Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School of Business | Lee Kong Chian School of Business | Singapore Management University


Submissions from 2024


Why did retail liquidity programs fail?, Thomas ERNST, Chester SPATT, and Jian SUN Working Paper

Clash: Amazon versus Walmart, Nirmalya KUMAR Book


Demand pull versus resource push training approaches to entrepreneurship: A field experiment, Simone SANTAMARIA, Niloofar ABOLFATHI, and Ishtiag Pasha MAHMOOD Journal Article


Invisible inequalities: Barriers, challenges, and opportunities, Hari BAPUJI, Gokhan ERTUG, Vivek SOUNDARAJAN, and Jason D. SHAW Journal Article


Math word problem generation via disentangled memory retrieval, Wei QIN, Xiaowei WANG, Zhenzhen HU, Lei WANG, Yunshi LAN, and Richang HONG Journal Article


My manager endorsed my coworkers’ voice: Understanding observers’ positive and negative reactions to managerial endorsement of coworker voice., Emily POULTON, Szu-Han Joanna LIN, Shereen FATIMAH, Cony HO, Lance FERRIS, and Russell JOHNSON Journal Article


Pay suppression in social impact contexts: How framing work around the greater good inhibits job candidate compensation demands, Insiya HUSSAIN, Marko PITESA, Stefan THAU, and Michael SCHAERER Journal Article


Reproducibility in Management Science, Miloˇs FIŠAR, Ben GREINER, Christoph HUBER, Elena KATOK, Ali I. OZKES, and Hannah H. CHANG Journal Article


Social network centrality and the corporate environment: The case of sexual diversity policies, Nuttavuth NUNDHAPANA, Chiyachantana N. CHIRAPHOL, Kuan Yong David DING, and Sirimon TREEPONGKARUNA Journal Article


The effect of computer monitoring on employees’ productivity in telecommuting arrangements, Yea Hee KO and In Gyun Baek Journal Article


The influence of societal nationalist sentiment on trade flows, Douglas DOW and Ilya CUYPERS Journal Article


Theory advancing practice: The Contingency Theory in the strategic management of crises, conflicts, and complex public relations issues, PANG, A. and Yan JIN Transcript

A prompt-based topic-modeling method for depression detection on low-resource data, Yanrong GUO, Jilong LIU, Lei WANG, Wei QIN, Shijie HAO, and Richang HONG Journal Article


Association between HbA1c and deep sternal wound infection after coronary artery bypass: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Wenyu ZHAO, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, Han ZHOU, Oon Cheong OOI, and Haidong LUO Journal Article


Attentional engagement and strategic responses to discontinuous environmental change: Evidence from the US banking industry, Daniel Z. MACK, Theresa S. CHO, and Andrew C. YI Journal Article


Diverse hedge funds, Yan LU, Narayan Y. NAIK, and Melvyn TEO Journal Article


Do underwriters short-change corporations issuing bonds?, Jeremy C. GOH and Lisa (Zongfei) YANG Journal Article


Envy influences interpersonal dynamics and team performance: Roles of gender congruence and collective team identification, Kenneth TAI, Sejin KEEM, Ki Young LEE, and Eugene KIM Journal Article


Learning from machines: How negative feedback from machines improves learning between humans, Tengjian ZOU, Gokhan ERTUG, and Thomas ROULET Journal Article


Legal risk and insider trading, Marcin KACPERCZYK and Emiliano Sebastian PAGNOTTA Journal Article


What difference do the new factor models make in portfolio allocation?, Frank J. Fabozzi, Dashan HUANG, Fuwei Jiang, and Jiexun WANG Journal Article

Business school research: Excellence, academic quality and positive impact, Eric CORNUEL, Howard THOMAS, and Matthew WOOD Edited Book


Climate change concerns and mortgage lending, Tinghua DUAN and Frank Weikai LI Journal Article


Derivatives and market (il)liquidity, Shiyang HUANG, Bart Zhou YUESHEN, and Cheng ZHANG Journal Article


