Submissions from 2007
Does Temporal Distance of a Social Dilemma Impact Decision Making in the Dilemma?, Daniel Patrick BALLIET and J. Joireman Conference Paper
Grasping the small: The political economy of growth and poverty reduction in Guizhou and Yunnan, John A. DONALDSON Conference Paper
Multilevel Methods: Emergent Issues and Future Directions in Measurement, Longitudinal Analyses and Non-Normal Outcomes, Paul D. BLIESE, David CHAN, and Robert E. Ployhart Journal Article
Political Dialogue and Human Rights in the Framework of the Cotonou Agreement, Clara PORTELA Report
Prosocials Vs. Proselfs: Who Is Stronger at Self-Control?, J. Joireman and Daniel Patrick BALLIET Conference Paper
The Cartel Party and the Rise of the New Extreme Right, Riccardo PELIZZO Journal Article
Towards a Theory of Constrained Relativism: Comparing and Combining the Work of Pierre Bourdieu, Mary Douglas and Michael Thompson, and Alan Fiske, Marco VERWEIJ Journal Article
Truths and Myths in the Problem of Self-Report Data, David CHAN Conference Paper
U.S.-Hong Kong relations: Prospects for a unique partnership, Bates GILL and James T. H. TANG Report
Why there is no Moore's paradox of desire, John N. WILLIAMS Working Paper
Knowledge Economy and the Chinese Business Practices, Wai Keung CHUNG Conference Paper
Beyond the Special Case: Applying Neural Theories of Consciousness to Non-Human Animals, Ilya FARBER Conference Paper
Electoral laws as political consequences: Explaining the origins and change of electoral institutions, Kenneth BENOIT Journal Article
Subjective Well-Being and Peace, Ed DIENER and William TOV Journal Article
Tourism, Development and Poverty Reduction in Guizhou and Yunnan, John A. DONALDSON Journal Article
Ovulatory Shifts in Women's Choice of Dress: Naturalistic and Experimental Evidence, K. M. DURANTE, Norman P. LI, and M. G. Haselton Conference Paper
Predicting on-Line and Memory-Based Judgments: The Role of Mental Models, Yuk-Yue TONG Conference Paper
You Think I'm Selfish Now?: Just Wait Till I'm Depleted, Daniel Patrick BALLIET, J. Joireman, and A. Joyce Conference Paper
Cultural Icons and Urban Development in Asia: Economic Imperative, National Identity, and Global City Status, Lily Kong Journal Article
Culture from Bilingualism: The Role of Culture in Beneficial Effects of Bilingualism on Executive Attention, Sujin YANG, Nayeli LEAL, Hwajin YANG, and Barbara LUST Conference Paper
Generalization and Hume's Problem of Induction: Misconceptions and Clarifications, Eric W. K. TSANG and John N. Williams Working Paper
Review of Learning from Chinese philosophies, Sor-hoon TAN Book Review
Terror Management among Chinese: Worldview Defense, and Intergroup Bias in Resource Allocation, Kim-Pong TAM, Chi-Yue CHIU, and Ivy Yee-Man LAU Journal Article
The Inner Circle Revisited: Using Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) to Study the Political Activity of Corporate Elites, Nicholas HARRIGAN Conference Paper
Why do Similar Areas Adopt Different Developmental Strategies? A Study of Two Puzzling Chinese Provinces, John A. DONALDSON Conference Paper
Investigating the Role of Culture in Bilingual Cognitive Advantages for 4-Year-Old Preschoolers on Executive Attention, S. YANG, Hwajin YANG, N. Leal, and B. Lust Conference Paper
Liberal Society and the Aspiration to a Better Justice, Eduard Christiaan JORDAAN Conference Paper
The Problems and Pitfalls of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing, Daniel Patrick BALLIET Conference Paper
Benchmarks for text analysis: A response to Budge and Pennings, Kenneth BENOIT and Michael LAVER Journal Article
Estimating party policy positions: Comparing expert surveys and hand-coded content analysis, Kenneth BENOIT and Michael LAVER Journal Article
Re-Thinking Education: Can We Produce the Global Creative Student?, Kirpal SINGH Conference Paper
Romance and Sexual Initiation among Unmarried Young People in Vietnam: A Multi-Method Approach, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN Conference Paper
Marketing the Chinese Dream Home: Gated Communities and Representations of the Good Life in (Post-)Socialist Shanghai, Choon-Piew Pow and Lily Kong Journal Article
