Submissions from 2011
Shaping Singapore: The Conductor, The Score, The Musicians, Knowledge@SMU
Tata’s HR strategy: Think far, wide and smart, Knowledge@SMU
Submissions from 2010
Amazon's clout: World's largest online retailer joins the cloud computing camp, Knowledge@SMU
A peek into the New Korea: Will the hermit crab come out of its shell?, Knowledge@SMU
Friendships, trust and advertisers: The art of mining social networks, Knowledge@SMU
From information technology to ice-cream: One man's entrepreneurial quest for happiness, Knowledge@SMU
Leeden's transformation: Giving prominence to a lesser known industry, Knowledge@SMU
Money and its effects on life, behaviour and happiness, Knowledge@SMU
Accidental leaders no more: Challenges facing healthcare leaders of today and tomorrow, Knowledge@SMU
Keys to better capitalism and human welfare: Entrepreneurship, Knowledge@SMU
Managing social media: An exercise in managing organisations, Knowledge@SMU
Private banking in Asia: Going beyond trust and confidence, Knowledge@SMU
Redefining the library in the age of Google and Wikipedia, Knowledge@SMU
Salvaging the marriage between a distrusting boss and his fearful employee, Knowledge@SMU
A challenge to SMEs: creating creative ways to attract talent, Knowledge@SMU
Bridging cultural differences in the global corporate environment, Knowledge@SMU
Developing an advanced high-tech entrepreneurial habitat, Knowledge@SMU
Social Media: More work for teachers and students?, Knowledge@SMU
The growing giant: How Samsung Electronics got its appetite, Knowledge@SMU
Wait not for another crisis: Weighing in on the fair value accounting debate, Knowledge@SMU
Asia Alone? Not time yet to jettison ties, Knowledge@SMU
From imitators to inventors: China’s changing innovation landscape, Knowledge@SMU
LOHAS: Marketing a green and sustainable way of living, Knowledge@SMU
Proximity to Power: How people keep governments honest, Knowledge@SMU
Tackling 'grey hairs': How companies can turn an ageing workforce to their advantage, Knowledge@SMU
To be ahead of the game, consider game-based marketing, Knowledge@SMU
Before the fields run dry: How to avoid the 'Dutch Disease', Knowledge@SMU
Changing business practices in a world of emerging economic giants, Knowledge@SMU
Nation Branding: Presenting the image that matches national identity, Knowledge@SMU
Private equity: The players, the jargons, and what lies ahead, Knowledge@SMU
Right up our Valley: Why Singapore ought to quit copying Silicon Valley, Knowledge@SMU
UOB's sustainable approach to talent management for the private banking industry, Knowledge@SMU
Building beyond Singapore: Local real estate businesses venture overseas, Knowledge@SMU
Do attractive organisations fare better on the job market?, Knowledge@SMU
East Side Story: Lessons from Japan's business leaders, Knowledge@SMU
Learn versus Earn: A case for the small business employers and those fresh graduates who join them, Knowledge@SMU
Poverty alleviation begins with a job, an ambition, and a little bit of money, Knowledge@SMU
Secrets and lies: How one man charmed his way into the hearts, minds and wallets of New York's rich and powerful, Knowledge@SMU
Bringing ideas to life: Tapping on design's strategic value, Knowledge@SMU
Driving business performance: Why marketers need a multi-disciplinary approach, Knowledge@SMU
Entrepreneurs share their formula for success: Failure, Knowledge@SMU
From hard to soft: A panel of women leaders imagines the future of leadership, Knowledge@SMU
Hot seats and Seat warmers: The hunt for Directors of quality, Knowledge@SMU
Leadership and the weaker sex: Moving beyond 'dual burdens', physical appearance and patriarchy, Knowledge@SMU
Lean thinking: A case for 'rubber band' organisations, Knowledge@SMU
Malaysian Maverick: The man who will not be ignored, Knowledge@SMU
SingHealth CEO says leadership is about compassion and the 'cha cha cha', Knowledge@SMU
Successful Technopreneurship 2.0: Beyond buzzwords and technology, Knowledge@SMU
To inspire social change, talk and transfer knowledge, Knowledge@SMU
Understanding the rapid rise of Charismatic Christianity in Southeast Asia, Knowledge@SMU
Behind that 'Made-in-China' label: a shortcut, short-change, save-face story, Knowledge@SMU
From Post-its to Face-bras: How 3M puts innovation into practice, Knowledge@SMU
Peddling Propaganda to Sceptics: The Men In White Experience, Knowledge@SMU
Think setting up a business is easy? Think again!, Knowledge@SMU
To invent future leaders, General Electric redefines tough love, Knowledge@SMU
Watch the vote: Avoiding undesirable zero-sum outcomes, Knowledge@SMU
Beyond watches and reishi: Jannie Tay’s approach to business, Knowledge@SMU
Bridging service gaps: Is the road to service excellence paved with disasters?, Knowledge@SMU
Drucker’s centennial: celebrating his legacy and dissecting his relevance, Knowledge@SMU
Rewriting the world order: China's footprint on the credit crisis and international affairs, Knowledge@SMU
Thinking of leading? Think about winning first!, Knowledge@SMU
What do Egyptian tomb raiders and martial-arts-loving entrepreneurs have in common?, Knowledge@SMU
An economist's take on the opportunities and threats that lie ahead for Asia, Knowledge@SMU
A surgical approach to orchestra: How SingPost is bracing itself for change, Knowledge@SMU
Doing more with mobile networks: More users, more uses?, Knowledge@SMU
The idea of creativity, the creativity behind an idea, Knowledge@SMU
Warding off Longevity Risks: Ensuring Sustainable Income for Retirement, Knowledge@SMU
With the financial crisis over, banks are hiring again – but with a different job description, Knowledge@SMU
Submissions from 2009
Asian maths whizz and talkative females: how stereotypes can actually boost performance, Knowledge@SMU
Banking on markets to save the post-Nopenhagen world, Knowledge@SMU
Corporate governance in China: No quick fix, No fixed solution, Knowledge@SMU
Donald Tsang's vision for an integrated Asia, Knowledge@SMU
To groom and retain talents, Asian organisations look to the West, Knowledge@SMU
When foreigners influence domestic change: A case for transnational advocacy, Knowledge@SMU
Big Blue’s next big act: smarter technology for a smarter planet, Knowledge@SMU
Businesses re-imagined: Social value above shareholder value?, Knowledge@SMU
Buy now, regret later: rationalising the irrational for shopaholics, Knowledge@SMU
Compassion: Why it is better to eat fish, Knowledge@SMU
Entering the lion’s den: technology entrepreneurs need a global view and action plan, Knowledge@SMU
Housekeeping for regulators of volatile housing markets, Knowledge@SMU
In support of a cashless future, researchers recreate a cash-like experience, Knowledge@SMU
Inter-disciplinary approaches to international law: Legal & non-legal rituals for genocide survivors, Knowledge@SMU
Scrutinising the art of kata: How Toyota does it, Knowledge@SMU
Singapore’s leadership, circa 2004 - Softer, gentler, consultative?, Knowledge@SMU
Thio Li-ann on Free Speech, Social Values and Sustainable Democracy, Knowledge@SMU
What shapes the way in which we imagine our world?, Knowledge@SMU
Arresting the saboteurs of strategic change, Knowledge@SMU
How should one live? – A book that adds the Asian perspective, Knowledge@SMU
Monitoring state-owned versus state-controlled enterprises, Knowledge@SMU
Pluralism in Singapore: Something to talk about, Knowledge@SMU
Private equity in China: Grey, yet delicious, Knowledge@SMU
The tricky business of copying, stealing and protecting, Knowledge@SMU
Booty calls: Is it just about sex?, Knowledge@SMU
Changing the world, one laptop at a time, Knowledge@SMU
Following the financial crisis: risk and opportunities for Singapore, Knowledge@SMU
Leave some breathing room for optimal value creation in Asian family-owned firms, Knowledge@SMU
Soaps, creams and strips: Procter & Gamble’s approach to Innovation, Knowledge@SMU
When will service standards in Singapore improve?, Knowledge@SMU
Aiming for “brand bonuses” in times of budget cuts, Knowledge@SMU
Beyond fakirs and call centres: lessons from India’s global powerhouses, Knowledge@SMU