Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School of Business | Lee Kong Chian School of Business | Singapore Management University


Submissions from 2019


Chasing private information, Marcin KACPERCZYK and Emiliano Sebastian PAGNOTTA Journal Article


Climbing the corporate ladder and within-person changes in narcissism: Reciprocal relationships over two decades, Bart WILLE, Joeri HOFMANS, Filip LIEVENS, Mitja D. BACK, and Filip DE FRUYT Journal Article


Corporate governance and institutional investors: Proxy voting behavior after the Stewardship Code (コーポレートガバナンスと機関投資家―スチュワードシップコード改訂後の議決権行使の状況について), Mari YAMAUCHI and Toru YOSHIKAWA Journal Article


Do real estate agents have information advantages in housing markets?, Sumit AGARWAL, Jia HE, Tien Foo SING, and Changcheng SONG Journal Article


Ecosystem-specific advantages in international digital commerce, Jiatao LI, Liang CHEN, Jingtao YI, Jiye MAO, and Jianwen LIAO Journal Article


Finance and ideology: The firm-level channels, Hao LIANG, Rong WANG, and Haikun ZHU Working Paper


From actions to paths to patterning: Toward a dynamic theory of patterning in routines, Kenneth T. GOH and Brian T. PENTLAND Journal Article


Leader mindfulness and employee performance: A sequential mediation model of LMX quality, interpersonal justice, and employee stress, Jochen REB, Sankalp CHATURVEDI, Jayanth NARAYANAN, and Ravi S. KUDESIA Journal Article


Lifelong learning: A tri-sector responsibility for ensuring relevance, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article


Long-term index fund ownership and stock returns, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Wanshan SONG, Ashish TIWARI, and Zhe ZHANG Working Paper


Machine learning using instruments for text selection: Predicting innovation performance, Kian Guan LIM and Michelle S. J. LIM Journal Article


Of promoting networking and protecting privacy: Effects of defaults and regulatory focus on social media users’ preference settings, Hichang CHO, Sungjong ROH, and Byungho PARK Journal Article


Of promoting networking and protecting privacy: Effects of defaults and regulatory focus on social media users’ preference settings, Hichang CHO, Sungjong ROH, and Byungho PARK Journal Article


Optimal control for transboundary pollution under ecological compensation: A stochastic differential game approach, Ke JIANG, Ryan Knowles MERRILL, Daming YOU, and Pan PAN Journal Article


Peer effects of corporate social responsibility, Jie CAO, Hao LIANG, and Xintong ZHAN Journal Article


The unexpected activeness of passive investors: A worldwide analysis of ETFs, Si CHENG, Massimo MASSA, and Hong ZHANG Journal Article


Urban consolidation center or peer-to-peer platform? The solution to urban last-mile delivery, Qiyuan DENG, Xin FANG, and Yun Fong LIM Working Paper

Validation of prognostic accuracy of the SOFA score, SIRS criteria, and qSOFA score for in‐hospital mortality among cardiac‐, thoracic‐, and vascular‐surgery patients admitted to a cardiothoracic intensive care unit, Yuchong ZHANG, Haidong LUO, Hai WANG, Zhichao ZHENG, and Oon Cheong OOI Journal Article


2019 Asia insights: Building a great place to work for all: The untapped power of gender diversity in Asia, Richard Raymond SMITH, Evelyn KWEK, and Tyler THORPE Report


Bridging the data divide between practitioners and academics: Approaches to collaborating better to leverage each other's resources, Sabine BENOIT, Sonja KLOSE, Jochen WIRTZ, Tor Wallin ANDREASSEN, and Timothy L. KEININGHAS Journal Article


Relative strength over investment horizons and stock returns, Zhaobo ZHU, Xinrui DUAN, and Jun TU Journal Article


Strategic categories and competition: Significant clustering for strategic groups, Charles CARROLL and Howard THOMAS Journal Article


