Submissions from 2009
Why Conceptual Design Matters in Policy Formulation: A Case for an Integrated Use of Complexity Science and Engineering Design, Araz TAEIHAGH, Zun WANG, and René Bañares-Alcántara Conference Proceeding Article
The Transformation of China’s Agriculture System and Its Impact on Southeast Asia, Phoebe LUO, John Andrew DONALDSON, and Qian Forrest ZHANG Conference Paper
A relative impact ranking of political studies In Ireland, Kenneth BENOIT and Michael MARSH Journal Article
Challenges for estimating policy preferences: Announcing an open access archive of political documents, Kenneth BENOIT, Thomas BRAUNINGER, and Marc DEBUS Journal Article
One cheer for Constantinople: A comment on Pettit and Skinner on Hobbes and freedom, Chandran KUKATHAS Journal Article
Social Value Orientation and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas, Daniel Patrick BALLIET, C. Parks, and J. Joireman Conference Paper
Diverse Cultural Experiences Facilitate Creativity and Innovation, Adam GALINSKY, William W. MADDUX, Carmit T. TADMOR, Hajo ADAM, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG, Hal B. GREGERSEN, and Jeffrey H. DYER Conference Paper
Gender Division of Household Labor in Vietnam: Cohort Trends and Regional Variations, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN, John Knodel, Manh Loi Vu, and Tuan Huy Vu Conference Paper
Opening philosophy to the world: Derrida and education in philosophy, Steven BURIK Journal Article
Plus ça Change: Innovation and the spirit of enterprise in Tocqueville’s America, Christine Dunn HENDERSON Journal Article
Plus ça Change: Innovation and the spirit of enterprise in Tocqueville’s America, Christine Rodman HENDERSON Journal Article
Chinese christian churches in Jakarta: A preliminary survey, Chang Yau HOON Conference Paper
An Evolutionary Perspective on Humor: Sexual Selection or Interest Indication?, Norman P. LI, Vladas GRISKEVICIUS, Kristina M. DURANTE, Peter K. JONASON, Derek J. PASISZ, and Katherine AUMER Journal Article
Radical politics in Hong Kong: Can business make a difference?, James T. H. TANG Journal Article
Religion/spirituality/faith, Lily KONG Encyclopaedia
The Nature and Effect of Film Festival Strategies by Film Producers, Ann VOGEL Conference Paper
Do we have a winner? What the China-India paradox may reveal about regime type and human security, Devin K. JOSHI Journal Article
Justifying circumstances and Moore-paradoxical beliefs: A response to Brueckner, John N. WILLIAMS Journal Article
Renegotiating the Sacred-Secular Binary: IX Saves and Contemporary Christian Music, Paul Yunsik CHANG and Dale J. Lim Journal Article
Salespeople's renqing orientation, self-esteem, and selling behaviors: An empirical study in Taiwan, Ming-Hong TSAI, Shu-Cheng Steve CHI, and Hsia-Hua HU Journal Article
The Role of Ideal Affect in the Experience and Memory of Emotions, Christie N. SCOLLON, Amanda H. HOWARD, Amanda E. CALDWELL, and Sachiyo ITO Journal Article
Confucian response to Rorty’s postmodern bourgeois liberal idea of community, Sor-hoon TAN Book Chapter
Fashion, Rivals, and Love: The Effects of Intrasexual Competition and Fertility on Women's Consumer Behavior, Kristina M. DURANTE, Sarah E. HILL, Carin PERILLOUX, and Norman P. LI Conference Paper
The Dark Triad as a Short-Term Mating Strategy: Implications for Mate Poaching and Mate Retention Tactics, Peter K. JONASON, Norman P. LI, and David M. BUSS Conference Paper
The reinvention of Chinese New Year: Imlek in Post-Suharto Indonesia, Chang Yau HOON Conference Paper
The role of abortion in explaining ethnic fertility differentials in Vietnam, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN and Sajeda AMIN Conference Paper
Why do similar areas adopt different developmental strategies? A study of two puzzling Chinese provinces, John A. DONALDSON Journal Article
Explaining incivility in the workplace: The effects of personality and culture, Wu LIU, Shu-cheng CHI, Ray FRIEDMAN, and Ming-Hong TSAI Journal Article
(In-)Coherence in EU Foreign Policy: Exploring Sources and Remedies, Clara PORTELA and Kolja RAUBE Conference Paper
Method Variance: Problems, Preventatives and Remedies, David CHAN Conference Paper
Treating words as data with error: Uncertainty in text statements of policy positions, Kenneth BENOIT, Michael LAVER, and Slava MIKHAYLOV Journal Article
Multiracial Identity Integration: Perceptions of Conflict and Distance among Multiracial Individuals, Chi-Ying CHENG and Fiona LEE Journal Article
An Investigation of Attribution Process Using Parallel Competition Paradigm, Yuk-Yue TONG Conference Paper
Biculturalism and Creativity: The Role of Cultural Identify Integration, Chi-Ying CHENG Conference Paper
Easy to Remember and Hard to Forget: Effects of Emotional Prosody on Suppressed Verbal Memory, Hwajin YANG and S. YANG Conference Paper
Fashion, Rivals, and Love: The Effects of Intrasexual Competition and Fertility on Women's Consumer Behavior, K. M. DURANTE, C. Perilloux, S. E. Hill, and Norman P. LI Conference Paper
Self-Expression Vs. Norm Adherence: The Effect of Situational Goals, C. Wan and Angela K.-Y. LEUNG Conference Paper
The Fostering of Creativity through Multicultural Experiences: The When and How, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG and Chi-Yue CHIU Conference Paper
Desert heat island study in winter by mobile transect and remote sensing techniques, Chen-Yi SUN, Anthony J. BRAZEL, Winston T. L. CHOW, Brent C. HEDQUIST, and Lela PRASHAD Journal Article
Proclaiming trade policy: 'Delegated Unilateral Powers' and the limits on Presidential Unilateral Enactment of Trade Policy, Brandon ROTTINGHAUS and Elvin T. LIM Journal Article
The Dark Triad: Facilitating a Short-Term Mating Strategy in Men, Peter K. JONASON, Norman P. LI, Gregory D. WEBSTER, and David P. SCHMITT Journal Article
Toward a More Complete Understanding of the Link between Multicultural Experience and Creativity, William W. MADDUX, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG, Chi-Yue CHIU, and Adam D. GALINSKY Journal Article
Tyranny and tragedy in Beaumont’s Marie, Christine Rodman HENDERSON Book Chapter
The Institutionalization of Social Work Profession in China, Wai Keung CHUNG Conference Paper
The Politics of Literary Globalisation: Issues with the Literatures of Asia-Pacific, Kirpal SINGH Conference Paper
Enchanted Dreams or Amerjit’s Whisky Goes Awry, Kirpal SINGH Journal Article
Governing a City without the State? Tourism, Foreign Workers, and Urban Development in Singapore, Yooil BAE Conference Paper
Trends in Military Service in Northern Vietnam, 1950-1995: A Socio-Demographic Approach, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN Journal Article
The Logics of Desire and Belief, John N. WILLIAMS Conference Paper
The Postcolonial and the Global, Kirpal SINGH Conference Paper
Decentralization and Transformation of Central State in South Korea: The Role of Local and Civil Society, Yooil BAE Conference Paper
Organization Culture Compatibility: The Key to Successful Business Partnerships, Mark NOWACKI and Leon Perera Conference Paper
State Restructuring and Pathways to Local Democracy: Diffusion of Ideas in Korea and Japan, Yooil BAE Conference Paper
Face Off: Bicultural Identity Integration and Cultural Frame Switching, Chi-Ying CHENG Conference Paper
Globalization and Health Care Provision: A Systems Approach to Comparing Institutions of Health Care Provision, Steven Michael NEY Conference Paper
Individual Differences in Identity Integration and Creative Performance, Chi-Ying CHENG, J. Sanchez-Burks, and F. LEE Conference Paper
Moore’s Paradox, Defective Interpretation, Justified Belief and Conscious Belief: A Reply to Vahid, John N. WILLIAMS Working Paper
Multicultural Exposure and Cultural Habits as Catalysts for Team Creativity, Chi-Ying CHENG, M. Morris, S. Mor, and A. Wallen Conference Paper
Spreading Risks in Order to Keep them, Ann VOGEL and A. Shipman Conference Paper
The Completeness of the Pragmatic Solution to Moore’ Paradox: A Reply to Chan, John N. WILLIAMS Working Paper
Cultural Differences in Preferences for Fear and Excitement, M. TAMIR and Christie N. SCOLLON Conference Paper
Demanding Ethics: Comparing Levinas and Logstrup, Eduard Christiaan JORDAAN Conference Paper
A Dual-Motive Model of Self-Enhancement Behavior, Angela K.-Y. LEUNG, KIM-pong TAM, and Y. H. KIM Conference Paper
