Submissions from 2020
Why we need a theory of stakeholder governance - and why this is a hard problem, John AMIS, Jay BARNEY, Joseph T. MAHONEY, and Heli WANG Editorial
A business school disrupted: A view from Singapore, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article
Across the great divides: Gender dynamics influence how intercultural conflict helps or hurts creative collaboration, Roy Y. J. CHUA and Mengzi JIN Journal Article
Are corporate spin-offs prone to insider trading?, Patrick AUGUSTIN, Menachem BRENNER, Jianfeng HU, and Marti SUBRAHMANYAM Journal Article
A simple new scoring system for predicting the mortality of severe acute pancreatitis: A retrospective clinical study, Lei WANG, Yan-Bo ZENG, Jia-Yun CHEN, Qian LUO, Rowan WANG, Ruijie ZHANG, Zhichao ZHENG, Yuan-Hang DONG, Wen-Bin ZOU, Xiaoqing XIE, Yi-Qi DU, and Zhao-Shen LI Journal Article
Cross-border acquisitions and employment policies, Hao LIANG, Luc RENNEBOOG, and Cara VANSTEENKISTE Journal Article
Do coaches in the National Basketball Association actually display racial bias? Replication and extension, Gokhan ERTUG and Massimo MAORET Journal Article
Flexibly serving a finite number of heterogeneous jobs in a tandem system, Yun Fong LIM, Bingnan LU, Rowan WANG, and Wenjia ZHANG Journal Article
How to develop collaborative projects that drive innovation, Paul CARLILE, Steven DAVIDSON, and Howard THOMAS Magazine Article
How to play “friendly hardball” in a negotiation, Michael SCHAERER, Martin SCHWEINSBERG, and Roderick I. SWAAB Magazine Article
Integrating anticipative replenishment-allocation with reactive fulfillment for online retailing using robust optimization, Yun Fong LIM, Song JIU, and Marcus ANG Journal Article
It's lonely at the bottom (too): The effects of experienced powerlessness on social closeness and disengagement, Trevor A. FOULK, Irene E. DE PATER, Michael SCHAERER, Christilene DU PLESSIS, Randy LEE, and Amir EREZ Journal Article
Learning from digital failures? The effectiveness of firms’ divestiture and management turnover responses to data breaches, Gui-deng SAY and Gurneeta VASUDEVA Journal Article
Power and negotiation: Review of current evidence and future directions, Michael SCHAERER, Laurel TEO, Nikhil MADAN, and Roderick I. SWAAB Journal Article
Removing situation descriptions from situational judgment test items: Does the impact differ for video-based versus text-based formats?, Philipp SCHÄPERS, Filip LIEVENS, Jan-Philipp FREUDENSTEIN, Joachim HÜFFMEIER, Cornelius J. KÖNIG, and Stefan KRUMM Journal Article
Risk premium spillovers among stock markets: Evidence from higher-order moments, Marinela Adriana FINTA and Sofiane ABOURA Journal Article
Singapore has shone in more ways than one in fight against Covid19, Siow-heng ONG News Article
Situational Judgment Tests: From low-fidelity simulations to alternative measures of personality and the person-situation interplay, Filip LIEVENS and Philipp SCHÄPERS Book Chapter
The complexity of business schools, Kai PETERS and Howard THOMAS Magazine Article
The global sustainability footprint of sovereign wealth funds, Hao LIANG and Luc RENNEBOOG Journal Article
The mindful emotion management framework: How mindfulness helps employees manage emotions through reactivity, regulation, and reappraisal, Jochen REB and THEODORE CHARLES MASTERS-WAAGE Book Chapter
The profile of the ‘Good Judge’ in HRM: A systematic review and agenda for future research, François S. DE KOCK, Filip LIEVENS, and Marise P. BORN Journal Article
The triumph of nonsense in management studies: A commentary, Peter KAI and Howard THOMAS Journal Article
Transparency and fairness in organizational decisions: An experimental investigation using the paired ultimatum game, Jared NAI, Reddi KOTHA, and Phanish PURANAM Journal Article
