The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. The school research areas include Organisational behavior & human resources (OBHR), Strategy & Organisation, Finance, Quantitative finance, Operations management, Marketing, Communication management.


Submissions from 2015


Related Securities and Equity Market Quality: The Case of CDS, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Sudheer CHAVA, and Heather TOOKES Journal Article


Self-esteem and women’s performance in mixed-gender negotiations, Serena Changhong LU, Elizabeth Layne Paddock, and Jochen REB Conference Proceeding Article


Singapore at 50: The business of nation building, Philip C. ZERRILLO Edited Book


Tail Event Driven Asset Allocation: Evidence from Equity and Mutual Funds Markets, Wolfgang Karl HARDLE, David K. C. LEE, Sergey NASEKIN, Xinwen NI, and Alla PETUKINA Conference Paper

The Determinants of Backhaul Effect in Ocean Shipping, Mei Wan LOW Conference Paper


The face of the next leader: The role of facial structure and perceptions of trustworthiness on CEO selection, David GOMULYA, Elaine M. WONG, Margaret E. ORMISTON, and Warren BOEKER Conference Proceeding Article

Kala Manjari: 50 years of Indian classical music and dance in Singapore, Seshan RAMASWAMI and Sarita ALURKAR-SRIRAM Edited Book

Outside the 'Big 4': Inception and growth of independent artistes and institutions, Ernst C. OSINGA Book Chapter

A closer look at the innovator: Exploration, self-regulation, and creative performance, L. Vossaert and Ronald Joachim BLEDOW Working Paper


Beyond the Western Masses: Demography and Pakistani Media Credibility Perceptions., KyuJin SHIM, Guy J. GOLAN, Anita G. DAY, and Sung-Un YANG Journal Article


Bridge or buffer: Two ideas of effective corporate governance and public engagement, Soojin KIM and Jeong-Nam Kim Journal Article


Communicating about marine disease: The effects of message frames on policy support, Katherine A. MCCOMAS, Jonathon P. SCHULDT, Colleen A. BURGE, and Sungjong ROH Journal Article

Communicating corporate social responsibility: Media agenda building in Australia, Augustine PANG Journal Article


Conclusion, Seshan RAMASWAMI Book Chapter

Consumer decision-making: Feelings versus reasons”, Hannah H. CHANG Video

Consumer decision-making: Feelings versus reasons”, Hannah H. CHANG Video


Density forecast evaluation for dependent financial data: Theory and applications, Aurobindo GHOSH and Anil K. BERA Conference Paper


Development and test of an integrative model of job search behaviour, Greet VAN HOYE, Alan M. SAKS, Filip LIEVENS, and Bert WEIJTERS Journal Article


Home away from home: Geography of information and local investors, Gennaro BERNILE, Alok KUMAR, and Johan SULAEMAN Journal Article


Improving decision making through mindfulness, Natalie KARELAIA and Jochen REB Book Chapter


Introduction, Jochen REB and Paul W. B. ATKINS Book Chapter


Investigating the uniqueness and usefulness of proactive personality in organizational research: A meta-analytic review, Matthias SPITZMULLER, Hock-Peng SIN, Michael HOWE, and Shereen FATIMAH Journal Article


It’s All in the Attitude: The Role of Job Attitude Strength in Job Attitude-Outcome Relationships, Deidra J. Schleicher, Troy A. Smith, Wendy J. Casper, John D. Watt, and Gary J. GREGURAS Journal Article


Leading with mindfulness: Exploring the relation of mindfulness with leadership behaviors, styles, and development, Jochen REB, Samantha Su-Hsien SIM, Kraivin CHINTAKANANDA, and Devasheesh P. BHAVE Book Chapter


Least squares approximation to stochastic optimization problems, Zhichao ZHENG, Karthik NATARAJAN, and Chung-Piaw TEO Working Paper


Mikey the Rebelator, Stefano HARNEY and Fred MOTEN Journal Article


Mindfulness in Organizations: Foundations, Research, and Applications, Jochen Matthias Reb and Paul W. B. Atkins Edited Book


Outside the 'Big 4': Inception and growth of independent artistes and institutions, Seshan RAMASWAMI Book Chapter


