Submissions from 2026
Expanding public health insurance to parents : Effect on parents' and children’s well-being, Michelle MARCUS and Xuan ZHANG Journal Article
Submissions from 2025
On strategy-proofness and the salience of single-peakedness in a private goods allotment problem, Shurojit CHATTERJI, Jordi MASSO, and Shigehiro SERIZAWA Journal Article
Rationalizable incentives: Interim rationalizable implementation of correspondences, Takashi KUNIMOTO, Rene SARAN, and Roberto SERRANO Working Paper
Efficient bilateral trade with interdependent values: The use of two-stage mechanisms, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Cuiling ZHANG Working Paper
Young women in cities: Urbanization and gender-biased migration, Yumi KOH, Li JING, Yifan WU, Junjian YI, and Hanzhe ZHANG Journal Article
Submissions from 2024
Is subjective well-being insured against income shocks? Evidence from 20-year panel data in South Korea, Jiyeon AHN, Taehyun AHN, and KIM Working Paper
On the decomposability of fractional allocations, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Peng LIU Journal Article
A general limit theory for nonlinear functionals of nonstationary time series, Qiying WANG and Peter C. B. PHILLIPS Journal Article
Optimal HAR inference, Liyu DOU Journal Article
Undominated mechanisms, Tilman BORGERS, Jiangtao LI, and Kexin WANG Working Paper
Estimating firm-level production functions with spatial dependence, Pao-li CHANG, Ryo MAKIOKA, Bo Lin NG, and Zhenlin YANG Working Paper
Evaluation of unplanned reattendances to the pediatric emergency department: A five-year study, Liying TOH, Jin Wee LEE, Siok Hoon ANG, Sashikumar GANAPATHY, JANANI D/O NADARAJAN, and Shu-Ling CHONG Journal Article
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor promotes scarless tissue regeneration, Jianhe HUANG; Satish: MURPHY SATI; Casey A. SPENCER; Emmanuel RAPP; Stephen M. PROUTY; Scott KORTE; Olivia AHART; Emily SHENG; Anna E. KERSH; Denis LEUNG; Thomas H. LEUNG; and LEUNG, Denis H. Y. Journal Article
Social institutions and low birth rates, Christine HO and Yutao WANG Working Paper
为绿色公共交通导向型开发设计更好的机制 (Designing Better Mechanisms for Green Transit Oriented Developments), Sock Yong PHANG Book Chapter
Associative networks in decision making, Jiangtao LI, Rui TANG, and Mu ZHANG Working Paper
Diverse pathways to permanent childlessness in Singapore: A latent class analysis, Yanwen WANG, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN, and Christine HO Journal Article
Family size and child migration: Do daughters face greater trade-offs than sons?, Christine HO, Yutao WANG, and Sharon Xuejing ZUO Working Paper
Financial crises, bailouts and monetary policy in open economies, Yang JIAO Journal Article
Quantifying delay propagation in airline networks, Liyu DOU, Jakub KASTL, and John LAZAREV Working Paper
Those million-dollar flats are outliers : Housing remains largely affordable, Sock Yong PHANG News Article
Transcript, Value capture and affordable housing : Insights from Singapore, Sock Yong PHANG Blog Post
A robust optimization approach to mechanism design, Jiangtao LI and Kexin WANG Working Paper
Digital payments and consumption: Evidence from the 2016 demonetization in India, Sumit AGARWAL, Pulak GHOSH, Jing LI, and Tianyue RUAN Journal Article
Gradient wild bootstrap for instrumental variable quantile regressions with weak and few clusters, Wenjie WANG and Yichong ZHANG Working Paper
The interaction effects of fintech and bank lending on growth: Evidence from the ASEAN region, TAN Swee Liang Conference Paper
Value capture and affordable housing: Insights from Singapore, Sock Yong PHANG Presentation
Bubbly booms and welfare, Feng DONG, Yang JIAO, and Haoning SUN Journal Article
Coarse revealed preference, Gaoji HU, Jiangtao LI, John K-H QUAH, and Rui TANG Working Paper
High dimensional regression coefficient test with high frequency data, Dachuan CHEN, Long FENG, Per A. MYKLANG, and Lan ZHANG Journal Article
HIV estimation using population-based surveys with non-response: A partial identification approach, Oyelola A. ADEGBOYE, Tomoki FUJII, Denis H. Y. LEUNG, and Siyu LI Journal Article
Rank-guaranteed auctions, Wei HE, Jiangtao LI, and Weijie ZHONG Working Paper
Reading the candlesticks: An OK estimator for volatility, Jia LI, Dishen WANG, and Qiushi ZHANG Journal Article
Economic voting behavior: The peak-end growth rule, Zekai SHEN, Yiyang JIN, Yuanyuan DONG, and Yazhou LIU Journal Article
