Submissions from 2011
Effects of Cultural Ethnicity, Firm Size, and Firm Age on Senior Executives’ Trust in their Overseas Business Partners: Evidence from China, Crystal X. Jiang, Roy Y. J. CHUA, Masaaki Kotabe, and Janet Y. Murray Journal Article
Entry into New Niches: The Effects of Firm Age and the Expansion of Technological Capabilities on Innovative Output and Impact, Reddi KOTHA, Yangfeng ZHENG, and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article
Investment Strategy For the New ‘Old’ Economy, Kuo Chuen David LEE Conference Paper
Private Equity in Public Corporations, Xiaping Jerry CAO Book Chapter
Resource-Based Theory and Corporate Diversification: Accomplishments and Opportunities, William P. WAN, Robert E. HOSKISSON, Jeremy C. SHORT, and Daphne W. YIU Journal Article
Seeing the "forest" or the "trees" of organizational justice: Effects of temporal perspective on employee concerns about unfair treatment at work, Irina Cojuharenco, David Patient, and Michael R. BASHSHUR Journal Article
Significance of sector-specific corporate social responsibility initiatives: Status and role of CSR in different sectors, A. PANG, A. MAK, and M. H. LEE Book Chapter
The Impact of Brand Quality on Shareholder Wealth, Sundar G. BHARADWAJ, Kapil R. TULI, and Andre BONFER Journal Article
The validity and incremental validity of knowledge tests, low-fidelity simulations, and high-fidelity simulations for predicting job performance in advanced-level high-stakes selection, Filip LIEVENS and Fiona PATTERSON Journal Article
When does the Socio-cultural Context Matter? Communal Orientation and Entrepreneurs' Resource Accumulation Efforts in Africa, Jane N. O. KHAYESI and Gerard GEORGE Journal Article
Intuitive Politicians or Unintuitive Penitents? Regret Aversion, Accountability and Justification in the Decoy Effect, Terry Connolly and Jochen Matthias REB Conference Paper
The Rise of Asian Philanthropy, Thomas MENKHOFF Magazine Article
Acquisitions Driven By Stock Overvaluation: Are They Good Deals?, Fangjian FU, Leming LIN, and Micah OFFICER Conference Paper
Bringing institutional change inside the organization: Staff professionals as key enablers, Thibault DAUDIGEOS and Marko PITESA Conference Proceeding Article
Communicating crisis: How culture influences image repair in Western and Asian governments, Yvonne Siew‐Yoong LOW, Jeni VARUGHESE, and Augustine PANG Journal Article
Financial capital and startup survival, Jeongsik LEE and Wei ZHANG Conference Proceeding Article
Grey market for indian IPOs: Investor sentiment and after-market performance, Chandrasekhar KRISHNAMURTI, Tiong Yang THONG, and Vishwanath RAMANNA Working Paper
Integrating distributed work: task design, communication and tacit coordination mechanisms, Kannan SRIKANTH and Phanish Puranam Journal Article
Knowledge flow between academic and industry scientists for complex innovation: A view from the knowing in practice perspective, Yun SU and Deborah J. Dougherty Presentation
Maritime Trade Evolutions and Port City Developments in Asia, X. J. YANG, Joyce M. W. LOW, and Loon Ching TANG Book Chapter
Optimal investment under operational flexibility, risk aversion, and uncertainty, Michail CHRONOPOULOS, Bert DE REYCK, and Afzal SIDDIQUI Journal Article
Socioeconomic strata, mobile technology, and education: A comparative analysis, Paul KIM, Teresita HAGASHI, Laura CARILLO, Irina GONZALES, Tamas MAKANY, Bommi LEE, and Alberto GARATE Journal Article
Streaks in earnings surprises and the cross-section of stock returns, Roger LOH and Mitchell Craig WARACHKA Presentation
The Price Discovery Puzzle in Offshore Yuan Trading: Different Contributions for Different Contacts, David K. DING, Y. Tse, and M. Williams Conference Paper
Sourcing Reform Competency and Effective Collaboration: A Resource Based View, Sudhindra SESHADRI Conference Paper
Using Microblogging ("Tweets") in Higher Education: New Opportunities for Blended Learning, Thomas MENKHOFF and Magnus L. BENGTSSON Conference Proceeding Article
Rhetoric or remorse? An analysis of BP’s structure of apology in the Gulf Coast oil spill, A. DIERS and A. PANG Conference Proceeding Article
Management of airline check-in queues: Static vs dynamic policies, Mahmut Parlar, Brian RODRIGUES, and Sharafali MOOSA Conference Paper
Airport Pricing and Capacity Decisions under Imperfect Competition, Joyce M. W. LOW, Loon Ching TANG, and Xue Ming YUAN Conference Paper
Analysis of intermodal freight from China to Indian Ocean: A goal programming approach, Xuejing YANG, Joyce M. W. LOW, and Loon Ching TANG Journal Article
A New Force for Business, Jin MONTESANO and Mark CHONG Magazine Article
Asset Performance Evaluation with Mean-Variance Ratio, Zhidong Bai, Kok Fai PHOON, Keyan Wang, and Wing-Keung Wong Conference Paper
Can US Economic Variables Predict Chinese Stock Market?, Jun TU Presentation
Do merger-related operating synergies exist?, Gennaro BERNILE and Scott W. BAUGUESS Working Paper
Multinational Advantages of Chinese Business Groups: A Theoretical Exploration, Daphne W. YIU Journal Article
Political Connection and Firm Value, James S. ANG, David K. DING, and Tiong Yang THONG Conference Paper
Regret Aversion in Reason-based Choice, Terry CONNOLLY and Jochen REB Journal Article
Size and Return: A New Perspective, Fangjian FU and Wei YANG Conference Paper
Types of Foreign R&D Activity: A Transaction-specific Costs Perspective, Wee Liang TAN and Alex Tai Loong TAN Conference Paper
Vital Facets of Business Sustainability, Lieven DEMEESTER News Article
Auction Applications in Financing Shipping Procurement, Qing DING, Brian RODRIGUES, and Kekun Wu Conference Paper
Culture and emotion in crisis communication: Indigenization of the Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model, Lee-Ching CHENG, Yvonne Ai-Chi LOH, and A. PANG Conference Proceeding Article
Enduring image: Toward a conceptualization capturing defining moments in crises and how these impact organizations, Benjamin HO, Grace Xiao-Pei AUYONG, J. DONG, Liang Tong LAU, and A. PANG Conference Proceeding Article
Image work and crises: Toward a crisis pre-emptive image management model across the crisis life cycle, A. PANG Conference Proceeding Article
Use of new media in government crisis communication: Assessing exigency, effectiveness, and expedience, C. CHONG, N. MATHUR, and A. PANG Conference Proceeding Article
Impact of Social Media and Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning: Opportunities, Threats and Potentials, Thomas MENKHOFF and Magnus BENGTSSON Conference Paper
Adverse Selection and Corporate Governance, Charlie Charoenwong, David K. DING, and Vasan Siraprapasiri Journal Article
A Macro Perspective to Micro Issues, Devasheesh P. BHAVE and Stephane BRUTUS Journal Article
An analysis of Japanese earnings forecast revisions with application to seasoned equity offerings, Gary L. CATON, Justin S. P. CHAN, Jeremy C. GOH, and Sheng Yung YANG Journal Article
A Threshold Model for Respondent Heterogeneity, CHANDUKALA, Sandeep R.; Sylvia Long-Tolbert; and Greg M. Allenby Journal Article
Capacity Management for Commodity Processors, Onur BOYABATLI and Dang Quang Nguyen Conference Paper
Digitisation's Impacts on publics: Public Knowledge and Civic Conversation, Alessandro Lovari, Soojin KIM, Kelly Vibber, and Jeong-Nam KIM Journal Article
Disproportional Ownership Structure and Pay-Performance Relationship in China, Jerry CAO, Xiaofei PAN, and Gary TIAN Journal Article
Earnings Management Surrounding Seasoned Bond Offerings: Do Managers Mislead Ratings Agencies and the Bond Market, Gary L. GATON, Chiraphol New CHIYACHANTANA, Choong Tze CHUA, and Jeremy GOH Journal Article
Embeddedness and New Idea Discussion in Professional Networks: The Mediating Role of Affect-Based Trust, Roy Y. J. CHUA, Michael W. MORRIS, and Paul INGRAM Journal Article
Family Roots of Microfinancing in South India: The Case of the Chettiars, Wee Liang TAN and Jayarani TAN Conference Paper
Financial Hedging Decision on Procurement Risk for Newsvendor Model with Value-at-Risk Constraint, Yuan WEN, Qing DING, and Jian CHEN Conference Paper
From Communal Entrepreneurship To International Networks: The Case Of The Chettiars In Asia, Wee Liang TAN and Jayarani TAN Conference Paper
Getting Due Diligence Right, Michael BENOLIEL Conference Paper
Information Asymmetry in Warrants and their Underlying Stocks on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, N. Visaltanachoti, C. Charoenwong, and David K. DING Journal Article
Internationalizing Through Franchising - Singapore's Gambits in the GCC: Mining the Silver around the Gold, Caroline YEOH and Joses Wong Journal Article
Investor Heterogeneity, Investor-Management Agreement and Open Market Share Repurchase, Sheng HUANG and Anjan V. THAKOR Conference Paper
Leverage change, debt overhang, and stock prices, Jie CAI and Zhe ZHANG Journal Article
Mixed 0-1 linear programs under objective uncertainty: A completely positive representation, Karthik NATARAJAN, Chung-Piaw TEO, and Zhichao ZHENG Journal Article
New Concepts for Activity Float in Resource-constrained Project Management, Andrew LIM, Hong MA, Brian RODRIGUES, Sun Teck TAN, and Fei XIAO Journal Article
Nonprofits and Social Entrepreneurship Intentions: Examining the Role of Organizational Attributes, Wee Liang TAN and So-Jin Yoo Conference Paper
Publishing in AMJ: Part 1: Topic choice: From the Editors, Jason A. COLQUITT and Gerard GEORGE Editorial
Relation-Specific Creative Performance in Voluntary Collaborations: A Micro-Foundation for Competitive Advantage?, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Duncan Robertson Conference Paper