Perceptions of social norms surrounding digital piracy: The effect of social projection and communication exposure on injunctive and descriptive norms, Hichang CHO, Siyoung CHUNG, and Anna FILIPPOVA Journal Article

Reconceptualizing corporate social responsibility (CSR) as corporate public responsibility (CPR), Soojin KIM, Laishan TAM, and Jeong-Nam KIM Book Chapter


Socially desirable responding: Enhancement and denial in 20 countries, Jia HE, F.J. van de Vijver, A.D. Espinosa, A. Abubakar, R. Dimitrova, B.G. Adams, Jochen REB, and Samantha SIM Journal Article


The enablers of the Indian Performing Arts: Government, media, the Indian High Commission, donors and event managers, Chitra VARAPRASAD, Uma RAJAN, Shankar RAJAN, and Seshan RAMASWAMI Book Chapter


The interplay of elicitation and evaluation of trait-expressive behavior: Evidence in assessment center exercises, Filip LIEVENS, Eveline SCHOLLAERT, and Gert KEEN Journal Article


The Persistence of Long-Run Abnormal Returns Following Stock Repurchases and Offerings, Fangjian FU and Sheng HUANG Journal Article


When Voice Matters: A Multilevel Review of the Impact of Voice in Organizations, Michael R. BASHSHUR and Burak OC Journal Article


Why Do U.S. Firms Invest Less Over Time?, Fangjian FU, Sheng HUANG, and Rong WANG Conference Paper

Effective media relations across the crisis lifecycle: Media influencers’ perspectives for online and offline engagement, A. PANG, J. KHABAR, P. LIM, D. BHALAIK, and C. H. NG Conference Proceeding Article

Governmental intervention in corporate crises - An Asian perspective, A. PANG, P. H. TAN, L. PHONG, B. J. L. LAREZA, and J. Y. LEONG Conference Proceeding Article


Buying insurance the D-I-Y way, Benedict KOH News Article


Consignment Contracts with Revenue Sharing for a Capacitated Retailer and Multiple Manufacturers, Yun Fong LIM, Yunzeng WANG, and Yue WU Journal Article


Discrimination in selection decisions: Integrating stereotype fit and interdependence theories, Sunyoung LEE, Marko PITESA, Stefan THAU, and Madan M. PILLUTLA Journal Article


Does Brand Licensing Increase a Licensor's Shareholder Value?, Adina B. ROBINSON, Kapil R. TULI, and Ajay K. KOHLI Journal Article


Effects of organizationally endorsed coaching on performance and validity of situational judgment tests, Melissa S. STEMIG, Paul R. SACKETT, and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article


Information, attention, and decision making: From the Editors, Daan VAN KNIPPENBERG, Linus DAHLANDER, Martine R. HAAS, and Gerard GEORGE Editorial

Major Life Events, Overconfidence, And New Venture Survival: A Resource-based View, Alex Tai Loong Tan and Terence Ping Ching Fan Presentation


Marketing mix and brand sales in global markets: Examining the contingent role of country-market characteristics, S. Cem BAHADIR, Sundar G. BHARADWAj, and Rajendra K. SRIVASTAVA Journal Article


Period decompositions for the capacitated lot size problem with setup times, Silvio Alexandre DE ARAUJO, Bert DE REYCK, Zeger DEGRAEVE, Ioannis FRAGKOS, and Raf JANS Journal Article

Related securities and equity market quality: the case of CDS, Ekkehart BOEHMER, Sudheer CHAVA, and Heather E. TOOKES Journal Article


The Impact of Culture on Creativity: How Cultural Tightness and Cultural Distance Affect Global Innovation Crowdsourcing Work, Roy Y. J. CHUA, Yannig ROTH, and Jean-François LEMOINE Journal Article


The Impact of Power on Reliance on Feelings versus Reasons in Decision Making, Yunhui HUANG; Jiewen HONG; and CHANG, Hannah H. Conference Proceeding Article


The impact of power on reliance on feelings versus reasons in decision making, Yunhui HUANG, Jiewen HONG, and Hannah H. CHANG Conference Proceeding Article


The invisible hand of short selling: Does short selling discipline earnings management?, Massimo MASSA, Bohui ZHANG, and Hong ZHANG Journal Article


