
Submissions from 2022


Producing industrial pigs in southwestern China: The rise of contract farming as a coevolutionary process, Forrest Qian ZHANG and Hongping ZENG Journal Article


Reply to Komatsu et al.: From local social mindfulness to global sustainability efforts?, N. J. van Doesum; R. O. Murphy; M. Gallucci; E. Aharonov-Majar; U. Athenstaedt; W. T. Au; L. Bai; R. Böhm; I. Bovina; N. R. Buchan; X. P. Chen; K. B. Dumont; J. B. Engelmann; K. Eriksson; LI, Norman P.; S. Fiedler; J. Friesen; S. Gächter; C. Garcia; and R. González Journal Article

Review: Invisible China: How the Urban-Rural Divide Threatens China’s Rise, by Scott Rozelle and Natalie Hell, John A. DONALDSON Book Review


Role-based identity development in Latinx adolescents from immigrant families: The development of language broker role identity, Lester SIM, Su Yeong KIM, Melissa M. VÉLEZ, Yishan SHEN, and Minyu ZHANG Book Chapter


Russian logics and the culture of impossible: Part II: Reinterpreting algorithmic rationality, Ksenia TATARCHENKO, Anya Yermakova, and Liesbeth De Mol Journal Article


Subjective social class and life satisfaction: Role of class consistency and identity uncertainty, Bek Wuay TANG and Jacinth Jia Xin TAN Journal Article


The associations between poor antibiotic and antimicrobial resistance knowledge and inappropriate antibiotic use in the general population are modified by age, Huiling GUO, Zoe Jane-Lara HILDON, David Chien Boon LYE, Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN, and Angela CHOW Journal Article


The (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China: Forging brands, boundaries and inter-belonging in segregated urban space, Lily KONG, Orlando WOODS, and Hong ZHU Journal Article


What drives companies to do good? A “universal” ordering of corporate social responsibility motivation, Alwyn LIM and Shawn POPE Journal Article

When Diaspora Politics Meet Global Ambitions: Diaspora Institutions Amid China's Geopolitical Transformations, Jiaqi M. LIU Journal Article


Why companies practice corporate social responsibility, Shawn POPE and Alwyn LIM Journal Article

Submissions from 2021

Neo-authoritarianism in India under Narendra Modi: Growing force or critical discourse?, Devin K. JOSHI Book Chapter

Space, boundaries and borders in the study of religion, gender and society, Orlando WOODS Book Chapter

Staging China and India in Jacobean Court Masques: Negotiating antiquity, admiration and authority in 1604, Emily SOON Book Chapter

Agrarian change in China: Historical origins and competing perspectives, Qian Forrest ZHANG Book Chapter


Development and validation of a lifestyle behavior tool in overweight and obese women through qualitative and quantitative approaches, Chee Wai KU, LOO Rachel, Cheryl LIM, Jacinth Jia Xin TAN, Joey HO, Wee Meng HAN, Xiang Wen NG, Jerry CHAN, and See Ling LOY Journal Article


Does bedtime music listening improve subjective sleep quality and next-morning well-being in young adults? A randomized cross-over trial, Nadyana M. MAJEED, Verity Y. Q. LUA, Jun Sen CHONG, Zoey LEW, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Infodemic: The effect of death-related thoughts on news-sharing, Amy J. LIM, Edison TAN, and Tania LIM Journal Article

Meaning matters, David CHAN Book


Networks, stocks, and climate change: A new approach to the study of foreign investment and the environment, Andrew JORGENSON, Rob CLARK, Jeffery KENTOR, and Annika Marie RIEGER Journal Article


Older adult employment status and well‐being: A longitudinal bidirectional analysis, Jonathan Louis Jie Sheng CHIA and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Religion, environmental guilt, and pro-environmental support: The opposing pathways of stewardship belief and belief in a controlling god, Kimin EOM, Tricia Qian Hui TOK, Carmel S. SAAD, and Heejung S. KIM Journal Article


Setiya on consequentialism and constraints, Ryan COX and Matthew HAMMERTON Journal Article


Smartphone addiction and checking behavior predict aggression: A structural equation modeling approach, Shuna Shiann KHOO and Hwajin YANG Journal Article


The pandemic as political opportunity: Jokowi’s Indonesia in the time of Covid-19, Charlotte SETIJADI Journal Article


The sacred and profane of Japan’s nuclear safety myth: On the cultural logic of framing and overflowing, Hiro SAITO Journal Article

Women representatives, left-right ideology and gendered pathways to parliament in Asia and Europe, Malliga OCH and Devin K. JOSHI Journal Article


Ancient Chinese political thought, Sor-hoon TAN Book Chapter


Burnout isn’t just exhaustion: Workers can also feel cynical or inadequate, Tina Li Yi NG and Andree HARTANTO News Article


Code-switching patterns differentially shape cognitive control: Testing the predictions of the adaptive control hypothesis, Giliaine NG and Hwajin YANG Journal Article


