Submissions from 2021
Inducing compliance with postmarket studies for drugs under FDA's accelerated approval pathway, Liang XU, Hui ZHAO, and Nicholas C. PETRUZZI Journal Article
Innovation governance in chinese family business: A case study, Thomas MENKHOFF and Geok Chwee ONG Book Chapter
It's a man's world! The role of political ideology in the early stages of leader recruitment, Burak OC, Ekaterina NETCHAEVA, and Maryam KOUCHAKI Journal Article
Living the corporate purpose: Insights from companies in Asia, Mark CHONG and Flocy JOSEPH Book
Marketing agility: The concept, antecedents, and a research agenda, Kartik KALAIGNANAM, Kapil R. TULI, Tarun KUSHWAHA, Leonard LEE, and David T GAL Journal Article
Pay for performance: When does it fail?, Nirmalya KUMAR and Madan PILLUTLA Journal Article
Prompt-specificity in scenario-based assessments: Associations with personality versus knowledge and effects on predictive validity, Thomas ROCKSTUHL and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Sociological perspectives on climate change and society: A review, Md Saidul Islam and Edson KIEU Journal Article
The impact of entrepreneurial leadership on innovation outcomes, Thomas MENKHOFF, Kin Kah NEO, and Yue Wah CHAY Book Chapter
Submissions from 2020
A two-stage parallel network DEA model for analyzing the operational capability of container terminals, Jaehun PARK, Byung Kwon LEE, and Joyce M. W. LOW Journal Article
Capacity allocation and revenue sharing in healthcare alliances, Xiaoquan GAO, Jianpei WEN, and Jie SONG Journal Article
Cooperative approaches to managing social responsibility in a market with externalities, Xin FANG and Soo-Haeng CHO Journal Article
COVID-19, Coronavirus, Wuhan Virus, or China Virus? Understanding how to “Do No Harm" when naming an infectious disease, Theodore C. MASTERS-WAAGE, Nilotpal JHA, and Jochen REB Journal Article
Enhancing students’ global competence through international business study missions, Mark CHONG, Benjamin GAN, and Thomas MENKHOFF Journal Article
Implementing lasting change: HR in the social service sector, Fermin Diez and Run Qian NG Book Chapter
Is the synthetic stock price really lower than actual price?, Jianfeng HU Journal Article
Keynes meets Merton: Examining risk and return relation based on fundamentals, Liya CHU, Wenyun SHI, and Jun TU Working Paper
Kin ties and the performance of new firms: A structural approach, Gokhan ERTUG, Reddi KOTHA, and Peter HEDSTROM Journal Article
Motivation purity bias: Expression of extrinsic motivation undermines perceived intrinsic motivation and engenders bias in selection decisions, Rellie DERFLER-ROZIN and Marko PITESA Journal Article
Operationalizing crisis communication from within: Toward the Crisis Organizational Communication framework in the social mediated environment, Kevin Kok-Yew TAN and PANG, A. Journal Article
Predicting counterproductive work behavior: Do implicit motives have incremental validity beyond explicit traits?, J. Malte RUNGE, Jonas W. B. LANG, Ingo ZETTLER, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Public relations education in Singapore: Educating the next generation of practitioners on ethics, Eugene Yong Sheng WOON and Augustine PANG Journal Article
Reflections of a chief strategy officer in a diversified conglomerate, Nirmalya KUMAR Book Chapter
Reputation matters: Building internal trust and resilience with effective communication, Su Lin YEO Book Chapter
Return predictability in firms with complex ownership network, Angelica GONZALEZ, Sergei SARKISSIAN, Jun TU, and Ran ZHANG Working Paper
Salary negotiation: Myths busted, Abhijeet K. VADERA and Karyn THYE Book Chapter
Sentiment, limited attention and mispricing, Xinrui DUAN, Li GUO, Frank Weikai LI, and Jun TU Working Paper
Social media influencers and Instagram storytelling: Case study of Singapore Instagram influencers, Mark CHONG and GOTTIPATI Swapna Journal Article
Stay mindful and carry on: Mindfulness neutralizes COVID-19 stressors on work engagement via sleep duration, Michelle Xue ZHENG, Theodore Charles MASTERS-WAAGE, Jingxian YAO, Yichen LU, Noriko TAN, and Jayanth NARAYANAN Journal Article
Topic tones of analyst reports and stock returns: A deep learning approach, Hitoshi IWASAKI, Ying CHEN, Qianqian DU, and Jun TU Working Paper
Trading regularity and fund performance: Evidence in uncertain markets, Lin TONG and Zhe ZHANG Working Paper
Value creating drivers for effective human capital management, Ser Keng ANG Book Chapter
What has changed? The impact of Covid pandemic on the technology and innovation management research agenda, Gerard GEORGE, Karim R. LAKHANI, and Phanish PURANAM Journal Article
What's on job seekers' social media sites? A content analysis and effects of structure on recruiter judgments and predictive validity, Liwen ZHANG, Chad H. VAN IDDEKINGE, John D. ARNOLD, Philip L. ROTH, Filip LIEVENS, Stephen E. LANIVICH, and Samantha L. JORDAN Journal Article