Heterogeneous adaptability: Learning, cash resources, and the fine-grained adjustment of misaligned governance, Xavier MARTIN and Ilya CUYPERS Journal Article


Innovation in dynamic knowledge landscapes: using topic modelling to map inventive activity and its implications for financial performance, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Yimin LIN, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article


Introducing business school research and positive impact, Howard THOMAS Book Chapter


Language-related misunderstanding at work: What it is, why it occurs and what organizations can do about it, John FISET and Devasheesh P. BHAVE Blog Post


Managing the personalized order-holding problem in online retailing, Shouchang CHEN, Zhenzhen YAN, and Yun Fong LIM Journal Article


Market for manipulable information, Hui CHEN and Jian SUN Working Paper


On SGX’s voyage to corporate sustainability: Exploring emerging topics in multi-industry corpora, Xinwen NI, Min Bin LIN, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, and Wolfgang Karl HARDLE Working Paper


Shadow bank, risk-taking, and real estate financing: Evidence from the online loan market, Xiaoying DENG, Chong LIU, and Eng Seow ONG Journal Article

Stuck at home: Does the virtual office stifle creativity?, A. HENG and Roy Y. J. CHUA Magazine Article


The effects of language-related misunderstanding at work, John FISET, Devasheesh P. BHAVE, and Nilotpal JHA Journal Article


The gender effects of COVID: Evidence from equity analysts, Frank Weikai LI and Baolian WANG Journal Article

Submissions from 2023

Examining the potential of micro-aerial vehicles for tree inspections as climate change education tools, Thomas MENKHOFF, Benjamin GAN, and Shaohui FOONG Conference Proceeding Article


Are bond returns predictable with real-time macro data?, Dashan HUANG, Fuwei JIANG, Kunpeng LI, Guoshi TONG, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article


Cross-period impatience: Subjective financial periods explain time-inconsistent choices, Minkwang JANG and Oleg URMINSKY Journal Article


Effect of the announcement of human-to-human transmission on teleconsultation services in China during COVID-19, Mairehaba MAIMAITIMING, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, and Yongjian ZHU Journal Article


How commonality persists? (Through investors' sentiment and attention), Chyng Wen TEE, Raja VELU, and Zhaoque ZHOU Working Paper


Immersive retailing: The in-store experience, Henrik HAGTVEDT and CHANDUKALA, Sandeep R. Journal Article


In search of cryptocurrency failure, Donglian MA, Jun TU, and Zhaobo ZHU Working Paper


Leveraging in-store technology and AI: Increasing customer and employee efficiency and enhancing their experiences, Dhruv GREWAL, Sabine BENOIT, Stephanie NOBLE, Abhijit GUHA, Carl-Philip AHLBOM, and Jens NORDFALT Journal Article


Leviathan Inc. and corporate environmental engagement, Po-Hsuan HSU, Hao LIANG, and Pedro MATOS Journal Article


Partisanship in loan pricing, Ramona DAGOSTINO, Janet GAO, and Pengfei MA Journal Article


Stopping the revolving door: MDP-based decision support for community corrections placement, Xiaoquan GAO, Pengyi SHI, and Nan KONG Working Paper


The economics of financial scams: Evidence from Initial Coin Offerings, Kenny PHUA, Bo SANG, Chi Shen WEI, and Yang YU Working Paper


The persuasive effect of AI-synthesized voices, Hannah H. CHANG and Anirban MUKHERJEE Conference Proceeding Article

A growth mindset can boost support for increasing the minimum wage, Shilpa MADAN, Anyi MA, Aneeta RATTAN, and Krishna SAVANI Magazine Article


Boots on the ground: Foreign direct investment by born digital firms, Maximilian STALKKAMP, Liang CHEN, and Sali LI Journal Article


Conflict or alignment? The role of return-oriented foreign shareholders and domestic relational shareholders in mitigating earnings management, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Ignacio P. REQUEJO, Asli COLPAN, and Daisuke UCHIDA Journal Article


Deploying business ecosystems to cope with ecological transformation, Arnoud DE MEYER Journal Article


Effects of framing, nomenclature, and aversion to tampering with nature on consumer acceptance of cultivated meat in Singapore, Mark CHONG, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, Tricia M. FERNANDEZ, and Shu Tian NG Journal Article


Going beyond the call of duty under conditions of economic threat: Integrating life history and temporal dilemma perspectives, Nina SIROLA Journal Article

Institutional ownership, capital structure and performance of SMEs in China, Geeta DUPPATI, Rachita GULATI, Neha MATLANI, and Ploypailin KIJKASIWAT Journal Article


Maximizing the benefits of an on-demand workforce: Fill rate-based allocation and coordination mechanisms, Tao LU, Zhichao ZHENG, and Yuanguang ZHONG Journal Article


Mitigating industry contagion effects from financial reporting fraud: A competitive dynamics perspective of non-errant rival firms exploiting product-market opportunities, Eugene KANG, Nongnapat THOSUWANCHOT, and David GOMULYA Journal Article


Money changers have their own fintech disruption to grapple with, Aurobindo GHOSH News Article


On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions, Michael SCHAERER, Christilene Du PLESSIS, My Hoang NGUYEN, Robbie C. M. van AERT, Leo TIOKKIN, Daniel LAKENS, Elena G. CLEMENTE, Thomas PFEIFFER, Anna DREBER, Magnus JOHANNESSON, and Cory J. CLARK Journal Article


Pricing under uncertainty: Forward and option pricing in sports markets, Preethika SAINAM, Sridhar BALASUBRAMANIAN, Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, and Lin L. ONG Journal Article


Rule violation and time-to-enforcement in weak institutional environments: A good faith perspective, Jun XIA, Yusi JIANG, Heli WANG, and Yuan LI Journal Article


Tail risk hedging: The search for cheap options, Poh Ling NEO and Chyng Wen TEE Journal Article


The dark side of the sharing economy: A systematic literature review of externalities and their regulation, Mosaad MOHAMED, Sabine BENOIT, and Chanaka JAYAWARDHENA Journal Article


The Statistics and Machine Learning with R workshop, Peng LIU Book


Time to regulate influencers who tell you where to put your money, Patricia LUI News Article


Why your organisation needs a language management strategy, John FISET and Devasheesh P. BHAVE Blog Post

Corporate social responsibility and myopic management practice: Is there a link?, Kuan Yong David DING, C. FERREIRA, Vu Minh NGO, Phuc V. NGUYEN, and U. WONGCHOTI Journal Article

Revisiting entrepreneurship education: Implications from recent findings in biology, Ravinder K. ZUTSHI and Wee Liang TAN Journal Article


Commentary: Black or white? Wrong or right? Don't rush to take sides on complex issues such as Israel-Hamas conflict, Siow-heng ONG and Benjamin Joshua ONG News Article


Competitive categorization and networks: Cognitive strategic groups, Tian HAN, Abby GHOBADIAN, Andrew YIM, Ran TAO, and Howard THOMAS Journal Article


Consumers’ reaction to corporate ESG performance: Evidence from store visits, Frank Weikai LI, Frank Weikai LI, and Roni MICHAELY Working Paper


Digital finance and sustainability: Impacts, challenges, and policy priorities, John BEIRNE and David G. FERNANDEZ Transcript


Digital wealth management and consumption: Micro evidence from individual investments, Qian GONG, Mingyuan BAN, Yunjun YU, Luying WANG, and Yan YUAN Journal Article


Does the consolidated feed matter?, Shihao YU Working Paper


ESG news, future cash flows, and firm value, Francois DERRIN, Philipp KRUEGER, Augustin LANDIER, and Tianhao YAO Working Paper


In customer service, when is a full refund justified?, Hannah H. CHANG News Article


Third-party employer branding, Mukta G. SAINI and Filip LIEVENS Book Chapter

Improvisation, routine dynamics, and temporal regularity, Kenneth T. GOH and Claus. RERUP Book Chapter


Constrained by localized attention focus: The negative effect of firm-specific knowledge on exploratory firm innovation, Bilian Ni SULLIVAN, Kaixian MAO, and Heli WANG Journal Article


Does abstract thinking facilitate information processing? Evidence from financial analysts, Frank Weikai LI, Rong WANG, Yang YU, and Gloria Yang YU Working Paper


Dynamic scheduling with uncertain job types, Zuo-Jun Max SHEN, Jingui XIE, Zhichao ZHENG, and Han ZHOU Journal Article


From hype to reality: A critical analysis of blockchain-based regenerative finance, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX and Marco SCHLETZ Journal Article


Geographic distance and state's grip: Information asymmetry, state inattention, and firm implementation of state policy, Xiyi YANG, Heli WANG, and Xiaoyu ZHOU Journal Article


Interpersonal behavior in assessment center role-play exercises: Investigating structure, consistency, and effectiveness, Simon M. BREIL, Filip LIEVENS, Boris FORTHMANN, and Mitla D. BACK Journal Article


Is carbon risk priced in the cross-section of corporate bond returns?, Tinghua DUAN, Frank Weikai LI, and Quan WEN Working Paper


Leader-expressed humility: Development and validation of scales based on a comprehensive conceptualization, Kraivin CHINTAKANANDA, James M. DIEFENDORFF, Burak OC, Michael A. DANIELS, Gary J. GREGURAS, and Michael R. BASHSHUR Journal Article


Not getting laid: Consumer acceptance of precision fermentation made egg, Oscar Z. THOMAS, Mark CHONG, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, Tricia M. FERNANDEX, and Shu Tian NG Journal Article


Of headlamps and marbles: A motivated perceptual approach to the dynamic and dialectic nature of fairness, Michael Ramsay BASHSHUR, Laurie J. BARCLAY, and Marion FORTIN Journal Article


Pioneering a smart, sustainable, and resilient future: Founder stories and business models, Chiraphol N. Chiyachantana, Tamas MAKANY, and David K. DING Book


Public sentiments and the influence of information-seeking preferences on knowledge, attitudes, death conversation and receptiveness towards palliative care: Results from a nationwide survey in Singapore, Su Lin YEO, Raymond Han Lip NG, Tan Ying PEH, May O. LWIN, Poh Heng CHONG, Patricia Soek Hui NEO, Jamie Xuelian ZHOU, and Angel LEE Journal Article


Revisiting the design of selection systems in light of new findings regarding the validity of widely used predictors, Paul R. SACKETT, Charlene ZHANG, Christopher M. BERRY, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


Shrinking factor dimension: A reduced-rank approach, Ai HE, Dashan HUANG, Jiaen LI, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article


The information in asset fire sales, Sheng HUANG, Matthew C. RINGGENBERG, and Zhe ZHANG Journal Article


Trust across borders: A review of the research on interorganizational trust in international business, Tengjian ZOU, Gokhan ERTUG, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, and Donald L. FERRIN Journal Article


What drives the value of financial analysts’ advice? The role of earnings and growth forecasts, Ohad KADAN, Leonardo MADUREIRA, Rong WANG, and Tzachi ZACH Working Paper


3 groundless myths that get in the way of workforce inclusivity, Kenneth T. GOH News Article


3 groundless myths that get in the way of workforce inclusivity, Kenneth T. GOH News Article


A reply to commentaries on “Revisiting the design of selection systems in light of new findings regarding the validity of widely used predictors”, Paul R. SACKETT, Christopher M. BERRY, Filip LIEVENS, and Charlene ZHANG Journal Article


Bayesian optimization with switching cost: Regret analysis and lookahead variants, Peng LIU, Haowei WANG, and Wei QIYU Conference Proceeding Article


Correcting for range restriction in meta-analysis: A reply to Oh et al. (2023), Paul R. SACKETT, Christopher M. BERRY, Filip LIEVENS, and Charlene ZHANG Journal Article