Submissions from 2022
Circular economy principles for family business and wealth stewardship, Philip MARCOVICI, Kenneth T. GOH, and Iraj ISPAHANI Book
The global pandemic and management education: Is management education a valuable long-lived financial asset?, Howard THOMAS and Aurobindo GHOSH Book Chapter
A cross-country investigation of social image motivation and acceptance of lab-grown meat in Singapore and the United States, Mark CHONG, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, and Verity LUA Journal Article
Do large gains make willing sellers?, Dong HONG, Roger LOH, and Mitch WARACHKA Journal Article
Endogeneity of commodity price in freight cost models, Kian Guan LIM Journal Article
Internal capital markets and predictability in complex ownership firms, Ran CHANG, Angelica GONZALEZ, Sergei SARKISSIAN, and Jun TU Journal Article
Know thyself: Access to own credit report and the retail mortgage market, Amit KUMAR Working Paper
Socially oriented shareholder activism targets: Explaining activists’ corporate target selection using corporate opportunity structures, Abhijith G. Acharya, David GRAS, and Ryan KRAUSE Journal Article
The effect of formal time allocations on learning trajectories and performance, Kenneth T. GOH, Colin M. FISHER, and S. Amy SOMMER Journal Article
3 obstacles to globalizing a digital platform, Liang CHEN, Sali LI, Noman SHAHEER, and Max STALLKAMP Journal Article
A Black-Scholes user's guide to the Bachelier model, Jaehyuk CHOI, Minsuk KWAK, Chyng Wen TEE, and Yumeng WANG Journal Article
Can shorts predict returns? A global perspective, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Zsuzsa R. HUSZAR, Yanchu WANG, Xiaoyan ZHANG, and Xinran ZHANG Journal Article
Designing persuasive crowdfunding videos, Hannah H. CHANG, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Conference Proceeding Article
Employer and internal branding research: A bibliometric analysis of 25 years, Gordhan K. SAINI, Filip LIEVENS, and Mukta SRIVASTAVA Journal Article
Gender, bottom-line mentality, and workplace mistreatment: The roles of gender norm violation and team gender composition, Kenneth TAI, KiYoung LEE, Eugene KIM, Tiffany D. JOHNSON, Wei WANG, Michelle K. DUFFY, and Seongsu KIM Journal Article
HCI education and UX practice: Highlights from Singapore, Tamas MAKANY and Dharani Perera-Schulz Conference Proceeding Article
HCI in Southeast Asia: The journey forward, E. Sari, J.A. Tedjasaputra, Y. Kurniawan, E. Zulaikha, A. Asfarian, M. Ghazali, A. Sivaji, J.A. Abu Bakar, C.Y. Wong, N.M. Norowi, Tamas MAKANY, D. Perera-Schulz, T. Chintakovid, S. Nuchitprasitchai, and Ethel Ong Conference Proceeding Article
History matters: The impact of online customer reviews across product generations, Linyi LI, Shyam GOPINATH, and Stephen J. CARSON Journal Article
Inflation and Ukraine war make it challenging for our beloved value stores to survive, Aurobindo GHOSH and Taimur BAIG News Article
Inflation expectations of households and the upgrading channel, Sumit AGARWAL, Yeow Hwee CHUA, and Changcheng SONG Journal Article
Market manipulation around seasoned equity offerings: Evidence prior to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009, Charlie CHAROENWONG, Kuan Yong David DING, and Ping WANG Journal Article
Privacy please: Power distance and people’s responses to data breaches across countries, Shilpa MADAN, Krishna SAVANI, and Constantine S. KATSIKEAS Journal Article
Revisiting the internationalization-performance relationship: A twenty-year meta-analysis of emerging market multinationals, Sihong WU, Di FAN, and Liang CHEN Journal Article
SEACHI 2022 Symposium: Bringing equality, justice, and access to HCI and UX agenda in Southeast Asia region, Eunice SARI, Masitah GHAZALI, Adi B. TEDJASAPUTRA, Yohannes KURNIAWAN, Thippaya CHINTAKOVID, Siranee NUCHITPRASITCHAI, Ellya ZULAIKHA, Noris Binti Mohd NOROWI, and Tamas MAKANY Conference Proceeding Article
Shareholder wealth implications of software firms' transition to cloud computing: A marketing perspective, Mehdi NEZAMI, Kapil R. TULI, and Shantanu DUTTA Journal Article
Teaching users about real world of finance, Aurobindo GHOSH News Article
The vigilante identity and organizations, Fan Xuan CHEN, Maja GRASO, Karl AQUINO, Lily LIN, Joey T. CHENG, Katherine DeCelles, and Abhijeet K. VADERA Journal Article
Breaking the chains: The inverted-U-shaped relationship between action-state orientation and creativity under low job autonomy, Ronald BLEDOW, Jana KÜHNEL, Mengzi JIN, and Julius KUHL Journal Article
Breaking the sound of silence: Explication in the use of strategic silence in crisis communication, PANG, A.; Yan JIN; Youngji SEO; Sung In CHOI; Hui-Xun TEO; Phuong D. LE; and Bryan REBER Journal Article
Collaboration scope and product innovation in B2B Markets: Are there too many cooks or is it the customer who spoils the broth?, Erik MOOI, Ernst C. OSINGA, and Carlos D. SANTOS Journal Article
Culture and firms, Zhihui GU, Hao LIANG, and Hanyu ZHANG Working Paper
Digital transformation, sustainability, and purpose in the multinational enterprise, Gerard GEORGE and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX Journal Article
Do underwriters short-change corporations issuing bonds?, Choo Yong, Jeremy GOH and Lisa YANG Working Paper
Growing pains: The effect of generational product innovation on mobile games performance, Liang CHEN, Pengxiang ZHANG, Sali LI, and Scott F. TURNER Journal Article
How employees learn to speak up from their leaders: Gender congruity effects in the development of voice self-efficacy, Thomas Taiyi YAN, Subrahmaniam TANGIRALA, Abhijeet K. VADERA, and Srinivas EKKIRALA Journal Article
Information quality of investment services with social media, Paphada TATPORNPAN, Pattarawan Mai PRASARNPHANICH, and Chiyachantana N. CHIRAPHOL Journal Article
Investor sentiment and paradigm shifts in equity premium forecasting, Liya CHU, Kai LI, Tony Xue-zhong HE, and Jun TU Journal Article
Joint capacity allocation and job assignment under uncertainty, Peng WANG, Yun Fong LIM, and Gar Goei LOKE Working Paper
Safety regulation enforcement and production safety: The role of penalties and voluntary safety management systems, Di FAN, Andy C.L. YEUNG, Daphne W. YIU, and Chris K.Y. LO Journal Article
Top management teams in international business research: A review and suggestions for future research, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, Charmi PATEL, Gokhan ERTUG, Jiatao LI, and Youtha CUYPERS Journal Article
Why commonality persists?, Chyng Wen TEE, Raja VELU, and Zhaoque ZHOU Conference Proceeding Article
A practitioner’s guide to digital platform business, Chiyachantana N. CHIRAPHOL, David K. DING, and Jack J. HONG Book
CDS channels of influence on discretionary accruals, Hao CHENG and Kian Guan LIM Journal Article
Does the DNA of business schools need to change?, Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER Book Chapter
Expected return, volume, and mispricing, Yufeng HAN, Dashan HUANG, Dayong HUANG, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article
Externalization in the platform economy: Social platforms and institutions, Liang CHEN, Sali LI, Jiang WEI, and Yang YANG Journal Article
Far away from home: Investors' underreaction to geographically dispersed information, Zilin CHEN, Liya CHU, Dawei LIANG, and Jun TU Journal Article
Financial intermediaries and contagion in market efficiency: The case of ETFs, Claire Yurong HONG, Frank Weikai LI, and Avanidhar SUBRAHMANYAM Working Paper
Fit to be good: Physical fitness is negatively associated with deviance, Kenneth TAI, Yuchuan LIU, Marko PITESA, Sandy LIM, Yew Kwan TONG, and Richards ARVEY Journal Article
High sex ratios and household portfolio choice in China, Wenchao LI, Changcheng SONG, Shu XU, and Junjian YI Journal Article
How augmented reality can - and can't - help your brand, CHANDUKALA, Sandeep R.; Karempudi Srinivas REDDY; and Yong-Chin TAN Magazine Article
How do firms respond to reduced private equity buyout activity?, Yi-hsin LO Working Paper
How do SMEs reap a roaring success in the year of the tiger, Siow-heng ONG News Article
Impact of restrictive red blood cell transfusion strategy on thrombosis-related events: A meta-analysis and systematic review, Mairehaba MAIMAITIMING, Chenxiao ZHANG, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, Haidong LUO, and Oon Cheong OOI Book Review
It's so boring - or is it? Examining the role of mindfulness for work performance and attitudes in monotonous jobs, Andreas WIHLER, Ute R. HULSHEGER, Jochen REB, and Jochen I. MENGES Journal Article
It’s so boring – or is it? Examining the role of mindfulness for work performance and attitudes in monotonous jobs, Andreas WIHLER, Ute R. Hülsheger, Jochen REB, and Jochen I. MENGES Journal Article
Mapping consumer's cross-device usage for online search: Mobile- vs. PC-based search in the purchase decision process, Sangman HAN, Jin K. HAN, Il IM, Sung In JUNG, and Jung Won LEE Journal Article
Mindfulness attenuates both emotional and behavioral reactions following psychological contract breach: A two-stage moderated mediation model, Samah Shaffakat, Lilian Otaye-Ebede, Jochen REB, Rajesh Chandwani, and Pisitta Vongswasdi Journal Article
Note to self: How I can be a better reviewer?, Reddi KOTHA Working Paper
On the test accuracy and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Singapore, Guang CHENG, Sarah Yini GAO, Yancheng YUAN, Chenxiao ZHANG, and Zhichao ZHENG Journal Article
Platform governance design in platform ecosystems: Implications for complementors' multihoming decision, Liang CHEN, Jingtao YI, Sali LI, and Tony W. TONG Journal Article
Pricing under uncertainty: Forward and option pricing in sports markets, Preethika SAINAM, Sridhar BALASUBRAMANIAN, Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, and Lin L. ONG Working Paper
R&D consortia in competitive supply chains, Pascale CRAMA, Gaoyan LU, and Yi XU Working Paper
Scaled PCA: A new approach to dimension reduction, Dashan HUANG, Fuwei JIANG, Kunpeng LI, Guoshi TONG, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article
Special issue on green and ethical finance, Thorsten BECK, David G. FERNANDEZ, Bihong HUANG, and Peter MORGAN Journal Article
Stochastic knapsack revisited: The service level perspective, Guodong LYU, Mabel C. CHOU, Chung-Piaw TEO, Zhichao ZHENG, and Yuanguang ZHONG Journal Article
The effects of conflict type and conflict expression intensity on conflict management, Gergana TODOROVA, Kenneth T. GOH, and Laurie WEINGART Journal Article
Smart cities: A review of managerial challenges and a framework for future research, Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter
A constraint programming approach to load capacity planning in container vessels, Byung Kwon LEE and Joyce M. W. LOW Journal Article
A foot in the door: Field-experiments on entrepreneurs’ network activation strategies for investor referrals, Jared NAI, Yimin LIN, Reddi KOTHA, and Vissa BALAGOPAL Journal Article
Applying Coleman’s boat in management research: Opportunities and challenges in bridging macro and micro theory, Amanda COWEN, Floor RINK, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, Denis GREGOIRE, and Ingo WELLER Editorial
Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs, Tenghao ZHANG, Pi-Shen SEET, Janice REDMOND, Jalleh SHARAFIZAD, and Wee Liang TAN Book Chapter
Conflicting institutional logics as a safe space for collaboration: Action research in a reforestation NGO, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Ryan K. MERRILL Book Chapter
Decentralizing money: Bitcoin prices and blockchain security, Emiliano Sebastian PAGNOTTA Journal Article
Delegated gender diversity, Hao LIANG and Cara VANSTEENKISTE Working Paper
Describing rosé: An embedding-based method for measuring preferences, Anirban MUKHERJEE and Hannah H. CHANG Conference Proceeding Article
Designing persuasive voiceover narration in crowdfunding videos, Hannah H. CHANG, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Conference Proceeding Article
Developing and evidencing attainment of graduate learning outcomes through an institution-wide feedback system, Magdeleine Duan Ning LEW, Lieven DEMEESTER, Venky SHANKARARAMAN, and Yuehan ZHUO Book Chapter
Flight to Bitcoin, Yang YU and Jinyuan ZHANG Working Paper
Handbook on the business of sustainability: The organization, implementation, and practice of sustainable growth, Gerard GEORGE, Martine R. HAAS, Havovi Heerjee JOSHI, Anita M. McGahan, and Paul TRACEY Edited Book
How you look is who you are: The appearance reveals character lay theory increases support for facial profiling, Shilpa MADAN, Krishna SAVANI, and Gita Venkataramani JOHAR Journal Article
Impact assessment and measurement with Sustainable Development Goals, Hao LIANG, David FERNANDEZ, and Mikkel LARSEN Book Chapter
Impact measurement and standards, Angeline CHUA, Hao LIANG, and Wanyi YANG Report
Introduction to the business of sustainability: An organizing framework for theory, practice and impact, Gerard GEORGE, Martine R. HAAS, Havovi Heerjee JOSHI, Anita M. McGahan, and Paul TRACEY Book Chapter
Investing in low-trust countries: On the role of social trust in the global mutual fund industry, Massimo MASSA, Chengwei WANG, Hong ZHANG, and Jian ZHANG Journal Article
Procurement management in agricultural commodity processing, Onur BOYABATLI and Bin LI Book Chapter
Race and hedge funds, Yan LU, Narayan Y. NAIK, and Melvyn TEO Working Paper
Short selling ETFs, Frank Weikai LI and Qifei ZHU Journal Article
Smart cities: A review of managerial challenges and a framework for future research, Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter
The impact of single versus multiple narrating voices in persuasive videos, Hannah H. CHANG, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Amitava CHATTOPADHYAY Conference Proceeding Article
There is a time to be creative: The alignment between chronotype and time of day, Jana KUEHNEL, Ronald BLEDOW, and Markus KIEFER Journal Article
To buy green or not to buy green: Do structural dependencies block ecological responsiveness?, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Teemu KAUTONEN, and Henri HAKATA Journal Article
Transitioning to a circular economy: A systematic review of its drivers and barriers, Jovan TAN, Fabien Jianwei TAN, and Seeram RAMAKRISHNA Journal Article
Weighting admission scores to balance predictiveness-diversity: The Pareto-optimization approach, Filip LIEVENS, Paul R. SACKETT, and Wilfried DE CORTE Journal Article
When money fails to talk: Unintended consequences of using monetary incentives to elicit sustainable behaviours, Michelle P. LEE Book Chapter
Why, how, and when divergent perceptions become dysfunctional in organizations: A motivated cognition perspective, Zhanna LYUBYKH, Laurie J. BARCLAY, Marion FORTIN, Michael R. BASHSHUR, and Malika KHAKHAR Journal Article
Adapting service management for the sharing economy, Sabine BENOIT Book Chapter
An acccidental academic: Reflections on an exciting journey, Karempudi Srinivas REDDY Book Chapter
Augmented reality in retail and its impact on sales, Yong Chin TAN, Sandeep R. CHANDUKALA, and Srinivas K. REDDY Journal Article
Capacity management in agricultural commodity processing, Onur BOYABATLI and Jason (Quang) Dang NGUYEN Book Chapter