The collection contains journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) at Singapore Management University. The school research areas include Asian and comparative legal systems, Public international law, regional and trade law, Private law, Innovation, technology and the law, Dispute resolution, Legal theory, ethics and legal education, Public interest law, community and social justice, and Public law.


Submissions from 2011


Let political system be a connecting tool, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Let Presidential Hopefuls have their Say, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE News Article


Mr Gandhi’s Terror Sermon, Shubhankar DAM News Article


The elected presidency in a new normal, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The Google Conundrum: Perpetrator or Facilitator on the Net? - Forging a Fair Copyright Framework of Rights, Liability and Responsibility in Response to Search Engine 2.0 - Part II: The Google Books Search Project, Warren B. CHIK Journal Article

The Law of Credit and Security, Wee Ling LOO Blog Post

The Law of Credit and Security, Wee Ling LOO Textbook


The Law of Torts in Singapore, Kok Yew Gary CHAN and Pey Woan LEE Book


The Singapore town-hall meeting, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Market Integration and (the Limits of) the First Sale Rule in North American and European Trademark Law, Irene CALBOLI Journal Article

Between Governing and Governance: On the Emergence, Function and Form of Europe's Post-National Constellation, Maartje DE VISSER Book Review

Leases and the Maximum Duration Rule Yet Again, But with a Twist, Kelvin Fatt Kin LOW Journal Article

The Lost Modern Grant: Untwisting Tangled Tales in a Former Colony, Kelvin Fatt Kin LOW Journal Article

Contract as assumption : the scholarship and influence of Professor Brian Coote, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

Don't Politicise Role of President, Wai Yee WAN News Article


Explaining Contractual Remoteness in Singapore, Yihan GOH Journal Article


Holding to a moral compass against the pull of profits, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Principled Criminal Law Reform: Could Macaulay Survive the Age of Governing through Crime? Reflections from the Floor, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter


Television may be game-changer, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The Final Twist in Common Intention? Daniel Vijay s/o Katherasan v. Public Prosecutor, Siyuan CHEN Journal Article

The Inherent Jurisdiction and Inherent Powers of the Singapore Courts: Rethinking the Limits of Their Exercise, Yihan GOH Journal Article


The lines are starting to blur, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial

Fix Shortcomings of Children and Young Persons Act, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE News Article

Contract Law, Chee Ho THAM, Pey Woan LEE, and Yihan GOH Journal Article


Is there a truly independent candidate?, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Tort Law, Kumaralingam AMIRTHALINGAM and Gary Kok Yew CHAN Case note/Digest


A Presence of the Past: The Legal Protection of Singapore’s Archaeological Heritage, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE Presentation


A new, post-Lee Kuan Yew era, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law [Book review], Siyuan CHEN Book Review


How about a Singapore-Jakarta consensus?, Mahdev MOHAN and Shiow Tsai LAN News Article


How about a Singapore-Jakarta consensus?, Mahdev MOHAN and Tsai Lan SHIOW Editorial

Indemnities for the Benefit of Others, Michael Philip FURMSTON and J. W. Carter Journal Article


Key issues that have not been addressed, Tan K. B. EUGENE Transcript


New cabinet will have its work cut out, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Post election, let the healing begin, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Report of the Law Reform Committee on Limitation Periods in Private International Law, Tiong Min YEO Report


Singapore Apex Court lays down clear framework for arbitrability of insolvency-related claims, Darius CHAN Blog Post


The delicate (and mammoth) task of managing expectations, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial

The “Party Scope” of Exclusive Jurisdiction Clauses, Adeline CHONG Conference Paper

Recent Developments in Investment Treaty Provisions in Asia, Locknie HSU Working Paper


Shaping up for a landmark election, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The Case for a Limited Protection of Trademark Merchandising, Irene CALBOLI Journal Article


The Construction of Suitability Obligation of Financial Institutions when Selling Structured Products: From Comparative Law Perspective, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN Journal Article


The Google Conundrum: Perpetrator or Facilitator on the Net? - Forging a Fair Copyright Framework of Rights, Liability and Responsibility in Response to Search Engine 2.0 - Part I: The Google Images Search Engine, Warren B. CHIK Journal Article


The Mandatory Death Penalty and a Sparsely Worded Constitution, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE Journal Article


The Re Tea Corporation Principle and Junior Creditors' Rights to Participate in a Scheme of Arrangement: A View from Singapore, Chi-Ling SEAH Journal Article


Reaching a settlement before the arbitration hearing, Darius CHAN Blog Post


A Common Law View of Causation, Science and Statistical Evidence in the Courtroom, Basil C. BITAS Journal Article

An Empirical Study of the Development of Singapore Law, Yihan GOH and Paul Tan Journal Article

Binding Salaried Partners, Stephen BULL Journal Article


Elephants in the Room: Challenges of integrating China into the WTO system, Henry S. GAO Journal Article


India and Pakistan: A Tale of Judicial Appointments, Shubhankar DAM Magazine Article

Misrepresentation and Contractural Estoppel: The Raiffeisen Clarifications: Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG v Royal Bank of Scotland plc [2010] EWHC 1392 (Comm), Kee Yang LOW Journal Article


The China-Taiwan ECFA, Geopolitical Dimensions and WTO Law, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article


Conflict in land law jurisprudence I: Co-ownership and collective sales, Hang Wu TANG Book Chapter


Changes may mean slaying sacred cows, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Liberalization of Taiwan’s Securities Markets: The Case of Cross-Taiwan-Strait Listings, Wen-yeu Wang and Christopher Chao-hung CHEN Journal Article


Private International Law 2006-2010: Themes, Fundamentals, and Obstacles, Tiong Min YEO and Yock Lin TAN Presentation


The practice of law, Hang Wu TANG, Michael HOR, and Swee Yen KOH Edited Book


Singapore Contract Law in an Interdependent World of Commerce: The Example of the Convention on the International Sale of Goods, Howard HUNTER Book Chapter


Advertising Ethics, Shubhankar DAM Book Chapter


Advertising Law and Regulation, Chao-hung Christopher CHEN Book Review


Advertising Law and Regulation by Giles Crown, Oliver Bray and Rupert Earle [Book review], Christopher Chao-hung CHEN Book Review


Agency and Partnership Law [2010], Pearlie KOH and Stephen BULL Journal Article

A law which favours forgers: Land fraud in two torrens jurisdictions, Hang Wu TANG and Khian Chung LOH Journal Article

An Impregnable Fortress? Possible Attacks on the Singapore Trust?, Hang Wu TANG Journal Article

An unjust enrichment claim for the mistaken improver of land, Hang Wu TANG Journal Article


Arbitration Law Developments in Singapore, Austin Ignatius PULLE Book Chapter


China's ascent in global trade governance: from rule taker to rule shaker and, maybe rule maker?, Shuchao Henry GAO Book Chapter


China’s Strategy for Free Trade Agreements: Political battle in the name of trade, Shuchao Henry GAO Book Chapter


Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code [Book review], Siyuan CHEN Book Review


Collective Responsibility for Global Crime: Limitations with the Liability Paradigm, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter


Conflict in land law jurisprudence: Selected issues II, Kelvin F. K. LOW Book Chapter


Contempt of Court and Fair Criticism in Singapore: Shadrake Alan v Attorney General [2011] SGCA 26, Gary Kok Yew CHAN Journal Article

Contract, Chee Ho THAM and Pey Woan LEE Journal Article


Contractual Interpretation in Singapore After Zurich Insurance: Continued Refinement, Yihan GOH Blog Post


Corporate social responsibility, Tan K. B. EUGENE Book Chapter

Defective Decision-Making and Mistakes, Man YIP Case


Economic Torts, Pey Woan LEE Book Chapter


Economic Torts - The Torts That Lacked Their Atkin, Pey Woan LEE Book Chapter


Election issues, Eugene K. B. TAN Book Chapter


Environmental implications of the 2010 Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, Michelle Mei Ling LIM Journal Article

Establishing three general requirements of the Doctrine of real subrogation under Korean Private Law, Ying Chieh WU Journal Article


Ethics and social responsibility in international business, David Nathan SMITH Book Chapter


Ethics and social responsibility in international business, David Nathan SMITH Book Chapter


Ethics and the Environment, Chapter 8, George Thomas Luis SHENOY Book Chapter


Exploring the Boundaries of International Criminal Justice, Mark FINDLAY and Mark FINDLAY Edited Book


False Representations, Pey Woan LEE and Gary Kok Yew CHAN Book Chapter


Finance Ethics, Shubhankar DAM Book Chapter

Fraud, Unauthorised Transactions and Vicarious Liability in Singapore, Wai Yee WAN Journal Article

From Coronations to Sand Bans: Frustration and Force Majeure in the Twenty-first Century, Howard HUNTER Journal Article


Governing through Globalised Crime: Thoughts on the Transition from Terror, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter


Hart v Finnis: How will Positivism and Natural Law Account for the Socio-Legal Paradigm in Wikipedia, Siyuan CHEN Working Paper


Interference with Goods, Pey Woan LEE Book Chapter


Introduction: Rethinking International Criminal Justice?, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

Invoking Protective Conditions to Terminate Public Mergers and Acquisitions Transactions, Wai Yee WAN Journal Article


Keeping politics and religion separate in the public square: Managed pluralism and the regulatory state in Singapore, Eugene K. B. TAN Book Chapter


Kerly's Law of trade marks and trade names, James MELLOR, Gordon Ionwy David LLEWELYN, David KEELING, and Duncan M. KERLY Book

Lack of Authority and its Effect on Corporate Transactions with Third Parties, Wai Yee WAN Journal Article


Locating Victim Communities within Global Justice and Governance, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter