The collection contains journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) at Singapore Management University. The school research areas include Asian and comparative legal systems, Public international law, regional and trade law, Private law, Innovation, technology and the law, Dispute resolution, Legal theory, ethics and legal education, Public interest law, community and social justice, and Public law.


Submissions from 2011


Maintaining and enhancing the integrity of ADR processes: From principles to practice through people, KELLAM, Nadja ALEXANDER, Nadja Marie ALEXANDER, Andrew BICKERDIKE, Andrew GREENWOOD, Margaret HALSMITH, Norah HARTNETT, Ian Hanger HANGER, Tom HOWE, Elizabeth KELLY, Stephen LANCKEN, Gaye SCULTHORPE, Lindsay SMITH, Warwick SODEN, and Tania SOURDIN Report


Of Directors and ‘Mouldable’ Duties, Pearlie KOH Book Chapter


Of Directors and ‘Mouldable’ Duties, Pearlie M. C. KOH Book Chapter


Paying it Forward: The Case for a Specific Statutory Limitation on Exclusive Rights for User-Generated Content Under Copyright Law, Warren B. CHIK Journal Article

Please Mind the Gap: Stories ueber Praxis und Politik in der Welt der Mediation, Nadja ALEXANDER Journal Article


Raising the Bar for the Mens Rea Requirement in Common Intention Cases, Eunice CHUA Journal Article


Raising the Bar for the Mens Rea Requirement in Common Intention Cases: Daniel Vijay s/o Katherasan v PP, Eunice CHUA Journal Article


Responsibility of Schools in Dispensing Equal Justice: A Singapore Case Study, Rathna NATHAN Journal Article


Restitution, Tiong Min YEO Book Chapter


Rethinking Unjust Enrichment, Bailment and Necessity, Ken TC LEE and Alvin Wei-Liang SEE Journal Article


Rethinking Unjust Enrichment, Bailment and Necessity: The Kos, Ken T. C. LEE and Alvin W. L. SEE Journal Article


Sham Marriages, Ancillary Powers, and Moral Discourse: Toh Seok Kheng v. Huang Huiqun; ADP v. ADQ, Siyuan CHEN Working Paper


Some technological implications for ascertaining the contents of contracts in web-based transactions, Eliza MIK Journal Article


Suing the Third Party for Improvements to Land: Costello v Macdonald [2011] EWCA Civ 930; [2011] 3 WLR 1341, Man YIP Journal Article


The common law of defamation in Singapore - Recent developments, Gary Kok Yew CHAN Book Chapter

The Design and Operation of a Bid Challenge Mechanism: The Experience of Hong Kong, China, Henry Shuchao GAO Book Chapter


The Fundamental Question when Applying the Welfare Principle: "Who will be the Better Parent or Guardian"?, Siyuan CHEN Working Paper

The impact of international conventions and model laws on domestic commercial law – The Singapore experience, Andrew B.L. PHANG Book Chapter


The law of abandonment and the passing of property in trash, Cheng Lim SAW Journal Article


The Politics of Competing Jurisdictional Claims in WTO and RTA Disputes: The Role of Private International Law Analogies, Henry Shuchao GAO and Chin Leng LIM Book Chapter


The Relationship between International Law and Domestic Law: Yong Vui Kong v PP [2010] 3 SLR 489 [Case Note], Siyuan CHEN Journal Article


The road to the Istana, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The Shareholder’s Personal Claim: Allowing Recovery for Reflective Loss, Pearlie KOH Journal Article


The Unimportance of Being "Electronic" or Popular Misconceptions about “Internet Contracting”, Eliza MIK Journal Article


The Unresolved Legality of Online Gambling in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN Journal Article


Who dragged Christianity into the AWARE Saga? Observations on the role of Christians, value pluralism and contestation in public discourse, Tan K. B. EUGENE Book Chapter


Workplace Ethics-II: Privacy, Conflict of Interest and Whistle-blowing, Chapter 4, George Thomas Luis SHENOY Book Chapter

WTO Legal Capacity Building: The Case of China, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article

Submissions from 2010

Law Does Recognise Biological Dad, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE News Article

Birthing the Lawyer: The Impact of three years of law school on law students in the National University of Singapore, Seow Hon TAN Journal Article


China's Development of International Economic Law and WTO Legal Capacity Building, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article

Corporate Governance and the New Trend of Directors in Company Law in Other Countries, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN and Shuaisheng HUANG Magazine Article

Full Contractual Capacity: Use of Age for Conferment of Capacity, Wee Ling LOO Journal Article


Religion in the abortion discourse in Singapore: A case study of the relevance of religious arguments in law-making in multi-religious democracies, Seow Hon TAN Journal Article


The Amicus Curiae: Friends No More?, S. Chandra MOHAN Journal Article


The Taiwanese ‘Philips’ CD-R cases: Abuses of a monopolistic position, cartel and compulsory patent licensing, Kung-chung LIU Book Chapter


Two Contrasting Approaches in the Interpretation of Outdated Statutory Provisions, Yihan GOH Journal Article


Searching for the Missing Link: Trade, Censorship and Human Rights in the Digital Era, Henry Shuchao GAO Conference Paper

IVF Mix-up Raises Vexing Legal Issues, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE News Article

Upkeep: What if a Will Excludes Parents?, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE News Article


A 30-per-cent deviation is too wide, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


China's experience and challenges in utilising the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, Liyu HAN and Henry S. GAO Book Chapter


E C Investment Holding Pte Ltd v Ridout Residence Pte Ltd and another (Orion Oil Limited and another, Interveners), Yihan GOH Blog Post


International legal framework on the prevention of vessel-source pollution, Nengye LIU Journal Article


Redemption and Resistance: Lessons in Non-Violent Action from Early Aotearoa/New Zealand, Ian MACDUFF Journal Article

The Inherent Jurisdiction and Inherent Powers of the Singapore Courts: Rethinking the Limits of Their Exercise, Yihan GOH Conference Paper

Work Done in Anticipation of Contract, Man YIP and Yihan GOH Conference Paper


Constitutional Fiats: Presidential Legislation in India's Parliamentary Democracy, Shubhankar DAM Journal Article

Constitutionally Hazardous Ordinances in Pakistan and India, Shubhankar DAM News Article


Four mediation stories from across the globe, Nadja ALEXANDER Journal Article


Iftikhar Chaudhry’s Options: Can the Courts Remake Pakistani Democracy?, Shubhankar DAM Magazine Article

Pakistan’s dialogic turn, Shubhankar DAM News Article


Sun Yat Sen, a S’pore icon? Hardly, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The European Union and International Maritime Organization: EU’s external influence on the prevention of vessel-source pollution, Nengye LIU and Frank MAES Journal Article


Discharge of a Contract where Both Parties are in Breach: Alliance Concrete Singapore Pte Ltd v Comfort Resources Pte Ltd, Chee Ho THAM Journal Article

Informal Dealings with Land: Retaining the Knotty Apron Strings: Joseph Mathew v Singh Chiranjeev [2010] 1 SLR 338, Kelvin Fatt Kin LOW Journal Article


International Commercial Disputes: Commercial Conflict of Laws in English Courts, Swee Ling Adeline CHONG and Jonathan Hill Book

Regional Digest: Asia Pacific, Tiong Min YEO Journal Article


Regulation of Speculation in the Financial Market: Focusing on Derivative Instruments, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN Journal Article


The Division of Matrimonial Assets: A Mathematical Methodology as a "Check"? AJR v. AJS, Siyuan CHEN Journal Article


Classification of Clients of Financial Firms: From Comparative Law Perspective, Christopher Chao-hung CHEN Journal Article


The Great Trade War between the US and China, Henry Shuchao GAO Magazine Article


To build a nation from the bottom up, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial

Concurrent and Independent Rights to Terminate for Breach of Contract, John Carter and Yihan GOH Journal Article

Equitable Title and Economic Loss, Kelvin Fatt Kin LOW Journal Article

Judicial Accountability and New Governance, Maartje DE VISSER Journal Article

Contract Law, Chao-hung Christopher CHEN Book Chapter

Limited Liability Partnership: Charges, Receivership, Miscellaneous, Kee Yang LOW Book Chapter

Limited Liability Partnership: Nature and Formation, Kee Yang LOW Book Chapter

Limited Liability Partnership: Winding Up, Kee Yang LOW Book Chapter


Of Horses and Carts: Theories of Indefeasibility and Category Errors in the Torrens System, Kelvin F. K. LOW Book Chapter


Report of the Law Reform Committee on Online Gaming and Singapore, Joyce A. TAN; Aqbal SINGH; Yee Fen LIM; Wai Yee WAN; and Warren B. CHIK, Report


The Challenges for Asian Jurisdictions in the Development of International Criminal Justice, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

The (ir)relevance of harmonization and legal diversity to European Contract Law - A perspective from Psychology, Gary LOW Journal Article


The (ir)relevance of harmonization and legal diversity to European Contract Law - A perspective from Psychology, Gary LOW Journal Article


The non-frustration rule of the UK City Code on Takeover and Mergers and related agency problems: What are the implications for the EC Takeover Directive?, Han-wei LIU Journal Article

Wetgeving, uitvoering en controle: Ontstaan van machtenscheiding, Maartje DE VISSER Book Chapter

Mandatory Mediation: An Oxymoron? Examining the Feasibility of Implementing a Court-Mandated Mediation Program, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON Journal Article


Tort Law, Kumaralingam Amirthalingam and Gary Kok Yew CHAN Case note/Digest


When the Text Runs Out: The Role of the Court in Constitutional Construction, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE Presentation


Mother tongue: A hot button issue, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Negotiation strategy style skills, Second edition, Nadja ALEXANDER and Jill HOWIESON Book


Remembering our founding fathers, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The Text through Time, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE Journal Article

Trading Risk: The Contractual Nature of Derivative Instruments and Certain Regulatory Issues, Christopher C. H. CHEN Book


Formal alliance not the panacea, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Internet Intermediaries and Copyright Law in Singapore, Warren B. CHIK and David YONG Magazine Article

Moralising Section 300(c) of the Singapore and Indian Penal Code: A conceptual Analysis, Rathna Devi D/O NATHAN-GANESH Journal Article


Prioritising strong and effective government, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The Use of Domestic Sources as a Basis of International Criminal Law Principles, Mark FINDLAY and Michael BOHLANDER Book Chapter


The Validity of Deal Protection Devices in Negotiatiated Acquisition or Merger Transactions under Anglo-American Law, Wai Yee WAN Journal Article


China on the world stage: A trade law perspective, Henry S. GAO Conference Proceeding Article


Contract Formation Online, Eliza Karolina MIK Book Chapter


‘Customary Internet-ional Law’: Creating a Body of Customary Law for Cyberspace. Part 2: Applying Custom as Law to the Internet Infrastructure, Warren B. CHIK Journal Article

Determining the parties’ true choice of the seat of arbitration and lex arbitri, Michael HWANG and Darius CHAN Book Chapter

Judicial Appointments: Notes from India, Shubhankar DAM News Article


The way we think: Ethics, health and the environment in international business, David N. Smith Journal Article


The way we think: Ethics, health and the environment in international business, David Nathan SMITH Journal Article


Teaching trust law in the twenty first century, Hang Wu TANG Book Chapter


For the prescription to work, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial