The collection contains journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) at Singapore Management University. The school research areas include Asian and comparative legal systems, Public international law, regional and trade law, Private law, Innovation, technology and the law, Dispute resolution, Legal theory, ethics and legal education, Public interest law, community and social justice, and Public law.


Submissions from 2019


Bicentennial commemoration has to be more than just an anniversary, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


COB regulation of financial advisers, Kee Yang LOW Book Chapter


Proposed reforms to Singapore Goods and Services Taxation in the digital economy, Hern Kuan LIU and Vincent OOI Journal Article


Singapore convention series: Why is there no ‘seat’ of mediation?, Shouyu CHONG and Nadja ALEXANDER Blog Post

Party autonomy in the choice of law for torts in Asia, Tiong Min YEO Journal Article

Adult protection laws in Singapore, Wing Cheong CHAN Book Chapter


An Asian view on the CETA Investment Chapter, Locknie HSU Book Chapter

Anti-takeover defensive measures in Japan, Dan W. PUCHNIAK, KOH Alan, and NAKAHIGASHI Masafumi Book Chapter


Company Law, Dan W. PUCHNIAK, TAN Cheng Han, and TANG Samantha S. Book Chapter


Contract law in commonwealth countries: Uniformity or divergence?, Andrew B.L. PHANG and Yihan GOH Journal Article


Equitable fraud – Some personal reminiscences and reflections, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


Expanding the scope of dispute resolution and access to justice, Masood AHMED and Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON Transcript


Hostile takeover regimes in Asia: A comparative approach, Umakanth VAROTTIL and Wai Yee WAN Journal Article


Innovation, economic development, and IP in India and China: An analysis of six industries, Kung-chung LIU and Uday S. RACHERIA Edited Book

International commercial mediation, Nadja ALEXANDER and Joel LEE Transcript


Mediation in the Singapore Family Justice Courts: Examining the mandatory mediation model under the judge-led approach, Eunice CHUA Journal Article


Model Law on cross-border insolvency comes of age: New times or new paradigms, Gerard MCCORMACK and Wai Yee WAN Journal Article

On passion, imagination, hard work and life principles, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


Privacy-preserving attribute-based keyword search in shared multi-owner setting, Yibin MIAO, Ximeng LIU, Robert H. DENG, Robert H. DENG, Jjguo LI, Hongwei LI, and Jianfeng MA Journal Article


Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil and commercial matters – Singapore, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG Book Chapter


Rethinking non-recognition: Taiwan’s new pivot to ASEAN and the one-China policy, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article


Surrogacy, child’s welfare, and public policy in adoption applications, Seow Hon TAN Journal Article


Tackling elder abuse: State intervention under Singapore's Vulnerable Adults Act, Wing Cheong CHAN Working Paper


Taiwan, Christopher C. H. CHEN Book Chapter


Taxation of automation and artificial intelligence as a tool of labour policy, Vincent OOI and Glendon GOH Working Paper


The convergence of ADR and ODR within the courts: The impact on access to justice, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON Journal Article


The future of reorganization procedures in the era of pre-insolvency law, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ Blog Post


The Singapore convention on mediation - A brighter future for Asian dispute resolution, Eunice CHUA Transcript


The Singapore convention on mediation - A brighter future for Asian dispute resolution, Eunice CHUA Journal Article


The WTO’s transparency obligations and China, Henry S. GAO Book Chapter


Transplanting chapter 11 of the US bankruptcy code into Singapore's restructuring and insolvency laws: Opportunities and challenges, Gerald MCCORMACK and Wai Yee WAN Journal Article

Submissions from 2018


Financial planning mechanisms available to persons with special needs In Singapore, Hang Wu TANG Book Chapter


Against populist isolationism: New Asian regionalism and global south powers in international economic law, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article


Arb-med-arb in cross-border disputes, Janet C. CHECKLEY and Nadja ALEXANDER Magazine Article


Book review: The negotiator's desk reference, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON Book Review


Contemporary issues in mediation (Vol 3)Joel Lee & Marcus Lim gen eds, Eunice CHUA Book Review


"Decisional" and "operational" negligence, Vincent OOI Journal Article


Dual-class shares in Singapore – Where ideology meets pragmatism, Pey Woan LEE Journal Article


GST contract review, Vincent OOI Blog Post


“Insensitive advertising” of foreign domestic workers in Singapore: a violation of human dignity, Benjamin Joshua ONG Blog Post

International perspectives on the regulation of lawyers and legal services, Gary Kok Yew CHAN Book Review


Mediation, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON and Sabiha SHIRAZ Blog Post


Property and trust law in Singapore, Alvin W. L. SEE, Man YIP, and Yihan GOH Monograph

Property and Trust Law: Singapore, Alvin W. L. SEE, Man YIP, and Yihan GOH Monograph


Protecting consumers' personal data in the digital world: Challenges and changes, Man YIP Journal Article


Protecting consumers' personal data in the digital world: Challenges and changes, Man YIP Journal Article


Quest for relevance: Whither the ASEAN Charter in shaping a shared regional identity and values, Tan K. B. EUGENE Journal Article


Stamp duty relief and anti-avoidance provisions, Vincent OOI Blog Post


The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: A 21st-century model [Book review], Pasha L. HSIEH Book Review


Transfer of a going concern, Vincent OOI Blog Post


Africa as an investment rule-maker: Decrypting the Pan-African Investment Code, Makane Moise MBENGUE and Stefanie SCHACHERER Book Chapter


All eyes will be on how Heng and his 4G team lead Singapore, Tan K. B. EUGENE News Article


