Measuring self-perceived mate value
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
The nature and quantity of mating opportunities available to an individual are affected by his or her value as a potential mate. Therefore, self-perceived mate value may guide an individual's reproductive strategy. In a study of men, self-perceived mate value predicted mating effort (Apicella & Marlowe, 2007). Another study of women showed that mate preferences changed based on self-perceived attractiveness (Little et. al., 2001). Also, self-perceived mate value predicted aggression in sexual competition context (Kirkpatrick et. al., 2002). However, scales used in past studies have consisted of few questions and may only elicit one aspect of mate value, such as physical attractiveness. We have developed a two-factor scale to measure self-perceived mate value. Using this scale, we examined the relationship between self-perceived mate value and various measures, including physical measurements, mate preference priorities, self-esteem, sociosexual orientation, and mating history.
Gender and Sexuality | Social Psychology
Research Areas
Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society 2nd Annual Meeting 2008, May 2-4
City or Country
Manchester, NH
TAUSCZIK, Yla R., LI, Norman P., & CASON, Margaret J..(2008). Measuring self-perceived mate value. Paper presented at the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society 2nd Annual Meeting 2008, May 2-4, Manchester, NH.
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