review and future research directions, Dongdong HUANG, Lai Si TSUI-AUCH, Marleen DIELEMAN, and David GOMULYA Journal Article
The effect of carbon pricing on firm performance: Worldwide evidence, Tinghua DUAN, Frank Weikai LI, and Hong ZHANG Working Paper
The science of creating brand associations: A Continuous Trinity Model linking brand associations to learning processes, Christilene Du PLESSIS, Serena D'HOOGE, and Steven SWELDENS Journal Article
Visions for the future: Towards more vibrant, sustainable, and smart cities, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, and Chuen Kong Kevin CHEONG Edited Book
What drives employers’ favorability ratings on employer review platforms? The role of symbolic, personal, and emotional content, Christoph E. HÖLLIG, Andranik TUMASJAN, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
A tale of two signals: Partner CSR versus CSI and alliance formation, Qiwen YU, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, and Heli WANG Journal Article
Bridging the chasm between intentions and behaviors: Developing and testing a construal level theory of internalwhistle-blowing, Abhijeet K. VADERA, Ann E. TENBRUNSEL, and Kristina A. DIEKMANN Journal Article
Design of off-grid lighting business models to serve the poor: Field experiments and structural analysis, Bhavani Shanker UPPARI, Serguei NETESSINE, Ioana POPESCU, and Rowan P. CLARKE Journal Article
Do firms with technological capabilities rush in? Evidence from the timing of licensing of Stanford inventions, Young-Choon KIM, Reddi KOTHA, and Mooweon RHEE Journal Article
Non-standard errors, Albert J. MENKVELT, Anna DREBER, et al., Bart Zhou YUESHEN, and Emiliano Sebastian PAGNOTTA Journal Article
Untangling influence: The effect of follower-followee comparison on social media engagement, Yi PENG and Liling LU Journal Article
Shortening emergency medical response time with joint operations of uncrewed aerial vehicles with ambulances, Xiaoquan GAO, Nan KONG, and Paul GRIFFIN Journal Article
An integrative review of management research on caste: Broadening our horizons, Hari BAPUJI, Snehanjali CHRISPAL, Pardeep Singh ATTRI, Gokhan ERTUG, and Vivek SOUNDARARAJAN Journal Article
COVID-19 and management scholarship: Lessons for conducting impactful research, Gerard GEORGE, Gokhan ERTUG, Jonathan P. DOH, Johanna MAIR, and Ajnesh PRASAD Journal Article
Designing Pareto-Optimal Selection Systems for Multiple Minority Subgroups and Multiple Criteria, Wilfried DE CORTE, Paul R. SACKETT, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
From the Editors: Mobilizing new sources of data: Opportunities and recommendations, Denis A. GREGOIRE, Anne L. J. TER WAL, Laura M. LITTLE, Sekou BERMISS, Reddi KOTHA, and Marc GRUBER Transcript
Networking fast and slow: The role of speed in tie formation, Julia BRENNECKE, Gokhan ERTUG, and Tom ELFRING Journal Article
Siphoned apart: A portfolio perspective on order flow segmentation, Markus BALDAUF, Joshua MOLLNER, and Bart Zhou YUESHEN Journal Article
The chemistry between us: Illuminating complementarity patterns in interpersonal role play assessment via moment-to-moment analyses, Christoph N. HERDE and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article