Submissions from 2009
Male metal goat wanted: why our children’s futures may lie in the stars, Knowledge@SMU
Powerful politicians and their hand in corporate downsizing, Knowledge@SMU
Shopping with elephants: coming to terms with nepotism in the retail space, Knowledge@SMU
The importance of being earnest… in cyberspace, Knowledge@SMU
Bringing the power of information to life – the case of EMC Corporation, Knowledge@SMU
Emperors and their John Waynes: Business strategy, inspired by the Wild Wild West!, Knowledge@SMU
Penny for your pint: The tricky art of buying kindness, Knowledge@SMU
The red, yellow and orange colours of Thai reform, Knowledge@SMU
Think outside your box: Enhancing creativity through multicultural interactions, Knowledge@SMU
Why might some employees sabotage their companies?, Knowledge@SMU
Branding for airliners in a Web 2.0 world, Knowledge@SMU
Consumer technology: professional versus 'octopus' peripherals, Knowledge@SMU
Labour protests: Bringing the courtroom into the streets of Southern China, Knowledge@SMU
Political participation: influences and implications, Knowledge@SMU
Seven ways to reinvent business for the age of capability, Knowledge@SMU
Why should investors stay positive on the Asian real estate markets?, Knowledge@SMU
An elusive search for the Holy Grail via Japan’s Lost Decade, Knowledge@SMU
Beyond economic data: softer, subjective indicators of a nation’s well-being, Knowledge@SMU
Marketing and democracy: similarities and remedies, Knowledge@SMU
Marketing to Customer Networks: the New Way to Build Your Brand, Knowledge@SMU
Microfinance in Asia: Not so risky, not so micro, Knowledge@SMU
The global economy, in a downturn; corporate social responsibility, at the crossroads, Knowledge@SMU
A Red Devils-inspired parallel in the re-branding of AIG?, Knowledge@SMU
Cultural Analytics: a new field that combines arts, media and IT, Knowledge@SMU
High self-monitors: a chameleon, a magnet, a leader, Knowledge@SMU
Invasion of the Charitable Kind, Knowledge@SMU
Responding to terrorism: a multi-perspective issue, Knowledge@SMU
Will the Obama administration change tack on protectionism before things get worse?, Knowledge@SMU
Book review: Battle begins for the wallets of 500 million Indian consumers, Knowledge@SMU
Cooperation along the supply chain as a means to weather the downturn, Knowledge@SMU
Creative Commons: A License to Share, Knowledge@SMU
Drawing Talent Management Lessons from Supply Chain Practices, Knowledge@SMU
Has Vietnam’s Economic Progress bypassed its Ethnic Minorities?, Knowledge@SMU
Reshaping Economic Geography: World Development Report by The World Bank, Knowledge@SMU
Collaboration with MIT Gaming Lab Fosters Industry Development in Singapore, Knowledge@SMU
Globality is What Happens after Globalisation, Knowledge@SMU
Information & Communication Talent Development in Singapore, Knowledge@SMU
Is Technology the Answer to Content Protection in the Digital Era?, Knowledge@SMU
Longevity the Ultimate Risk for Ageing Populations, says John Piggott, Knowledge@SMU
Me-Business Model: Building Value from Consumer Created Content, Knowledge@SMU
Submissions from 2008
Dealing with 'Messy Policy Problems' in the Health Care Sector, Knowledge@SMU
Decision Support Models for Movies: Making Science out of an Art, Knowledge@SMU
Financial Risk Management: Lessons from the Current Crisis ... So Far, Knowledge@SMU
Profit or Growth: Can Singapore's Building and Construction Industry Attain Both?, Knowledge@SMU
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Mind the GAPP (Generally Accepted Principles and Practices)!, Knowledge@SMU
Voting and Campaign Contributions: Greater Inequality, Lesser Redistribution?, Knowledge@SMU
Agricultural Modernisation in China: The Second Leap, Knowledge@SMU
Chinese Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia: CY Hoon's New Book, Knowledge@SMU
Fair-value Accounting Provides Much Needed Transparency in Dislocated Markets, Knowledge@SMU
Proliferation of FTAs a Challenge to the WTO?, Knowledge@SMU
Retail Investors and Structured Products: A Case of 'Buyer Beware'!, Knowledge@SMU
Thierry Apoteker on the Threat of Global Stagflation, Knowledge@SMU
BOOK REVIEW Doing Good Well: What Does (and Does Not) MakeSense in the Nonprofit World, Knowledge@SMU
BOOK REVIEW: KFC in China: Secret Recipe for Success by Warren Liu, Knowledge@SMU
Entrepreneurs Are Serial Risktakers Not Gamblers, says Phillip Phan, Knowledge@SMU
Global Single Family Office Study Unveils How Private Wealth is Managed, Knowledge@SMU
Lighting Up Rural Indonesia through Community-Owned Hydropower Projects, Knowledge@SMU
Money Largely Accounts for Increased Unemployment during Stagflation, Shows a Recent Study, Knowledge@SMU
Are Companies in Asia Serious About the Environment? Perspectives from Business and Government, Knowledge@SMU
B4E: Caring for the Environment Can be Good for Business, Knowledge@SMU
Digital Storytelling Engages Tech-savvy Accounting Students, Knowledge@SMU
Going Global Poses New Challenges for Chinese Companies, Knowledge@SMU
Knowledge Management in the Public Sector: Singapore’s Civil Service College Shows the Way, Knowledge@SMU
Origami’s Enterprise 2.0 Solution: The Next Frontier in Computing?, Knowledge@SMU
Book Review: Martin Posth’s 1000 Days in Shanghai – The Story of Volkswagen, Knowledge@SMU
Create, Connect, Convince: Jörg Dietzel on Advertising, Branding and Communications, Knowledge@SMU
Is Family Business In Good Hands? How to Inspire the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs, Knowledge@SMU
Subprime Lending: Did it Lead to the Real Estate Boom and Bust?, Knowledge@SMU
The Asian Banker: From Trade Journal to Industry Benchmark Setter, Knowledge@SMU
Book Review: Anna-Katharina Hornidge Compares Singapore and Germany in “The Knowledge Society”, Knowledge@SMU
Can Poverty Maps Direct Development Aid More Effectively to the Neediest?, Knowledge@SMU
Herd Behaviour in Financial Markets: Do Traders Follow the Crowd or Do Their Own Thing?, Knowledge@SMU
How to Stand Out in the Crowd? Innovate, Innovate, Innovate., Knowledge@SMU
John Davis on Sports Sponsorship and Branding, Knowledge@SMU
Lien Centre’s Social Space Turns the Spotlight on Social Enterprise and Innovation, Knowledge@SMU
Can Monetary Policy Help to Stabilise Asset Prices?, Knowledge@SMU
Does Watching Television Really Affect Cognitive Development in Young Children?, Knowledge@SMU
Enhancing Information and Data Security: A Never Ending Quest, Knowledge@SMU
“Keeping God in Place”: How Religion is Managed in Singapore, Knowledge@SMU
Myanmar at Sixty: On the Brink of an Apocalypse or Reconciliation?, Knowledge@SMU
Singapore Company Promises Dialysis Treatment Breakthrough, Knowledge@SMU
Gene Patenting in the Life Sciences Industry: Boon or Bane?, Knowledge@SMU
Operation and Technology Roadmapping Gives Singapore SMEs a Strategic Edge, Knowledge@SMU
There’s More to IT Outsourcing than Meets the Eye, Knowledge@SMU
Through the Looking Glass: Singapore’s First Customer Satisfaction Survey, Knowledge@SMU
YCH Chairman Robert Yap: Building the Logistics Superhighway One Step at a Time, Knowledge@SMU
Asian Research Universities: What Does the Future Hold?, Knowledge@SMU
Brand Valuation: Why Measuring the Intangibles Makes Business Sense, Knowledge@SMU
Gurteen-style Knowledge Cafes: An Alternative Approach to Learning and Networking, Knowledge@SMU
How SMEs Can Leverage Innovation to Become Global Players, Knowledge@SMU
Measuring Economic Value Added (EVA): How Corporate Governance Works for Shareholders, Knowledge@SMU
Retirement Planning: Most People don’t Know How Nor Even Think About It, Knowledge@SMU
Successful Chinese Business Elites Blend East and West, Knowledge@SMU
Can Leadership Development Be Taught? Not Really, Says Banyan TreeChairman Ho Kwon Ping, Knowledge@SMU
Motorola CIO Patricia Morrison in Dialogue: How Technology Drives Value Creation for Business, Knowledge@SMU
SMU Students Forum Explores Why Poverty Persists in Asia and How Individuals Can Make a Difference: Part 1, Knowledge@SMU
SMU Students Forum Explores Why Poverty Persists in Asia and How Individuals Can Make a Difference: Part 2, Knowledge@SMU
The Source of Competitive Advantage in a Family Business is the Family, Knowledge@SMU
When You are Sinking Become a Submarine: How to Win through Wisdom and Creativity, Knowledge@SMU
A Tale of Two NGOs: Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank and BRAC, Knowledge@SMU