Cultural diplomacy and co-operation in ASEAN: The role of arts and culture festivals, David OCON Journal Article


Development and psychometric evaluation of the Anticipated Food Scarcity Scale (AFSS), Michal FOLWARCZNY, Norman P. LI, Valdimar SIGURDSSON, Lynn K. L. TAN, and Tobias OTTERBRING Journal Article


Emigrants’ citizenship in China, Jiaqi M. LIU Book Chapter


Focus on sustainable cities: Urban solutions toward desired outcomes, M. GEORGESCU, M. ARABI, Winston T. L. CHOW, E. MACK, and K. C. SETO Editorial


Loosening the definition of culture: An investigation of gender and cultural tightness, Alexandra S. WORMLEY, Matthew SCOTT, Kevin GRIMM, Norman P. LI, Bryan K. C. CHOY, and Adam B. COHEN Journal Article


Older adult employment status and well-being: A longitudinal bidirectional analysis, Jonathan L. CHIA and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


The challenges faced by university educators in Singapore when referring students to counsellors: An instrumental case study, Poh Yaip, Steven NG and Yee Lin CHUNG Journal Article

Friends, neighbours and strained relationships in seventeenth-century Norwich and Norfolk, Fiona WILLIAMSON Book Chapter


Barking without biting: Understanding Chinese media campaigns during foreign policy disputes, Frances Yaping WANG Journal Article


Closeness-inducing discussions with a romantic partner increase cortisol and testosterone, Kristi CHIN, Zachary A. REESE, Esra ASCIGIL, Lester SIM, and Robin S. EDELSTEIN Journal Article


Cognitive barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake among older adults, Jonathan L. CHIA and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Cultural districts advocacy guide, Su Fern HOE Report


Factors that promote or predict infidelity, Bryan Kwok Cheng CHOY and Norman P. LI Book Chapter


Interactional effects of multidimensional perfectionism and cognitive emotion regulation strategies on eating disorder symptoms in female college students, Germaine Y. Q. TNG and Hwajin YANG Journal Article


Scaling smartness, (de)provincialising the city? The ASEAN Smart Cities Network and the translational politics of technocratic regionalism, Lily KONG and Orlando WOODS Journal Article


Shifting employabilities: Skilling migrants in the nation of emigration, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA Journal Article


Teachers who complain about burnout are not bad teachers, Bek Wuay TANG and Jacinth Jia Xin TAN News Article

After the fall: Saigon and Kabul in US-Southeast Asian relations, Wen-Qing (WEI Wenqing) NGOEI Blog Post


Common executive function predicts reappraisal ability but not frequency, Wei Xing TOH and Hwajin YANG Journal Article


Cultural adaptation congruence in immigrant spouses is associated with marital quality, Lester SIM, Shanting CHEN, Minyu ZHANG, Robin S. Edelstein, and Su Yeong KIM Journal Article


Estimating the associations between big five personality traits, testosterone, and cortisol, Zachary SUNDIN and Lester SIM Journal Article


Framing Asian atmospheres: Imperial weather science and the problem of the local c.1880–1950, Fiona WILLIAMSON Journal Article


Just doing their job: The hidden meteorologists of colonial Hong Kong c.1883–1914, Fiona WILLIAMSON Journal Article


The moderating role of social network size on social media use and self-esteem: An evolutionary mismatch perspective, Amy J. LIM, Clement Yong Hao LAU, and Norman P. LI Journal Article


Urban governance and electricity losses: An exploration of spatial unevenness in Karachi, Pakistan, Ijlal NAQVI, Ate POORTHUIS, and Anirudh GOVIND Journal Article


When running for office runs in the family: Horizontal dynasties, policy and development in the Philippines, Dean C. DULAY Journal Article

Women in the Korean National Assembly 1948-2020: Are they really ‘underqualified’ compared to men?, Devin K. JOSHI Journal Article

Malaysia: The new political normal, for now, Sebastian Carl DETTMAN Blog Post

Autonomy, reflection, and education, Shane RYAN Book Chapter


A critical review on the moderating role of contextual factors in the associations between video gaming and well-being, Andree HARTANTO, Verity Yu Qing LUA, Frosch Yi Xuan QUEK, Jose C. YONG, and Matthew H. S. NG Journal Article


A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Ka WANG, Amit GOLDENBERG, Charles DORISON, et al., Nadyanna MOHAMED MAJEED, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Beyond the "formidable circle": Race and the limits of democratic inclusion in Tocqueville's Democracy in America, Christine Dunn HENDERSON Journal Article


Cultural inclusivity and student Shakespeare performances in late-colonial Singapore, 1950-59, Emily SOON Book Chapter


Dispositional optimism as a buffer against emotional reactivity to daily stressors: A daily diary approach, Nadyanna MAJEED, Jacinth J. X. TAN, William TOV, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Distracted: Why students cannot focus by James M. Lang, Joax WONG and Andree HARTANTO Book Review


First among equals: The first place effect and political promotion in multi-member plurality elections, Dean C. DULAY and Laurence GO Journal Article


How to stop procrastinating when working from home, Tina Li Yi NG and Andree HARTANTO News Article


Latest climate change report is the most important by far, Winston T. L. CHOW News Article


Media in a time of crisis: Newspaper coverage of Covid-19 in East Asia;, Colm A. FOX Journal Article


Psychology and the threat of contagion: Feeling vulnerable to a disease moderates the link between xenophobic thoughts and support for ingroup-protective actions, Heejung S. KIM, Kimin EOM, Roxie CHUANG, and David K. SHERMAN Journal Article


Public Cleanliness Satisfaction Survey 2021, Paulin STRAUGHAN and Mathews MATHEW Report


Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe, Niels J. Van Doesum; Ryan O. Murphy; Marcello Gallucci; E. Aharonov-Majar; U. Athenstaedt; Wing Tung Au; Liying Bai; R. Bohm; I. Bovina; N.R. Buchan; Xiao-Ping Chen; K.B. Dumont; J.B. Englemann; ...; and LI, Norman P. Journal Article


Subjective age and inflammation risk in midlife adults: Findings from the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) studies, Andree HARTANTO, Nadyanna M. MAJEED, Wee Qin NG, Colin Kai Ning CHAI, and Verity Yu Qing LUA Journal Article


The psychology behind procrastination and how to beat the urge, Tina Li Yi NG and Andree HARTANTO News Article


Too cynical to reconnect: Cynicism moderates the effect of social exclusion on prosociality through empathy, Bryan K. C. CHOY, Kimin EOM, and Norman P. LI Journal Article


We’re in a climate casino: Here’s how to fight against the odds, Winston T. L. CHOW News Article


When a pandemic disrupts the export of people, Yasmin Y. ORTIGA and Karen Anne S. LIAO Blog Post

Buss’ mate choice theory, Bryan K. C. CHOY and Norman P. LI Book Chapter


Adam Smith, Settler Colonialism, and Limits of Liberal Anti-Imperialism, Onur Ulas INCE Journal Article


A design thinking odyssey: Measuring and documenting graduate learning outcomes in the co-curricular space, Alvin SIM and Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN Book Chapter


Balancing sustainable development and cultural heritage preservation: Luxury burial legacies in Singapore, David OCON Journal Article

Buss’ mate choice theory, Bryan K. C. CHOY and Norman P. LI Book Chapter


Crisis communication, anticipated food scarcity, and food preferences: Preregistered evidence of the insurance hypothesis, Michal Folwarczny, Jacob D. Christensen, Norman P. LI, Valdimar Sigurdsson, and Tobias Otterbring Journal Article


Mental disengagement mediates the effect of rumination on smartphone use: A latent growth curve analysis, Shi Ann Shuna KHOO and Hwajin YANG Journal Article

Mou Zongsan's concept of Immanent-transcendence, Sor-hoon TAN Journal Article


Religion, social connectedness, and xenophobic responses to Ebola, Roxie CHUANG, Kimin EOM, and Heejung S. KIM Journal Article


Rethinking the procedural in policy instrument ‘compounds’: A renewable energy policy perspective, Ishani MUKHERJEE Journal Article


Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries, J. H. Zickfeld, N. van de Ven, O. Pich, T. Schubert, J. B. Berkessel, J. J. Pizarro, B. Bhushan, N. J. Mateo, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article

The psychology of international interactions and people-to-people relations, David CHAN Book Chapter


Who is a wise person? Zhuangzi and epistemological discussions of wisdom, Shane RYAN and Karyn LAI Journal Article

A new conceptualization of the political left and right: One dimension, multiple domains, Devin K. JOSHI Journal Article


Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case written by Bai Tongdong [Book Review], Sor-hoon TAN Book Review


Circuits broken, remade, and newly forged: Tracing Southeast Asia's foreign relations after the Vietnam War, Wen-Qing NGOEI Journal Article


Demanding images: Democracy, mediation, and the image-event in Indonesia by Karen Strassler, Colm A. FOX Book Review


Feminist geographies of online gaming, Orlando WOODS Journal Article


Flight, Patrick Luiz Sullivan DE OLIVEIRA Encyclopaedia


Internal and social sources shape judgments about the mental and physical nature of an experience, Jacinth Jia Xin TAN, Alexander KARAN, and Dolores ALBARRACIN Journal Article


Policy capacities and effective policy design: A review, Ishani MUKHERJEE, M. Kerem COBAN, and Azad Singh BALI Journal Article


Research on climate change in social psychology publications: A systematic review, Kim-Pong KAM, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, and Susan CLAYTON Journal Article


Running bodies and the affective spaces of health in and beyond marathon running in China, Xiaomei CAI, Orlando WOODS, and Quan GAO Journal Article