Submissions from 2023
What drives the value of financial analysts’ advice? The role of earnings and growth forecasts, Ohad KADAN, Leonardo MADUREIRA, Rong WANG, and Tzachi ZACH Working Paper
3 groundless myths that get in the way of workforce inclusivity, Kenneth T. GOH News Article
3 groundless myths that get in the way of workforce inclusivity, Kenneth T. GOH News Article
A reply to commentaries on “Revisiting the design of selection systems in light of new findings regarding the validity of widely used predictors”, Paul R. SACKETT, Christopher M. BERRY, Filip LIEVENS, and Charlene ZHANG Journal Article
Bayesian optimization with switching cost: Regret analysis and lookahead variants, Peng LIU, Haowei WANG, and Wei QIYU Conference Proceeding Article
Correcting for range restriction in meta-analysis: A reply to Oh et al. (2023), Paul R. SACKETT, Christopher M. BERRY, Filip LIEVENS, and Charlene ZHANG Journal Article
Effects of a mindfulness-based leadership training on leadership behaviors and effectiveness, Nina TAN, Eva Katharina PETERS, and Jochen REB Journal Article
Gender bias in cultural tightness across the 50 U.S. states and its links to gender inequality in leadership and innovation, Xin QIN, Roy Y. J. CHUA, Ling TAN, Wanlu LI, and Chen CHEN Journal Article
More voices persuade: The attentional benefits of voice numerosity, Hannah H. CHANG, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Journal Article
Overcoming procrastination: Time pressure and positive affect as compensatory routes to action, Jana KUHNEL, Ronald BLEDOW, and Angela KUONATH Journal Article
Reciprocity relationships between underwriters and institutional investors in the IPO market., Chaowen DENG, William WAN, Xuan LI, and Daphne W. YIU Conference Proceeding Article
Subcontracting and rework cost sharing in engineering-procurement-construction projects, Zhenzhen CHEN, Wanshan ZHU, and Pascale CRAMA Journal Article
The race to regeneration: A new era for business and planet, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Ryan Knowles MERRILL Report
The impact of commodity price uncertainty on the economic value of waste-to-energy conversion in agricultural processing, Li BIN, Onur BOYABATLI, and Buket AVCI Journal Article
Beyond anthropomorphism: Unraveling the true priorities of chatbot usage in SMEs, Tamas MAKANY, Sungjong ROH, Kotaro HARA, Jie Min HUA, Felicia Si Ying GOH, and Wilson Yang Jie TEH Conference Proceeding Article
Blockchain and regenerative finance: charting a path toward regeneration, Marco Schletz, Axel Constant, Angel Hsu, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Roman Beck, and Martin Wainstein Journal Article
Board governance of strategic change: An assessment of the literature and avenues for future research, Patricia KLAMER, Qiwen YU, Toru YOSHIKAWA, and Michael HITT Journal Article
Business schools should be schools of management: An evolutionary perspective, Kai PETERS and Howard THOMAS Book Chapter
Centralized versus decentralized pricing controls for dynamic matching platforms, Aouad ALI, Omer SARITAC, and Chiwei YAN Conference Proceeding Article
Human capital effects in the job search process for new labor market entrants: A double-edged sword?, Jomel Wei Xuan NG, Zhaoli SONG, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Insider trading and corporate spinoffs, Charlie CHAROENWONG, Kuan Yong David DING, and Jing PAN Journal Article
Inventory-responsive donor-management policy: A tandem queueing network model, Taozeng ZHU, Nicholas Teck Boon YEO, Sarah Yini GAO, and Gar Goei LOKE Journal Article
Liberalizing home-based business, Sumit AGARWAL, Tien Foo SING, Changcheng SONG, and Jian ZHANG Journal Article
Managing the creative frontier of Generative AI: The novelty-usefulness tradeoff, Anirban. MUKHERJEE and Hannah H. CHANG Journal Article
Not a box of nuts and bolts: Distribution channels for specialty drugs?, Liang XU, Vidya MANI, and Hui ZHAO Journal Article
Perspectives on the impact, mission and purpose of the business school, Howard THOMAS Book Chapter
Purpose in the for-profit firm: A review and framework for management research, Gerard GEORGE, Martine R. HAAS, Anita M. McGahan, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, and Paul TRACEY Journal Article
Seeking better Sharpe ratio via Bayesian optimization, Peng LIU Journal Article
Theorizing about the implications of multiplexity: An integrative typology, Gokhan ERTUG, Julia BRENNECKE, and Stefano TASSELLI Journal Article
Vehicle rebalancing in a shared micromobility system with rider crowdsourcing, Ziliang JIN, Yulan WANG, Yun Fong LIM, Kai PAN, and Zuo-Jun Max SHEN Journal Article
Why employees accept lower pay at mission-oriented companies, Insiya HUSSAIN, Marko PITESA, Stefan THAU, and Michael SCHAERER Magazine Article
Workplace culture must emphasise mutual respect [in Chinese], Siow-heng ONG News Article