Perceived Cultural Importance and Actual Self-Importance of Values in Cultural Identification, Ching WAN, Chi-Yue CHIU, Kim-Pong TAM, Sau-Lai LEE, Ivy Yee-Man LAU, and Siqing PENG Journal Article
What Do People Desire in Others? A Sociofunctional Perspective on the Importance of Different Valued Characteristics, Catherine A. COTTRELL, Steven L. NEUBERG, and Norman P. LI Journal Article
Culture and Phenomenology: Insider and Outsider Perspective Taking in Mental Models and Embodied Cognition, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG and D. Cohen Conference Paper
Happiness and Peace: Individual Well-Being, Peace-Relevant Attitudes, and Societal Conditions, William TOV Conference Paper
Should I Take Another Psychology Class? On-Line Reactions, Recall, and Beliefs as Predictors of Students’ Course Choices, D. Wirtz, Christie N. SCOLLON, B. Gest, A. E. Caldwell, T. Birchfield, and A. Davis Conference Paper
To Conquer, Accept or Negotiate With: Conceptions of Fate across Cultures and Their Implications for Coping and Well-Being, Evelyn Wing-Mun AU and Chi-Yue CHIU Conference Paper
Creativity, Innovation, Leadership and Management: The Challenges across Cultures, Kirpal SINGH Conference Paper
Identifying Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Needs in Asia, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN Conference Paper
Tearing Down the Fortress: An Ideational Approach to Decentralization Politics in Japan and Korea, Yooil BAE Conference Paper
When to Trust Yourself, When to Trust Others?, K. Buczek, Shenghua LUAN, and R. I. Garcia-ReTAMero Conference Paper
Tang-Ki Spirit Medium Worship in the 21st Century, Margaret CHAN Conference Paper
The Gift of Labor: A Comparative Socio-Legal Discussion of Internship and Volunteering in the European Union, Germany, and the United Kingdom, Ann VOGEL and Katharina Frey Conference Paper
Advancement of International Research in Work & Organisational Psychology in the Asia-Pacific Region: Conceptual & Methodological Issues, David CHAN Conference Paper
Organisers, Superstars and Volunteers: The Role of Nonprofits Arts Organisations in Shaping Entry to the Arts Professions, Ann VOGEL Conference Paper
Trends and Determinants of Parental Care-Seeking for Sick Children: Implications for Vietnam’s Pro-Poor Health Policies, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN Conference Paper
Why there is no Moore's Paradox of Desire, John N. WILLIAMS Conference Paper
Workforce Diversity and Creativity: A Multiple Level Model, J. Han, Si-Qing Peng, Chi-Yue CHIU, and Angela K.-Y. LEUNG Conference Paper
Improve Student Test Scores in Math, Science, English, and History 8% to 500% by Teaching Thinking Skills, Mark NOWACKI Conference Paper
The Gift Economy and Social Integration, Ann VOGEL Conference Paper
When Persuading Others Becomes Persuading Oneself, Ivy Yee-Man LAU Conference Paper
Applicant Selection Fairness Expectations and Reactions, David CHAN Conference Paper
Embodied Cultural Cognition: The Soft Embodiment of Cultural Imperatives and the Hard Embodiment of Moral Worldviews, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG and D. Cohen Conference Paper
Gendered Political Economies of Imperial War Systems in Colonial Southeast Asia, Tobias Frederik RETTIG Conference Paper
Impact of Supervisor Support on Employee Self-Perceived Work Effectiveness: A Longitudinal Study, Sandy LIM Conference Paper
Multicultural Experiences and Creativity: The Broadening of Creative Expansion Potential through Multicultural Experiences, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG and Chi-Yue CHIU Conference Paper
Subjective Well-Being and Peace, William TOV and Ed DIENER Conference Paper
Time and Job Performance: New Levels, Constructs and Methods, David CHAN Conference Paper
All I Want Is You: Beloved Pets and Japanese Pursuit of Well Being, Hikaru SUZUKI Conference Paper
Political Embeddedness and Academic Corruption in Chinese Universities, Qian Forrest ZHANG Conference Paper
Transnational Civil Society and Environmental Governance in Asia, Yooil BAE Conference Paper
Embodied Cultural Cognition: How Is Culture Carried by Our Bodily Experiences?, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG Invited Academic Talk/Lecture
Airline Industry Responses to September 11th, Jody H. Gittell, Kim Cameron, Sandy LIM, and V. Rivas Book Chapter
A Process Model of Goal Orientation and Feedback Seeking, Guihyun Grace PARK, Aaron M. SCHMIDT, Christine SCHEU, and Richard P. DESHON Journal Article
A Subjective Approach to the Study of Oligopolistic Party Systems, Riccardo Pelizzo Journal Article
Beaumont y Tocqueville, Christine HENDERSON Book Chapter
Changing Transitions to Adulthood in Vietnam's Remote Northern Uplands: A Focus on Ethnic Minority Youth and their Families, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN, Hac Van Vinh, and Nguyen Thi Phuong Lan Report
Chinese Death Rituals in Singapore by Tong Chee-Kiong, Lily Kong Book Review
Civil religion and the invention of traditions: Constructing 'the Singapore nation', Lily KONG Journal Article
Creativity Across Cultures, Kirpal SINGH Magazine Article
Cultural crossings: Toward a Confucian ethics of communicative virtues, Sor-hoon TAN Book Chapter
Culture and the Structure of Personal Experience: Insider and Outsider Phenomenologies of the Self and Social World, Dov COHEN, Etsuki HOSHINO-BROWNE, and Angela K. Y. LEUNG Book Chapter
Do Multicultural Experiences Make People More Creative? If So, How?, Chi-Yue CHIU and Angela K. Y. LEUNG Magazine Article
Dynamic resource allocation and adaptability in teamwork, Steve W. J. KOZLOWSKI, Richard P. DESHON, Grace PARK, Paul CURRAN, Goran KULJANIN, and Brady FIRTH Report
Fusion Restaurant: Bicultural Identity Integration and Individual Innovation, Chi-Ying CHENG, J. Sanchez-Burks, and F. LEE Conference Paper
Geography's Place in Higher Education in Singapore, Lily Kong Journal Article
Globalization, the Developmental State, and the Politics of Urban Growth in Korea: A Multilevel Analysis, Yooil BAE and Jefferey M. SELLERS Journal Article
Identity Integration and Individual Creativity, Chi-Ying CHENG, J. Sanchez-Burks, and F. LEE Conference Paper
Identity Integration and Innovation, Chi-Ying CHENG, J. Sanchez-Burks, and F. LEE Conference Paper
Ink and idea, Kian Chow KWOK Book Chapter
Intelligent Priorities: Adaptive Long- and Short-Term Mate Preferences, Norman P. LI Book Chapter
Introduction to Moore's Paradox: New Essays on Belief, Rationality and the First Person, John N. WILLIAMS and Mitchell S. Green Book Chapter
Italian Politics [book review], Riccardo PELIZZO Book Review
Keeping Vigil: Openness, Diversity and Tolerance, Kirpal SINGH Book Chapter
Language, Cognition, and Culture: The Whorfian Hypothesis and Beyond, Chi-Yue CHIU, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG, and L. Kwan Book Chapter
Mate Preference Necessities in Long- and Short-Term Mating: People Prioritize in Themselves What Their Mates Prioritize in Them, Norman P. LI Journal Article
Merleau-Ponty on Embodiment, T. Brian MOONEY and Damien Norris Book Chapter
Merleau-Ponty on Human Motility and Libet's Paradox, T. Brian MOONEY and Damien NORRIS Journal Article
Mixed (re)views: Multiracials (re)configuring the concept of race, Katherine AUMER-RYAN, Norman P. LI, and Elaine HATFIELD Conference Paper
Moore's Paradoxes and Iterated Belief, John N. WILLIAMS Book Chapter
Moore's Paradoxes and Iterated Belief, John N. WILLIAMS Journal Article
Moore's Paradox: New Essays on Belief, Rationality and the First Person, Mitchell S. Green and John N. WILLIAMS Book
Old Wine in New Skins: Aquinas, Just War and Terrorism, T. Brian MOONEY Journal Article
Party groups and policy positions in the European Parliament, Gall McElroy and Kenneth BENOIT Journal Article
PNet for Dummies: An Introduction to Estimating Exponential Random Graph (P*) Models with PNet, Nicholas HARRIGAN Report
Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth: Some Thoughts on the 'Guizhou New Phenomenon', John Andrew DONALDSON Journal Article
Preserved and conserved places, Lily KONG Book Chapter
Review of Culture of authority, Sor-hoon TAN Book Review