Frequent CEO Turnover and Firm Performance: The Resilience Effect of Workforce Diversity, Youngsang KIM, Sophia Soyoung JEONG, Daphne W. YIU, and Jinhee. MOON Journal Article
A data-driven analysis on the impact of high-speed rails on land prices in Taiwan, Joyce M. W. LOW and Byung Kwon LEE Journal Article
A dynamic account of self-efficacy in entrepreneurship, Michael M. GIELNIK, Ronald BLEDOW, and Miriam S. STARK Journal Article
COVID-19 and Japanese shareholder activism: Brief respite for Japan's self-healing concrete, Toru YOSHIKAWA and Gavin CHUA Journal Article
Customer satisfaction and its impact on the future costs of selling, Leon Gim LIM, Kapil R. TULI, and Rajdeep GREWAL Journal Article
Dealing with global supply chain breaks, Shantanu BHATTACHARYA News Article
Does intergeneration succession influence stock prices of family businesses?, Kunlun ZOU, Rong WU, and Pu CHEN Journal Article
Do firms adapt to climate change? Evidence from establishment-level data, Frank Weikai LI, Yupeng LIN, Zuben JIN, and Zilong ZHANG Working Paper
Equality in the workplace, Siow-heng ONG News Article
Geographical influences on the relationship between corporate philanthropy and corporate financial performance, Jane LU, Xueji LIANG, and Heli WANG Journal Article
Go big with economic push to fight Covid-19, David FERNANDEZ News Article
Mindfulness arrives at work: Deepening our understanding of mindfulness in organizations, Jochen REB, Tammy ALLEN, and Timothy J. VOGUS Editorial
Spillover effects from unintended trials on attitude and behavior: Promoting new products through access-based services, Adrian LEHR, Marion BUETTGEN, Sabine BENOIT, and Katrin MERFELD Journal Article
Ecosystem edge: Sustaining competitiveness in the face of disruption, Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER and Peter J. WILLIAMSON Book
Artificial intelligence-enhanced predictive insights for advancing financial inclusion: A human-centric AI-thinking approach, Meng Leong HOW, Sin Mei CHEAH, Aik Cheow KHOR, and Yong Jiet CHAN Journal Article
COVID-19 HR challenge: Lessons from vigilant Singaporeans, Richard R. SMITH Magazine Article
Emotions in social media: An analysis of tweet responses to MH370 search suspension announcement, Su Lin YEO, Augustine PANG, Michelle L. F. CHEONG, and Tye Shi Jerome Quincy YEO Journal Article
Green bonds for financing renewable energy and energy efficiency in South-East Asia: A review of policies, Dina Azhgaliyeva, Anant KAPOOR, and Yang LIU Journal Article
It won’t be business as usual after Covid-19, Arnoud DE MEYER News Article
Primary care comprehensiveness and care coordination in robust specialist networks results in lower emergency department utilization: A network analysis of Medicaid physician networks, Zhaowei SHE, Anne H. GAGLIOTI, Peter BALTRUS, Chaohua LI, Miranda A. MOORE, Lilly C. IMMERGLUCK, Arthi RAO, and Turgay AYER Journal Article
Problem-solving or self-enhancement? A power perspective on how CEOs affect R&D search in the face of inconsistent feedback, Radina BLAGOEVA, Tom J. M. MOM, Justin J. P. JANSEN, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article
The COVID-19 challenge: An update from Singapore, Richard Raymond SMITH Blog Post
Mentoring millennials in an Asian context: Talent management insights from Singapore, Paul Heng Leong LIM and Andrew PARKER Book
A behavioral signaling explanation for stock splits: Evidence from China, Chenyu CUI, Frank Weikai LI, Jiaren PANG, and Deren XIE Working Paper
Building global organisations: Developing cross-border leaders, Richard Raymond SMITH and Gordon PERCHTHOLD Book Chapter
Commentary: Where does the talent pools of SMEs come from?, T. Mandy THAM News Article
DBS Impact Measurement Project: Technical review, Hao LIANG, Phuong Tran Bao NGUYEN, David FERNANDEZ, and Jun Ho PARK Report
Gender equality in Asia: It might get uncomfortable, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article
"I like it, but I don't use it": Impact of carsharing business models on usage intentions in the sharing economy, Ruediger HAHN, Felix OSTERTAG, Adrian LEHR, Marion BUETTGEN, and Sabine BENOIT Journal Article
Multiple speed assessments: Theory, practice, and research evidence, Christoph N. HERDE and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Subgroup differences in situational judgment test scores: Evidence from large applicant samples, Christoph N. HERDE, Filip LIEVENS, Duncan J. R. JACKSON, Ali SHALFROOSHAN, and Philip L. ROTH Journal Article
Tackling regional climate change impacts and food security issues: A critical analysis across ASEAN, PIF, and SAARC, Md. Saidul Islam and Edson KIEU Journal Article
The impact of investor protection law on global takeovers: LBO vs. non-LBO transactions, Xiaping CAO, Douglas CUMMINGS, Jeremy C. GOH, and Xiaoming WANG Journal Article
Time-series momentum: Is it there?, Dashan HUANG, Jiangyuan LI, Liyao WANG, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article
Why commonality persists?, Raja VELU, Zhaoque ZHOU, and Chyng Wen TEE Working Paper
Win-win in distributive negotiations: The economic and relational benefits of strategic offer framing, Michael SCHAERER, Martin SCHWEINSBERG, Nico THORNLEY, and Roderick I. SWAAB Journal Article
An empirically supported taxonomy of misinformation, Mark CHONG and Murphy CHOY Book Chapter
Apply liberally: Towards a model of liberal management education, Howard THOMAS Magazine Article
Brain drain: The impact of air pollution on firm performance, Shuyu XUE, Bohui ZHANG, and Xiaofeng ZHAO Blog Post
Dating disruption: How Tinder gamified an industry, Niloofar ABOLFATHI and Simone SANTAMARIA Journal Article
Economic and environmental implications of biomass commercialization in agricultural processing, Bin LI, Onur BOYABATLI, and Buket AVCI Journal Article
Familiarity, attitudes, and self-regulatory challenges related to mindfulness, Alissa J. MRAZEK, Michael D. MRAZEK, Leandro A. CALCAGNOTTO, Jonathan N. CLOUGHESY, Abigail M. HOLMAN, Theodore C. MASTERS-WAAGE, and Jonathan W. SCHOOLER Journal Article
Financial illiteracy and pension contributions: A field experiment on compound interest in China, Changcheng SONG Journal Article
How do prior ties affect learning by hiring?, Vivek TANDON, Gokhan ERTUG, and Gianluca CARNABUCI Journal Article
How inheritance law affects family firm performance: Evidence from a natural experiment, Yong Kyu GAM, Min Jung KANG, Junho PARK, and Hojong SHIN Journal Article
How institutions enhance mindfulness: Interactions between external regulators and front-line operators around safety rules, Ravi S. KUDESIA, Ting LANG, and Jochen REB Journal Article
How smart is institutional trading?, Jingi HA and Jianfeng HU Working Paper
Is it all in the eye of the beholder? The importance of situation construal for situational judgment test performance, Jan-Philipp FREUDENSTEIN, Philipp SCHAEPERS, Lena ROEMER, Patrick MUSSEL, and Stefan KRUMM Journal Article
Managing talent in the gig economy: Human capital implications, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article
Situational judgment tests for selection: Traditional versus construct-driven approaches, Paul A. TIFFIN, Lewis W. PATON, Deborah O'MARA, Carolyn MacCANN, Jonas W. B. LANG, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Strategic intent of OBOR: Enhancing energy supply resilience, Loon Ching TANG and Joyce M. W. LOW Journal Article
