Submissions from 2016
Comparative Legal Systems, Basil C. BITAS Book
The Law and Practice of Trademark Transactions: A Global and Local Outlook, Irene CALBOLI and Jacques De Werra Edited Book
The law and practice of trademark transactions: A global and local outlook, Irene CALBOLI and Jacques DE WERRA Book
Research handbook of intellectual property exhaustaion and parallel imports, Irene CALBOLI and Edward LEE Book
Ethics and social responsibility: Asian and Western Perspectives, Gary Kok Yew CHAN and George T. L. SHENOY Edited Book
Halsbury's Laws of Singapore: Vol. 4: Civil Procedure: 2016 Reissue, Siyuan CHEN Edited Book
Civil Procedure in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA Book
The Law of Evidence in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN and Lionel LEO Book
Trade, investment, innovation and their impact on access to medicines: An Asian perspective, Locknie HSU Book
Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, realities and opportunities, Kung-chung LIU and Uday Racherla Edited Book
Essays on mediation: Dealing with disputes in the 21st century, Ian MACDUFF Edited Book
Submissions from 2015
Negotiation: Strategy style skills, Nadja ALEXANDER, Jill HOWIESON, and Kenneth H. FOX Book
Diversity in Intellectual Property: Identities, Interests, and Intersections, Irene CALBOLI and Srividhya RAGAVAN Edited Book
The Legal System of Singapore: Institutions, Principles and Practices, Gary Kok Yew CHAN and Jack Tsen-Ta LEE Edited Book
The Law of Torts in Singapore, Gary Kok Yew CHAN and Pey Woan LEE Book
Property, Labour and Legal Regulation: Dignity or Dependence?, Mark FINDLAY Book
Singapore Chronicles: Law, Yihan GOH Book
Singapore Law: 50 Years in the Making, Yihan GOH and Paul TAN Edited Book
Compulsory licensing: Practical experiences and ways forward, Reto HILTY and Kung-chung LIU Edited Book
Business and human rights in Southeast Asia: Risk and the regulatory turn, Mahdev MOHAN and Cynthia MOREL Edited Book
Justice as Friendship: A Theory of Law, Seow Hon TAN Book
Corporate Law, Hans Tjio, Pearlie M. C. KOH, and Pey Woan LEE Book
Singapore Academy of Law Journal Special Issue: Evolving Personal Torts, Christian WITTING and Yihan GOH Edited Book
Submissions from 2014
The Hong Kong Mediation Manual, Nadja ALEXANDER Book
Trademark Protection and Territoriality Challenges in a Global Economy, Irene CALBOLI and Edward LEE Edited Book
Civil Procedure in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA Book
International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Civil Procedure (Singapore), Siyuan CHEN and Eunice Chua Book
Constitutional Review in Europe: A Comparative Analysis, Maartje DE VISSER Book
Regulatory Worlds: Cultural and Social Perspectives when North meets South, Mark FINDLAY and Si Wei LIM Book
The Australian Criminal Justice System, Mark FINDLAY, Stephen ODGERS, and Stanley M. H. YEO Book
Construction Law Reports, Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Edited Book
Kerly's Law of trade marks and trade names, David T. KEELING, Gordon Ionwy David LLEWELYN, James MELLOR, and Duncan M. KERLY Book
Kerly's Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names: First Supplement, David LLEWELYN Book
Understanding Criminal Law, S. Chandra MOHAN Book
Criminal Procedure in Singapore and Malaysia (volume 2), Shunmugam MOHAN and Yock Lin Tan Book
Singapore Civil Procedure 2015, G. P. Selvam and Eunice CHUA Edited Book
Reading law in Singapore, Hang Wu TANG, Michael HOR, and Nicholas POON Edited Book
Criminal procedure in Singapore and Malaysia, Yock Lin TAN and S. Chandra MOHAN Book
Submissions from 2013
Hong Kong annotated statutes: Mediation ordinance (cap 620), Nadja ALEXANDER Book
Singapore Civil Procedure, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice Chua Book
Presidential legislation in India: The law and practice of ordinances, Shubhankar DAM Book
The Treaty on European Union 1993-2013: Reflections from Maastricht, Maartje DE VISSER and Anne Pieter Van der Mei Edited Book
Contemporary Challenges in Regulating Global Crises, Mark FINDLAY Book
International and Comparative Criminal Justice: A Critical Introduction, Mark FINDLAY, Louise Boon KUO, and Si Wei LIM Book
Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON, Jason CHUAH, and Chris Willett Book
The election of independent directors and corporate governance (In Chinese), Lianyu LIU, Iching TU, Yu-hsin LIN, and Christopher C. H. CHEN Edited Book
Singapore Civil Procedure 2013, G. P. Selvam and Eunice CHUA Edited Book
Principles of Singapore Business Law, George T. L. SHENOY and Wee Ling LOO Edited Book
Mergers and Acquisitions in Singapore: Law and Practice, Wai Yee WAN and Umakanth VAROTTIL Book
Submissions from 2012
Mediation: Skills and techniques, Laurence BOULLE and Nadja ALEXANDER Book
The Law in His Hands: A Tribute to Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong, Hick Tin CHAO, Andrew PHANG, V. K. RAJAH, and Tiong Min YEO Edited Book
Powell-Smith and Furmston's Building Contract Casebook, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Law of Credit and Security, Wee Ling LOO Book
The law of contract in Singapore, Andrew B.L. PHANG Edited Book
Contract Law in Singapore, Andrew PHANG and Yihan GOH Book
International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Contracts, Singapore (Supplement 74), Andrew PHANG and Yihan GOH Book
The derivative action in Asia: A comparative and functional approach, Dan W. PUCHNIAK, Harald BAUM, and Michael EWING-CHOW Edited Book
Singapore and Asia - Celebrating Globalisation and an Emerging Post-Modern Asian Civilisation, Seng Wei, Edward TI Book
Constitutional Conversations in Europe: Actors, Topics and Procedures, Catherine Van de Heyning and Maartje DE VISSER Edited Book
International Economic Law [in Chinese], Heng WANG, Xiaojun ZHANG, and Yongmei CHEN Edited Book
Submissions from 2011
The Law of Torts in Singapore, Kok Yew Gary CHAN and Pey Woan LEE Book
The Jurisprudence from Aharon Barak: Views from Europe, Maartje DE VISSER and W. J. Witteveen Edited Book
Exploring the Boundaries of International Criminal Justice, Mark FINDLAY and Mark FINDLAY Edited Book
The enforcement of patents, Reto HILTY and Kung-chung LIU Edited Book
Kerly's Law of trade marks and trade names, James MELLOR, Gordon Ionwy David LLEWELYN, David KEELING, and Duncan M. KERLY Book
The practice of law, Hang Wu TANG, Michael HOR, and Swee Yen KOH Edited Book
Developments in Singapore Law between 2006 and 2010: Trends and Perspectives: SAL Conference 2011, Tiong Min YEO, Hans TJIO, and Hang Wu TANG Edited Book
Submissions from 2010
Mediation: Process and practice in Hong Kong, Nadja ALEXANDER Book
Negotiation strategy style skills, Second edition, Nadja ALEXANDER and Jill HOWIESON Book
Trading Risk: The Contractual Nature of Derivative Instruments and Certain Regulatory Issues, Christopher C. H. CHEN Book
International Commercial Disputes: Commercial Conflict of Laws in English Courts, Swee Ling Adeline CHONG and Jonathan Hill Book
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights, William R. CORNISH, David LLEWELYN, and Tanya APLIN Book
Beyond Punishment: Achieving International Criminal Justice, Mark FINDLAY and Ralph J. HENHAM Book
Beyond Punishment: Achieving International Criminal Justice, Mark James FINDLAY and Ralph Henham Book
The Law of Contract, 4th edition, Michael Philip FURMSTON, Roger BROWNSWORD, Bradgate ROBERT, Elizabeth MACDONALD, Clarke MALCOLM, Andrew PHANG, Adams JOHN, G.J. TOLHURST, J.W CARTER, and Halson ROGER Book
Commercial and Consumer Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON and Jason Chuah Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book
Contract Formation Law and Practice, Michael Philip FURMSTON and G J Tolhurst Book
International commercial disputes: Commercial conflict of laws in English Courts, Jonathan HILL and Adeline CHONG Book
Invisible gold in Asia: Creating wealth through intellectual property, David LLEWELYN Book
Submissions from 2009
International and comparative mediation: Legal perspectives, Nadja ALEXANDER Book
Network-based Governance in EC Law: The example of EC competition and EC communications law, Maartje DE VISSER Book
The Australian Criminal Justice System, Mark FINDLAY, Stephen ODGERS, and Stanley M. H. YEO Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 121,122,123,124,125,126), Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Company Law, Pearlie Koh Book
Read the Fine Print: Avoiding Major Legal Pitfalls, Kee Yang Low Book
Read the Fine Print: Avoiding Major Legal Pitfalls, Kee Yang LOW Book
Goals of private law, Andrew ROBERTSON and Hang Wu TANG Edited Book
Principles of Singapore Business Law, George T. L. SHENOY and Wee Ling LOO Edited Book
Reading law in Singapore, Hang Wu TANG and Michael HOR Edited Book
Criminal procedure, Yock Lin TAN and S. Chandra MOHAN Edited Book
Some Thoughts on Intellectual Property Rights in Singapore : A Monograph for Gerald Dworkin, Sze Shun, George Wei Book
Conflict of Laws, Tiong Min YEO Edited Book
Submissions from 2008
Governing through Globalised Crime: Futures for International Criminal Justice, Mark FINDLAY Book
Actual Damages, Notional Damages and Loss of a Chance, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Construction Law Reports (Vols 115,116,117,118,119,120), Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Law Relating to Specific Contracts in Singapore, Michael S. C. HWANG and Tiong Min YEO Edited Book
Submissions from 2007
Contract: Cases and Materials, H. G. Beale, W. D. Bishop, and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks & Allied Rights, William R. CORNISH and David LLEWELYN Book
Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book