Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business (SMU Access Only) | Lee Kong Chian School of Business | Singapore Management University
The collection contains journal articles, magazine articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. The school research areas include Organisational behavior & human resources (OBHR), Strategy & Organisation, Finance, Quantitative finance, Operations management, Marketing, Communication management. SMU Access only.


Submissions from 2015

Calling Dr. Jekyll, not Mr. Hyde: Effects of Bridging Strategy on Relational Outcomes, Perceptions and Supportive Communication Behaviors by Staunch and Hostile Publics, Soojin KIM, Arunima Krishna, and Jeong-Nam Kim

Why Study Finance - A Professor’s Perspective, David K. DING

Submissions from 2014

Board Interlocks and the Adoption of Board Reform in Family Firms, Toru YOSHIKAWA and J.W. Shim

Involuntary Executive Turnover as Trust Repair toward Stakeholders after Goal Non-Achievement, J. Yamanoi, Toru YOSHIKAWA, and H. Aoki

Performance Decline, Political Connections, and Institutional Factors: A Multi-Country Analysis, A. Rasheed, Toru YOSHIKAWA, and E. Del Brio

Towards a Temporal Theory of Board Attention to Corporate Growth Initiatives, P. Klarner, Toru YOSHIKAWA, and M. Hitt

How Managerial Power and Information Quality Shape the Impact of Board Ties on the Adoption of Stock Option Pay, Toru YOSHIKAWA, J.W. Shim, and Anja Tusckhe

PRIX Global Alliance Award Presentation on Boosting Babies: Singapore's Drive To Raise Birth Rates, Susheela A VARGHESE


The impact of gains and losses on homeowner decisions, Dong HONG, Roger Loh, and Mitch Warachka

Chief Human Resources Officers: The Elevation of Human Capital Management to Top Management Teams, Toru Yoshikawa and Richard Raymond Smith

Collaboration imprint in creativity and innovation driven temporary projects, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Xuesong GENG

How Managerial Power and Information Quality Shape the Impact of Board Ties on the Adoption of Stock Option Pay, Toru Yoshikawa, Jung Wook Shim, and Anja Tuschke

Inversing the power: Patterns of resource construction through bricolage, Ruey-Lin Hsiao, Sue-Hwa Ou, and Yun SU


Smart Investors or Myopic Traders? Governance Role of Institutional Investors at a M&A Wave, Changhyun KIM


Building Further on the Situational Theory of Publics: Theoretical Evolution to Situational Theory of Problem Solving and Future Research, Jeong-Nam Kim, Nohil Park, and Soojin KIM

Self-construal and the Reliance on Feelings in Judgments and Decisions, Hanwen Hannah CHANG and Jiewen Hong

Singapore's Financial Market: Challenges and Future Prospects, Kuo Chuen Lee and Kok Fai Phoon

Consumer Choice in Price-Free Situations, Seshan RAMASWAMI

Politicians in the Boardroom: A Multi-Country Analysis. , Toru Yoshikawa, Esther Del Brio, and Abdul Rasheed

When Trust Matters More to Host Country Nationals’ Knowledge Sharing with Expatriates, Sachiko Yamao and Toru Yoshikawa

Corporate communication strategies to corporate sustainability, Soojin KIM, Jeong-Nam Kim, and Arunima Krishna


New Media and Public Relations, Soojin KIM

Board Monitoring of Innovation: A Contingency Model, P. Klarner and Toru Yoshikawa

Integrating public relations into corporate diplomacy: Application of the relationship principles, Laishan Tam and Soojin KIM

Learning to innovate for commercial gains: The effects of timing of experience in developing Facebook applications, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Xuesong GENG

A Comparative Analysis of Interactional Justice and Directors’ Behaviors, E. Del Brio, R.M. Hernandez Maestro, and Toru YOSHIKAWA

Firm Diversification and Innovation in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Patenting Activities by Chinese Firms, Kenneth Guang-Lih HUANG and Cyndi Man ZHANG

It's the Journey that Matters: The Effects of Feelings of Movement Toward a Goal on Reward Value, Jongmin KIM, Nathan Novemsky, and Ravi Dhar

Leveraging Competing Institutional Logics in the Adoption of Stock Option Pay, Xuesong GENG, Toru YOSHIKAWA, and A. M. Colpan

Market-Oriented Institutional Change and R&D Investments: Do Business Groups Enhance Advantage?, Y.R. Choi, Toru YOSHIKAWA, S.A. Zhra, and H. Han

Market Structure and Growth Potential of Singapore REITs, Cher Chiew Francis Koh, Kuo Chuen Lee, Kok Fai Phoon, and Ee Seng Seah