Build and Manage Multinationals for Sustained Growth Across Asia, Gordon PERCHTHOLD Book
Mergers and acquisitions as strategic decisions for a decision-making theory, Man ZHANG Book Chapter
Agribusiness succession and agricultural sustainability: What could hamper succession, Wee Liang TAN Book Chapter
5 ways to boost your business through influencer marketing, Patricia LUI Blog Post
Bank partnership and liquidity crisis, Seungho CHOI, Yong Kyu GAM, Junho PARK, and Hojong SHIN Journal Article
Can retail investors learn from insiders?, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Bo SANG, and Zhe ZHANG Working Paper
Disaster Relief, Inc., Hao LIANG and Cara VANSTEENKISTE Working Paper
Financial performance of shipping firms that increase LNG carriers and the support of eco-innovation, Kian Guan LIM and Michelle LIM Journal Article
Healthcare innovation from the inside out: Leveraging the human capital system at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Kenneth T. GOH, Richard Raymond SMITH, Cher Heng TAN, and David DHEVARAJULU Magazine Article
How to make venture capital funding work for you, Ser Keng ANG Blog Post
Macroeconomic stabilization in the digital age, John BEIRNE and David FERNANDEZ Edited Book
Outcomes of an expert survey: Are Singapore’s manufacturing small and medium enterprises ready to embrace industry 4.0, Gopalakrishnan SURIANARAYANAN and Thomas MENKHOFF Conference Proceeding Article
Personnel selection: a longstanding story of impact at the individual, firm, and societal level, Filip LIEVENS, Paul R. SACKETT, and Charlene ZHANG Journal Article
Pinduoduo: Empowering farmers with an e-commerce platform, Hao LIANG and Sin Mei CHEAH Magazine Article
Rebuilding global supply chains from the ground Up, Victor FUNG and Chin Tiong TAN Magazine Article
Restrict, clean and protect: Signaling consumer safety during the pandemic and beyond, Liliana L. BOVE and Sabine BENOIT Journal Article
The dark side of sustainability orientation for SME performance, Teemu KAUTONEN, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Johannes GARTNER, Henri HAKATA, Katariina SALMELA-ARO, and Kirsi SNELLMAND Journal Article
What do short sellers know?, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Charles M. JONES, Juan (Julie) WU, and Xiaoyan ZHANG Journal Article
When and why narcissists exhibit greater hindsight bias and less perceived learning, Satoris S. HOWES, Edgar E. KAUSEL, Alexander T. JACKSON, and Jochen REB Journal Article
Algorithmic trading and market quality: International evidence, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Kingsley FONG, and Juan Julie WU Journal Article
Financial knowledge and portfolio complexity in Singapore, Benedict S. K. KOH, Olivia S. MITCHELL, and Susann ROHWEDDER Journal Article
Oil at risk: Political violence and accelerated carbon extraction in the Middle East and North Africa, Ryan Knowles MERRILL and Anthony W. ORLANDO Journal Article
Stakeholder preservation or appropriation? The influence of target CSR on market reactions to acquisition announcements, Li TONG, Heli WANG, and Jun XIA Journal Article
The attractiveness advantage at work: A cross-disciplinary integrative review, Kelly A NAULT, Marko PITESA, and Stefan THAU Journal Article
The effect of green announcements on stock returns of New Zealand listed companies, David K. DING Journal Article
Will CEOs with banking experience lower default risks? Evidence from P2P lending platforms in China, Qiang GONG, Chong LIU, Qianni PENG, and Luying WANG Journal Article
Corona crisis and inequality: Why management research needs a societal turn, Hari BAPUJI, Charmi PATEL, Gokhan ERTUG, and David G. ALLEN Journal Article
Corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance: A review of the literature, Hao LIANG and Luc RENNEBOOG Working Paper
Do short sellers use textual information? Evidence from annual reports, Hung Wan KOT, Frank Weikai LI, Ming LIU, and K.C. John WEI Working Paper
London Heathrow airport uses real-time analytics for improving operations, Xiaojia GUO, Yael GRUSHKA-COCKAYNE, and Bert DE REYCK Journal Article
Minding the gap: Asymmetric effects of pay dispersion on stakeholder engagement in corporate environmental (Ir)responsibility, Ying ZHANG, Li TONG, and Ji LI Journal Article
Pretrial justice reform and property crime: Evidence from New Jersey, Jung K. KIM and Yumi KOH Journal Article
Restore your sense of control — despite the pandemic, Eric M. ANICICH, Trevor A. FOULK, Merrick R. OSBORNE, Jake GALE, and Michael SCHAERER Magazine Article
Testing the real option hypothesis on the declining open-market repurchase announcement returns, David K. DING, Hardjo KOERNIADI, and Chandrasekhar KRISHNAMURTI Journal Article