Chartering legal strategies for investor protection in initial coin offerings, Aurelio GURREA-MARTINEZ Blog Post


Compelling trustees to exercise their discretion: A principle of non-intervention?, Hang Wu TANG Journal Article


Disruptive technologies and sustainable development: Implications for Southeast Asia, Ching-Fu LIN and Han-wei LIU Report


Does investor-state arbitration have a future? Keynote speech by Sir Christopher Greenwood, Lixin CHEN and Aaron YOONG Blog Post


Premature service of payment claims under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act: Audi Construction Pte Ltd v Kian Hiap Construction Pte Ltd, Benjamin Joshua ONG Transcript


Shining a light on tax avoidance, Hern Kuan LIU and Vincent OOI News Article


Singapore Case Note Part 2: What happens when a party to a mediated settlement agreement has a change of heart?, Nadja ALEXANDER and Shou Yu CHONG Blog Post


The European Union and the establishment of marine protected areas in Antarctica, Nengye LIU Journal Article


Three “pitfalls” for the unwary: Third-party funding in Asia, Darius CHAN Journal Article


Unravelling civil conspiracy, Pey Woan LEE Journal Article


Whole-of-society approach needed against truth decay, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Whole-of-society approach needed against truth decay, Eugene K. B. TAN News Article


2018 Changes to the Evidence Act and Criminal Procedure Code - The Criminal Justice Reform Bill and Evidence (Amendment) Bill, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA Journal Article


An analysis of St. Thomas Aquinas’s position on the relationship between justice and legality, Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG Journal Article


An interview on scholar-practitioner-profile with Prof. Nadja Alexander, Gläßer ULLA and Nadja ALEXANDER Magazine Article

ASEAN trade in service, Pasha L. HSIEH Book Chapter


Can mediation survive in a world of Trumpian negotiators? Thought provoking - new thinking, Nadja ALEXANDER Conference Paper


Enforcing town councils’ duties of financial prudence: Problems addressed by the Town Councils (Amendment) Act 2017, Benjamin Joshua ONG Journal Article


Family law, Siyuan CHEN Case note/Digest


Is Article 16(3) of the Model Law a ‘one-shot remedy’ for non-participating respondents in international arbitrations?, Darius CHAN Journal Article


Reframing the sustainable development goals to achieve sustainability in the Anthropocene — A systems approach, Michelle Mei Ling LIM, Peter SOGAARD JORGENSEN, and Carina WYBORN Journal Article


SIAC-SIMC's Arb-Med-Arb Protocol, Aziah HUSSIN, Claudia KUCK, and Nadja ALEXANDER Journal Article


Singapore Case Note: What happens when a party to an MSA has a change of heart?, Nadja ALEXANDER and Shou Yu CHONG Blog Post

Taking bills of exchange into arbitration, Kwan Ho LAU Journal Article


The 2017/18 international moots season in review, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA Magazine Article

The common law principle of universality extended In the wake of Hanjin Shipping’s insolvency, Casey Gene WATTERS and Wei Yao, Kenny CHNG Transcript


Towards more Intra-Asia judicial cooperation in the constitutional sphere, Maartje DE VISSER Book Chapter


ASEAN financial integration and the Belt and Road Initiative: Legal challenges and opportunities for China in Southeast Asia, Christopher C. H. CHEN Book Chapter


ASEAN financial integration and the Belt and Road Initiative: Legal challenges and opportunities for China in Southeast Asia, Christopher C. H. CHEN Book Chapter


Board independence as a panacea to tunnelling? An empirical study of related party transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore, Christopher C. H. CHEN, Wai Yee WAN, and Wei ZHANG Journal Article

Book reviews: Citizenship and the pursuit of the worthy life by David Thunder, Seow Hon TAN Book Review


Building an informed citizenry in the battle against disinformation, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Corporal punishment of Children by parents: Is it discipline or violence and abuse?, Wing Cheong CHAN Journal Article


Digital or trade? The contrasting approaches of China and US to digital trade, Henry S. GAO Journal Article

Goods and services tax, Vincent OOI and Hern Kuan LIU Book Chapter


Implications of reposting copyright material online and Svensson distinguished in CJEU judgment: Land Nordrhein-Westfalen v Dirk Renckhoff, Cheng Lim SAW Transcript


It is not about the drugs: A comparative and contextual analysis of Singapore and European approach to drug issues, Rathna N. KORMAN Journal Article


Revenue and taxation: Other taxes, Ken Loon ONG, Hern Kuan LIU, and Vincent OOI Book Chapter


Signposting as a principle in lawmaking, Seow Hon TAN News Article


Strengthening the legal practice the heart way, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


A contribution to the conversation on mixing the modes of mediation and arbitration: Of definitional consistency and process structure, Eunice CHUA Journal Article


China’s changing position towards marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean: Implications for future Antarctic governance, Nengye LIU and Cassandra M. BROOKS Journal Article


Contract law, Yihan GOH, Pey Woan LEE, and Chee Ho THAM Book Chapter


Criminal law in Malaysia and Singapore, Stanley YEO, Neil MORGAN, and Wing Cheong CHAN Book


Feel the Earth move – Shifts in the international dispute resolution landscape, Eunice CHUA Blog Post


How should the courts know whether a dispute is ready and suitable for mediation? An empirical analysis of the Singapore Courts’ referral of civil disputes to mediation, Dorcas QUEK ANDERSON, Eunice CHUA, and Tra My NGO Journal Article


IM Skaugen SE v MAN Diesel & Turbo SE [2018] SGHC 123, Adeline CHONG Blog Post


NS deferment: It’s all about equity, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial