Submissions from 1993
Construction Law Reports (Vols 30,31,32,33,34,35), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Toward critique and reconstruction: Roberto Unger on law, passion and politics, Andrew B.L. PHANG Book
Submissions from 1992
Juries: A Hong Kong Perspective, Peter DUFF, Mark FINDLAY, Carla HOWARTH, and Tsang-fai CHAN Book
'A' Level Law, Anthony M. Dugdale, Michael Philip FURMSTON, S. P. Jones, S. H. Sherrin, and K.M. Stanton Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 26,27,28,29), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
The Law of Guarantees in Singapore and Malaysia, Kee Yang Low Book
Submissions from 1991
Legal systems of the PRC, Chor-Wing CHIU, Ian DOBINSON, and Mark FINDLAY Book
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Constitutional Law in Malaysia and Singapore, Kevin Yew Lee TAN, Tiong Min YEO, and Kiat Seng LEE Book
Submissions from 1990
Sale of Goods, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Contract: Cases and Materials, Michael Philip FURMSTON, H. G. Beale, and W. Bishop Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 15,16,17,18,19,20), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Current Problems of International Trade Financing, P. K. Ho, Hui Meng Helena Chan, and E.P. Ellinger Book
Mallal's Digest: Vol. 1: Arms and Explosives, Banishment, S. Chandra MOHAN Edited Book
The Development of Singapore Law: Historical and socio-legal perspectives, Andrew B.L. PHANG Book
A Building Contract Casebook, Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Submissions from 1989
Croner's Model Business Contracts, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 12,13,14), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
The Law of Copyright in Singapore, Sze Shun, George WEI Book
Submissions from 1988
Dynamics of Collective Conflict: Riots at the Bathurst Bike Races, Chris CUNNEEN, Mark FINDLAY, Rob LYNCH, and Vernon TUPPER Book
'A' Level Law, Anthony M. Dugdale, Michael Philip FURMSTON, S. P. Jones, S. H. Sherrin, and K.M. Stanton Book
Understanding Crime and Criminal Justice, Mark FINDLAY and Russell HOGG Edited Book
Analysing (In)formal Mechanisms of Crime Control: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Mark FINDLAY and Ugljesa ZVEKIC Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 11), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Submissions from 1987
The Jury under Attack, Mark FINDLAY and Peter DUFF Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 7,8,9,10), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
You and the Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Current Developments in International Securities Commodities and Financial Futures Markets, K. L. Koh, Hui Meng Helena Chan, P. K. Ho, and P. N. Pillai Book
A Building Contract Casebook, Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Submissions from 1986
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
The Law of Tort: Policies and Trends in Liability for Damage to Property and Economic Loss, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 4,5,6), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Submissions from 1985
Contract: Cases and Materials, H. G. Beale, W. D. Bishop, and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
A Casebook of Irish Criminal Law, Mark FINDLAY and Finbarr MCAULEY Book
Current Issues of International Financial Law, D. G. Pierce, Helena Hui Meng CHAN, F. E. Lacroix, and P. N. Pillai Edited Book
Submissions from 1984
A Building Contract Casebook, Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Submissions from 1983
Issues in Criminal Justice Administration, Mark FINDLAY, Sandra J EGGER, and Jeffrey SUTTON Edited Book
The Effect on English Domestic Law of Membership of the European Communities and Ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights, Michael Philip FURMSTON, R. Kerridge, and B.E. Sufrin Book
Submissions from 1982
The State of the Prison: A Critique of Reform, Mark FINDLAY Book
Submissions from 1981
A Casebook of Irish Criminal Law, Mark FINDLAY and Finbarr MCAULEY Book
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON, G. C. Cheshire, and C. H. S. Fifoot Book
Submissions from 1980
Contractor's Guide to the I.C.E. Conditions of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Misrepresentation and Fraud, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Recent Reforms in Swedish Higher Education, Mogens N. PEDERSEN and Howard HUNTER Book
Submissions from 1977
Cheshire and Fifoot's Cases on the Law of Contract., Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Bail in Singapore, S. Chandra MOHAN Book
Submissions from 1976
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON, G. C. Cheshire, and C. H. S. Fifoot Book
Negotiating third world mineral agreements: Promises as prologue, David Nathan SMITH and Louis WELLS Book
Submissions from 1972
The Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON, G. C. Cheshire, and C. H. S. Fifoot Book
Submissions from 1963
The Law of Confessions and Scientific Evidence, David N. SMITH Book
Mapping out a valid search warrant, David Nathan SMITH Book