The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. The school research areas include Organisational behavior & human resources (OBHR), Strategy & Organisation, Finance, Quantitative finance, Operations management, Marketing, Communication management.


Submissions from 1994

Modeling Strategic Group Movements: A Markovian Approach and an Example, Howard Thomas, M.J. Tang, and A. Fiegenbaum Book Chapter


MRP II implementation issues: A Singapore experience, J.S.K Ang, C. C. Sum, and Kum Khiong Yang Journal Article


On a Paper by Christofides Et Al. For Solving the Multiple-Resource Constrained, Single Project Scheduling Problem, E Demeulemeester, W Herroelen, W.P Simpson, S Baroum, J. H. Patterson, and Kum Khiong Yang Journal Article

On the Existence of Alternative Dynamic Daily Market Models, Chunchi WU, C. Chen, C.F. Lee, and P. Newbold Book Chapter


Oratorical Culture in Nineteenth Century America, Michael A. Netzley Book Review

Overseas Chinese Remittances from Southeast Asia, 1910-1940, Thomas MENKHOFF Book Review

Rational Expectations and Financial Ratio Smoothing, Chunchi WU and C.F. Lee Journal Article

Rational Expectations, Information Signalling and Dividend Adjustment to Permanent Earning, Chunchi WU and C. Kao Journal Article


R&D-Marketing Integration Mechanisms, Communication Flows, and Innovation Success, Rudy K. Moenaert, William E. Souder, Arnoud De Meyer, and Dirk Deschoolmeester Journal Article


Risk Management and Insurance, Francis Koh Book Chapter

Rosleila Bte Abd Raman Rosleila and Financial Database, Cbrd, Fba, Young Sain, Joseph LIM; Kai Chong Tsui; C. C. Fong; and Y. C. Yee Book

Southeast Asian Affairs, Eng Fong PANG Book

SPAD: A Contingency Framework for Formulating Sales Promotion and Advertising, Dae Ryun CHANG, Minhi Hahn, and Ik-Tae Kim Journal Article


Strategic Groups, Strategic Moves and Performance, Howard Thomas and H. Daems Book


Strategic Information Technology Plan: A Vital Component in the Corporate Strategy of Banks, Thow Yick Liang and Chin-Keon Tan Journal Article


Strategic Types and Peformances of Small Firms in Korea, Young Rok Choi and Y. Kim Journal Article


Supplier Incentives and Resource Constraints under Uncertainty, Sudhi SESHADRI Journal Article

Supplier Incentives and Resource Constraints under Uncertainty, Sudhi SESHADRI Journal Article

Taxation Relating to Investments in Real Property, Wee Liang Tan Book Review

Tests of Dividend Signalling Using the Marsh-Merton Model: A Generalized Friction Approach, Chunchi WU and C. Kao Journal Article


The Basic Entity Model: A Fundamental Theoretical Model of Information and Information Processing, Thow Yick Liang Journal Article

The Changing International Division of Labour and Industrial Restructuring: The Experience of Singapore. In the Changing International Division of Labour and Industrial Restructuring, Eng Fong PANG and K Y Tan Report

The Concept of Strategic Groups as Reference Groups: An Adaptive Model and An Empirical Test, Howard Thomas and A. Fiegenbaum Book Chapter


The Creation of Wealth and Value - Yet Another Definition of Entrepreneurship, Wee Liang TAN Journal Article

The Development of Master of Business Administration Programmes at the Nanyang Technological University, Teck Meng Tan, Aik Meng Low, and Wee Liang Tan Report

The Dynamics of Strategic Change, Howard Thomas, A.S. Huff, and J.O. Huff Book Chapter

The Effects of a Change in Name for Singapore Listed Companies, Young Sain, Joseph LIM and Y. H. Lim Journal Article

The Firm Specific Aspects of Strategic Group Dynamics, Howard Thomas, W.C. Bogner, and J.R. Pandian Book Chapter


The Future of Industrial Relations : Global Change and Challenges, Eng Fong PANG Book

The Intraday Characteristics of Simex Nikkei Futures, David K. DING and B.S. Chong Journal Article

The Law of Commerce in Japan: A Collection of Introductory Essays, Wee Liang Tan Book Review

The Lead/Lag Structure of International Equity Markets, David K. DING and S.T. Lau Journal Article

The Linkage Between Strategy, Strategic Groups and Performance in Two Contrasting U.K. Industries, Howard Thomas and P. Lewis Book Chapter


The Moral Economy of Trade : Ethnicity and Developing Markets, Hans-Dieter EVERS, Jayarani Pavadarayan, and Schrader Heiko Book Chapter

Theoretical and Empirical Links Between Strategic Groups, Cognitive Communities and Networks of Interacting Firms, Howard Thomas and C. Carroll Book Chapter

Theories of the Firm - Implications for Strategy Research, A. Seth and Howard Thomas Journal Article


The Vehicle Quota System in Singapore: An Assessment, Winston T. H. KOH and David K. C. LEE Journal Article


Trade Routes, Trust and Tactics: Chinese Traders in Singapore, Thomas MENKHOFF Book Chapter

Two Cities That Work: The Experience of Kobe and Singapore, Eng Fong PANG Journal Article


Unit Root and Cointegration Tests for Foreign Exchange Futures: Evidence from the Singapore International Monetary Exchange, David K. DING and C.S. Pyun Journal Article

Utilization of Small Expert Systems: A Case Study of Citibank, Singapore, Thow Yick Liang and K.L Tong Journal Article

Submissions from 1993


Conducting interorganizational research using key informants, Nirmalya KUMAR, Louis W. STERN, and James C. ANDERSON Journal Article


Is a Bond Rating Downgrade Bad News, Good News, or No News for Stockholders?, Choo Yong, Jeremy GOH and Louis H. Ederington Journal Article


Share-price-changes-volume relation on the Singapore equity market, David K. C. LEE and Mohamed ARIFF Journal Article

The market provision of management services, information asymmetries and service quality - Some market solutions: An empirical example, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK Journal Article


Transient Solution of an M/M/1 Queue with Balking, B. Krishna KUMAR, P. R. PARTHASARATHY, and Sharafali MOOSA Journal Article

A Pentadic Analysis of Fatal Attraction, Siow Heng ONG Conference Paper

Globalization and the Trading Networks of Chinese Merchant-Exporters in Singapore, Thomas MENKHOFF Conference Paper

Integrating English Language Teaching with Content-Area Subject Learning: Historical Discourse, Susheela Abraham Varghese Conference Paper


Labor and Economic Growth in Five Asian Countries: South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines, Eng Fong PANG Book Review


Auctions for Transferable Objects: Theory and Evidence from the Vehicle Quota System in Singapore, David K. C. LEE and Winston T. H. KOH Journal Article


EℓI-chan for Intermediate Features, Christopher TING Conference Proceeding Article

Empirical Analysis of the Investor Sentiment Explanation of Discounts in Closed-End Funds, Francis KOH, K. F. Phoon, and R. Oh Journal Article

Expectation Formation and Financial Ratio Adjustment: A Reply, Cheng F. Lee and Chunchi WU Journal Article

Interday Tests of Random Walk in the Foreign Exchange Futures Market, Q. C. CHU, David K. DING, and C. S. PYUN Conference Paper


The Effects of Extraction Versus Nonextraction Orthodontic Treatment on the Growth of the Lower Anterior Face Height, Ai-Lian Chua; Young Sain, Joseph LIM; and Erwin C. Lubit Journal Article

Trade Liberalisation and the Dynamic Asian Economies, Eng Fong PANG Conference Paper

Empirical Analysis of Investor Sentiment Explanation of Discounts in Closed-End Funds, Kok Fai PHOON, F. KOH, and R. Oh Conference Paper

Initial Public Offerings: A Test of Fads and Market Sentiments, Francis KOH Conference Paper

Initial Public Offerings: A Test of Market Sentiments, Francis KOH; Young Sain, Joseph LIM; and P. Tham Conference Paper

Long-Memory in Asian Pacific Stock Market Returns, Kok Fai PHOON Conference Paper

Integrating English Language Learning with Academic Discourse in the Subject Disciplines, Susheela Abraham Varghese Conference Paper


Part-Time Employment: Future Trends in Singapore, Jean S. K. LEE and Hwee Hoon TAN Journal Article

Promoting Singapore as a Tourist Destination, B. C. Ghosh, Wee Liang TAN, and Teck Meng TAN Conference Paper

A Resource-Based Approach to the Multi-Business Firm: Empirical Analysis of Portfolio Inter-Relationships and Corporate Financial Performance, James Arthur ROBINS and Margarethe Wiersema Conference Paper

Estimation of the Autonomous Energy Efficiency Index using Bayesian Data Windows, Feichin, Ted TSCHANG and H. Dowlatabadi Conference Paper


Impact of GST on Businesses in Singapore: An Examination of the Legal Requirements, Wee Liang TAN Conference Proceeding Article


An Energy-Economy Model for the Impacts of Energy Taxes, F. Ted TSCHANG Conference Proceeding Article


Internationalisation of R&D Improves a firm's technical learning, Arnoud DE MEYER Journal Article

Logistic Support Services for Industrial Users in Batam and Bintan, Geok Theng Lau and Caroline YEOH Book

Problems Faced by Singapore Entrepreneurs in the Field of Biotechnology, Erin Goh and Wee Liang Tan Journal Article

Navigating the Turbulent 1990's: Singapore's Strategic Response, Caroline YEOH Conference Paper


A New Frontier in Regional Co-Operation for Business Development: Insights Form the Singapore-Johor-Riau Growth Triangle, Caroline YEOH Conference Proceeding Article


An Empirical Investigation of the Superiority of Sex Appeal on Recall of Ad Elements, S. H. Ang, S. M. Leong, and Chin Tiong TAN Conference Proceeding Article

Computerisation Benefits in Manufacturing, C. C. Sum, Kum Khiong Yang, J.S.K Ang, and S.A Quek Conference Paper

Development and Marketing of Batam in the Context of the Southern Growth Triangle: Some Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights, Geok Theng LAU and Caroline Yeoh Conference Paper

European Community Market Integration and Singapore, Kian Guan Lim, K. B. Chow, and Kai Chong Tsui Presentation

Strategic Management in Economic Development: The Singapore Experience, Mark Goh, Li Choy Chong, and Caroline YEOH Journal Article

The Cross-Sectional Effect of Inflation on Corporate Investment and Employment, Moon K. KIM and Chunchi WU Journal Article

The Growth of Singapore Companies, Francis KOH and W. KWOK Conference Paper


Editor's Note: A Perspective on Theory Building in Entrepreneurship, Ivan BULL and Howard THOMAS Editorial

Organization-Based Self-Esteem: An Empirical Look at Its Station Amongst More Traditional Variables, Gilbert Yip Wei TAN and R.R. Albright Conference Proceeding Article

Comprehension and Monitoring: The Effect of Expository Text Structure, Susheela Abraham Varghese and M. Chambliss Conference Paper

Regionalization Strategy for Asian Business, Chin Tiong TAN Conference Paper

Business on Trust: Chinese Social Structure and Non-Contractual Business Relations in Singapore, Thomas MENKHOFF Conference Paper

An Experimental Investigation into the Effects of a Price Tiered Market on Consumer Price Sensitivity, J.W. Hutchinson, John G. Lynch, and Seshan Ramaswami Conference Paper


An Intermittently Used Two-Unit System with Semi-Markov Need Process, Sharafali MOOSA, R. NATARAJAN, and P. R. PARTHASARATHY Journal Article

Contract Structure and Risk Aversion Impacts on Investment and Bidding Behavior, Sudhindra SESHADRI and Robert E. Krapfel Conference Paper

Estimating the Impact of European Community Integration on Singapore Trade Sector, Kian Guan Lim, K. B. Chow, and Kai Chong Tsui Presentation

Rationality, Resources and Rents, James Arthur ROBINS Conference Paper


Rhetorical Vision of Men and Women Managers in Singapore, Jean S. K. LEE and Hwee Hoon TAN Journal Article

South Korea and Southeast Asia: Partners and Competitors, Eng Fong PANG Conference Paper

Survey of Capital Stocks 1991, K. B. Chow, C. C. Lee, Kai Chong Tsui, and Kian Guan LIM Report


A Comparison of Resource Allocation and Activity Scheduling Rules in a Dynamic Multi-Project Environment, Kum Khiong Yang and C. C. Sum Journal Article


Administrative Issues in Organizing Programmes for the Gifted, Ban Eng GOH Book Chapter

Alternative Models Forecasting Returns on Stock market Indices, David Kuo Chuen LEE, Kai Chong Tsui, and Kah Hwa Ng Journal Article

A Model of Consumer Price Inertia, Seshan Ramaswami Conference Paper


An Adaptive Algorithm for Necognitron to Recognise Analog Images, Hian Ann, Christopher TING and K.C. Chuang Journal Article

Analyzing Organizational Strategy: Practical Techniques for Applying Transaction Cost Economics to Business Decisions, James Arthur ROBINS Conference Paper


An Empirical Study of the Capital Structure of Firms in Singapore, Francis Koh, K. F. Phoon, and V. Tan Book Chapter