Automatic scoring of speeded interpersonal assessment center exercises via machine learning: Initial psychometric evidence and practical guidelines, Louis HICKMAN, Christoph N. HERDE, Filip LIEVENS, and Louis TAY Journal Article
Capturing the dynamic tension in CSR discourses: Toward an integrative circuit of culture model, Angela K. Y. MAK, Suwichit (Sean) CHAIDAROON, Alessandro POROLI, and Augustine PANG Journal Article
Growing up under Mao and Deng: On the ideological determinants of corporate policies, Hao LIANG, Rong WANG, and Haikun ZHU Working Paper
HFTs and dealer banks: Liquidity and price discovery in FX trading, Wenqian HUANG, Peter O'NEILL, Angelo RANALDO, and Shihao YU Working Paper
How transformational leadership transforms followers’ affect and work engagement, Benjamin BADER, Michael GIELNIK, and Ronald BLEDOW Journal Article
Interpretable machine learning models to predict hospital patient readmission, Xiaoquan GAO, Sabriya ALAM, Pengyi SHI, Franklin DEXTER, and Nan KONG Journal Article
Is carbon risk priced in the cross section of corporate bond returns?, Tinghua DUAN, Frank Weikai LI, and Quan WEN Journal Article
Local, yet global: Implications of caste for MNEs and international business, Hari BAPUJI, Snehanjali CHRISPAL, Balagopal VISSA, and Gokhan ERTUG Journal Article
Mindfully outraged: Mindfulness increases deontic retribution for third-party injustice, Adam A. KAY, Theodore Charles MASTERS-WAAGE, Jochen REB, and Pavlos A. VLACHOS Journal Article
Multiple, speeded assessments: Initial evidence on subgroup differences and applicant perceptions, Filip LIEVENS, Jan CORSTJENS, and Christoph N. HERDE Journal Article
On the status shocks of tournament rituals: How ritual enactment affects productivity, input provision, and performance, Massimo MAORET, Giacomo MARCHESINI, and Gokhan ERTUG Journal Article
Perspectives on the impact, mission and purpose of the business school, Eric CORNUEL, Howard THOMAS, and Matthew WOOD Edited Book
Policy uncertainty reduces green investment, Mengyu WANG, Jeffrey WURGLER, and Hong ZHANG Working Paper
Scaling digital solutions for wicked problems: Ecosystem versatility, Katherine TATARINOV, Tina AMBOS, and Feichin Ted TSCHANG Journal Article
Singapore Management University (SMU): Tracking the strategy evolution of a start-up university, Michelle P. LEE, Howard THOMAS, and Alex WILSON Book Chapter
Would order-by-order auctions be competitive?, Thomas ERNST, Chester SPATT, and Jian SUN Working Paper
Digital corporate communication and crisis life cycles, PANG, A. and Jerina C. K. NG Book Chapter
The contingency theory of strategic conflict management: Review from three decades of theory development, extension and application, PANG, A.; Yan JIN; and Glen T. CAMERON Journal Article
Asset-rich and cash-poor: Which older adults value reverse mortgages?, Joelle H. FONG, Olivia S. MITCHELL, and Benedict S. K. KOH Journal Article
Bribe payments and state ownership: The impact of state ownership on bribery propensity and intensity, Jingtao YI, Liang CHEN, Shuang MENG, Sali LI, and Noman SHAHEER Journal Article
Does disclosure of advertising spending help investors and analysts?, Sungkyun MOON, Kapil R. TULI, and Anirban MUKHERJEE Journal Article
How centralized organizations involve stakeholders in the strategy process, Daniel Z. MACK and Gabriel SZULANSKI Book Chapter
School committee composition: Exploring the role of parental and female representation in India, Panchali GUHA Journal Article
Smart vending machines: The minimarts in the near future?, RAMASWAMI, S. News Article
Social acceptance vital to success of novel food technologies, Mark CHONG and Mark CHONG News Article
The mutual constitution of culture and psyche: The bidirectional relationship between individuals’ perceived control and cultural tightness-looseness, Anyi MA, Krishna SAVANI, Fangzhou LIU, Kenneth TAI, and Aaron C. KAY Journal Article
The persuasive design of AI-synthesized voices, Hannah H. CHANG and Anirban. MUKHERJEE Conference Proceeding Article
Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Progress on UN Sustainable Development Goal 13, Kuan Yong David DING and Sarah Emily BEH Book Chapter
Arousing motives or eliciting stories? On the role of pictures in a picture–story exercise, Philipp Schäpers, Stefan Krumm, Filip LIEVENS, and Nikola Stenzel Journal Article
COVID time: How quarantine affects feelings of elapsed time, Minju HAN, Guy VOICHEK, and Gal ZAUBERMAN Journal Article
Engaging students through conversational chatbots and digital Content: A climate action perspective, Thomas MENKHOFF and Benjamin GAN Conference Proceeding Article
Engaging students through conversational chatbots and digital content: A climate action perspective, Thomas MENKHOFF and Benjamin GAN Conference Proceeding Article
Interpersonal primary care continuity for chronic conditions is associated with fewer hospitalizations and emergency department visits among Medicaid enrollees, A. Gaglioti, C. Li, P. Baltrus, Zhaowei SHE, M. Douglas, M. Moore, A. Rao, L. Immergluck, T. Ayer, A. Bazemore, G. Rust, and D. Mack Journal Article
Liquidity constraints, consumption, and debt repayment: Evidence from macroprudential policy in Turkey, Sumit AGARWAL, Muris HADZIC, Changcheng SONG, and Yildirim YILDIRAY Journal Article
Multinational family firms’ internationalization depth and breadth following the global financial crisis, Sebastian P. L. FOURNÉ, Miriam ZSCHOCHE, Christian SCHWENS, and Reddi KOTHA Journal Article
Bayesian optimization: Theory and practice with Python, Peng LIU Book
An inertial triple-projection algorithm for solving the split feasibility problems, Yazheng DANG, Marcus ANG, and Jie SUN Journal Article
A review on derivative hedging using reinforcement learning, Peng LIU Journal Article
Asymmetric information of product authenticity on C2C e-commerce platforms: How can inspection services help?, Linqiu LI, Xin FANG, and Yun Fong LIM Journal Article
Consumers’ preferences for ethical entertainment consumption: Conceptualization, development, and validation of a scale, Avirupa BASU, Tamas MAKANY, Pratap Chandra MANDAL, and Ashutosh Bishnu MURTI Journal Article
Exchange-traded funds and real investment, Constantinos ANTONIOU, Frank Weikai LI, Xuewen LIU, Avanidhar SUBRAHMANYAM, and Chengzhu SUN Journal Article
Forecasting airport transfer passenger flow using realtime data and machine learning, Xiaojia GUO, Yael GRUSHKA-COCKAYNE, and Bert DE REYCK Journal Article
Impact of cosmetic standards on food loss, Pascale CRAMA, Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU, and Manman WANG Working Paper
Impacts of distributive comparison behavior on corporate social responsibility in supply chains: The role of small firms, Mingzheng WANG, Xin FANG, Zizhuo WANG, and Ying-Ju CHEN Journal Article
Loan spreads and credit cycles: The role of lenders' personal economic experiences, Daniel CARVALHO, Janet GAO, and Pengfei MA Journal Article
Multiple, speeded assessments under scrutiny: Underlying theory, design considerations, reliability, and validity, Christoph N. HERDE and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Peer effects in equity research, Kenny PHUA, Mandy THAM, and Chi Shen WEI Journal Article
Relative power and interpersonal trust, Christilene Du PLESSIS, My Hoang Bao NGUYEN, Trevor A. FOULK, and Michael SCHAERER Journal Article
Strategic financial management Part III: Debt maturity and priority and corporate liquidity, Fangjian FU and Clifford W. SMITH Journal Article
The future of private label markets: A global convergence approach, Katrijn GIELENS, Marnik G. DEKIMPE, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Kapil R. TULI Journal Article
Capturing the complexity and dynamism of decision making in PR: The contingency theory of strategic conflict management, PANG, A.; Yan JIN; and Glen T. CAMERON Book Chapter
Consumer cognitions for AI-synthesized voices, Hannah H. CHANG and Anirban. MUKHERJEE Conference Proceeding Article
Boosting persuasion: The attention benefits of multiple narrating voices, Hannah H. CHANG, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Journal Article
Do ambitious entrepreneurs benefit more from training?, Reddi KOTHA, Balagopal VISSA, Yimin LIN, and Anne-Valérie CORBOZ Journal Article
Ecosystem social responsibility in international digital commerce, Jingtao YI, Jiatao LI, and Liang CHEN Journal Article
Following their predecessors' journey? A review of EMNE studies and avenues for interdisciplinary inquiry, Peter J. BUCKLEY, Lin CUI, Liang CHEN, Yi LI, and Yoona CHOI Journal Article
How and why is context important in leadership?, Burak OC and Joseph A. CARPINI Book Chapter
Impact of geographical diversification and limited attention on private equity fund returns, Victor ONG Journal Article
Natural disasters and corporate philanthropy: A double movement perspective, Guoguang WAN, Heli WANG, Xuesong GENG, and Kenneth G. HUANG Journal Article
Organizing for dignity, S M MUSA Journal Article
Simultaneous multilateral search, Sergei GLEBKIN, Bart Zhou YUESHEN, and Ji SHEN Journal Article
The financialization of cryptocurrencies, Lei HUANG, Tse-Chun LIN, Fangzhou LU, and Jian SUN Working Paper
The study of followers in leadership research: A systematic and critical review, Burak OC, Kraivin CHINTAKANANDA, Michael R. BASHSHUR, and David V. DAY Journal Article
Productive workers or better citizens?, Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER Book Chapter
An integrated framework on human-in-the-loop risk analytics, Peng LIU Journal Article
Biting the hand that feeds: A status-based model of when and why receiving help motivates social undermining, Kenneth TAI, Katrina Jia LIN, Catherice K. LAM, and Wu LIU Journal Article
Business school sustainability revisited: Sustainable no more?, Kai PETERS and Howard THOMAS Magazine Article
Characteristics of services, Sabine BENOIT Book Chapter