Recent Additions to InK Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management University*


Granular3D: Delving into multi-granularity 3D scene graph prediction
Kaixiang HUANG, Jingru YANG, Jin WANG, Shengfeng HE, Zhan WANG, Haiyan HE, Qifeng ZHANG, and Guodong LU


The Vietnam war and the regional context
Wen-Qing (WEI Wenqing) NGOEI


AnoPas: Practical anonymous transit pass from group signatures with time-bound keys
Rui SHI, Yang YANG, Yingjiu LI, Huamin FENG, Hwee Hwa PANG, and Robert H. DENG


Bubbly booms and welfare
Feng DONG, Yang JIAO, and Haoning SUN


Cross-exchange crypto risk: A high-frequency dynamic network perspective
Yifu WANG, Wanbo LU, Min-Bin LIU, Rui REN, and Wolfgang Karl HARDLE


Hierarchical damage correlations for old photo restoration
Weiwei CAI, Xuemiao XU, Jiajia XU, Huaidong ZHANG, Haoxin YANG, Kun ZHANG, and Shengfeng HE


Report on findings from household needs study
Paulin T. STRAUGHAN and Mathew MATHEWS


Remapping the Cold War in Asian cinema
Sangjoon LEE and ESPENA Darlene Machell


ACE in Singapore: Floating fish farm for food security and sustainability
Thomas MENKHOFF, Kevin CHEONG, and Sheetal MITTAL


Assessing impact of urban densification on outdoor microclimate and thermal comfort using ENVI-met simulations for Combined Spatial-Climatic Design (CSCD) approach
Shreya BANERJEE, Rachel X.Y. PEK, Sin Kang YIK, Graces N. CHING, Xiang Tian HO, Dzyuban Yuliya, Peter J. CRANK, Juan A. ACERO, and Winston T. L. CHOW


Ethical considerations toward protestware
Marc CHEONG, Raula KULA, and Christoph TREUDE


Nationalist sentiments and the multinational enterprise: Insights from organizational sociology
Jesper EDMAN, Ilya R. P. CUYPERS, Gokhan ERTUG, and Ruth V. AGUILERA


On-site sensory experience boosts acceptance of cultivated chicken
Mark CHONG, Angela K. Y. LEUNG, and Tricia Marjorie FERNANDEZ


Smart HPA: A resource-efficient horizontal pod auto-scaler for microservice architectures
Hussain AHMAD, Christoph TREUDE, Markus WAGNER, and Claudia SZABO


The role of executive function in cognitive reappraisal: A meta-analytic review
Wei Xing TOH, Jun Sheng KEH, James J. GROSS, and Laura L. CARSTENSEN


Closing remark


Writing with AI: Insights and experiences from researchers
Karryl Kim Sagun TRAJANO, Rick Chi Wai LEE, Su Li HENG, and Marc ASTBURY

*Updated as of 15/07/24.