
Submissions from 2022


Expected return, volume, and mispricing, Yufeng HAN, Dashan HUANG, Dayong HUANG, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article


Externalization in the platform economy: Social platforms and institutions, Liang CHEN, Sali LI, Jiang WEI, and Yang YANG Journal Article

Far away from home: Investors' underreaction to geographically dispersed information, Zilin CHEN, Liya CHU, Dawei LIANG, and Jun TU Journal Article


Financial intermediaries and contagion in market efficiency: The case of ETFs, Claire Yurong HONG, Frank Weikai LI, and Avanidhar SUBRAHMANYAM Working Paper


Fit to be good: Physical fitness is negatively associated with deviance, Kenneth TAI, Yuchuan LIU, Marko PITESA, Sandy LIM, Yew Kwan TONG, and Richards ARVEY Journal Article


High sex ratios and household portfolio choice in China, Wenchao LI, Changcheng SONG, Shu XU, and Junjian YI Journal Article


How augmented reality can - and can't - help your brand, CHANDUKALA, Sandeep R.; Karempudi Srinivas REDDY; and Yong-Chin TAN Magazine Article


How do firms respond to reduced private equity buyout activity?, Yi-hsin LO Working Paper


How do SMEs reap a roaring success in the year of the tiger, Siow-heng ONG News Article


Impact of restrictive red blood cell transfusion strategy on thrombosis-related events: A meta-analysis and systematic review, Mairehaba MAIMAITIMING, Chenxiao ZHANG, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, Haidong LUO, and Oon Cheong OOI Book Review


It's so boring - or is it? Examining the role of mindfulness for work performance and attitudes in monotonous jobs, Andreas WIHLER, Ute R. HULSHEGER, Jochen REB, and Jochen I. MENGES Journal Article


It’s so boring – or is it? Examining the role of mindfulness for work performance and attitudes in monotonous jobs, Andreas WIHLER, Ute R. Hülsheger, Jochen REB, and Jochen I. MENGES Journal Article


Mapping consumer's cross-device usage for online search: Mobile- vs. PC-based search in the purchase decision process, Sangman HAN, Jin K. HAN, Il IM, Sung In JUNG, and Jung Won LEE Journal Article


Mindfulness attenuates both emotional and behavioral reactions following psychological contract breach: A two-stage moderated mediation model, Samah Shaffakat, Lilian Otaye-Ebede, Jochen REB, Rajesh Chandwani, and Pisitta Vongswasdi Journal Article


Note to self: How I can be a better reviewer?, Reddi KOTHA Working Paper


On the test accuracy and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Singapore, Guang CHENG, Sarah Yini GAO, Yancheng YUAN, Chenxiao ZHANG, and Zhichao ZHENG Journal Article


Platform governance design in platform ecosystems: Implications for complementors' multihoming decision, Liang CHEN, Jingtao YI, Sali LI, and Tony W. TONG Journal Article


Pricing under uncertainty: Forward and option pricing in sports markets, Preethika SAINAM, Sridhar BALASUBRAMANIAN, Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, and Lin L. ONG Working Paper


R&D consortia in competitive supply chains, Pascale CRAMA, Gaoyan LU, and Yi XU Working Paper


Scaled PCA: A new approach to dimension reduction, Dashan HUANG, Fuwei JIANG, Kunpeng LI, Guoshi TONG, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article


Special issue on green and ethical finance, Thorsten BECK, David G. FERNANDEZ, Bihong HUANG, and Peter MORGAN Journal Article


Stochastic knapsack revisited: The service level perspective, Guodong LYU, Mabel C. CHOU, Chung-Piaw TEO, Zhichao ZHENG, and Yuanguang ZHONG Journal Article


The effects of conflict type and conflict expression intensity on conflict management, Gergana TODOROVA, Kenneth T. GOH, and Laurie WEINGART Journal Article

Smart cities: A review of managerial challenges and a framework for future research, Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter


A constraint programming approach to load capacity planning in container vessels, Byung Kwon LEE and Joyce M. W. LOW Journal Article


A foot in the door: Field-experiments on entrepreneurs’ network activation strategies for investor referrals, Jared NAI, Yimin LIN, Reddi KOTHA, and Vissa BALAGOPAL Journal Article


Applying Coleman’s boat in management research: Opportunities and challenges in bridging macro and micro theory, Amanda COWEN, Floor RINK, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, Denis GREGOIRE, and Ingo WELLER Editorial

Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs, Tenghao ZHANG, Pi-Shen SEET, Janice REDMOND, Jalleh SHARAFIZAD, and Wee Liang TAN Book Chapter


Conflicting institutional logics as a safe space for collaboration: Action research in a reforestation NGO, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Ryan K. MERRILL Book Chapter


Decentralizing money: Bitcoin prices and blockchain security, Emiliano Sebastian PAGNOTTA Journal Article


Delegated gender diversity, Hao LIANG and Cara VANSTEENKISTE Working Paper


Describing rosé: An embedding-based method for measuring preferences, Anirban MUKHERJEE and Hannah H. CHANG Conference Proceeding Article


Designing persuasive voiceover narration in crowdfunding videos, Hannah H. CHANG, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Conference Proceeding Article


Developing and evidencing attainment of graduate learning outcomes through an institution-wide feedback system, Magdeleine Duan Ning LEW, Lieven DEMEESTER, Venky SHANKARARAMAN, and Yuehan ZHUO Book Chapter


Flight to Bitcoin, Yang YU and Jinyuan ZHANG Working Paper

Handbook on the business of sustainability: The organization, implementation, and practice of sustainable growth, Gerard GEORGE, Martine R. HAAS, Havovi Heerjee JOSHI, Anita M. McGahan, and Paul TRACEY Edited Book


How you look is who you are: The appearance reveals character lay theory increases support for facial profiling, Shilpa MADAN, Krishna SAVANI, and Gita Venkataramani JOHAR Journal Article


Impact assessment and measurement with Sustainable Development Goals, Hao LIANG, David FERNANDEZ, and Mikkel LARSEN Book Chapter


Impact measurement and standards, Angeline CHUA, Hao LIANG, and Wanyi YANG Report


Introduction to the business of sustainability: An organizing framework for theory, practice and impact, Gerard GEORGE, Martine R. HAAS, Havovi Heerjee JOSHI, Anita M. McGahan, and Paul TRACEY Book Chapter


Investing in low-trust countries: On the role of social trust in the global mutual fund industry, Massimo MASSA, Chengwei WANG, Hong ZHANG, and Jian ZHANG Journal Article


Procurement management in agricultural commodity processing, Onur BOYABATLI and Bin LI Book Chapter


Race and hedge funds, Yan LU, Narayan Y. NAIK, and Melvyn TEO Working Paper


Short selling ETFs, Frank Weikai LI and Qifei ZHU Journal Article


Smart cities: A review of managerial challenges and a framework for future research, Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter


The impact of single versus multiple narrating voices in persuasive videos, Hannah H. CHANG, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Conference Proceeding Article


There is a time to be creative: The alignment between chronotype and time of day, Jana KUEHNEL, Ronald BLEDOW, and Markus KIEFER Journal Article


To buy green or not to buy green: Do structural dependencies block ecological responsiveness?, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Teemu KAUTONEN, and Henri HAKATA Journal Article


Transitioning to a circular economy: A systematic review of its drivers and barriers, Jovan TAN, Fabien Jianwei TAN, and Seeram RAMAKRISHNA Journal Article


Weighting admission scores to balance predictiveness-diversity: The Pareto-optimization approach, Filip LIEVENS, Paul R. SACKETT, and Wilfried DE CORTE Journal Article


When money fails to talk: Unintended consequences of using monetary incentives to elicit sustainable behaviours, Michelle P. LEE Book Chapter


Why, how, and when divergent perceptions become dysfunctional in organizations: A motivated cognition perspective, Zhanna LYUBYKH, Laurie J. BARCLAY, Marion FORTIN, Michael R. BASHSHUR, and Malika KHAKHAR Journal Article

Adapting service management for the sharing economy, Sabine BENOIT Book Chapter


An acccidental academic: Reflections on an exciting journey, Karempudi Srinivas REDDY Book Chapter


Augmented reality in retail and its impact on sales, Yong Chin TAN, Sandeep R. CHANDUKALA, and Srinivas K. REDDY Journal Article

Capacity management in agricultural commodity processing, Onur BOYABATLI and Jason (Quang) Dang NGUYEN Book Chapter


Climate change and sustainability in ASEAN countries, David K. DING and Sarah E. BEH Journal Article


Concept links and return momentum, Qianqian DU, Dawei LIANG, Zilin CHEN, and Jun TU Journal Article


Conditional relationship between distress risk and stock returns, Su Hee YUN and Jung Min KIM Journal Article


Conflict positioning in crisis communication: Impact of antecedent conditions on negotiation, PANG, A. and Glen T. CAMERON Journal Article

Dark social influencer engagement in brand communication, Jason Shi-yang LIM; Claresta Si Ya YEO; Weihui LEOW; Xian Hui NG; and PANG, A. Book Chapter


Exploring how online responses change in response to debunking messages about COVID-19 on WhatsApp, Xingyu Ken CHEN, Jin-Cheon NA, Luke Kien-Weng TAN, Mark CHONG, and Murphy CHOY Journal Article


Future-proofing students in higher education with unmanned aerial vehicles technology: A knowledge management case study, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, Eugene K. B. TAN, and Shaohui FOONG Journal Article


How does firm scope depend on customer switching costs? Evidence from mobile telecommunications markets, Niloofar ABOLFATHI, Simone SANTAMARIA, and Charles WILLIAMS Journal Article


Ideological boundaries of status advantages: Legislative effectiveness in the House of Representatives in the United States Congress, Francois COLLET, Gianluca CARNABUCI, Gokhan ERTUG, and Tengjian ZOU Journal Article


Killing the cat? A review of curiosity at work, Filip LIEVENS, Spencer H. HARRISON, Patrick MUSSEL, and Jordan A. LITMAN Journal Article


Managing stochastic bucket brigades on discrete work stations, Peng WANG, Kai PAN, Zhenzhen YAN, and Yun Fong LIM Journal Article


Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective, Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane KELLER, Swee Hoon ANG, Chin Tiong TAN, and Siew Meng Leong Textbook


Outsourcing climate change, Rui DAI, Rui DUAN, Hao LIANG, and Lilian NG Working Paper


Schedule reliability in liner shipping timetable design: A convex programming approach, Abraham ZHANG, Zhichao ZHENG, and Chung-Piaw TEO Journal Article


Seeking stability: Consumer motivations for communal nostalgia, Minju HAN and George E. NEWMAN Journal Article


Smart heuristics for individuals, teams, and organizations, Gerd GIGERENZER, Jochen REB, and Shenghua LUAN Journal Article

Social media influencers as a crisis risk in strategic communication: Impact of indiscretions on professional endorsements, Kylie SNG; Tsi Ying AU; and PANG, A. Book Chapter

Social media influencers in crisis: Providing counsel on Instagram, PANG, A.; Debbie LEE; Gindelin LOW; and Valerie HUM Book Chapter


Support for increasing low-wage workers’ compensation: The role of fixed-growth mindsets about intelligence, Shilpa MADAN, Anyi MA, Neeraj PANDEY, Aneeta RATTAN, and Krishna SAVANI Journal Article


The Catholic Church abuse scandal in Ireland: Two steps forward, one step back by Pope Francis?, Augustine PANG, Eada HOGAN, and Igor ANDRASEVIC Journal Article


The effects of dangerous world beliefs on COVID-19 preventive behaviors in Singapore: The moderating role of public health communication, Su Lin YEO, Desiree Y. PHUA, and Ying-Yi HONG Journal Article


The moderating effect of solar radiation on the association between human mobility and COVID-19 infection in Europe, Wenyu ZHAO, Yongjian ZHU, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, Haidong LUO, and Oon Cheong OOI Journal Article


The role of emotions as mechanisms of mid-test warning messages during personality testing: A field experiment, Hairong LI, Jinyan FAN, Guoxiang ZHAO, Minghui WANG, Lu ZHENG, Hui MENG, Qingxiong WENG, Yanping LIU, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


Value and purpose of management education: Looking back and thinking forward in global focus, Eric CORNUEL, Howard THOMAS, and Matthew WOOD Edited Book


What does homophily do? A review of the consequences of homophily, Gokhan ERTUG, Julia Brennecke, Balaza Kovacs, and Tengjian ZOU Journal Article


特殊目的收购公司特别亮眼?, T. Mandy THAM News Article

Submissions from 2021

Managing complexity: Insights from the contingency theory of strategic conflict management, Yang JIN; PANG, A.; Glen T. CAMERON; Sungsu KIM; and Leonard A. PAGANO Book Chapter

Neutralizing response to competing logics in corporate governance: Antecedents of female board appointments in Japan, Jin-ichiro YAMADA and Toru YOSHIKAWA Journal Article

The governance of Asian family businesses: The second-generation growth and sustainability imperatives, Ser Keng ANG and Alexander Van de Putte Book Chapter

Strategic change and renewal, Quy N. HUY and Daniel Z. MACK Book Chapter


Cross-cryptocurrency return predictability, Li GUO, Bo SANG, Jun TU, and Yu WANG Working Paper


Effect of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on acute kidney injury among patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A review and meta-analysis, Han ZHOU, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, Oon Cheong OOI, and Haidong LUO Journal Article


Follow the smoke: The pollution haven effect on global sourcing, Heather BERRY, Aseem KAUL, and Narae LEE Journal Article


Harnessing digitalization for sustainable economic development: Insights for Asia, John BEIRNE and David FERNANDEZ Edited Book


Leveraging reward-based crowdfunding during Covid-19, Hannah H. CHANG, Erin Jasmine GUILLERMO, and Colin CHAI News Article


The curse of the original: How and when heritage branding reduces consumer evaluations of enhanced products, Minju HAN, George E. NEWMAN, Rosanna K. SMITH, and Ravi DHAR Journal Article


Toward a model of hardiness development: The effect of hope on hardiness, Chin Heng LOW, Paul Heng Leong LIM, and Kevin KOH Conference Proceeding Article


Accounting and finance lessons in the time of COVID-19: Views from the Pacific Basin: Part 2, Kuan Yong David DING, Julie HARRISON, Martien LUBBERINK, and Chris VAN STADEN Transcript


Algorithmic transparency, Jian SUN Working Paper

A queueing model for customer rescheduling and no-shows in service systems, Yue TANG, Houyuan JIANG, Jingui XIE, and Zhichao ZHENG Journal Article


Artificial intelligence as augmenting automation: Implications for employment, F. Ted TSCHANG and Esteve ALMIRALL Journal Article


Carlos Ghosn: The rise and fall of an automobile legend, Jochen REB, Abhijeet K. VADERA, and Sin Mei CHEAH Magazine Article


Corporate sustainability has failed: Digitizing regeneration may still save us, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX Journal Article


Going far together by being here now: Mindfulness increases cooperation in negotiations, Theodore Charles MASTERS-WAAGE, Jared NAI, Jochen REB, Samantha SIM, Jayanth NARAYANAN, and Noriko TAN Journal Article