Lee Kong Chian School of Business Research Collection | Lee Kong Chian School of Business | Singapore Management University
The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. The school research areas include Organisational behavior & human resources (OBHR), Strategy & Organisation, Finance, Quantitative finance, Operations management, Marketing, Communication management.


Submissions from 2021

Naïve earnings growth extrapolation, Chenyu CUI, Frank Weikai LI, and Xinyi ZHANG Working Paper

The effects of conflict type and intensity on conflict management, Gergana TODOROVA, Kenneth T. GOH, and Laurie R. WEINGART Conference Proceeding Article


Accounting and finance lessons in the time of COVID-19 – Views from the Pacific Basin, Kuan Yong David DING, Julie HARRISON, Martien LUBBERINK, and Chris VAN STADEN Transcript


Actions define a character: Assessment centers as behavior-focused personality measures, Anna Luca HEIMANN, Pia V. INGOLD, Filip LIEVENS, Klaus G. MELCHERS, Gert KEEN, and Martin KLEINMANN Journal Article


Building excellence in higher education: Singapore's experience, Arnoud DE MEYER and Jovina ANG Book


Can employers justify paying workers who return to the office more than those who work from home?, Jared NAI News Article


Case study: National Library Board Singapore: Delivering cost-effective service excellence through innovation and people, Jochen WIRTZ and Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter


Greenwashing: Evidence from hedge funds, Hao LIANG, Lin SUN, and Melvyn TEO Working Paper


How nascent organizations overcome unfavorable legitimacy judgments to form partnerships, Kenneth T. GOH, Daniel Z. MACK, and Gerard GEORGE Conference Proceeding Article


Monetary policy surprises, stock returns, and financial and liquidity constraints, in an exchange rate monetary policy system, John M. SEQUEIRA Journal Article


Public sentiment is everything: Host-country public sentiment toward home country and acquisition ownership during institutional transition, Daphne W. YIU, William P. WAN, Kelly Xing CHEN, and Xiaocong TIAN Journal Article


Regeneration first, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Ryan Knowles MERRILL Report


Ambivalent bosses: An examination of supervisor expressed emotional ambivalence on subordinate task engagement, Jia Hui LIM, Kenneth TAI, and Maryam KOUCHAKI Journal Article


Are disagreements agreeable? Evidence from information aggregation, Dashan HUANG, Jiangyuan LI, and Liyao WANG Journal Article


A unified market model for swaptions and constant maturity swaps, Chyng Wen TEE and Jeroen KERKHOF Journal Article


Building digital-ready culture, Richard Raymond SMITH News Article


Competition and cheating: Investigating the role of moral awareness, moral identity, and moral elevation, Abhijeet K. VADERA and Chandra Shekhar PATHKI Journal Article


Experience base, strategy-by-doing and new product performance, Liang CHEN, Mengmeng WANG, Lin CUI, and Sali LI Journal Article


Information avoidance and medical screening: A field experiment in China, Yufeng LI, Juanjuan MENG, Changcheng SONG, and Kai ZHENG Journal Article


Just because you're powerless doesn't mean they aren't out to get you: Low power, paranoia, and aggression, Michael Schaerer, Trevor Foulk, Christilene du Plessis, Min Hsuan Tu, and Satish Krishnan Journal Article


Limousine service management: Capacity planning with predictive analytics and optimization, Peng LIU, Ying CHEN, and Chung-Piaw TEO Journal Article


Online review solicitations reduce extremity bias in online review distributions and increase their representativeness, Hülya KARAMAN Journal Article

Peer effects in equity research, Kenny PHUA, T. Mandy THAM, and Chi Shen WEI Journal Article


The impact of concession patterns on negotiations: When and why decreasing concessions lead to a distributive disadvantage, Kian Siong TEY, Michael SCHAERER, Nikhil MADAN, and Roderick I. SWAAB Journal Article


The impacts of ethical philosophy on the corporate hypocrisy perception and communication intentions toward CSR, KyuJin SHIM and Jeong-nam KIM Journal Article


The old boys club in New Zealand listed companies, Chen CHEN, David K. DING, and William R. WILSON Journal Article


The salience of choice fuels independence: Implications for self-perception, cognition, and behavior, Kevin NANAKDEWA, Shilpa MADAN, Krishna SAVANI, and Hazel Rose MARKUS Journal Article


Analytics for hospital resource planning: Two case studies, Jingui XIE, Weifen ZHUANG, Marcus ANG, Mabel C. CHOU, Li LUO, and David D. YAO Journal Article


Catalyzing innovations for a sustainable future: Bite-sized commentaries and resource materials, Thomas MENKHOFF Book


Central counterparty exposure in stressed markets, Wenqian HUANG, Albert J. MENKVELD, and Shihao YU Journal Article


Divide and conquer: A hygienic, efficient, and reliable assembly-line for housekeeping, Xiao Alison CHEN, Rowan WANG, and Jianghua ZHANG Journal Article


Do animated line graphs increase risk inferences?, Junghan KIM and Arun LAKSHMANAN Journal Article


Hedge funds and their prime broker analysts, Sung Gon CHUNG, Manoj KULCHANIA, and Melvyn TEO Journal Article


Integrated optimization of farmland cultivation and fertilizer application: Implications for farm management and food security, Onur BOYABATLI, Lusheng SHAO, and Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU Journal Article


Japanese monetary policy and its impact on stock market implied volatility during pleasant and unpleasant weather, Marinela Adriana FINTA Journal Article


Multi-period lot-sizing with supplier selection: Structural results, complexity and algorithms, Meichun LIN, Woonghee Tim HUH, and Guohua WAN Journal Article


Speed acquisition, Shiyang HUANG and Bart Zhou YUESHEN Journal Article


The gender effects of COVID-19 on equity analysts, Frank Weikai LI and Baolian WANG Working Paper


The pricing of initial public offering and market efficiency, Chiyachantana N. CHIRAPHOL Journal Article

Multilevel theorizing of how gender influences trust and creativity, Hye Jung EUN, Roy Y. J. CHUA, and Mengzi JIN Book Chapter


Academic leadership qualities towards innovation endeavours in an organisation: A comparative study of Malaysia and Singapore perceptions, Cheng Sim QUAH, Sandra Phek Lin SIM, and Wee Liang TAN Book Chapter


Design thinking as a means of citizen science for social innovation, Hoe Chin GOI and Wee Liang TAN Journal Article


Good deeds done in silence: Stakeholder management and quiet giving by Chinese firms, Heli WANG, Ming JIA, and Zhe ZHANG Journal Article


Honour Singapore’s national pledge by calling out racism, Siow-heng ONG News Article


Inspire but don't interfere: Managerial influence as a double-edged sword for innovation, Fabiola GERPOTT, Ronald BLEDOW, and Jana KUEHNEL Journal Article


Internal capital markets and return predictability in complex ownership firms, Angelica GONZALEZ, Sergei SARKISSIAN, Jun TU, and Ran ZHANG Working Paper

Organizational routines and organizational change, Brian T. PENTLAND and Kenneth T. GOH Book Chapter

The flow of management ideas: Rethinking managerial audiences, Stefan HEUSINKVELD, Marlieke VAN GRINSVEN, Claudia Groß, David GREATBATCH, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK Book

Financial management: Theory and practice: Asia edition, Ser Keng ANG, Jack Jiajun HONG, Annie KOH, Eugene F. BRIGHAM, and Michael C. EHRHARDT Textbook

Strategic financial management: Lessons from seasoned equity offerings, Fangjian FU and Clifford W. SMITH Journal Article


Are native plants green? Assessing environmental performances of locally-owned facilities, Narae LEE and Jiao LUO Working Paper


A self-regulation model of leader authenticity based on mindful self-regulated attention and political skill, Erik DIETL and Jochen REB Journal Article


Assessing personality dynamics in personnel selection, Joanna SOSNOWSKA, Joeri HOFMANS, and Filip LIEVENS Book Chapter

Climate change and food security in Asia Pacific, Md. Saidul ISLAM and Li Hao Edson KIEU Book


Cohesion, COVID-19 and contemporary challenges to globalization, Andrew DELIOS, Gordon PERCHTHOLD, and Alex CAPRI Journal Article


Digital sustainability and its implications for finance and climate change, Gerard GEORGE and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX Journal Article


Earnings momentum meets short-term return reversal, Zhaobo ZHU, Licheng SUN, Jun TU, and Jun TU Journal Article


Hidden framings and hidden asymmetries in the measurement of personality: A combined lens-model and frame-of-reference perspective, Julian SCHULZE, Stephen G. WEST, Jan-Philipp FREUDENSTEIN, Philipp SCHAEPERS, Patrick MUSSEL, Michael EID, and Stefan KRUMM Journal Article


Impact assessment and measurement with Sustainable Development Goals, Hao LIANG, David FERNANDEZ, and Mikkel LARSEN Working Paper


Impact of moral ethics on consumers’ boycott intentions: A cross-cultural study of crisis perceptions and responses in the United States, South Korea, and Singapore, KyuJin SHIM, Hichang CHO, Soojin KIM, and Su Lin YEO Journal Article


Impact of penalty cost on customers' booking decisions, Jianghua ZHANG, Daniel Zhuoyu LONG, Rowan WANG, and Chi XIE Journal Article


Knowledge recombination and inventor networks: The asymmetric effects of embeddedness on knowledge reuse and impact, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Yimin LIN, Gerard GEORGE, and Tufool ALNUAIMI Journal Article


Marriage of unequals? investment quality heterogeneity, market heat, and the formation of status-asymmetric ties in the venture capital industry, Pavel I. ZHELYAZKOV and Adam TATARYNOWICZ Journal Article

Polluted waters and municipal finance, Daisy HUANG and Amit KUMAR Working Paper


Tackling regional climate change and food security issues: An introduction, Md. Saidul Islam and Edson KIEU Book Chapter


The generativity mindsets of chief executive officers: A new perspective on succession outcomes, Aparna JOSHI, Donald C. HAMBRICK, and Jiyeon KANG Journal Article


Tips for SME transformation amid COVID-19 pandemic, Siow-heng ONG News Article


Urban consolidation center or peer-to-peer platform? The solution to urban last-mile delivery, Qiyuan DENG, Xin FANG, and Yun Fong LIM Journal Article


War Against COVID-19: How Is National Identification Linked With the Adoption of Disease-Preventive Behaviors in China and the United States?, Hoi-Wing CHAN, Xue WANG, Shi-Jiang ZUO, Connie Pui-Yee CHIU, Li LIU, Daphne W. YIU, and Ying-yi HONG Journal Article


External impetus, co-production and grassroots innovations: The case of an innovation involving a language, Wee Liang TAN and Ghil'ad ZUCKERMANN Journal Article


Introduction to the special issue on “Grassroots and inclusive innovations: Conceptualizing synergies and complementarities”, Wee Liang TAN, Partha GANGOPADHYAY, and Oscar HAUPTMAN Transcript


Introduction to the special issue on “Grassroots and inclusive innovations: Conceptualizing synergies and complementarities”, Wee Liang Tan, Partha Gangopadhyay, and Oscar Hauptman Editorial


Japanese monetary policy and its impact on stock market implied volatility during pleasant and unpleasant weather, Marinela Adriana FINTA Working Paper


Who are the most inclined to learn? Evidence from Chinese multinationals' internationalization in the European Union, Liang CHEN, Yi LI, and Di FAN Journal Article

Global shift towards stakeholder-oriented corporate governance? Evidence from the scholarly literature and future research opportunities, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Michael NIPPA, and Gavin CHUA Journal Article

Contingency theory of strategic conflict management: Explicating a “grand” theory of public relations, PANG, A.; Yan JIN; and Glen T. CAMERON Book Chapter


A capability-based view of boards: A new conceptual framework for board governance, Patricia KLARNER, Toru YOSHIKAWA, and Michael HIIT Journal Article


Emergence of private markets and exchanges as an alternative source of financing for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Singapore, Ser Keng ANG Magazine Article


Enabling Singapore's youths to adapt in an era of climate change, Thomas MENKHOFF, Mark CHONG, and Benjamin GAN News Article


Examining business school leadership, Julie DAVIES, Ewan Ferlie, Heather McLAUGHLIN, and Howard THOMAS Magazine Article


Financial literacy and financial decision-making at older ages, Joelle H. FONG, Seng Kee Benedict KOH, Olivia S. MITCHELL, and Susann ROHWEDDER Journal Article


Hedge fund franchises, William FUNG, David HSIEH, Narayan NAIK, and Melvyn TEO Journal Article


Mind your language: The effects of linguistic ostracism on interpersonal work behaviors, John FISET and Devasheesh P. BHAVE Journal Article


Seasoned equity offerings and corporate financial management, Michael J. BARCLAY, Fangjian FU, and Clifford W. SMITH Journal Article

Strategic crisis management: State of the field, challenges and opportunities, Aura DIERS-LAWSON and PANG, A. Book Chapter


The economics of hedge fund startups: Theory and empirical evidence, Charles CAO, Grant FARNSWORTH, and Hong ZHANG Journal Article


The future of real estate: What’s next after new tech and Covid-19?, Swee Yong KU Book


Transaction cost theory: Past progress, current challenges, and suggestions for the future, Ilya CUYPERS, Jean-Francois HENNART, Brian S. SILVERMAN, and Gokhan ERTUG Journal Article


Trust and retirement preparedness: Evidence from Singapore, Benedict S. K. KOH, Olivia S. MITCHELL, and Joelle H. FONG Journal Article


A fluctuating sense of power is associated with reduced well-being, Eric M. ANICICH, Michael SCHAERER, Jake GALE, and Trevor A. FOULK Journal Article

Building growth enterprises in Singapore: Public-Private Partnership, Annie KOH and Esther. KONG Book Chapter


CAPM-based company (mis)valuations, Olivier DESSAINT, Jacques OLIVIER, Clemens A. OTTO, and David THESMAR Journal Article

Covid-19 accelerating the dynamics of Artificial Intelligence disruption, Esteve ALMIRALL and Feichin Ted TSCHANG (or F. Ted TSCHANG) Book Chapter


COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action, Kevin M. KNIFFIN, Jayanth NARAYANAN, Frederik ANSEEL, John ANTONAKIS, Susan P. ASHFORD, Arnold B. BAKKER, Peter BAMBERGER, Hari BAPUJI, Devasheesh P. BHAVE, Virginia K. CHOI, Stefanie J. CREARY, Evangelia Demerouti, Francis J. Flynn, Michele J. Gelfand, Lindred L. Greer, Gary JOHNS, Selin Kesebir, Peter G. Klein, Sun Young LEE, Hakan Ozcelik, Jennifer Louise Petriglieri, Nancy P. Rothbard, Cort W. Rudolph, Jason D. Shaw, and Nina SIROLA Journal Article


Crowdfunding digital platforms: Backer networks and their impact on project outcomes, Yee Heng TAN and Srinivas K. REDDY Journal Article

Drones over Singaporean heritage sites: Exploring the potential of small UAVs (drones) for educational smart city projects and heritage preservation, Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter


Ecowelvaart: Een Oost-Aziatische kijk [in Dutch], Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER Book Chapter


Enterprise feedback management (EFM): What lies beyond the hype?, Lerzan AKSOY, Sabine BENOIT, Shreekant G. JOAG, Jay KANDAMPULLY, Timothy Lee KEININGHAM, and An L. YAN Journal Article


Executive compensation and firm performance in New Zealand: The role of employee stock option plans, David K. DING and Ya Eem CHEA Journal Article


Getting undergraduates ready for China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) through an overseas experiential learning project, China and the world: Ancient and modern silk road, Andrew CHIN, Thomas MENKHOFF, Hans-Dieter EVERS, Hoong Hui Daniel GN, Kevin KOH, Chester Wey LEE, Patrick LOH, Linda LOW, Sebastian TAN, Teng Seng TEO, and Natalie YAP Journal Article