Submissions from 2025
Food self-sufficiency and building-integrated urban agriculture: Lessons from Singapore, Tomoki FUJII, Christoph WAIBEL, Xinyi DU, and Zhongming SHI Working Paper
Rationalizable incentives: Interim rationalizable implementation of correspondences, Takashi KUNIMOTO, Rene SARAN, and Roberto SERRANO Working Paper
Efficient bilateral trade with interdependent values: The use of two-stage mechanisms, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Cuiling ZHANG Working Paper
Submissions from 2024
Is subjective well-being insured against income shocks? Evidence from 20-year panel data in South Korea, Jiyeon AHN, Taehyun AHN, and KIM Working Paper
Undominated mechanisms, Tilman BORGERS, Jiangtao LI, and Kexin WANG Working Paper
Estimating firm-level production functions with spatial dependence, Pao-li CHANG, Ryo MAKIOKA, Bo Lin NG, and Zhenlin YANG Working Paper
Social institutions and low birth rates, Christine HO and Yutao WANG Working Paper
Associative networks in decision making, Jiangtao LI, Rui TANG, and Mu ZHANG Working Paper
Family size and child migration: Do daughters face greater trade-offs than sons?, Christine HO, Yutao WANG, and Sharon Xuejing ZUO Working Paper
Quantifying delay propagation in airline networks, Liyu DOU, Jakub KASTL, and John LAZAREV Working Paper
A robust optimization approach to mechanism design, Jiangtao LI and Kexin WANG Working Paper
Gradient wild bootstrap for instrumental variable quantile regressions with weak and few clusters, Wenjie WANG and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
Coarse revealed preference, Gaoji HU, Jiangtao LI, John K-H QUAH, and Rui TANG Working Paper
Rank-guaranteed auctions, Wei HE, Jiangtao LI, and Weijie ZHONG Working Paper
Max-share misidentification, Liyu DOU, Paul HO, and Thomas LUBIK Working Paper
The balance of concessions in trade agreements, Mostafa BESHKAR, Pao-li CHANG, and Shenxi SONG Working Paper
HIV estimation using population based surveys with non-response: A partial identification approach, Oyelola A ADEGBOYE, Tomoki FUJII, Denis H. Y. LEUNG, and Siyu LI Working Paper
Interim regret minimization, Wei HE, Jiangtao Li, and Kexin WANG Working Paper
Robust implementation in rationalizable strategies in general mechanisms, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Rene SARAN Working Paper
The interplay of interdependence and correlation in bilateral trade, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Cuiling ZHANG Working Paper
The interplay of interdependence and correlation in bilateral trade, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Cuiling ZHANG Working Paper
Compellingness in Nash implementation, Shurojit CHATTERJI, Takashi KUNIMOTO, and Paulo Daniel Salles RAMOS Working Paper
The long and short-run spatial impacts of trade, Lin MA, Yunlong SONG, and Yang TANG Working Paper
Submissions from 2023
Gender divergence in premarket skill acquisition and wage inequality, Sunha MYONG Working Paper
The depth of preferential trade agreements, Pao-Li CHANG, Wei JIN, and Kefang YAO Working Paper
When taxi drivers meet dynamic pricing: A lesson from Singapore's JustGrab program, Shih-Fen CHENG, Wen-Tai HSU, and Jing LI Working Paper
Are cities losing innovation advantages? Online versus face-to-face interactions, Ruben GAETANI, Naqun HUANG, Jing Li, and Yanmin YANG Working Paper
Decomposability and strategy-proofness in multidimensional models, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Huaxia ZENG Working Paper
Financial crisis and female entrepreneurship: Evidence from South Korea, Jungho LEE and Sunha MYONG Working Paper
Information loss in volatility measurement with flat price trading, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS and Jun YU Journal Article
Legal protection of property rights: A dynamic evolution model, Fali Huang Working Paper
Connecting the (dirty) dots: Current account surplus and polluting production, Jungho Lee, Shang-Jin WEI, and Jianhuan XU Working Paper
Customer capital and trade intermediaries: Evidence from China, Jungho Lee and Jianhuan XU Working Paper
Self-financing, parental transfer, and college education, Jungho LEE and Sunha MYONG Working Paper
Multivariate stochastic volatility models based on generalized fisher transformation, Han CHEN, Yijie FEI, and Jun YU Working Paper
Young women in cities, Yumi KOH, Li JING, Yifan WU, Junjian YI, and Hanzhe ZHANG Working Paper
Brothers, sisters, and support to older parents: Separate spheres across and within support types?, Christine HO and Kathleen MCGARRY Working Paper
On the spectral density of fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process: Approximation, Estimation, and Model Comparison, Shuping SHI, Jun YU, and Chen ZHANG Working Paper
The distributional impacts of transportation networks in China, Lin MA and Tang YANG Working Paper
Adjustment with many regressors under covariate-adaptive randomizations, Liang JIANG, Liyao LI, Ke MIAO, and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
Local dominance, Emiliano CATONINI and Jingyi XUE Working Paper
Migration and spatial misallocation in China, Xiaolu LI, Lin MA, and Yang TANG Working Paper
The unintended consequences of international student shortage: Evidence from a policy reform in South Korea, Syngjoo CHOI, Chung-Yoon CHOI, KIM, and Jongkwan LEE Working Paper
Asymptotic theory for explosive fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes, Hui JIANG, Yajuan PAN, Weilin LIAO, Qingshan YANG, and Jun YU Working Paper
Hypothesis testing via posterior-test-based Bayes factors, Yong LI, Nianling WANG, Jun YU, and Yonghui ZHANG Working Paper
On the welfare role of redundant assets with heterogenous forecasts, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Atsushi KAJII Working Paper
Covariate adjustment in experiments with matched pairs, Yuehao BAI, Liang JIANG, Joseph P. ROMANO, Azeem M. SHAIKH, and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
Can digital finance promote low-carbon transition? Evidence from China, Xing GE and Tomoki FUJII Working Paper
Growth and risk: A view from international trade, Pravin KRISHNA, Andrei A. LEVCHEKO, Lin MA, and William F. MALONEY Working Paper
School attendance information or conditional cash transfer? Evidence from a randomized field experiment in rural Bangladesh, Tomoki FUJII, Christine HO, Rohan RAY, and Abu S. SHONCHOY Working Paper
Submissions from 2022
A general test for functional inequalities, Jia LI, Zhipeng LIAO, and Wenyu ZHOU Working Paper
Identifying knowledge spillovers from universities: Quasi-experimental evidence from urban China, Li JING, Shimeng LIU, and Yifan WU Working Paper
Finite sample comparison of alternative estimators for fractional Gaussian noise, Shuping SHI, Jun YU, and Chen ZHANG Working Paper
Using satellite-observed geospatial inundation data to identify the impacts of flood on firm-level performances: The case of China during 2000–2009, Pao-Li CHANG and Fan ZHENG Working Paper
Disentangling the effects of GATT/WTO on variable and fixed trade costs: Trade status, trade margins, and export sales distribution, Pao-Li CHANG, Renjing CHEN, and Wei JIN Working Paper
Low-rank panel quantile regression: Estimation and inference, Yiren WANG, Yichong ZHANG, and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
On the optimal forecast with the fractional Brownian motion, Xiaohu WANG, Chen ZHANG, and Jun YU Working Paper
Robust testing for explosive behavior with strongly dependent errors, Yiu Lim LUI, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Jun YU Working Paper
Labor market implications of Taiwan’s accession to the WTO: A dynamic quantitative analysis, Pao-Li CHANG, Yi-Fan CHEN, Wen-Tai HSU, and Xin YI Working Paper
Start-up firms and corporate culture: Evidence from advertised corporate culture, Jungho LEE Working Paper
Weak identification of long memory with implications for inference, Jia LI, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, Shuping SHI, and Jun YU Working Paper
Labor market participation, income distribution, and welfare gains from trade, Pao-Li CHANG, Yi-Fan CHEN, and Wen-Tai HSU Working Paper
Natural disasters and domestic violence?: A study of the 2015 Nepal earthquake, ARPITA KHANNA and Tomoki FUJII Working Paper
The GATT/WTO welfare effects: 1950–2015, Pao-Li CHANG, Wei JIN, and Kefang YAO Working Paper
A panel clustering approach to analyzing bubble behavior, Yanbo LIU, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Jun YU Working Paper
Domains for well behaved monotonic social choice functions, Salles Paulo Daniel RAMOS Working Paper
Are simple mechanisms optimal when agents are unsophisticated?, Jiangtao LI and Piotr DWORCZAK Working Paper
Submissions from 2021
Economic forecasting in an epidemic: A break from the past?, Hwee Kwan CHOW and Keen Meng CHOY Working Paper
Subway, collaborative matching, and innovation, Yumi KOH, Li JING, and Jianhuan XU Working Paper
Different strokes for different folks: long memory and roughness, Shuping SHI and Jun YU
Efficient bilateral trade via two-stage mechanisms under one-sided asymmetric information, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Cuiling ZHANG
Wild bootstrap for instrumental variable regressions with weak and few clusters, Wenjie WANG and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
Forecast pooling or information pooling during crises? MIDAS forecasting of GDP in a small open economy, Hwee Kwan CHOW-TAN and Daniel HAN
Competitive information disclosure in random search markets, Wei HE and Jiangtao LI Working Paper
The missing middle in product price distribution, Pao-li CHANG, Xin YI, and Haeyeon YOON
Latent local-to-unity models, Jun Yu
The response of the Chinese economy to the U.S.-China Trade War: 2018-2019, Pao-li CHANG, Kefang YAO, and Fan ZHENG Working Paper
On the decomposability of fractional allocations, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Peng LIU Working Paper
On the decomposability of fractional allocations, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Peng LIU
Teaching in the right context: Textbook supply program, language, and vocabulary ability in Vietnam, Tomoki FUJII, Maki NAKAJIMA, and Sijia XU Working Paper
A theory of revealed indirect preference, Gaoji HU, Jiangtao LI, John K.-H. QUAH, and Rui TANG Working Paper
Submissions from 2020
Asymptotic properties of least squares estimator in local to unity processes with fractional Gaussian noises, Xiaohu WANG, Weilin XIAO, and Jun YU Working Paper
Decomposing duration dependence: Skill depreciation vs. statistical discrimination, Ismail BAYDUR and Jianhuan XU Working Paper
Density of demand and the consumer benefit from Uber, Matthew H. SHAPIRO Working Paper
Firm productivity and the variety of inputs and outputs: Evidence from Chinese trade data, Ken ONISHI, Jianhuan XU, and Guang YANG Working Paper
Local dominance, Emiliano CATONINI and Jingyi XUE
On strategy-proofness and the salience of single-peakedness in a private goods economy, Shurojit CHATTERJI, MASSO Jordi, and SERIZAWA Shigehiro Working Paper
Quasi-Bayesian inference for production frontiers, Xiaobin LIU, Thomas Tao YANG, and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
Urbanization policy and economic development: A quantitative analysis of China's differential Hukou reforms, Wen-Tai HSU and Lin MA Working Paper
Persistent and rough volatility, Xiaobin LIU, Shuping SHI, and Jun YU Working Paper
The potential impacts of COVID-19 on the global value chains: GVC positioning and linkages, Gerald FOONG and Pao-Li CHANG Working Paper
A taxonomy of non-dictatorial domains, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Huaxia ZENG Working Paper
Between lives and economy: Optimal COVID-19 containment policy in open economies, Wen-Tai HSU, Hsuan-Chih Luke LIN, and YANG Han Working Paper
Interim rationalizable implementation of functions, Takashi KUNIMOTO, Rene SARAN, and Roberto SERRANO Working Paper
Unconditional quantile regression with high-dimensional data, Yuya SASAKI, Takuya URA, and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
Capital controls and macro-prudential housing policies in small open economies, Taojun XIE, Guay C. LIM, and Hwee Kwan CHOW Working Paper
COVID-19, lockdown, and the dynamics of subjective well-being, Terence C. CHENG, KIM, and Kanghyock KOH Working Paper
Providing child care, Christine HO and Sunha MYONG Working Paper
Spending impact of COVID-19 stimulus payments: Evidence from card transaction data in South Korea, KIM, Kanghyock KOH, and Wonjun LYOU Working Paper
The optimal degree of reciprocity in tariff reduction, Pao-li Chang Working Paper