Submissions from 2007
Construction Law Reports (Vols 109,110,111,112,113,114), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
The Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON; Brownsword Roger; Bradgate Robert; Macdonald Elizabeth; Clarke Malcolm; Boon Leong, Andrew Phang; Adams John; G. J. Tolhurst; J. W. Carter; and Halson Roger Book
Some Legal Problems in the Establishment of Economic Integration Agreements between China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, Shuchao Henry GAO Book
Lives in the law: Essays in honour of Koh Kheng Lian, EP Ellinger and Tan Sook Yee, Dora NEO, Hang Wu TANG, and Michael HOR Edited Book
Afghanistan's Agenda for Action: Islamic Law (Shari'ah), Andrew WHITE Book
Submissions from 2006
Chinese translation of Nadja M. Alexander (ed.), Global trends in mediation (2nd Edition) (全球调解趋势(第二版)[澳] 娜嘉.亚历山大 主编 王福华 魏庆玉 译), Nadja ALEXANDER Edited Book
Global trends in mediation, Nadja ALEXANDER Edited Book
Criminal Law: Problems in Context, Mark FINDLAY Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
A Building Contract Casebook, Michael Philip FURMSTON and Vincent Powell-Smith Book
China's Legal Battles in the Wto, Shuchao Henry GAO Book
Copyright law and the information society in Asia, Christopher HEATH and Kung-chung LIU Edited Book
Halsbury's Laws of Singapore, Vol. 6 Company Law 2006 Reissue, Kee Yang LOW Edited Book
From foundation to legacy: The second charter of justice, Andrew B.L. PHANG Book
Submissions from 2005
Mediation, schlichtung, verhandlungsmanagement : Formen konsensualer streitbeilegung, Nadja ALEXANDER, Juliane ADE, and Constantin OLBRISCH Book
Transforming International Criminal Justice: Retributive and restorative justice in the trial process, Mark FINDLAY and Ralph J. HENHAM Book
The Australian Criminal Justice System, Mark FINDLAY, Stephen ODGERS, and Stanley M. H. YEO Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Modern American Trust Act, Norio HIGUCHI, MYOUNG WU, and Ying Chieh WU Edited Book
European Securities Law, [in Chinese], Heng WANG and Xuejun SHENG Edited Book
Submissions from 2004
Introducing Policing: Challenges for Police and Australian Communities, Mark FINDLAY Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Legal Issues on the Economic Integration Agreement between China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, Shuchao Henry GAO Book
Basic principles of Singapore Business Law, Andrew B.L. PHANG Edited Book
Choice of Law for Equitable Doctrines, Tiong Min YEO Book
Choice of Law for Equitable Doctrines, Tiong Min Yeo Book
Submissions from 2003
Global trends in mediation, Nadja ALEXANDER Edited Book
Intellectual property: Patents, copyrights, trade marks and allied rights, William R. CORNISH and Gordon Ionwy David LLEWELYN Book
The Case of the Rhodian Corn in Festschrift Fur Peter Schlechtriem Zum 70 Geburtstag (Mohr Siebeck 2003), Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Unification of the European Law of Obligations - an English View in Melanges Offerts a Marcel Fontaine (Larcier 2003), Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
The Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON; Brownsword Roger; Bradgate Robert; Macdonald Elizabeth; Clarke Malcolm; Boon Leong, Andrew Phang; Adams John; G. J. Tolhurst; J. W. Carter; and Halson Roger Book
The Law of Guarantees in Singapore & Malaysia, Kee Yang Low Book
The WTO and China: The road to free trade, David Nathan SMITH and Gui-guo WANG Edited Book
Submissions from 2002
'A' Level Law, Anthony M. Dugdale, Michael Philip FURMSTON, S. P. Jones, S. H. Sherrin, and K.M. Stanton Book
The Strange Case of George Blake in Liber Amicorum Jacques Herbots (Kluwer 2002), Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Legal rules of technology transfer in Asia, Christopher HEATH and Kung-chung LIU Edited Book
The Executives Guide to Business & the Law, Kee Yang Low and Benny Tabalujan Book
The Chinese Scroll: Environmental and Social Issues in Long-Term Contracts for Resources Development, David N. SMITH Book
China and the WTO: Going West, David Nathan SMITH and Guobin ZHU Edited Book
An Introduction to Genetic Engineering, Life Sciences and the Law, Sze Shun, George WEI Book
Submissions from 2001
Contract: Cases and Materials, H. G. Beale, W. D. Bishop, and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Problems for the Criminal Law, Mark FINDLAY Book