SEC Rule 105 and Price Discovery in the Secondary Market, C. Charoenwong, David K. DING, and P. WANG Journal Article
Situational judgment tests as a new tool for dental student selection, Tine BUYSE and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
The Impact of Transnational Intellectual Property Rights on Firms’ Knowledge Formation: Evidence from China-US Patent Dyads, Kenneth Guang-Lih HUANG Conference Paper
The implications of sovereign wealth fund investment on capital markets: A bottom-up view, David FERNANDEZ Book Chapter
The use of role-player prompts in assessment center exercises, Eveline SCHOLLAERT and Filip LIEVENS Journal Article
Valuation of risky projects and other illiquid investments using portfolio selection models, Janne GUSTAFSSON, Bert DE REYCK, Zeger DEGRAEVE, and Ahti SALO Book Chapter
Writing to learn: Can reflection journals be used to promote self-reflection and learning?, Duan Ning, Magdeleine LEW and Henk G. SCHMIDT Journal Article
Understanding Backlas against Managers: The Role of Subordinates' Sex and Self-esteem, Madeline Li Xuan ONG, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK, and Gregory D. WEBSTER Conference Paper
Extraversion Impacts Work-family Enrichment via Multiple Pathways: A Multilevel Diary Study, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK, C. Veronica SMITH, Jessica A. BAGGER, and Gregory D. WEBSTER Presentation
A different look at why selection procedures work: The role of candidates' ability to identify criteria, Martin KLEINMANN, Pia V. INGOLD, Filip LIEVENS, Anne JANSEN, Klaus G MELCHERS, and Cornelius J. KONIG Journal Article
An Analysis of the Extended Christofides Heuristic for the k-depot Travelling Salesman Problem, Zhou XU, Liang XU, and Brian Charles RODRIGUES Journal Article
Competitive Groups as Cognitive Communities: The Case of Scottish Knitwear Manufacturers Revisited, Joseph F. PORAC, Howard THOMAS, and Charles BADEN-FULLER Journal Article
Different means to the same end: A comparative contingency analyses of Singapore and China’s management of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) crisis, Yan JIN, Augustine PANG, and Glen T. CAMERON Journal Article
Engaging knowledge management learners through web-based ICT: An empirical study, Thomas MENKHOFF, Tze Yian THANG, Yue Wah CHAY, and Yue Kee WONG Journal Article
How Important are Earnings Announcements as an Information Source?, Sudipta BASU, Truong Xuan DUONG, Stanimir MARKOV, and Eng Joo TAN Journal Article
Innovation and Commoditization: Prioritizing and Profiling Asian Managers’ Cross-Border Sourcing Practices, Sudhindra SESHADRI Journal Article
Mixed 0-1 linear programs under objective uncertainty: A completely positive representation, Karthik NATARAJAN, Chung-Piaw TEO, and Zhichao ZHENG Journal Article
Ratings Lead You To The Product, Reviews Help You Clinch It: The Dynamics and Impact of Online Review Sentiments on Product Sales, Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, Nan HU, and Noi Sian KOH Presentation
Shareholder Heterogeneity and Conflicting Goals: Strategic Investments in the Japanese Electronics Industry, Asli M. Colpan, Toru YOSHIKAWA, Takashi Hikino, and Ester B. Del Brio Journal Article
Technical Appendix to "Stochastic Capacity Investment and Flexible vs. Dedicated Technology Choice in Imperfect Capital Markets", Onur BOYABATLI Report
The Disparity Between Long-Term and Short-Term Forecasted Earnings Growth, Zhi DA and Mitchell Craig WARACHKA Journal Article
The impact of digitalization on civic participation and conversation, Soojin KIM, Alessandro Lovari, and Jeong-Nam Kim Conference Paper
When managers and their teams disagree: A longitudinal look at the consequences of differences in perceptions of organization support, Michael R. BASHSHUR, Ana Hernandez, and Vicente Gonzalez-Roma Journal Article
Are You a Value Creation Negotiator?, Michael BENOLIEL News Article
Getting Due Diligence Right, Michael BENOLIEL News Article
Introduction: Beyond the Knowledge Trap, Thomas MENKHOFF, Hans-Dieter EVERS, Yue Wah CHAY, and Eng Fong PANG Book Chapter
Regret and Justification as a Link from Argumentation to Consequentialism, Terry Connolly and Jochen Matthias REB Journal Article
The Conflicting “Norms” of Science in the Institutionalization of Scientific Knowledge, Kenneth Guang-Lih HUANG Book Chapter
The forgotten facet: Employee satisfaction with management above the level of immediate supervision, Reeshad S. Dalal, Michael R. BASHSHUR, and Marcus Crede Journal Article
The Liquidity Risk of Liquid Hedge Funds, Melvyn TEO Journal Article
The Principles of Masterful Negotiation, Michael BENOLIEL News Article
Touching a Teddy Bear Mitigates the Negative Effects of Social Exclusion, Kenneth Tai, Xue Zheng, and Jayanth Narayanan Journal Article