The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. The school research areas include Organisational behavior & human resources (OBHR), Strategy & Organisation, Finance, Quantitative finance, Operations management, Marketing, Communication management.


Submissions from 2018


Integrating social innovation into a leadership and team building course, Thomas MENKHOFF, Jayarani TAN, Siew Ning KAN, and Kenneth TAI Book Chapter

Knowledge cluster development through connectivity: Examples from Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei, Hans-Dieter Evers EVERS, Solvay GERKE, and Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter


Living in smart cities: Innovation and sustainability, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, Hans-Dieter EVERS, and Yue Wah CHAY Edited Book


Optimizing the validity of situational judgment tests: The importance of scoring methods, Qingxiong WENG, Hui YANG, Filip LIEVENS, and Michael A. MCDANIEL Journal Article

Process theory: The principles of operations management, Matthias HOLWEG, ‎ Jane DAVIES, Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER, ‎ Benn LAWSON, and ‎ Roger SCHMENNER Book


Public understanding of One Health messages: The role of temporal framing, Sungjong ROH, Laura N. RICKARD, Katherine A. MCCOMAS, and Daniel J. DECKER Journal Article


Risk propensity in the foreign direct investment location decision of emerging multinationals, Peter J. BUCKLEY, Liang CHEN, L. Jeremy CLEGG, and Hinrich VOSS Journal Article


Singapore: From knowledge city to start-up hub, Thomas MENKHOFF, Hans-Dieter EVERS, and Yue Wah CHAY Book Chapter


Strategic 21st century work skills acquisition through smart city and drone technology: An exploratory perspective, Thomas MENKHOFF, Eugene K. B. TAN, Siew Ning KAN, Gan Hup TAN, and Gary PAN Book Chapter


The (behavioral) science behind baby milk formula, Hannah H. CHANG News Article


The capacity to innovate: A meta analysis of absorptive capacity, Tengjian ZOU, Gokhan ERTUG, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article


配方奶粉背后的行为科学, Hannah H. CHANG News Article

Singapore and the anti-colonial, Stephen Matthias HARNEY Book Chapter

Real earnings management, liquidity risk and REITs SEO dynamics, Xiaoying DENG and Seow Eng ONG Journal Article

Rethinking the business models of business schools: A critical review and change agenda for the future, Kai PETERS, Richard Raymond SMITH, and Howard THOMAS Book

Social media influencers as crisis risks: Impact of personal indiscretions on professional endorsements, SNG, T. Y. AU, K. E. LIM, and A. PANG Conference Proceeding Article


The temporal pattern of creativity and implementation in teams, Kathrin ROSING, Ronald BLEDOW, Michael FRESE, Nataliya BAYTALSKAYA, Johanna Johanna JOHNSON LASCANO, and James L. FARR Journal Article


Future-time framing: The effect of language on corporate future orientation, Hao LIANG, Christopher MARQUIS, Luc RENNEBOOG, and Sunny Li SUN Journal Article


Managing natural resources: Organizational strategy, behaviour, and dynamics, Gerard GEORGE and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX Edited Book

The management of natural resources: An overview and research agenda, Gerard GEORGE, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, and Teng Lit LIAK Book Chapter

Swachh Bharat and the power of norms, Shilpa MADAN News Article


Singapore as an ASEAN asset management hub, Francis KOH and Boris LIEDTKE News Article

Is HR developing future CHROs effectively?, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article

Asian corporate governance: Trends and challenges, Toru YOSHIKAWA Book


A broad stroke or different strokes for different folks? Examining the subtleties in crisis management approaches between state-owned enterprises and privately-owned enterprises in China, Augustine PANG, Yang HU, and Eugene WOON Journal Article


Assessing the validity of emotional intelligence measures, Christopher T. H. MINERS, Stéphane COTE, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


Building relationships through dialogic communication: organizations, stakeholders, and computer-mediated communication, Augustine PANG, Wonsun SHIN, Zijian LEW, and Joseph B. WALTHER Journal Article


Contextualizing social power research within organizational behavior, Michael SCHAERER, Alice J. LEE, Adam D. GALINSKY, and Stefan THAU Book Chapter


Crisis communication and ethics: The role of public relations, Yan JIN, Augustine PANG, and Joshua SMITH Journal Article


Determinants, consequences, and functions of interpersonal trust: What is the empirical evidence?, Serena C. LYU and Donald L. FERRIN Book Chapter


Employer branding: A brand equity-based literature review and research agenda, Christian P. THEURER, Andranik TUMASJAN, Isabell M. WELPE, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