Differential Effects of Mood on Risky Choice Versus Advice, Hwajin YANG, Shenghua LUAN, and S. YANG Conference Paper
Forgivingness and Self-Control, Daniel Patrick BALLIET, S. Zhan, and S. Tan Conference Paper
Have Low Mate Value, Will Travel: Casting a Wider Net to Increase the Mating Pool, P. K. JONASON and Norman P. LI Conference Paper
Implicit Theories of Personality and Level of Uncertainty in Attributional Process, Yuk-Yue TONG Conference Paper
It's a Wonderful Life - for Some: An Examination of Satisfaction across Domains, Norman P. LI, Christie N. SCOLLON, and William TOV Conference Paper
Procedural Mindset, Iconicity, and the Psychological Reactions Towards Simultaneous Activation of Cultures, Yuk-Yue TONG and Pamsy Pun-Zee HUI Conference Paper
Seeking Help from Happy People: The Perceived Well-Being and Morality of Potential Helpers, William TOV Conference Paper
The Moderating Role of Implicit Beliefs of Culture on How Multicultural Individuals Perceive Their Host Country, Ivy Yee-Man LAU and Angela K.-Y. LEUNG Conference Paper
Whither the Laissez-Fair Economy? Hong Kong and the Development of a Knowledge Economy, Wai Keung CHUNG Conference Paper
Preliminary observations on chinese philanthropy in contemporary indonesia: ethnicity, national belonging and religion, Chang Yau HOON Conference Paper
The politics of ethnic chinese churches in indonesia, Chang Yau HOON Conference Paper
Gender and Health Status of Older Adults in Vietnam, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN Conference Paper
Testing Children and Young Adults for Bilingual Cognitive Advantages in Executive Attention System: Evidence from the Attention Network Test (Ant), S. YANG, Hwajin YANG, and B. Lust Conference Paper
The Nation, and Rational Incommensurability, T. Brian MOONEY Conference Paper
Agricultural Modernization in China and Its Impact on Cities, Qian Forrest ZHANG Book Chapter
Beyond Networks and Relations: Towards Rethinking Creative Cluster Theory, Lily Kong Book Chapter
changes of Social Identity of Hong Kong Adolescents: A Comparison in Ten Years, Ivy Yee-Man LAU, S. F. LAM, Chi-Yue CHIU, and Ying-Yi HONG Conference Paper
Chinese New Year in West Kalimantan: Ritual Theatre and Political Circus, Margaret CHAN Journal Article
Cosmopolitanism, freedom and indifference: A Levinasian view, Eduard JORDAAN Journal Article
Creative Economies, Creative Cities: Asian-European Perspectives, Lily Kong and Justin O'Connor Edited Book
Criticality and Engagement, Kirpal SINGH Book Chapter
Dilemma of a dutiful daughter: Liberty and friendship in the thought of Kartini, Chandran KUKATHAS Book Chapter
Effects of Emotional Prosody on Verbal Memory, Hwajin YANG and S. YANG Conference Paper
Effects of social distance and mood on moral judgment – Focusing on moral dilemmas, Ju Ha. HYUN, Kimin EOM, and Kwang Hee HAN Journal Article
Enchanted Dreams or Amarjit’s Whisky Goes Awry, Kirpal SINGH Book Chapter
Ethnic fertility differentials in Vietnam and their proximate determinants, Sajeda Amin and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan Working Paper
Examining the Relationship between Temperamental Effortful Control and Cognitive Inhibitory Control Abilities in 3- to 4- Year-Old Children, Hwajin YANG, V. T. W. Tan, and S. YANG Conference Paper
Foreword, Kirpal SINGH Book Chapter
Genocide and group rights, Chandran KUKATHAS Book Chapter
Getting Rich and Staying Connected: The Organizational Medium of Chinese Capitalists, Wai Keung CHUNG and Gary G. HAMILTON Journal Article
Goh to America: Contradictory Mirrored Images, Bridget WELSH Book Chapter
Happiness: Its Antecedents and Consequences, Ed DIENER, P. Kesebir, and William TOV Book Chapter
Household Headship in the Red River Delta, Vietnam: The Political Construction of the Family, Bussarawan TEERAWICHITCHAINAN Book Chapter
Income’s Differential Influence on Judgments of Life Versus Affective Well-Being, Ed DIENER, Daniel Kahneman, Raksha ARORA, James Harter, and William TOV Book Chapter
Intra-party politics and coalition governments, Daniela GIANNETTI and Kenneth BENOIT Edited Book
Introduction, Justin O'Connor and Lily KONG Book Chapter
Introduction, Justin O'Connor and Lily Kong Book Chapter