Research Collection School of Social Sciences Singapore Management University | School of Social Sciences | Singapore Management University
The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University School of Social Sciences. The school research areas include Political Science, Sociology, Psychology and Humanities.


Submissions from 2025


Your Past is my Present: Does evoking historical analogies change public opinion regarding foreign policy?, Anil MENON, Yehonathan ABRAMSON, Dean C. DULAY, and Pauline JONES Journal Article


Trait mindfulness is associated with enhanced daily affectivity and cognition independent of daily stressors exposure: Insights from large-scale daily diary studies in the US and Singapore, Yi Jing CHUA, Andree HARTANTO, and Nadyanna M. MAJEED Journal Article


Investigating the effect of full and partial social media abstinence on fear of missing out and well-being outcomes: A daily diary experimental approach, Andree HARTANTO, K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA, Meenakshi KOTHARI, A. Y. H. GOH, Frosch Yi Xuan QUEK, and Nadyanna M. MAJEED Journal Article


Motherhood and employment in China: Gender asymmetries in multi-generational families, Jia YU and Cheng CHENG Journal Article


Multicultural experience and young Chinese people’s subjective well-being: An indirect effect through self-construal, Xiaoyu DAI, Davelle Jing Yi LEE, and Chi-ying CHENG Journal Article


The impact of childhood sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect on suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury: A systematic review of meta-analyses, Yuan Yu Alicia CHIA, Andree HARTANTO, Tse Shuen WAN, Shauna Sha Min TEO, Wei Xiang SIM, and K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA Journal Article


Who is using flexible work arrangements among couples? A longitudinal analysis of the disparities between gender, parenthood, and cccupations, Senhu WANG and CHENG Cheng Journal Article


AI as your ally: The effects of AI-assisted venting on negative affect and perceived social support, Meilan HU, Xavier Cheng Wee CHUA, Shu Fen DIONG, K. T. A. Sandeeshwara KASTURIRATNA, Nadyanna M. MAJEED, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article

Global China beyond grand strategy: Rethinking diaspora youth engagement from the ground up, Jiaqi LIU Working Paper

In search of exits: Emigration freedom, irregular departures, and state-building in China, Jiaqi M. LIU Working Paper


Producer-oriented and consumer-oriented alternative food networks and rural revitalization in China: Distinct trajectories and variegated impacts, Meiling WU and Qian Forrest ZHANG Journal Article

(Un)mapping the Punjab onto Singapore's Gurdwaras: Diasporic territorialities and decolonial spaces of Sikh socialisation, Siew Ying SHEE and Orlando WOODS Journal Article

Stronger cultural ties needed to deepen ASEAN–EU cooperation in a polarised world, David OCON and Lluis BONET Magazine Article


Diaspora politics and a rising China: Ambivalent ties amid geopolitical changes, Jiaqi M. LIU Book Chapter


Interactive effects of intrasexual competitiveness, same-sex competition, and physical attractiveness on temporal discounting, Jose C. YONG, Indra Alam Syah AZIZ, Hualin XIAO, and Norman P. LI Journal Article


Is common behavior considered moral? The role of perceived others' motives in moral norm inferences and motivation about environmental behavior, Kimin EOM and Bryan Kwok Cheng CHOY Journal Article


No consistent evidence for between- and within-person associations between objective social media screen time and body image dissatisfaction: Insights from a daily diary study, Adalia Y. H. GOH, Andree HARTANTO, K. T. A. Sandeeshwara KASTURIRATNA, and Nadyanna M. MAJEED Journal Article


Parallel ethnic identity development of Mexican-origin adolescents and mothers under the influence of neighborhood Latinx concentration and ethnic-racial diversity, Hin Wing TSE, Jinjin YAN, Lester SIM, Minyu ZHANG, Wen WEN, Jiaxiu SONG, and Su Yeong KIM Journal Article


Perception of socioeconomic status: A meta-analysis of manipulations, Jacinth Jia Xin TAN and Yong En Amos TAI Journal Article


The Vietnam war and the regional context, Wen-Qing NGOEI Book Chapter


Understanding sociability through Mandevillean Pride: Comments on Robin Douglass's Mandeville's Fable, Antong LIU Journal Article


What is wrong with workism?, Matthew HAMMERTON Journal Article

Submissions from 2024

The nose knows: Foreignness and fortune in China, William A. CALLAHAN and Kieran HANSEN Video

Archetypes, Ivy H. Y. KOH and Norman P. LI Book Chapter

Investigating the bidirectional association between executive functions and well-being in middle-aged and older adults : A cross-lagged modeling approach, Clement Y. H. LAU and Hwajin YANG Journal Article