Childlessness, social network profiles in midlife and late adulthood, and their implications for subjective well-being, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN, Dahye KIM, and Christine HO Journal Article
Consumption responses to income shocks through lottery winning, Seonghoon KIM and Kanghyock KOH Journal Article
Enhancing student engagement in introductory economics with interactive videos and synthesized readings in flipped learning, Bei HONG and Duan Ning Magdeleine LEW Journal Article
Enhancing student engagement in introductory economics with interactive videos and synthesized readings in flipped learning, Bei HONG and Duan Ning, Magdeleine LEW Journal Article
Max-share misidentification, Liyu DOU, Paul HO, and Thomas LUBIK Working Paper
Trade imbalance, heavy goods, and pollution, Jungho LEE, Shang-jin WEI, and Jianhuan XU Journal Article
Weight misperceptions and health management via information nudges, Lanjie WANG, Xuan ZHANG, KIM, and Kanghyock KOH Journal Article
Weight perception and weight management via information nudges, Lanjie WANG, Xuan ZHANG, KIM, and KOH Kanghyock Journal Article
Allocating vehicle registration permits, Massimiliano LANDI and Domenico MENICUCCI Journal Article
Health shocks, health and labour market dynamics, and the socioeconomic-health gradient in older Singaporeans, Terence C. CHENG, Seonghoon KIM, and Dennis PETRIE Journal Article
The balance of concessions in trade agreements, Mostafa BESHKAR, Pao-li CHANG, and Shenxi SONG Working Paper
HIV estimation using population based surveys with non-response: A partial identification approach, Oyelola A ADEGBOYE, Tomoki FUJII, Denis H. Y. LEUNG, and Siyu LI Working Paper
Housing markets since Shapley and Scarf, Mustafa Oguz AFACAN, Gaoji HU, and Jiangtao LI Journal Article
Wild bootstrap inference for instrumental variables regressions with weak and few clusters, Wenjie WANG and Yichong ZHANG Journal Article
Bootstrap inference for quantile treatment effects in randomized experiments with matched pairs, Liang JIANG, Xiaobin LIU, Peter C B Phillips, and Yichong ZHANG Journal Article
High frequency principal component analysis based on correlation matrix that is robust to jumps, microstructure noise and asynchronous observation times, Dachuan CHEN Journal Article
Interim regret minimization, Wei HE, Jiangtao Li, and Kexin WANG Working Paper
Life satisfaction changes and adaptation in the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Singapore, Terence C. CHENG, Seonghoon KIM, and Kanghyock KOH Journal Article
Migration and resource misallocation in China, Xiaolu LI, Lin MA, and Yang TANG Journal Article
Optimal inference for spot regressions, Tim BOLLERSLEV, Jia LI, and Yuexuan REN Journal Article
Panel data models with time-varying latent group structures, Yiren WANG, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Liangjun SU Journal Article
Robust implementation in rationalizable strategies in general mechanisms, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Rene SARAN Working Paper
Robust inference on correlation under general heterogeneity, Liudas GIRAITIS, Yuefei LI, and Peter C. B. PHILLIPS Journal Article
The distributional impacts of transportation networks in China, Lin MA and Yang TANG Journal Article
The interplay of interdependence and correlation in bilateral trade, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Cuiling ZHANG Working Paper
The interplay of interdependence and correlation in bilateral trade, Takashi KUNIMOTO and Cuiling ZHANG Working Paper
(Trade) War and Peace: How to impose international trade sanctions, Gustavo DE SOUZA, Naiyuan HU, Haishi LI, and Yuan MEI Journal Article
Who watched pre/post-lecture tutorial videos? Does flipped learning help beginners in economics?, Bei HONG Journal Article
Compellingness in Nash implementation, Shurojit CHATTERJI, Takashi KUNIMOTO, and Paulo Daniel Salles RAMOS Working Paper
Enhancing sell-type home reversion products for retirement financing, Koon Shing KWONG, Jing Rong GOH, and Ting Lin Collin CHUA Journal Article
Improving estimation efficiency via regression-adjustment in covariate-adaptive randomizations with imperfect compliance, Liang JIANG, Oliver B. LINTON, Haihan TANG, and Yichong ZHANG Journal Article
The long and short-run spatial impacts of trade, Lin MA, Yunlong SONG, and Yang TANG Working Paper
A conditional linear combination test with many weak instruments, Dennis LIM, Wenjie WANG, and Yichong ZHANG Journal Article
Childlessness and sibling positioning in upward intergenerational support: Insights from Singapore, Dahye KIM, Christine HO, and Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN Journal Article
Equal predictive ability tests based on panel data with applications to OECD and IMF forecasts, Oguzhan AKGUN, Alain PIROTTE, Giovanni URGA, and Zhenlin YANG Journal Article
High-dimensional IV cointegration estimation and inference, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS and Igor L. KHEIFETS Journal Article
Lifetime adversity predicts depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment in a nationally representative sample of older adults in the United States, SangNam AHN, Seonghoon KIM, Hongmei ZHANG, Aram DOBALIAN, and George SLAVICH Journal Article
On the optimal forecast with the fractional Brownian motion, Xiaohu WANG, Jun YU, and Chen ZHANG Journal Article
Optimal nonparametric range-based volatility estimation, Tim BOLLERSLEV, Jia LI, and Qiyuan LI Journal Article
Robust testing for explosive behavior with strongly dependent errors, Yui Lim LUI, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Jun YU Journal Article
Statistical discrimination and duration dependence in a semistructural model, Ismail BAYDUR and Jianhuan XU Journal Article
Submissions from 2023
Gender divergence in premarket skill acquisition and wage inequality, Sunha MYONG Working Paper
Market for patents, monopoly, and misallocation, Shang-jin WEI, Jianhuan XU, Ge YIN, and Xiaobo ZHANG Conference Paper
The depth of preferential trade agreements, Pao-Li CHANG, Wei JIN, and Kefang YAO Working Paper
When taxi drivers meet dynamic pricing: A lesson from Singapore's JustGrab program, Shih-Fen CHENG, Wen-Tai HSU, and Jing LI Working Paper
Are cities losing innovation advantages? Online versus face-to-face interactions, Ruben GAETANI, Naqun HUANG, Jing Li, and Yanmin YANG Working Paper
Decomposability and strategy-proofness in multidimensional models, Shurojit CHATTERJI and Huaxia ZENG Working Paper
Financial crisis and female entrepreneurship: Evidence from South Korea, Jungho LEE and Sunha MYONG Working Paper
How TikTok “Locks In” its users with reference to what happened in the homeland version Douyin application, Yang YANG, LI Zi'ang, Zhigen ZHAO, Sabrina (Zi Tong) PENG, Liyu DOU, Changyu LI, and Yinqi WANG Journal Article
Information loss in volatility measurement with flat price trading, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS and Jun YU Journal Article
Legal protection of property rights: A dynamic evolution model, Fali Huang Working Paper
Obfuscation and Rational Inattention, Aljoscha JANSSEN and Johannes KASINGER Journal Article
Regulatory protection and the role of International Cooperation, Yuan MEI Journal Article
Connecting the (dirty) dots: Current account surplus and polluting production, Jungho Lee, Shang-Jin WEI, and Jianhuan XU Working Paper
Cross-border technology investments in recession, Juliana Yu SUN and Huanhuan ZHENG Journal Article
Customer capital and trade intermediaries: Evidence from China, Jungho Lee and Jianhuan XU Working Paper
Limit theory for locally flat functional coefficient regression, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS and Ying WANG Journal Article
Tackling misperceptions about immigrants with fact-checking interventions: A randomized survey experiment, Syngjoo CHOI, Chung-Yoon CHOI, and KIM Journal Article
Housing fever in Australia 2020-23: Insights from an econometric thermometer, Shuping SHI and Peter C. B. PHILLIPS Journal Article
Interim rationalizable implementation of functions, Takashi KUNIMOTO, Rene SARAN, and Roberto SERRANO Journal Article
Self-financing, parental transfer, and college education, Jungho LEE and Sunha MYONG Working Paper
The great economic slowdown: How narrowed technical progress brought static wages, sky-high wealth, and much discontent, Edmund PHELPS, Hian Teck HOON, and Gylfi ZOEGA Book
Common Bubble Detection in Large Dimensional Financial Systems, Ye CHEN, Peter C. B. PHILLIPS, and Shuping SHI Journal Article
Does fertility matter for middle aged and older adults’ risk attitudes?, Christine HO, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN, Joanne TAN, and Eugene Rui Le TAN Journal Article
Robust inference with stochastic local unit root regressors in predictive regressions, Yanbo LIU and Peter C. B. PHILLIPS Journal Article
Spatial disaggregation of poverty and disability: Application to Tanzania, Tomoki FUJII Journal Article