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Principles of Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 73,74,75,76,77,78), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Insurance law, Erin GOH, Valerie LOW, and Kee Yang LOW Edited Book
The development of criminal law and criminal justice in Singapore, Andrew B.L. PHANG and Wing Cheong CHAN Book
Principles of law for engineers, George T. L. SHENOY Edited Book
Submissions from 2000
The Criminal Laws of the South Pacific, Mark FINDLAY Book
Sale and Supply of Goods, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 67,68,69,70,71,72), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Finance law, Pauline GAN, Wee Ling LOO, and Kee Yang LOW Edited Book
Commercial and economic law in Singapore, Locknie HSU and Dora NEO Book
Halsbury's laws of Singapore, Andrew B.L. PHANG Edited Book
The Law of Copyright in Singapore, Sze Shun, George WEI Book
Submissions from 1999
Wirtschaftsmediation in theorie und praxis : Eine deutsch-australische studie, Nadja ALEXANDER Book
The Globalisation of Crime: Understanding the Transitional Relationships of Crime in a Global Context, Mark FINDLAY Book
Exemption Clauses and Unfair Terms, Michael Philip FURMSTON and Macdonald Elizabeth Book
A Building Contract Casebook, Michael Philip FURMSTON and Vincent Powell-Smith Book
The Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON; Brownsword Roger; Bradgate Robert; Macdonald Elizabeth; Clarke Malcolm; Boon Leong, Andrew Phang; Adams John; G. J. Tolhurst; J. W. Carter; and Halson Roger Book
Finance Law, Pauline GAN and Wee Ling LOO Book
Finance Law, Pauline GAN and Wee Ling LOO Book
Company law, Pearlie M C KOH, Victor C S YEO, and Kee Yang LOW Edited Book
Company Law, Pearlie Koh and Victor Yeo Book
Finance Law, Wee Ling Loo Book
A bibliographical survey of Singaporean legal materials, Andrew B.L. PHANG Book
Submissions from 1998
Negotiation: Theories and techniques, Nadja ALEXANDER, Bernadette ROGERS, and Ross BUCKLEY Book
Mass Media Laws and Regulations in Singapore, Peng Hwa ANG and Tiong Min YEO Edited Book
Misrepresentation and Fraud, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Contract Formation and Letters of Intent, Michael Philip FURMSTON, Takao Norisada, and Jill Poole Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 56,57,58,59,60), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
A Building Contract Casebook, Michael Philip FURMSTON and Vincent Powell-Smith Book
Contract law, Kit-Wye LUM, Victor C S YEO, and Kee Yang LOW Edited Book
Submissions from 1997
Construction Law Reports (Vols 51,52,53,54,55), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Mallal's Digest: Vol. 5: Criminal Procedure, S. Chandra MOHAN Edited Book
Submissions from 1996
'A' Level Law, Anthony M. Dugdale, Michael Philip FURMSTON, S. P. Jones, S. H. Sherrin, and K.M. Stanton Book
The Criminal Laws of the South Pacific, Mark FINDLAY Book
Criminal Law in Hong Kong: Cases and Commentary, Mark FINDLAY, Carla HOWARTH, and Ian DOBINSON Book
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 46,47,48,49,50), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
The Integrative Jurisprudence of Harold J. Berman, Howard HUNTER Edited Book
The Integrative Jurisprudence of Harold J. Berman, Howard HUNTER Edited Book
The Executives Guide to Business and the Law, Kee Yang Low and Benny Tabalujan Book
The executive’s guide to business & the law, Kee Yang LOW and Benny TABALUJAN Book
The Criminal Law of Hong Kong: A Descriptive Text, Derek ROEBUCK and Mark FINDLAY Edited Book
Law of rights and obligations of business in Singapore, George T. L. SHENOY Edited Book
Legal aspects of doing business in Singapore, George T. L. SHENOY and SK TOH Book
Submissions from 1995
Contract: Cases and Materials, H. G. Beale, W. D. Bishop, and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
An Introduction to the Singapore Legal System, Hui Meng Helena Chan Book
The Legal System of Singapore, Hui Meng Helena Chan Book
Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Sale and Supply of Goods, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 41,42,43,44,45), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Submissions from 1994
Jury Management in New South Wales, Mark FINDLAY and Peter DUFF Book
Sale and Supply of Goods, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 36,37,38,39,40), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of contract, Andrew B.L. PHANG Book
Submissions from 1993
Alternative Policing Styles: Cross Cultural Perspectives, Mark FINDLAY and Ugljesa ZVEKIC Book