On the flow-performance relations among delegated institutional portfolios, Xi Li, Tong Yao, and Zhe Zhang

Perceptions of managers’ workplace aggression: Accounting for employees’ self-esteem and gendered context., M. ONG, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK, and G.D. WEBSTER

Persuasion under the Radar: How Question Wording Affects Preferences, Jongmin KIM, Nathan Novemsky, Jing Wang, and Ravi Dhar

Securing the Future of Management Education: Competitive Destruction or Constructive Innovation?, Howard Thomas; Pui Yee, Michelle Lee; Lynne Thomas; and Alexander Wilson

Segmentation: Health campaigns, Jeong-Nam Kim, Laishan Tam, and Soojin KIM

The Discounted Pricing Problem from a Newsvendor's Perspective and the Role of (Manufacturer) Suggested Retail Prices, Kwan Eng WEE and N. Petruzzi

The Unanticipated Negative Effects of Gift-wrapping, Jongmin KIM, Nathan Novemsky, and Ravi Dhar

Submissions from 2013

Bridging and buffering: Understanding two paradigms of public relations strategies, Soojin KIM and Jeong-Nam Kim

Corporate social responsibility and employee engagement: The role of self-autonomy and individualism., Deborah E. RUPP, Ruodan SHAO, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK, Tae-Yeol KIM, and Thierry NADISIC

Employees’ Turnover Intentions Affiliated with Interpersonal Injustice: The Moderating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility and Collectivism., Deborah E. RUPP, Ruodan SHAO, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK, and Thierry NADISIC

Work-Family and Identity Integration, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK and Chi-Ying CHENG

Institutional Regime Shift in Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting Strategies of Firms in China, Kenneth Guang-Lih Huang, Xuesong Geng, and Heli Wang

Institutions and Geography of innovation: A Study of Innovative Outputs of MNEs and Domestic firms in China, Xuesong Geng, Kenneth Guang-Lih Huang, and Heli Wang

Managing justly and behaving creatively., Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK and Serena LU

Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement: The Moderating Role of Self-Determination and Individualism, D.E. RUPP, R. SHAO, D. SKARLICKI, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK, T.Y. KIM, and T. NADISIC


Distribution Channel Structure for Competing Supply Chains with Price and Lead-Time Sensitive Demand, Zhengping WU, G. Lucy Chen, and Jihong Ou


How Does Size Affect Mutual Fund Performance? Evidence from Mutual Fund Trades, Jeffrey Busse, Tarun Chordia, Lei Jiang, and Yuehua TANG

Institutional Regime Shift in Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting Strategies of Firms in China, Kenneth Guang-Lih HUANG, Xuesong GENG, and Heli WANG

It's the Journey that Matters: The Effects of Feelings of Movement Toward a Goal on Reward Value, Jongmin KIM, Nathan Novemsky, and Ravi Dhar


Leverage and Liquidity: Evidence from the Closed-End Fund Industry, Yuehua TANG


Mandatory Portfolio Disclosure, Stock Liquidity, and Mutual Fund Performance, Vikas Agarwal, Kevin Mullally, Yuehua TANG, and Baozhong Yang


Portfolio Manager Compensation in the U.S. Mutual Fund Industry, Linlin Ma, Yuehua TANG, and Juan-Pedro Gomez


Portfolio Manager Ownership and Mutual Fund Risk Taking, Linlin Ma and Yuehua TANG

Rent appropriation of knowledge assets and firm performance in weak institutions, Cuili Qian, Heli WANG, and Xuesong GENG

Substitutes or complements? A configurational examination of corporate governance mechanisms, Vilmos F. Misangyi and Abhijith Geethakrishna ACHARYA


Uncovering Hedge Fund Skill from the Portfolio Holdings They Hide, Vikas Agarwal, Wei Jiang, Yuehua TANG, and Baozhong Yang

WFII - defining the concept, Elizabeth Layne PADDOCK and Chi-Ying CHENG


Why Do Hedge Funds Avoid Disclosure?, Yuehua TANG

Submissions from 2012

Dealing with chronic activists: Mutual gains approach for environmental conflict, Soojin KIM, Jeong-Nam Kim, and Gwang Tae Kim


SAGE Brief Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility, Soojin KIM

The Attributes of Attributes, Seshan RAMASWAMI


The Effect of the Board’s Human and Social Capital on Firm Performance: A Comparative Institutional Analysis, Toru YOSHIKAWA and Anja Tuschke


When Do Board Interlocks Matter? The Adoption of Share Buyback and Stock Option Pay in Japanese Firms, Toru YOSHIKAWA and J.W. Shim

Frames that fit: The role of sociopolitics in the adoption of organizational practices, Ken Chung and Yun SU

Learning to write killer apps? A system-wide perspective in Facebook, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Xuesong GENG

Mediating effects of quality organization-employee relationships on employees' turnover intention, Soojin KIM, Kelly Vibber, and Jeong-Nam Kim

Substitutes or Complements? A Configurational Approach to Examining the Bundle of Governance Mechanisms, Vilmos F. Misangyi and Abhijith Geethakrishna ACHARYA

The Effect of Innovation Potential on Marketing Strategy, Martha Myslinski TIPTON and Sundar Bharadwaj

Learning to Write Killer Apps? A System-wide Perspective in Facebook, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Xuesong GENG

The Attributes of Attributes, Seshan RAMASWAMI

Generic health interest and situation-specific information behaviors: Testing joint effects of health information orientation and situational perceptional influence on active communication behaviors about the GMO food issue, Soojin KIM, Jeong-Nam Kim, and Soo Yun Kim

Transnational Intellectual Property Strategies and Firms’ Knowledge Adoption: Evidence from China-U.S. Patent Dyads, Kenneth Guang-Lih HUANG and Jiatao Li


Informal Banking and Early International Entrepreneurs: The Case of the Chettiars, Jayarani TAN and Wee Liang TAN

Learning to develop more successful creative projects: A specialist/trans-specialist perspective, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Xuesong GENG


Revenue Optimization in Live Television Broadcasting, Pascale CRAMA, Ajay Srinivasan Aravamudhan, and Dana POPESCU

Submissions from 2011

Digitisation and its impacts on publics: The role of digitisation on public knowledge and civic conversation, Alessandro Lovari, Soojin KIM, Kelly Vibber, and Jeong-Nam Kim

Multiple Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainability Policy: Interated Governance Mechanism, Sudhindra SESHADRI

Conceptual evolution of situational theory as a generalized theory in public relations, Soojin KIM and Kelly Vibber


Sustainability Collaboration: Integrated multiple stakeholder contracts, Sudhindra SESHADRI and Michael Ehret


Creative performance in voluntary collaborations: A micro-foundation of relation-specific competitive advantage?, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Duncan Robertson

Relationship history and its effects on publics' perceptions and communication in two types of public relations situations, Jeong-Nam Kim, Soojin KIM, and Yura Jung

Tapping into Twitter: The hows and whys of Twitter usage and what it means for PR, Kelly Vibber and Soojin KIM

Submissions from 2010


Bid Syndication: A Model with Application to Emission Permits Markets, Sudhindra SESHADRI


Factors influencing the use of social media in learning: A case of Wikipedia., Siyoung CHUNG


Hubris, rapid capacity expansions and the competition in de novo ventures, Terence Ping Ching FAN and Mathew Hayward


Rethinking growth: Differential impact of large absolute vs relative expansion in de novo ventures, Terence Ping Ching FAN


Both benefits and drawbacks in the filing of patents, Kenneth Guang-Lih HUANG


Impact of Macroeconomic News Surprises on Interest Rate Swap Spreads, V. Fang, C.T. Lin, and Kok Fai PHOON

The Impact of Innovation Potential on Marketing Strategy, Martha Myslinski TIPTON and Sundar Bharadwaj


Managing Capacitated Multiechelon Systems with Domain-Optimal Policies, Alexandar ANGELUS and Wanshan ZHU


Out-of-Sample Equity Premium Prediction: Economic Fundamentals Vs. Moving-Average Rules, Christopher Neely, David Rapach, Jun TU, and Guofu Zhou


Stock Returns on Option Expiration Dates, Chin-Han CHIANG

Submissions from 2009


Two-Period Coordination for a Single Supplier Multiple Buyers, Rong LI and Jennifer Ryan


A Review of Sustainability Governance Mechanisms, Michael EHRET and Sudhindra SESHADRI


Determinants of Risk Perception on Internet Piracy, Siyoung CHUNG and Hichang Cho


Sharpening the Supply Chain, Onur BOYABATLI


State Owned Vs. Privately Owned Firms: Whose CEOs Are Better Compensated?, Xiaping Jerry CAO, GARY TIAN, and XIAOFEI PAN

Submissions from 2008


The 5th Mini- Conference on Integrated Risk Management in Operations and Global Supply Chains, Panos Kouvelis, Rong LI, and Qing DING


The Inaugural Conference of the Overseas Chinese Scholar Association of Management Science and Engineering (Ocsamse), Panos Kouvelis, Rong LI, and Qing DING