The collection contains journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) of Singapore Management University. The school research areas include Asian and comparative legal systems, Public international law, regional and trade law, Private law, Innovation, technology and the law, Dispute resolution, Legal theory, ethics and legal education, Public interest law, community and social justice, and Public law.


Submissions from 2023


Commercial conflict of laws, Tiong Min YEO Book


Constitutional equality and executive action: A comparative perspective to the comparator problem, Kenny CHNG Journal Article


Falsehoods, foreign interference, and compelled speech in Singapore, Kenny CHNG Journal Article


Influence in investor-state dispute settlement: A dynamic concept, Rachel Cahill-O'Callaghan, Anna Luisa Howard, and Stavros Brekoulakis Journal Article


Of inventorship and patent ownership: Examining the intersection between artificial intelligence and patent law, Cheng Lim SAW and Zheng Wen Samuel CHAN Journal Article


Report on the challenges which digital assets pose for tax systems with a special focus on developing countries, Vincent OOI Working Paper


Service out under the new rules of court, Ian MAH and Aaron YOONG Journal Article


Tax events in the life cycle of digital tokens, Vincent OOI Blog Post


The coming central bank digital currency revolution and the e-CNY, Heng WANG and Ross BUCKLEY Journal Article


The doctrine of unilateral severance and its potential development in Singapore, Zhi Jia KOH Journal Article

The evolution of the ‘Trade and …’ ‘Debate’— A view from ASEAN, Locknie HSU Journal Article

The Parliament of Singapore, Tan K. B. EUGENE Book Chapter


Two decades after Salini v Morocco: The case for retaining the Salini test with modifications, Darius CHAN and Justin LAI Journal Article

Pluralizing constitutional interpretation: An introduction, De Maartje VISSER and Jaclyn L. NEO Journal Article

What would a pluralist institutional approach to constitutional interpretation look like? Some methodological implications, De Maartje VISSER and Jaclyn L. NEO Journal Article


A review of the 2021/22 international moots season, Siyuan CHEN Magazine Article


Legal dispositionism and artificially-intelligent attributions, Jerrold SOH Journal Article


New investment rulemaking in Asia: Between regionalism and domestication, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article


Re-examining judicial review of delegated legislation, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG Journal Article


Repeal of the RECJA and transfer of countries to the REFJA, Adeline CHONG Blog Post


Singapore private international law: Commercial issues and practice, Adeline CHONG and Man YIP Book

Philanthropic giving in Singapore: The tax landscape, Vincent OOI and Kim Kit OW Journal Article


Developing the Lex Mercatoria, Tiong Min YEO Book Chapter

An unexpected development of legitimate expectations in Singapore, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG Transcript

An unexpected development of legitimate expectations in Singapore: Tan Seng Kee v Attorney General [2022] SGCA 16, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG Journal Article


Characterisation and choice of law for knowing receipt, Adeline CHONG Journal Article

CIT v AQQ: The Singapore GAAR and its Australasian influences, Vincent OOI Journal Article


Compensating and taxing land regulations, Seng Wei, Edward TI Journal Article

Contractual novations: The "partial novation" phenomenon and is advance consent absolute?, Kwan Ho LAU Transcript

Corruption and the Confiscation of Benefits Act, Aaron YOONG Book Chapter


Limited shareholder inspection rights in Singapore: Worrying legal gap or unnecessary for rankings?, Dan W. PUCHNIAK and TANG Samantha S. Book Chapter

Mutual assistance in Criminal Matters Act, Aaron YOONG Book Chapter


On beauty, scholarship, and function: The lessons from, and importance of, legal history in the development of the law of marine insurance: [Review of] Marine Insurance: A legal history by Rob Merkin, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


Personal service companies and the tax avoidance surcharge in Singapore, Vincent OOI and Ben Chester CHEONG Journal Article

Promoting ethnic diversity in public housing: Singapore and England compared, Seng Wei, Edward TI and Alvin W. L. SEE Journal Article

References under Article 100 of the Constitution, Aaron YOONG Book Chapter


Regulating the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Investment Arbitration, Mark MCLAUGHLIN Book Chapter

Securities and Futures Act: Criminal liability, Aaron YOONG Book Chapter

Summary proceedings for possession of land, Aaron YOONG Book Chapter

The constitutional case, Aaron YOONG Book Chapter

The Distress Act, Aaron YOONG Book Chapter

Tiered standards of proof before the International Court of Justice, Siyuan CHEN and Wei Xuan Joel FUN Journal Article


Virtual worlds, real money: Tax issues in the metaverse, Vincent OOI and Daryl LOY News Article

Submissions from 2022


Shareholder stewardship in Asia: Functional diversity within superficial formal convergence, KOH Alan K., Dan W. PUCHNIAK, and GOTO Gen Book Chapter

Innovations within Malaysian Trusts Law: Labuan's Trusts Law and the Hibah Trust, Hang Wu TANG Book Chapter

Abiding church-state relations in Singapore: Keeping Caesar and God apart, growing harmony in the body politic, and harnessing faith for the greater good, Tan K. B. EUGENE Book Chapter


A clear view of the law: Making sense of legal complexity, Kee Yang LOW Book

Ancillary relief: The law, Wing Cheong CHAN Book Chapter


An end-to-end pipeline from law text to logical formulas, Aarne RANTA, Inari LISTENMAA, Jerrold SOH, and Meng Weng (HUANG Mingrong) WONG Conference Proceeding Article

Assignees of the benefit of a deed and ‘black holes’ – Orchard Plaza Management Company Ltd v Balfour Beatty Regional Construction Ltd [2022] EWHC 1490 (TCC), Chee Ho THAM Transcript


