The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University School of Social Sciences. The school research areas include Political Science, Sociology, Psychology and Humanities.


Submissions from 2008

Triangulating the Effects of Bilingualism and Culture on Cognitive Development: Experimental Comparison of Korean and American 4 Years Olds on an Attention Network Test, Sujin YANG, Hwajin YANG, and Barbara LUST Conference Paper


Women Warriors in Asia, Tobias Frederik RETTIG and Vina Lanzona Magazine Article

Are Happy People More Prone to Have Memory Errors?: Effects of Positive Affect on False Memory, Hwajin YANG, A. M. Isen, S. J. Ceci, and S. YANG Conference Paper

The Happier, the More Controlled: Effects of Positive Mood on Working Memory, Hwajin YANG, A. M. Isen, and S. YANG Conference Paper

Asymmetrical Friendships: Problems for Cosmopolitanism, John N. WILLIAMS and T. Brian MOONEY Conference Paper

Cosmopolitanism, Freedom and Indifference: A Levinasian View, Eduard Christiaan JORDAAN Conference Paper

Global Ethics and Loyalty, T. Brian MOONEY Conference Paper

An Inferential Model of Choice Blindness, Ilya FARBER Conference Paper

An Adaptive Individual Difference Perspective on the Dark Triad, P. K. JONASON, Norman P. LI, G. D. Webster, and D. P. SCHMITT Conference Paper

Consideration of future consequences, ego-depletion, and self-control: Support for distinguishing between CFC-Immediate and CFC-Future sub-scales, Jeff JOIREMAN, Daniel Patrick BALLIET, David SPROTT, Eric SPANGENBERG, and Jenifer SCHULTZ Journal Article


Grasping the small: The political economy of growth, poverty and the role of the state in two Chinese provinces, John A. DONALDSON Conference Paper

Modernizing Confucianism and new Confucianism, Sor-hoon TAN Book Chapter


The anti-intellectual presidency: The decline of presidential rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush, Elvin T. LIM Book


The evolution of human rights thinking in North Korea, Robert WEATHERLEY and Jiyoung SONG Journal Article

Social Value Orientation, Strong Versus Weak Situations, and Cooperation: A Meta-Analysis, Daniel Patrick BALLIET Conference Paper

The Hard Embodiment of Culture, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG and D. Cohen Conference Paper

Cultural Value Pluralism and Team Creativity, Chi-Ying CHENG; Dennis, W. Y. Hsu; J. Martz; and R. Y. J. Chua Conference Paper

Perceptions of International Instructors: A Cross-Cultural Study, Sandy Lim and Chi-Ying CHENG Conference Paper


Engaging art: What counts?, Steven J. Tepper and Yang GAO Book Chapter


Making transparency work, Ann FLORINI Journal Article

Measuring self-perceived mate value, Yla R. TAUSCZIK, Norman P. LI, and Margaret J. CASON Conference Paper

On the province: Innovation via Mongolian hotpot, John A. DONALDSON Conference Paper


Reaping the Rewards of Diversity: The Role of Identity Integration, Chi-Ying CHENG, Melissa Sanders, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Kristine Molina, Fiona LEE, Emily Darling, and Yu ZHAO Journal Article

The Science of Happiness and Well-Being: Singapore Perspectives, David CHAN Conference Paper

Emotional Recall: The Effects of Personality and Motivation on Memory, H. Harrison and Christie N. SCOLLON Conference Paper


Multicultural experience enhances creativity: The when and how, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, William W. MADDUX, Adam D. GALINSKY, and Chi-Yue CHIU Journal Article

The Developmental State as Creator of K-Hubs and Clusters: Hong Kong and Singapore in Comparative Perspective, Wai Keung CHUNG Conference Paper

Impression of Robots with Human Gestures, S. L. LEE, Ivy Yee-Man LAU, H. Ishiguro, and Y. Yoshikawa Conference Paper


On changes in Rural China: The Rise of Agrarian Capitalism and Dissolution of the Peasantry in Contemporary China, Forrest ZHANG and John A. DONALDSON Working Paper


Using the Economic Concept of a 'Merit Good' to Justify the Teaching of Ethics across the University Curriculum, Mark NOWACKI and Wilfried Ver Eecke Magazine Article

Three corners for one: Creativity and tradition in the analects, Sor-hoon TAN Book Chapter

Effects of Positive Affect on Working Memory, Hwajin YANG and A. M. Isen Conference Paper

Estrogen Level Predicts Women's Self-Perveiced Physical Attractiveness and Romantic Relationship Motivations, K. M. DURANTE and Norman P. LI Conference Paper

Eudaimonic Versus Hedonic Orientations to Happiness: Time Perspective as an Individual Difference, S. Ito and Christie N. SCOLLON Conference Paper

I Can Read Your Mind: The Relationship between Happiness and Empathic Accuracy, A. E. Caldwell and Christie N. SCOLLON Conference Paper

Multiracial Identity Integration: Perceptions of Conflict and Distance among Multiracial Individuals, Chi-Ying CHENG and F. LEE Conference Paper

Narcissism as an Adaptive Individual Difference Trait for Men, P. K. JONASON, Norman P. LI, G. D. Webster, and D. P. SCHMITT Conference Paper

The Soft Embodiment of Culture, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG and D. Cohen Conference Paper

Changing Concepts of Race: Differences between Multiracial and Monoracial Individuals, Katherine AUMER-RYAN, Norman P. LI, and Elaine HATFIELD Conference Paper


Predicting the Psychological Health of Older Adults: Interaction of Age-Based Rejection Sensitivity and Discriminative Facility, Debbie Sau-King CHOW, Evelyn Wing-Mun AU, and Chi-Yue CHIU Journal Article

A New Dawn of Chinese-Dayak Relationships: Spirit Mediums and Politicians on the West Kalimantan Stage, Margaret CHAN Conference Paper

One Is Enough: On the Efficacy of the Single Variable Model, Shenghua LUAN and L. Schooler Conference Paper

A New Form of Inclusion for the Post 9/11 World: Conceptualizing Religious Citizenship, Chang Yau HOON Conference Paper

Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Analyzing changes over Time, David CHAN Conference Paper

Truths and Myths in the Problem of Self-Report Data, David CHAN Conference Paper

Cultural Frame Switching and Group Categorization, Chi-Ying CHENG Conference Paper

Harnessing Creativity from Diversity: A Multiple Level Model, J. Han, Si-qing Peng, Chi-Yue CHIU, and Angela K.-Y. LEUNG Conference Paper

Seeking New Opportunities: Global Networks and Environmental Governance in Japan and Korea, Yooil BAE and Dong-De Shin Conference Paper

Agricultural Modernization in China and Its Impact on Cities: From the Perspective of Rural-Urban Linkage, Qian Forrest ZHANG Conference Paper

Consideration of Future Consequences, Self-Control, and Health Behaviors, Daniel Patrick BALLIET Conference Paper


Responding to Terrorism: Legal, Political and Philosophical Perspectives, Robert IMRE, Benjamin CLARKE, and T. Brian MOONEY Book


Anarcho-multiculturalism: The pure theory of liberalism, Chandran KUKATHAS Book Chapter

Asymmetrical Friendships, T. Brian MOONEY and John WILLIAMS Working Paper


Becoming a better leader, David CHAN Magazine Article


Chinese Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Culture, Politics and Media, Chang Yau HOON Book

Contesting ideologies and the role of government policies in arresting ultra low fertility: The Singapore experience, Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN Journal Article

Cultural privacy, Chandran KUKATHAS Journal Article

Culture and Individual Differences, David CHAN Conference Paper

Defining employee engagement for productive research and practice, Reeshad S. DALAL; Bradley J. BRUMMEL; WEE, Serena; and Lisa L. THOMAS Journal Article

Democracy and science in education: Lacuna in China’s modernization, Sor-hoon TAN Book Chapter

Democracy as culture: Deweyan pragmatism in a globalizing world, Sor-hoon TAN and Sor Hoon TAN Edited Book

Dual Professional Identity Integration and Innovation, Chi-Ying CHENG, J. Sanchez-Burks, and F. LEE Conference Proceeding Article


Ethnic Differentials in Parental Health Seeking for Childhood Illness in Vietnam, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN and James F. Phillips Journal Article

Family policies: Interface of gender, work, and the sacredisation of the child, Paulin Tay STRAUGHAN Book Chapter

Global Governance and Policy Processes: Global Networks, NGOs, and Environmental Movements in Korea, Yooil BAE Working Paper


Hong Kong on the move: 10 years as the HKSAR, Carola MCGIFFERT and James T. H. TANG Edited Book


Hong Kong's continuing search for a new order: Political stability in a partial democracy, Tuck Hong James TANG Book Chapter


Hong Kong's reunion with China: The global dimension, James T. H. TANG Edited Book

How to Study the Inter-Relationships between Society, Culture, Beliefs and Behaviors? The Contributions of Shared Implicit Theories, Chi-Yue CHIU, Evelyn Wing-Mun AU, and J. CHEN Journal Article


International NGOs, Ann FLORINI Book Chapter


Introduction, T. Brian MOONEY Book Chapter


Just War and Terrorism, T. Brian MOONEY Book Chapter


Methodological Issues in International Human Resource Management, David CHAN Book Chapter

National Identity and the Geo-Soul: Spiritually Mapping Siam, Jacob Isaac RICKS Journal Article

National Implementation of UN Sanctions: What's New?, Clara PORTELA Conference Paper


On Being a Mindful Authoritarian: Is Need for Cognition Always Associated with Greater Tolerance of Deviant and Stigmatized Groups?, Kim-Pong TAM, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, and Chi-Yue CHIU Journal Article

Personal and Workgroup Incivility: Impact on work and Health Outcomes, Sandy LIM, Lilia M. CORTINA, and Vicki J. MAGLEY Journal Article

Reading landscape meanings: State constructions and lived experiences in Singapore's Chinatown, Brenda S. A. Yeoh and Lily KONG Book Chapter

Reconstructing ‘Culture’: A Deweyan response to anti-democratic culturalism, Sor-hoon TAN Book Chapter

Relationships between Research and Public Policy, David CHAN Invited Academic Talk/Lecture


Religious Processions: Urban Politics and Poetics, Lily Kong Book Chapter

Reshaping Local Democracy: Local Governments, Civil Society, and the Politics of Decentralization in Japan and Korea, Yooil BAE Working Paper

Review of Lost soul, Sor-hoon TAN Book Review


Sanctions against Belarus: Normative Unintended, Clara PORTELA Book Chapter

Sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Conflict Management by Other Means, Clara PORTELA Conference Paper


Shaw cinema enterprise and understanding cultural industries, Lily KONG Book Chapter

Taking Advantage of Differences: Increasing Team Innovation through Identity Integration, Chi-Ying CHENG, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, and Fiona LEE Book Chapter


Terrorism, Story-Telling and Existential Communication, T. Brian MOONEY Book Chapter

The Limits of the African Peer Review Mechanism, Ian Taylor and Eduard Christiaan JORDAAN Book Chapter


The Stress-Affiliation Paradigm Revisited: Do People Prefer the Kindness of Strangers or Their Attractiveness?, Norman P. LI, Rose A. Halterman, Margaret J. Cason, George P. Knight, and Jon K. Maner Journal Article


The Well-Being of Nations: Linking Together Trust, Cooperation, and Democracy, William TOV and Ed DIENER Book Chapter


Torture, Tragedy and Natural Law, T. Brian MOONEY Book Chapter

Submissions from 2007

Communicating Social Virtues within and across Cultures, Mark NOWACKI Conference Paper

Confucianism, and Filial Obligations, John N. WILLIAMS Conference Paper

Engaging Reason across Cultures: Where the Limits Might Be, Kirpal SINGH Conference Paper

Social Value Orientation, Self-Control, and Moral Behavior in Social Dilemmas, Daniel Patrick BALLIET Conference Paper


A Trans-Tasman business elite?, Nicholas HARRIGAN and Shaun GOLDFINCH Journal Article


A Trans-Tasman Business Elite?, Nicholas HARRIGAN and Shaun Goldfinch Journal Article


Chinese loyalty to supervisor questionnaire development, Ding-Yu JIANG, Bor-Shuian CHENG, Chi-Ying CHENG, and Li-Fang CHOU Journal Article


Global transformations and “Cosmopolitical” Social Science, Michael D. KENNEDY, Camilo LESLIE, Allison NAU, Atef SAID, and Hiro SAITO Journal Article