Superstition, conspicuous spending, and housing market: Evidence from Singapore, Jia HE, Haoming LIU, Tien Foo SING, Changcheng SONG, and Wei-Kang WONG Journal Article
The paradoxical consequences of choice: Often good for the individual, perhaps less so for society?, Shilpa MADAN, Kevin NANAKDEWA, Krishna SAVANI, and Hazel Rose MARKUS Journal Article
How to get published in the best management journals: Second edition, Mike WRIGHT, David J. KETCHEN, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK Edited Book
A theories-in-use approach to building marketing theory, Valarie A. ZEITHAML, Bernard J. JAWORSKI, Ajay K. KOHLI, Kapil R. TULI, Wolfgang ULAGA, and Gerald ZALTMAN Journal Article
Contingency theory: Evolution from a public relations theory to a theory of strategic conflict management, PANG, A.; Yan JIN; Sungsu KIM; and Glen T. CAMERON Book Chapter
Diversity, inclusion & belonging are key to successful teams & organisations [Podcast], Richard Raymond SMITH Video
Do overall dimension ratings from assessment centres show external construct-related validity, Andreja WIRZ, Klaus G. MELCHERS, Martin KLEINMANN, Filip LIEVENS, Hubert ANNEN, Urs BLUM, and Pia V. INGOLD Journal Article
Editors' comments: Is corporate social responsibility research undertheorized?, Heli WANG, Cristina GIBSON, and Udo ZANDER Editorial
Financial vulnerability and the reproduction of disadvantage in economic exchanges, Tianyu HE, Rellie DERFLER-ROZIN, and Marko PITESA Journal Article
How our work influences who we are: Testing a theory of vocational and personality development over fifty years, Stephen A. WOODS, Grant W. EDMONDS, Sarah E. HAMPSON, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
International talent and mobility, Gordon PERCHTHOLD Magazine Article
Managing clinic variability with same-day scheduling, intervention for no-shows, and seasonal capacity adjustments, Kum Khiong YANG and Tugba CAYIRLI Journal Article
Performance management: Quo Vadis?, Filip LIEVENS, Philipp SCHAPERS, and Christoph N. HERDE Book Chapter
Political ideology of the board and CEO dismissal following financial misconduct, Uisung PARK, Warren BOEKER, and David GOMULYA Journal Article
Potential pilot problems: Treatment spillovers in financial regulatory experiments, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Charles JONES, and Xiaoyan ZHANG Journal Article
Privacy at work: A review and a research agenda for a contested terrain, Devasheesh P. BHAVE, Laurel H. TEO, and Reeshad S. DALAL Journal Article
Publishing in management: Exhilaration, bafflement and frustration, Mike Wright, David J. Ketchen, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK Book Chapter
Sell-side analysts' benchmarks, Ohad KADAN, Leonardo MADUREIRA, Rong WANG, and Tzachi ZACH Journal Article
Soliciting resources from others: An integrative review, Jia Hui LIM, Kenneth TAI, Peter A. BAMBERGER, and Elizabeth W. MORRISON Journal Article
The liberal arts and management education: A global agenda for change, Stefano HARNEY and Howard THOMAS Book
The role of endogenous and exogenous risk in FDI entry choices, Peter J. BUCKLEY, Liang CHEN, L. Jeremy CLEGG, and Hinrich VOSS Journal Article
Why publish in Asian management journals?, Daphne W. YIU Book Chapter
Within-person job performance variability over short timeframes: Theory, empirical research, and practice, Reeshad S. DALAL, Balca ALAYBEK, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Submissions from 2019
An analysis of open innovation determinants: The case study of Singapore based family owned enterprises, Annie KOH, Esther KONG, and Giuseppe TIMPERIO Journal Article
Center of volume mass: Does options trading predict stock returns?, Gennaro BERNILE, Fei GAO, and Jianfeng HU Working Paper