What is public relations to society? Toward an economically informed understanding of public relations, HALFF, Gregor and Anne GREGORY Journal Article


What is public relations to society? Toward an economically informed understanding of public relations, Jurrien Gregor HALFF and Anne GREGORY Journal Article


When everyone misses on the same side: Debiased earnings surprises and stock returns, Chin-Han CHIANG, Wei DAI, Jianqing FAN, Harrison HONG, and Jun TU Conference Paper


Which Problems to Solve? Online Knowledge Sharing and Attention Allocation in Organizations, Martine R. HAAS, Paola CRISCULO, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article

An in-depth look at dispositional reasoning and interviewer accuracy, Francois S. DE KOCK, Filip LIEVENS, and Marise Ph. BORN Journal Article


A comparison of milestone-based and buyout options contracts for coordinating R&D partnerships, Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, Vibha GABA, and Sameer HASIJA Journal Article


China’s digital landscape: Breaking barriers to innovation, Srinivas K. REDDY, Zack Zheng WANG, and Deckie He DONG Magazine Article


Developing a Global Mindset for Leadership Success in Asia, Richard Raymond SMITH Magazine Article


E-Finance in ASEAN, David Kuo Chuen LEE Presentation


Emotional Labor Actors: A Latent Profile Analysis of Emotional Labor Strategies, Allison S. GABRIEL, Michael A. DANIELS, James M. DIEFENDORFF, and Gary J. GREGURAS Journal Article


Family ownership and R&D investment: The role of growth opportunities and business group membership, Young Rok CHOI, Shaker A. ZAHRA, Toru YOSHIKAWA, and Bong H. HAN Journal Article


Guidelines and ethical considerations for assessment center operations, Deborah E. RUPP, Brian J HOFFMAN, David BISCHOF, William BYHAM, Lynn COLLINS, Alyssa GIBBONS, Shinichi HIROSE, Martin KLEINMANN, Jeffrey D. KUDISCH, Martin LANIK, Duncan J. R. JACKSON, Myungjoon KIM, Filip LIEVENS, Deon MEIRING, Klaus G. MELCHERS, Vina G. PENDIT, Dan J. PUTKA, Nigel POVAH, Doug REYNOLDS, and Sandra SCHLEBUSCH Journal Article


How to be a Top-Gun Deal Maker, Michael BENOLIEL Journal Article


Rinse, but no need to repeat, Srinivas K. REDDY Magazine Article


The Effects of linguistic distance and lingua franca proficiency on the stake taken by acquirers in cross-border acquisitions, Ilya CUYPERS, Gokhan ERTUG, and Jean-Francois HENNART Journal Article


The unburdening effects of forgiveness: Effects on slant perception and jumping height, Zheng XUE, Ryan FEHR, Kenneth TAI, Jayanth NARAYANAN, and Michele J. GELFAND Journal Article

When beauty helps and when it hurts: An organizational context model of attractiveness discrimination in selection decisions, Sunyoung LEE, Marko PITESA, Madan M. PILLUTLA, and Stefan THAU Journal Article

The impact of exogenous and endogenous factors on external knowledge sourcing for innovation: The dual effects of the external environment, So-jin YOO, Olukemi SAWYER, and Wee Liang TAN Journal Article

The psychology of unethical behaviour in the finance industry, Marko PITESA Book Chapter


Combating Strategic Counterfeiters in Licit and Illicit Supply Chains, Soo-Haeng CHO, Xin FANG, and Sridhar TAYUR Journal Article


Disaggregating Activities of Daily Living Limitations for Predicting Nursing Home Admission, Joelle H. Y. FONG, Olivia S. MITCHELL, and Benedict S. K. KOH Journal Article


Electric Vehicles with a Battery Switching Station: Adoption and Environmental Impact, Buket AVCI, Karan GIROTRA, and Serguei NETESSINE Journal Article


I Follow My Heart and We Rely on Reasons: The Impact of Self-Construal on Reliance on Feelings versus Reasons in Decision Making, Jiewen HONG and Hannah H. CHANG Journal Article


Innovation and leadership: When does CMO leadership improve performance from innovation?, Adam J. BOCK, Andreas B. EISENGENRICH, Dmitry SHARAPOV, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article


Institutional change versus resilience: A study of an incorporation of independent directors in Singapore banks, Lai Si Tsui-Auch and Toru YOSHIKAWA Journal Article


Managing digital money: From the Editors, Mark DODGSON, David GANN, Irving WLADAWSKY-BERGER, Naveed SULTAN, and Gerard GEORGE Editorial


Money, Time, and the Stability of Consumer Preferences, Leonard LEE, Michelle P. LEE, Marco BERTINI, Gal ZAUBERMAN, and Dan ARIELY Journal Article


Money, time, and the stability of consumer preferences, Leonard LEE, Michelle P. LEE, Marco BERTINI, Gal ZAUBERMAN, and Dan ARIELY Journal Article


Project planning with alternative technologies in uncertain environments, Stefan CREEMERS, Bert DE REYCK, and Roel LEUS Journal Article


Sleep and moral awareness, Christopher M. BARNES, Brian C. GUNIA, and David T. WAGNER Journal Article


Social Structure, Reasonable Gain, and Entrepreneurship in Africa, Gerard GEORGE, Reddi KOTHA, Priti PARIKH, Tufool ALNUAIMI, and Abubakr S. BAHAJ Journal Article


The active audience? Gurus, management ideas and consumer variability, Claudia GROß, Stefan HEUSINKVELD, and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK Journal Article


The evolution of vocabularies and its relation to investigation of white-collar crimes: An institutional work perspective, Abhijeet K. VADERA and Ruth V. AGUILERA Journal Article


The psychology of unethical behavior in the finance industry, Marko PITESA Book Chapter


Voice and culture: A prospect theory approach, E. Layne PADDOCK, Jaewon KO, Russell CROPANZANO, Jessica BAGGER, Assaad EL AKREMI, Julie CAMERMAN, Gary J. GREGURAS, Antonio MLADINIC, Carolina MOLINER, Kidok NAM, Kjell TORNBLOM, and Kees VAN DER BOS Journal Article


West Meets East: New Concepts and Theories, Harry G. BARKEMA, Xiao-Ping CHEN, Gerard GEORGE, Yadong LUO, and Anne S. TSUI Journal Article


Expanding Context to Redefine Theories: Africa in Management Research, Gerard GEORGE Editorial

Global and Local Flows in the Contemporary Art Market, Tamar YOGEV and Gokhan Ertug Book Chapter

Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin, Innovation, Financial Instructments, and Big Data, Kuo Chuen Lee Book


How motivated reasoning and temporal frames may polarize opinions about wildlife disease risk, Sungjong ROH, Katherine A. MCCOMAS, Laura N. RICKARD, and Daniel J. DECKER Journal Article


How "situational" is judgment in situational judgment tests?, Stefan KRUMM, Filip LIEVENS, Joachim HUFFMEIER, Anastasiya A. LIPNEVICH, Hanna BENDELS, and Gudio HERTEL Journal Article


Institutional Entrepreneurship, Governance and Poverty: Insights from Emergency Medical Response Services in India, Gerard GEORGE, Rekha Rao-Nicholson, Christopher Corbishley, and Rahul Bansal Journal Article


Investor sentiment aligned: A powerful predictor of stock returns, Dashan HUANG, Fuwei JIANG, Jun TU, and Guofu ZHOU Journal Article


On the effectiveness of housing purchase restriction policy in China: A difference in difference approach, Jerry X. CAO, Bihong HUANG, and Rose Neng LAI Working Paper


Political connections and firm value: Evidence from the regression discontinuity design of close gubernatorial elections, Quoc-Anh DO, Yen Teik LEE, and Bang D. NGUYEN Working Paper


Predictability of EU Bank Stress Test Results, Kian Guan LIM Journal Article


Pricing Information Goods: A Strategic Analysis of the Selling and Pay-per-Use Mechanisms, Sridhar Balasubramanian, Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, and Vish V. Krishnan Journal Article

Putting judging situations into situational judgment tests: Evidence from intercultural multimedia SJTs, Thomas ROCKSTUHL, Soon ANG, Kok-Yee NG, Filip LIEVENS, and Van Dyne Linn Journal Article