The trend in short selling and the cross section of stock returns, Zhaobo ZHU, Xinrui DUAN, and Jun TU Journal Article


The who, where, what, how and when of market entry, Gideon MARKMAN, Peter GIANIODIS, G. Tyge PAYNE, Christopher TUCCI, Igor FILATOTCHEV, Reddi KOTHA, and Eric GEDAJLOVIC Journal Article


ETF momentum, Frank Weikai LI, Song Wee Melvyn TEO, and Chloe Chunliu YANG Working Paper


Are you sugarcoating your feedback without realizing it?, Michael SCHAERER and Roderick I. SWAAB Magazine Article


Cooling measures and housing wealth: Evidence from Singapore, Wolfgang K. HARDLE, Rainer SCHULZ, and Taojun XIE Working Paper


How to optimize storage classes in a unit-load warehouse, Marcus ANG and Yun Fong LIM Journal Article


The flash crash: A cautionary tale about highly fragmented markets, Albert J. MENKVELD and Bart Zhou YUESHEN Journal Article


Trust and local bias, Chi Shen WEI and Lei ZHANG Journal Article


Understanding the fundamentals of freight markets volatility, Kian Guan LIM, Nikos K. NOMIKOS, and Nelson YAP Journal Article


What do consistency and personableness in the interview signal to applicants? Investigating indirect effects on organizational attractiveness through symbolic organizational attributes, Annika WILHELMY, Martin KLEINMANN, Klaus G. MELCHERS, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


When "more" seems like less: Differential price framing increases the choice share of higher-priced options, Thomas ALLARD, David J. HARDISTY, and Dale GRIFFIN Journal Article

Alternative Governance and Corporate Financial Fraud in Transition Economies: Evidence From China, Daphne W. YIU, William P. WAN, and Yuehua XU Journal Article


Authentic leadership in the digital age, Richard R. SMITH Magazine Article


Can VUCA help us generate new theory within international business?, L. Jeremy CLEGG, Hinrich VOSS, and Liang CHEN Book Chapter


Capacity allocation in flexible production networks: Theory and applications, Guodong LYU, Wang-Chi CHEUNG, Mabel C. CHOU, Chung-Piaw TEO, Zhichao ZHENG, and Yuanguang ZHONG Journal Article

China's Belt and Road Initiative and ASEAN's maritime clusters, Hans-Dieter EVERS and Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Understanding the dynamics of a global transformation, Yue Wah CHAY, Thomas MENKHOFF, and Linda LOW Edited Book


Effects of rescheduling on patient no-show behavior in outpatient clinics, Jiayi LIU, Jingui XIE, Kum Khiong YANG, and Zhichao ZHENG Journal Article


Future-proofing students in higher education with UAV technology: A KM case study, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, and Eugene K. B. TAN Conference Proceeding Article


Introduction: Understanding the transformational power of China's Belt and Road Initiative, Yue Wah CHAY and Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter


Social media influencers as a crisis risk in strategic communication: Impact of indiscretions on professional endorsements, Kylie SNG, Tsi Ying AU, and Augustine PANG Journal Article


State-owned enterprises as bribe payers: The role of institutional environment, Noman SHAHEER, Jingtao YI, Sali LI, and Liang CHEN Journal Article


The information in asset fire sales, Sheng HUANG, Matthew RINGGENBERG, and Zhe ZHANG Working Paper


The world predictive power of U.S. equity market skewness risk, Jian CHEN, Fuwei JIANG, Shuyu XUE, and Jiaquan YAO Journal Article


Volatility timing under low-volatility strategy, Poh Ling NEO and Chyng Wen TEE Conference Paper


What should business schools be for?, Howard THOMAS and Kenneth STARKEY Magazine Article


When do expert teams fail to create impactful inventions?, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Yimin LIN, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article


When individual goal pursuit turns competitive: How we sabotage and coast, Szu-chi HUANG, Stephanie C. LIN, and Ying ZHANG Journal Article