Heidegger’s Gelassenheit, Daoist Wuwei 無為, and Non-willing, Steven BURIK Journal Article

Between God and nation : The colonial origins of democracy support in British Africa, Bastian BECKER and Dean C. DULAY Journal Article


Advances in research on anthropogenic drivers of climate change, Andrew JORGENSON, Hassan EL TINAY, Jared FITZGERALD, Jennifer GIVENS, Taekyeong GOH, Xiaorui HUANG, Orla KELLY, Annika Marie RIEGER, and Ryan P. THOMBS Book Chapter


Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies, Per A. Andersson, Andree HARTANTO, and et al Journal Article


Computer use frequency and cardiovascular health in middle-aged and older adults, Meilan HU, Shu Fen DIONG, K. T. A. Sandeeshwara KASTURIRATNA, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Costly signaling theory, Hui Ying Ivy KOH and Norman P. LI Book Chapter


Factor structure of the CES-D-20 scale in young adults in Singapore: An examination of six alternative structures and measurement invariance by sex, Nadyanna M. MAJEED, K. T. A. Sandeeshwara KASTURIRATNA, Nicole Ruiying CHEN, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


(In)Visible China: Understanding Chinese global orders, Hassan KARRAR, William A. CALLAHAN, Carwyn MORRIS, and Stephen WHITEMAN Blog Post


Longitudinal bidirectional relation between fear of missing out and risky loot box consumption: Evidence for FoMO-Driven Loot Boxes Spiral Hypothesis, Andree HARTANTO and K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA Journal Article


Positive and negative affect differentially predict individual differences and intra-individual changes in daily cognitive failures in younger and older adults, Ysabel A. GUEVARRA, Nadyanna M. MAJEED, NUR EVA ALISHA BINTE MOHAMED HISHAM, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Sorry not sorry: Presentational strategies and the electoral punishment of corruption, Dean C. DULAY and Seulki LEE Journal Article

Hypervisible China, William A. CALLAHAN Blog Post

Indirect effects of intrusive parenting on externalizing behaviors in socioeconomically disadvantaged children : A parallel mediation analysis, Germaine Y. Q. TNG and Hwajin YANG Journal Article

What have corporations got to do with it? A political economy approach to organizations and climate change, Annika Marie RIEGER Journal Article

Visualizing international politics: A manifesto, William A. CALLAHAN Book Chapter

Deep utopia : Life and meaning in a solved world : Nick Bostrom, Ideapress Publishing, 2024, 525pp., ISBN 9781646871643, Matthew HAMMERTON Book Review


AI and data science for public policy, Kenneth BENOIT Journal Article


Cultural contexts differentially shape parents’ loneliness and wellbeing during the empty nest period, Andree HARTANTO, Lester Wei Xiang SIM, Davelle Jing Yi LEE, Naydanna M. MAJEED, and Jose C. YONG Journal Article


Dispositional optimism, sleep, and trait affective mediators: A latent variable approach, Nicole Ruiying CHEN, NADYANNA BINTE MOHAMED MAJEED, Adalia Yin Hui GOH, Paye Shin KOH, Jonathan Louis Jie Sheng CHIA, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Experimental evidence of Instagram influencers’ impact on well-being, Kimberly Yiting T'NG, Kai Qin CHAN, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


From sustainable agriculture to sustainable agrifood systems: A comparative review of alternative models, Qian Forrest ZHANG Journal Article


Review forum : Intervention before interventionism : A global genealogy. By Patrick Quinton-Brown. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2024., Robbie SHILLIAM, Lina BENABDALLAH, Heloise WEBER, Craig N. MURPHY, Samuel MOYN, Jennifer M. WELSH, and Patrick QUINTON-BROWN Book Review


Umbrella review of meta-analyses on the risk factors, protective factors, consequences and interventions of cyberbullying victimization, K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE SANDEESHWARA KASTURIRATNA, Andree HARTANTO, Crystal H. Y. CHEN, Eddie M. W. TONG, and NADYANNA BINTE MOHAMED MAJEED Journal Article


Wherefore art thou competitors? How situational affordances help differentiate among prosocials, individualists, and competitors, Y. LIU; A.W. STIVERS; R.O. MURPHY; N.J. VAN DOESUM; J. JOIREMAN; M. GALLUCCI; E. AHARONOV-MAJAR; U. ATHENSTAEDT; L. BAI; R. BÖHM; N.R. BUCHAN; X.-P. CHEN; K.B. DUMONT; J.B. ENGELMANN; LI, Norman P.; H. EUH; S. FIEDLER; J. FRIESEN; S. GÄCHTER; and C. GARCIA Journal Article

China’s traditional, modern, and neo-socialist world orders, William A. CALLAHAN Book Chapter

Putting Daoist thought into practice : Happiness, longevity, and enlightenment., Devin K. JOSHI Book


Intellectual humility without limits: Magnanimous humility, disagreement and the epistemology of resistance, Brandon YIP Journal Article


Registered replication report: A large multilab cross-cultural conceptual replication of Turri et al. (2015), Braeden Hall, Kathleen Schmidt, Jordan Wagge, Savannah C. Lewis, Sophia C. Weissgerber, Felix Kiunke, ..., and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Sequencing dengue control policy in Singapore: An evolutionary perspective for policy design, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Panchali GUHA Journal Article


Supporting satisfaction, satisfying support: Bidirectional associations of social support and life satisfaction, Jonathan Louis Jie Sheng CHIA, Andree HARTANTO, and William TOV Journal Article


The moderating role of trait online disinhibition in exacerbating the online victim-bully cycle, Sandeeshwara K TENNAKOON APPUHAMILLAGE KASTURIRATNA and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Us or them: How COVID-19 vaccine priority influences perceptions of local-migrant worker relations, Tengjiao HUANG, Haochen ZHOU, Liz JONES, and Chin Wen CONG Journal Article


What is the fallacy of approximation?, Matthew HAMMERTON and Sovan PATRA Journal Article

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) medals and awards celebration 2024, Nigel CLIFFORD, Vanessa LAWRENCE, Stephen VENABLES, Lily KONG, Chris CLARK, Leon McCARRON, and Stefan DOERR Journal Article


Accordance and conflict between religious and scientific precautions against COVID-19 in 27 societies, T. SAMORE; D.M.T. FESSLER; A.M. SPARKS; C. HOLBROOK; L. AARØE; C.G. BAEZA; M.T. BARBATO; P. BARCLAY; R. BERNIŪNAS; J. CONTRERAS-GARDUÑO; B. COSTA-NEVES; M.P. GRAZIOSO; P. ELMAS; P. FEDOR; LI, Norman P.; R. FERNÁNDEZ-MORALES; L. GARCIA-MARQUES; P. GIRALDO-PEREZ; P. GUL; and F. HABACHT Journal Article


Associations of household and neighborhood contexts and hair cortisol among Mexican-origin adolescents from low-income immigrant families, Ka I. IP, Wen WEN, Wei Xiang SIM, Shanting CHEN, and Su Yeong KIM Journal Article


Commentary: No one wants an Asian NATO, except Japan’s new PM Ishiba, Benjamin HO and William A. CALLAHAN News Article

Diasporic return or forced resettlement?: Refugee politics and China’s state transformations during the Cold War, Jiaqi M. LIU and Claire Xiaoqian WAN Working Paper


Do pedestrian safety improvements affect older adults' health and social outcomes equitably? A quasi experiment in Singapore, Shin Bin TAN, William TOV, and Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN Journal Article


Enhancing ASEAN-EU relations through cultural cooperation: Realities and unexplored potential, David OCON and Lluís BONET Report


Gender and professional identities in businesswomen’s negotiation, Chi-ying CHENG, Amy J. LIM, Yi Wen TAN, and Fiona LEE Journal Article


Han Feizi on reputation-driven disobedience: A comparative study, Antong LIU Journal Article


How “Ceremonial Openness” prevents organizational change : An analysis of corporate earnings calls in the oil and gas industry, 2007–2020, Isak LADEGAARD and Annika Marie RIEGER Journal Article


Nuanced relationships between indices of smartphone use and psychological distress: Distinguishing problematic smartphone use, phone checking, and screen time, Yue Qi Germaine TNG and Hwajin YANG Journal Article


The decline and transformation of smallholders in Chinese agriculture: National trends, Qian Forrest ZHANG and Meiling WU Journal Article


The link between people's social perceptions of cultivated meat eaters and their acceptance of cultivated meat, Xiaoyu DAI, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, and Mark CHONG Journal Article

DEI in climate policy : Miles to go, Ishani MUKHERJEE and Sreeja NAIR Book Chapter

Mind the gap: Development and validation of an evolutionary mismatched lifestyle scale and its impact on health and wellbeing, Jiaqing O, Trefor ASPDEN, Andrew G. THOMAS, Lei CHANG, Moon-Ho Ringo HO, Norman P. LI, and Mark Van VUGT Journal Article

To whom thou art bound: Bicultural identity integration moderates the influence of conspiracy beliefs on Chinese Americans’ ingroup bias, Edison TAN, Chi-ying CHENG, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, and Sheila X. R. WEE Journal Article

Author Exchange : Memories of Unbelonging : Ethnic Chinese Identity Politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia (University of Hawai'i Press, 2023) and Narratives of Civic Duty : How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia (Cornell University Press, 2022), Charlotte SETIJADI and Aram HUR Book Review


Digitally connected, evolutionarily wired: An evolutionary mismatch perspective on digital work, Mark VAN VUGT, Stephen M. COLARELLI, and Norman P. LI Journal Article

Geopolitics from below: State-diaspora interplay and the social origins of global China, Jiaqi LIU Working Paper


Post-productivism and rural revitalization in China: Drivers and outcomes, Meiling WU, Qian Forrest ZHANG, and John A. DONALDSON Journal Article


Retirement and life satisfaction among middle-aged and older adults: A piecewise growth mixture analysis, Jonathan L. CHIA, Andree HARTANTO, and William TOV Journal Article

Associations of cardiac function and arterial stiffness with cerebrovascular disease, Chin Hong. TAN and Jacinth Jia Xin TAN Journal Article


Bridging the nature-cultural heritage gap: Evaluating sustainable entanglements through cemeteries in urban Asia, David OCON and Wei Ping YOUNG Journal Article


Cash, crowds, and cooperation: The effects of population density and resource scarcity on cooperation in the dictator game, TAN KAI LIN, LYNN; Norman P. LI; and Kenneth TAN Journal Article


Hot at the top: The influence of self-rated attractiveness on self-perceived status, Lynn K. L. TAN, Michal FOLWARCZNY, Tobias OTTERBRING, and Norman P. LI Journal Article


Relationship commitment regulation: Influencing a partner's commitment to achieve one's commitment goals, Laura V. MACHIA, Kenneth TAN, and Christopher R. AGNEW Journal Article


The role of executive function in cognitive reappraisal: A meta-analytic review, Wei Xing TOH, Jun Sheng KEH, James J. GROSS, and Laura L. CARSTENSEN Journal Article

Alternative agrifood systems and the economic sustainability of farmers' cooperatives: The Chinese experience, Zhanping HU and Qian Forrest ZHANG Journal Article

Remapping the Cold War in Asian cinema, Sangjoon LEE and ESPENA Darlene Machell Edited Book


A daily diary investigation of the fear of missing out and diminishing daily emotional well-being: The moderating role of cognitive reappraisal, Andree HARTANTO, Joax WONG, Verity Yu Qing LUA, Yue Qi Germaine TNG, K. T. A. Sandeeshwara KASTURIRATNA, and Nadyanna M. MAJEED Journal Article


Breaking up male-dominated collusive arrangements: Women's representation in bureaucracy and corruption, Beomgeun CHO and Heeun KIM Journal Article


Conventionalization of alternative agriculture and the intervention of external investors: Case sharing community-supported agriculture farm, China, Meiling WU Journal Article


Horizontal concentration and vertical concentration in capitalist agriculture: Re-interpreting Marx and Chayanov, Qian Forrest ZHANG Journal Article


Human-animal interaction and human prosociality: A meta-analytic review of experimental and correlational studies, Nicole Ruiying CHEN, Nadyanna M. MAJEED, Gloria J. LAI, Paye Shin KOH, MANMEET KAUR, K. T. A Sandeeshwara KASTURIRATNA, Zhi Yan Alycia HO, Jose C. YONG, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Policy design for biodiversity: How problem conception drift undermines "fit-for-purpose" Peatland conservation, Benjamin CASHORE, Ishani MUKHERJEE, Altaf VIRANI, and Lahiru S. WIJEDASA Journal Article


Silver screen reversals of the Domino Theory: American Cold War movies and the re-Imagination of British experiences in Southeast Asia, Wen-Qing (WEI Wenqing) NGOEI Book Chapter


The arts as a value-creating ecology in Singapore, Su Fern HOE Book Chapter

Immigration and liberal freedom, Chandran KUKATHAS Book Chapter


Are corporations responding to civil society pressure?: A multilevel analysis of corporate emissions, Annika Marie RIEGER Journal Article


Can confidence influence persuasiveness in disagreements by conveying competence versus dominance? The moderating role of competitiveness, Laura REES, Ming-hong TSAI, Shirli KOPELMAN, and Hsiu-Hua HU Journal Article


Do executive functions buffer against COVID-19 fear and stress? A latent variable approach, Tina Li Yi NG, Nadyanna M. MAJEED, Verity Yu Qing LUA, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article


Evaluating mental health outcomes in COVID-19 ICU survivors: A scoping review of measurement tools, Kimberly T'NG, Justin Kenardy, and Andree HARTANTO Journal Article