China and trade and investment liberalization, Henry S. GAO Book Chapter


Crazy rich families in Singapore: Property, trust and business disputes, and the incompatibility of English Principles, Man YIP and Hang Wu TANG Book Chapter


Dispute settlement for ASEAN businesses under the Belt and Road Initiative: New Possibilities and directions, Locknie HSU Book

Equity and trusts, Hang Wu TANG and Yong Seng TAY Journal Article

Falsehoods, foreign interference and free speech in Singapore, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG and Jeremy CHAI Transcript


False promise to marry and other forms of sex by deception in India and Singapore, Wing Cheong CHAN Journal Article


Family offices, private trust companies and trust integrity issues: Problems and solutions, Vincent OOI and Ee Lin CHAN Book Chapter


Forks over knives: Predictive inconsistency in criminal justice algorithmic risk assessment tools, Travis GREENE, Galit SHMUELI, Jan FELL, Ching-Fu LIN, and Han-wei LIU Journal Article


International commercial mediation and dispute resolution contracts, Nadja ALEXANDER and Natasha TUNKEL Book Chapter


Mind the gaps: Assessing and enhancing the trustworthiness of mental health apps, Gary Kok Yew CHAN Journal Article


Regulation of residential property in the West: The impact of Chinese money, Seng Wei, Edward TI Book Chapter


Resulting and constructive trusts in the contemporary Singaporean family context, Man YIP Book Chapter


Shaping new interregionalism: The EU-Singapore free trade agreement and beyond, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article


Trade and transfer of environmentally sound technology in ASEAN: Mapping priorities to economic treaty negotiations, Locknie HSU Journal Article


Trusts and private wealth management: Developments and directions, Richard NOLAN, Hang Wu TANG, and Man YIP Edited Book


Justice personified: Justice Phang and tort law, Gary Kok Yew CHAN Book Chapter


Efficiency and fairness, Siyuan CHEN Book Chapter


Landmarks and signposts: Justice Phang and conflict of laws, Tiong Min YEO Book Chapter


Between market economy and state capitalism: China's state-owned enterprises and the World Trading System, Henry S. GAO and Weihuan ZHOU Book


Between market economy and state capitalism: China's state-owned enterprises and the world trading system, Henry S. GAO and Weihuan ZHOU Book


Book review: Mediation ethics: A practitioner's guide edited by Omer Shapira ed, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON Book Review


Buyer beware: Avoiding pitfalls when buying fine art, Gerard NG and Vincent OOI News Article


Digital services trade and trade agreements, Henry S. GAO Book Chapter


Interculturality in online dispute resolution, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON Book Chapter


Microcontextual considerations in ouster clause analysis: A comparative study of parallel trends in the United Kingdom and Singapore, Kenny CHNG Journal Article


Overview of matrimonial finance in other jurisdictions, Siyuan CHEN and Wei Xuan Joel FUN Book Chapter


Pursuing justice and justice alone: The heart and humanity of Andrew Phang's jusrisprudence, Yihan GOH Edited Book


The curious case of the 0.1 per cent service charge, Vincent OOI News Article


The investment chapter in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: Enhanced rules without enforcement mechanism, Henry S. GAO Book Chapter

Third Parties, Kwan Ho LAU and Gregory TOLHURST Book Chapter

An innovative invocation of substantive legitimate expectations in Singapore, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG Blog Post

Monarchical Constitutional Guardianship and Legal Metissage in Asia, De Maartje VISSER and Andrew. HARDING Journal Article


Constitutional traditions as boundaries in standardizing administrative rulemaking through trade agreements, Han-wei LIU and Ching-Fu LIN Journal Article


Constitutional traditions as boundaries in standardizing administrative rulemaking through trade agreements, Han-wei LIU and Ching-Fu LIN Journal Article


Exporting the First Amendment through trade: The global 'constitutional moment' for online platform liability, Han-wei LIU Journal Article


Holding residential property on Inter Vivos trusts in Singapore: Transfers of equity interests, Vincent OOI Journal Article


Holding residential property on Inter Vivos trusts in Singapore: Transfers of interests, Vincent OOI Journal Article


Making Singapore a regional centre for philanthropy, Kim Kit OW and Vincent OOI News Article


Non-satisfaction of pre-arbitration requirements: Moving away from conditions precedent towards the admissibility of a claim – NWA v NVF, Darius CHAN and Joel SOON Case note/Digest


Of landlords and tenants: Property in the midst of a pandemic, Seng Wei, Edward TI Journal Article


Promoting constitutional literacy: What role for courts?, De Maartje VISSER Journal Article

A matter of commercial judgment: Challenging the decisions of judicial manager under Singapore law: Yihua Lifestyle Technology Co, Ltd v HTL International Holdings Pte Ltd [2021] 2 SLR 11, Danny ONG, Aaron YOONG, and Aaron YOONG Transcript


Constitutionally engineering non-partisanship, Tan K. B. EUGENE Book Chapter

Contract, Yihan GOH, Pey Woan LEE, and Chee Ho THAM Transcript

Corporate shareholders in Singapore: Retail shareholders, effective empowerment and the unfulfilled promise of the digital revolution, Pearlie M. C. KOH and Hwee Hoon TAN Journal Article

Delivering fair, consistent, and reliable sentence for murder in Singapore, Wing Cheong CHAN Journal Article


Formulating general principles in a difficult area: Justice Phang and revenue law, Vincent OOI Book Chapter


Novation and advance consent, Kwan Ho LAU Journal Article


Secured transactions law in Asia: Principles, perspectives and reform by Louise Gullifer and Dora Neo, Wee Ling LOO Book Review


Strata plan cancellations in Australasia: A comparative analysis of nine jurisdictions, Seng Wei, Edward TI Journal Article