The innovation effect of dual-class shares: New evidence from US firms, Xiaping CAO, Tiecheng LENG, Jeremy C. GOH, and Paul MALATESTA Journal Article
When do host country nationals help expatriates? The roles of identification with the multinational enterprise and career development support by the subsidiary, Sachiko YAMAO, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Soo Min TOH, and Daijeong CHOI Journal Article
Development and validation of the Vigilante Role Identity Scale (VRIS), Maja GRASO, Karl AQUINO, Abhijeet K. VADERA, and Lily LIN Conference Proceeding Article
Customer deviance: A framework, prevention strategies, and opportunities for future research, Paul W. FOMBELLE, Clay M. VOORHEES, Mason R. JENKINS, Karim SIDAOUI, Sabine BENOIT, Thorsten GRUBER, Anders GUSTAFSSON, and Ibrahim ABOSAG Journal Article
Don’t cut your marketing budget in a recession, Nirmalya KUMAR and Koen PAUWELS Magazine Article
Don’t cut your marketing budget in a recession, Nirmalya KUMAR and Koen PAUWELS Magazine Article
Effects of situation descriptions on the construct-related validity of construct-driven situational judgment tests, Philipp Christopher SCHAEPERS, Jan-Philipp FREUDENSTEIN, Patrick MUSSEL, Filip LIEVENS, and Stefan KRUMM Journal Article
Female director appointments under institutional change: Neutralizing response to competing logics, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Michael A. WITT, and Jin-ichiro YAMADA Conference Proceeding Article
Financial technology and inclusion in ASEAN, David FERNANDEZ and Marc RAKOTOMALALA Working Paper
Incentives for information provision: Energy efficiency in the Spanish rental market, Xueying BIAN and Natalia FABRA Journal Article
Life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness in a post-Covid 19 era, Aurobindo GHOSH, Amit HALDAR, and Kalyan BHAUMIK News Article
News media influence on public trust in bike-sharing operators in Singapore, Leonard WONG, Lyon TAN, Rachel WONG, and Su Lin YEO Journal Article
Power to the people? The limits of equality-based involvement in managing strategic change, Daniel Z. MACK Conference Proceeding Article
Predictive insights for improving the resilience of global food security using artificial intelligence, Meng Leong HOW, Yong Jiet CHAN, and Sin Mei CHEAH Journal Article
Scaling big in India: Leveraging behavioral science to help feed millions, Gita V. JOHAR, Shilpa MADAN, and K. GANESH Blog Post
The role of situations in situational judgment tests: Effects on construct saturation, predictive validity, and applicant perceptions, Philipp SCHÄPERS, Patrick MUSSEL, Filip LIEVENS, Cornelius J. KÖNIG, Jan-Philipp FREUDENSTEIN, and Stefan KRUMM Journal Article
What drives the declining wealth effect of subsequent share repurchase announcements?, David K. DING, Hardjo KOERNIADI, and Chandrasekhar KRISHNAMURTI Journal Article
Experiential approach to strategy formulation, Richard R. SMITH and Patrick TAN Book Chapter
A review study of functional autoregressive models with application to energy forecasting, Ying CHEN, Thorsten KOCH, Kian Guan LIM, Xiaofei XU, and Nazgul ZAKIYEVA Journal Article
Bermudan option in Singapore savings bonds, Kian Guan LIM Journal Article
COVID-19 and management education: Reflections on challenges, opportunities, and potential futures, Steve BRAMMER and Timothy CLARK Journal Article
Crowdfunding platforms: Ecosystem and evolution, Yee Heng TAN and Srinivas K. REDDY Journal Article
Experiential approach to strategy formulation, Richard Raymond SMITH and Patrick TAN Book Chapter
Foreign subsidiary CSR as a buffer against parent firm reputation risk, Nan ZHOU and Heli WANG Journal Article
Getting back to the “new normal”: Autonomy restoration during a global pandemic, Eric M. ANICICH, Trevor A. FOULK, Merrick R. OSBORNE, Jake GALE, and Michael SCHAERER Journal Article
Individuals responses to economic cycles: Organizational relevance and a multilevel theoretical integration, Nina SIROLA Journal Article
Intuitive pricing by independent store managers: Challenging beliefs and practices, Sabine BENOIT, Mario KIENZLER, and Christian KOWALKOWSKI Journal Article
Making connections: Social networks in international business, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, Gokhan ERTUG, John CANTWELL, Akbar ZAHEER, and Martin KILDUFF Journal Article
Negative reviews, positive impact: Consumer empathetic responding to unfair word of mouth, Thomas ALLARD, Lea H. DUNN, and Katherine WHITE Journal Article
Robustness, sensitivity and sampling variability of Pareto-optimal selection system solutions to address the quality-diversity trade-off, Wilfried DE CORTE, Paul SACKETT, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Security analysts and capital market anomalies, Li GUO, Frank Weikai LI, and K.C. John WEI Journal Article
The resilience of family controlled business groups: Survival of the unfit, Nirmalya KUMAR and Phanish PURANAM Magazine Article