WTI crude oil option implied VaR and CVaR: An empirical application, Giovanni BARONE-ADESI, Marinela Adriana FINTA, Chiara LEGNAZZI, and Carlo SALA Journal Article

Mindfulness in the regulatory shadow: How institutional rules enhance organizational safety, Tingting LANG, Ravi S. KUDESIA, and Jochen REB Conference Proceeding Article


Taking careful stock of the CHRO role, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article


Envy in response to help: A helping as status relations model, Kenneth TAI, Katrina LIN, and Catherine K. LAM Conference Proceeding Article

Integrating LMX components: How LMX components interactively influence justice and deviance, Yuchuan LIU, Gary John GREGURAS, and Kraivin CHINTAKANANDA Conference Proceeding Article

Learning from prior innovative project experience: A study of entrepreneurs developing Google apps, Mehdi SAMIMI, Andreas SCHWAB, Masoud NOSRATI, Xuesong GENG, and Xuesong GENG Conference Proceeding Article


Middle-status conformity revisited: The interplay between achieved and ascribed status, Matteo PRATO, Emmanuel KRYPRAIOS, Gokhan ERTUG, and Yonghoon G. LEE Journal Article


Swaption portfolio risk management: Optimal model selection in different interest rate regimes, Poh Ling NEO and Chyng Wen TEE Journal Article


Technology specifications and production timing in a co-opetitive supply chain, Baozhuang NIU, Kanglin CHEN, Xin FANG, Xiaohang YUE, and Xin WANG Journal Article


Text sophistication and sophisticated investors, Juha JOENVAARA, Jari KARPPINEN, Song Wee Melvyn TEO, and Cristian Ioan TIU Working Paper


The information content of sudden insider silence, Claire Yurong HONG and Frank Weikai LI Journal Article


Time-varying contemporaneous spillovers during the European Debt Crisis, Marinela Adriana FINTA, Bart FRIJINS, and Alireza TOURANI-RAD Journal Article


To extubate or not to extubate: Risk factors for extubation failure and deterioration with further mechanical ventilation, Jingui XIE, Guang CHENG, Zhichao ZHENG, Haidong LUO, and Oon Cheong OOI Journal Article

Altering the environment to improve appointment system performance, Tugba CAYIRLI and Kum Khiong YANG Journal Article


Crowdfunding: Sharing the entrepreneurial journey, Anirban MUKHERJEE, Hannah H. CHANG, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Book Chapter


How do board ties affect the adoption of new practices? The effects of managerial interest and hierarchical power, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Jung Wook SHIM, Chang Hyun KIM, and Anja TUSCHKE Journal Article


Mocked and shamed: Satirical news and its effects on organizational reputation, Lisbeth LIM, Juliana CHIA, and Augustine PANG Journal Article


Modeling newsvendor behavior: A prospect theory approach, Bhavani Shanker UPPARI and Sameer HASIJA Journal Article


Momentum and reversal: The role of short selling, Zhaobo ZHU, Xinrui DUAN, Licheng SUN, and Jun Tu Journal Article


Organizations and societal economic inequality: A review and way forward, Hari BAPUJI, Gokhan ERTUG, and Jason D. SHAW Journal Article


Rejoinder to “Confronting the crisis of confidence in management studies: Why senior scholars need to stop setting a bad example” from the Asian perspective, Toru YOSHIKAWA Journal Article


Retail format selection in on-the-go shopping situations, Sabine BENOIT, Heiner EVANSCHITZKY, and Christoph TELLER Journal Article


Socioeconomic mobility and talent utilization of workers from poorer backgrounds: The overlooked importance of within-organization dynamics, Marko PITESA and Madan M. PILLUTLA Journal Article


Toward a typology of organizational creativity, Gilbert TAN Journal Article

Online contextual influence maximization with costly observations, Omer SARITAC, Altug KARAKURT, and Cem TEKIN Journal Article