Heads will roll! Routes to effective trust repair in the aftermath of a CEO transgression, Donald L. FERRIN, Cecily D. COOPER, Kurt T. DIRKS, and Peter H. KIM Journal Article


Imaginary alternatives: The impact of mental simulation on powerless negotiators, Michael SCHAERER, Martin SCHWEINSBERG, and Roderick I. SWAAB Journal Article


Influence of online consumer reviews on brand choice, Patricia LUI Conference Proceeding Article

Intercultural relationships and creativity: Current research and future directions, Fon WIRUCHNIPAWAN and Roy Y. J. CHUA Book Chapter


Intercultural Relationships and Creativity:Current Research and Future Directions, Fon Wiruchnipawan and Roy Y. J. CHUA Book Chapter

Introduction: Developing thought leadership on managing natural resources, Gerard GEORGE, Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX, and Teng Lit LIAK Book Chapter


Is corporate social responsibility an agency problem?, Hao LIANG and Luc RENNEBOOG Book Chapter


Managing natural resources: Organizational strategy, behaviour, and dynamics, Gerard GEORGE and Simon J.D. SCHILLEBEECKX Edited Book


Mindfulness and the risk-resilience tradeoff in organizations, Ravi S. KUDESIA and Jochen REB Book Chapter


New approaches to selection system design in healthcare: The practical and theoretical relevance of a modular approach, Filip LIEVENS and Jan CORSTJENS Book Chapter


On substitutability and complementarity in discrete choice models, Guiyun FENG, Xiaobo LI, and Zizhuo WANG Journal Article


Projecting lower competence to maintain moral warmth in the avoidance of prosocial requests, Peggy J. LIU and Stephanie C. LIN Journal Article


Scarcity in the twenty-first century: How the resource nexus affects management, Simon J. D. SCHILLEBEECKX, Mark WORKMAN, and Charles DEAN Book Chapter


Singapore approach to develop and regulate FinTech, Sai Fan PEI Book Chapter


Social media: Mini-movements to encourage civil discourse wanted, Siow-Heng ONG News Article


The business of business schools, Kai PETERS, Howard THOMAS, and Richard Raymond SMITH Journal Article

The capacity to innovate: A meta analysis of absorptive capacity, Tengjian ZOU, Gokhan ERTUG, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article

The corporate social media spokesperson: Who should speak on behalf of the organization in times of crises?, Ratna DAMAYANTI, S. A. RODRIGUES, S. CHUA, and A. PANG Book Chapter


The illusion of transparency in performance appraisals: When and why accuracy motivation explains unintentional feedback inflation, Michael SCHAERER, Mary KERN, Gail BERGER, and Roderick I. SWAAB Journal Article


The impact of advertising share of voice on the idiosyncratic risk of the firm, Sungkyun MOON, Kapil R. TULI, and Anirban MUKHERJEE Working Paper


The impact of knowledge worker mobility through an acquisition on breakthrough knowledge, Haemin PARK, Michael D. HOWARD, and David GOMULYA Journal Article


The indigenization of crisis response strategies in the context of China, Augustine PANG and Yang HU Journal Article


The macroeconomic environment and the psychology of work evaluation, Nina SIROLA and Marko PITESA Journal Article


Theoretical principles relevant to assessment center design and implementation, George C. THORNTON and Filip LIEVENS Book Chapter


The social amplification of haze-related risks on the Internet, Mark CHONG and Murphy CHOY Journal Article

Trust at work [Employee participation], Ana Cristina Costa, Donald L. FERRIN, and C. Ashley Fulmer Book Chapter


Utilization of CSR to build organizations’ corporate image in Asia: Need for an integrative approach, Augustine PANG, May O. LWIN, Chrystal Shu-Min NG, Ying-Kai ONG, Shannon Rose Wing-Ching CHAU, and Kristle Poh-Sim YEOW Journal Article


We’re less likely to collaborate in bad economic times, Nina SIROLA Magazine Article


We’re less likely to collaborate in bad economic times, Nina SIROLA Magazine Article

What makes a city ‘smart’?, Thomas MENKHOFF, Siew Ning KAN, Hans-Dieter EVERS, and Yue Wah CHAY Book Chapter

When a pandemic strikes: Towards the social media pandemic communication model, R. LIM, E. TAN, W. LIM, A. PANG, and A. PANG Book Chapter


When corporate social responsibility motivates employee citizenship behavior: The sensitizing role of task significance, Madeline ONG, David M. MAYER, P. Tost LEIGH, and Ned WELLMAN Journal Article


When the tables are turned: The effects of the 2016 US Presidential election on in-group favoritism and out-group hostility, Burak OC, Celia MOORE, and Michael R. BASHSHUR Journal Article