The impact of social identity and social alliance on economic performance in social enterprise, Hye Young KANG Journal Article


Analyst career concerns, effort allocation, and firms information environment, Jarrad HARFORD, Feng JIANG, Rong WANG, and Fei XIE Journal Article


Are bond ratings informative? Evidence from regulatory regime changes, Louis H. EDERINGTON, Jeremy C. GOH, Yen Teik LEE, and Lisa Zongfei YANG Journal Article


Biclustering via mixtures of regression models, Raja VELU, Zhaoque ZHOU, and Chyng Wen TEE Conference Proceeding Article


Building trust for a positive employee experience, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article


Crossed wires: Endorsement signals and the effects of IPO firm delistings on venture capitalists’ reputations, David GOMULYA, Kyuho JIN, Peggy M. LEE, and Timothy G. POLLOCK Journal Article


Industry return predictability: A machine learning approach, David E. RAPACH, Jack K. STRAUSS, Jun TU, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article


Product diversification strategy, business group affiliation, and IPO underpricing: A study of Chinese firms, A. Xiaodan WANG, William P. WAN, and Daphne W. YIU Journal Article


The future of business schools: shut them down or broaden our horizons?, Ken STARKEY and Howard THOMAS Magazine Article


The information in asset fire sales, Sheng HUANG, Matthew C. RINGGENBERG, and Zhe ZHANG Working Paper


Understanding the operating landscape of the global airline industry: A DEA integrated alternating conditional expectation approach, Joyce M. W. LOW and Kum Khiong YANG Journal Article


Being sensitive to positives has its negatives: An approach/avoidance perspective on reactivity to ostracism, Ferris D. LANCE, Shereen FATIMAH, Ming YAN, Lindie H. LIANG, Huiwen LIAN, and Douglas J. BROWN Journal Article


Combating child labor: Incentives and information disclosure in global supply chains, Soo-Haeng CHO, Xin FANG, Sridhar TAYUR, and Ying XU Journal Article


Constructed response formats and their effects on minority-majority differences and validity, Filip LIEVENS, Paul R. SACKETT, Jeffrey DAHLKE, Janneke OOSTROM, and Britt DE SOETE Journal Article


Crop Planning in Sustainable Agriculture: Dynamic Farmland Allocation in the Presence of Crop Rotation Benefits, Onur BOYABATLI, Javad NASIRY, and Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU Journal Article


Disruption risk mitigation in supply chains: The risk exposure index revisited, Sarah Yini GAO, David SIMCHI-LEVI, Chung-Piaw TEO, and Zhenzhen YAN Journal Article


Humility breeds authenticity: How authentic leader humility shapes follower vulnerability and felt authenticity, Burak OC, Michael A. DANIELS, James M. DIEFENDORFF, Michael Ramsay BASHSHUR, and Gary John GREGURAS Journal Article


Informed options trading prior to bankruptcy filings, LI Ge, Jianfeng HU, Mark Humphery-Jenner, and Tse-Chun LIN Working Paper


Revisiting the human capital system, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article

Blockchain+AI: Unveiling the Future Economy, Qiang QU and Yimin LIN Book


Dare to be different? Conformity versus differentiation in corporate social activities of Chinese firms and market responses, Yanlong ZHANG, Heli WANG, and Xiaoyu ZHOU Journal Article


Economic cycles as a source of social influence on individuals, Nina SIROLA Journal Article


Explore alternatives now! - Performance mgmt in the multi-dimensional digital world, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article


Information sampling, judgment and the environment: Application to the effect of popularity on evaluations, Gaël LE MENS, Jerker DENRELL, Balázs KOVACS, and Hülya KARAMAN Journal Article


Managing wind-based electricity generation in the presence of storage and transmission capacity, Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU, Alan SCHELLER-WOLF, Nicola SECOMANDI, and Stephen SMITH Journal Article