Submissions from 2017

The business model book: Design, build and adapt business models that drive business growth, Adam J. BOCK and Gerard GEORGE Book

Consumer mindsets, Pragya MATHUR, Shilpa MADAN, and Barna BESAR Book Chapter

The appeal of beauty and physical attractiveness: An Indian perspective, Shilpa MADAN, Shankha BASU, Elison LIM, and Sharon NG Book Chapter


Are disagreements agreeable? Evidence from information aggregation, Dashan HUANG, Jiangyuan LI, and Liyao WANG Working Paper


An assessment of when, where and under what conditions in-store sampling is most effective, Sandeep R. CHANDUKALA, Jeffrey P. DOTSON, and Qing LIU Journal Article


Base faith, Stefano HARNEY and Fred MOTEN Journal Article


Capacity Management in Agricultural Commodity Processing and Application in the Palm Industry, Onur BOYABATLI, Jason Quang Dang NGUYEN, and Tong WANG Journal Article


Clogged intermediation: Were home buyers crowded out?, Hyunsoo CHOI, Hyun-Soo CHOI, and Jung-Eun KIM Working Paper


Clogged intermediation: Were home buyers crowded out?, Hyunsoo CHOI, Hyun-Soo CHOI, and Jung-Eun KIM Working Paper


Hedge fund franchises, William FUNG, David HSIEH, Narayan Y. NAIK, and Melvyn TEO Working Paper


Inventory management based on target-oriented robust optimization, Yun Fong LIM and Chen WANG Journal Article


Sell Side Benchmarks, Ohad KADAN, Leonardo MADUREIRA, Rong WANG, and Tzachi ZACH Working Paper


Technical note—On the relation between several discrete choice models, Guiyun FENG, Xiaobo LI, and Zizhuo WANG Journal Article


The interaction between operational flexibility and financial flexibility, Onur BOYABATLI and Tiecheng LENG Journal Article


Volume information in Nikkei and TOPIX futures transactions, Chyng Wen TEE and Christopher TING Journal Article


What happens online stays online? Segment-specific online and offline effects of banner advertisements, Lara LOBSCHAT, Ernst C. OSINGA, and Werner J. REINARTZ Journal Article

Cross-cultural trust, Hwee Hoon TAN Video

Cross-cultural trust, Hwee Hoon TAN Video

The warmth of winter: What we feel shapes how we think, Shilpa MADAN News Article

A total education, Stephen Matthias HARNEY and Fred MOTEN Book Chapter


Corporate crisis advertising: A framework examining the use and effects of corporate advertising before and after crises, Benjamin HO, Wonsun SHIN, and Augustine PANG Journal Article


Creating a great workplace for all Singapore: First steps for business leaders, Richard R. SMITH and Benjamin Ho Report


Dissecting arbitrage costs, F. Y. Eric LAM, Chishen WEI, and K. C John WEI Conference Paper


Does ethical orientation matter? Determinants of public reaction to CSR communication, KyuJin SHIM, Myojung CHUNG, and Young KIM Journal Article


Permanent price impact asymmetry of trades with institutional constraints, Chiraphol N. CHIYACHANTANA, Pankaj JAIN, Christine JIANG, and Vivek SHARMA Journal Article


The flow of funds in ASEAN, Philip C. ZERRILLO Magazine Article


Using conversation analysis for business and management students, David GREATBATCH and Timothy CLARK Book


Workplace trust as a mechanism of employee (dis)advantage: The case of employee socioeconomic status, Marko PITESA, Stefan THAU, and Madan M. PILLUTLA Journal Article


A resilient society for a global Singapore, Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER Book Chapter


Do security analysts learn from their colleagues?, Kenny PHUA, T. Mandy THAM, and Chi Shen WEI Conference Paper


Male immorality: An evolutionary account of sex differences in unethical negotiation behavior, Margaret LEE, Marko PITESA, Madan PILLUTLA, and Stefan THAU Journal Article


Performance of cellular bucket brigades with hand-off times, Yun Fong LIM Journal Article


Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and rukun: Managing the trans-boundary haze crisis in Indonesia, Reidinar Juliane WARDOYO and Augustine PANG Book Chapter


The essence of luxury: An Asian perspective: LVMH-SMU Luxury Research Conference 2016, Srinivas K. REDDY and Jin K. HAN Edited Book


The relentless pursuit of university rankings is creating a two-track system, Eng Fong PANG and Linda LIM News Article


Transshipment hub selection from a shipper’s and freight forwarder’s perspective, Gang CHEN, Waiman CHEUNG, Sung-Chi CHU, and Liang XU Journal Article