The collection contains journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) of Singapore Management University. The school research areas include Asian and comparative legal systems, Public international law, regional and trade law, Private law, Innovation, technology and the law, Dispute resolution, Legal theory, ethics and legal education, Public interest law, community and social justice, and Public law.


Submissions from 1986

Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

Construction Law Reports (Vols 4,5,6), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book

Copyright Bill 1986, George S. S. WEI Journal Article

Police Interrogation and the Right of Silence in Singapore, S. Chandra MOHAN Journal Article


Problems in Search of Principles: The First Amendment in the Supreme Court from 1791-1930, Howard HUNTER Journal Article


Reforming the Jury: The Common Ground, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

The Crisis of Policing Public Order, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

The Functions of Criminal Law in Riot Control, Mark FINDLAY and Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

The international registration of trade marks in the UK: The current position and chances of change, Gordon Ionwy David LLEWELYN Journal Article

The Law of Tort: Policies and Trends in Liability for Damage to Property and Economic Loss, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

The Liability of Contractors: Principles of Liability in Contract and Tort, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Submissions from 1985


The Wood Inquiry: Special Branch - the Future?, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article


Positivism, Empiricism and Criminology Theory, Don WEATHERBURN and Mark FINDLAY Journal Article


Academic Self-Government in the United States, Howard HUNTER Journal Article


"Criminalisation" and the Detention of "Political Prisoners": An Irish Solution, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

A Casebook of Irish Criminal Law, Mark FINDLAY and Finbarr MCAULEY Book

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter


Contract: Cases and Materials, H. G. Beale, W. D. Bishop, and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book


Current Issues of International Financial Law, D. G. Pierce, Helena Hui Meng CHAN, F. E. Lacroix, and P. N. Pillai Edited Book

Pirelli, Calendar without Picture, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

Reception of English Commercial Law in Singapore: A century of uncertainty, Andrew B.L. PHANG and Choo Hock SOON Book Chapter

The Implications of the La Pintada case for the Construction Industry, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

The Privy Council as Court of Last Resort in Singapore and Malaysia, Hui Meng Helena Chan Book Chapter

Submissions from 1984


Hunger Strikes and the State's Right to "Force Feed": Recent Australian Experience, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Changes to Parole in New South Wales, Ian DOBINSON and Mark FINDLAY Journal Article


A Building Contract Casebook, Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter


Organised Resistance, Terrorism and Criminality in Ireland: The State's Construction of the Control Equation, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Professional Negligence, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

Professional Negligence, Liability and Indemnity, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Reservation of Title, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

The Possibility of a Criminal Justice Corrections Model, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Submissions from 1983


Curriculum, Pedagogy, and the Constitutional Rights of Teachers in Secondary Schools, Howard HUNTER Journal Article


Jury trial in Singapore and Malaysia: The unmaking of a legal institution, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


Jury Vetting: The Jury under Attack, Peter DUFF and Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

English Law in Singapore: Precedent, construction and reality or ‘The reception that had to be', Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


Federalism and state taxation of multistate enterprises, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Issues in Criminal Justice Administration, Mark FINDLAY, Sandra J EGGER, and Jeffrey SUTTON Edited Book

Mareva Injunctions: Some Recent Developments, George S. S. WEI Journal Article

Merchandising and trade marks: Legality reviewed, Alan WOOD and Gordon Ionwy David LLEWELYN Journal Article

Political Police, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter


Stare Decisis in Singapore and Malaysia: A sad tale of the use and abuse of statutes, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

Subject to Finance, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article


The Effect on English Domestic Law of Membership of the European Communities and Ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights, Michael Philip FURMSTON, R. Kerridge, and B.E. Sufrin Book

The Politics of Prison Reform, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

Submissions from 1982

The Jury in England: Practice and Ideology, Peter DUFF and FINDLAY Journal Article

'Jury Vetting': Ideology of the Jury in Transition, Mark FINDLAY and Peter DUFF Journal Article


A Reprise on Herbert v. Lando and the Law of Defamation, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Foreword, David Nathan SMITH Book Chapter

Preparation of Law Students for the Practice of Law: The Role of the University, George S. S. WEI Conference Paper

Sections 1-3, Michael Philip FURMSTON Encyclopaedia

The State of the Prison: A Critique of Reform, Mark FINDLAY Book


Toward a Better Understanding of the Prior Restraint Doctrine: A Reply to Professor Mayton, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Submissions from 1981


Constitutional Status of Academic Freedom in the United States, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

1972 and Fundamental Changes in the Criminal Law of Ireland, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

A Casebook of Irish Criminal Law, Mark FINDLAY and Finbarr MCAULEY Book


Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON, G. C. Cheshire, and C. H. S. Fifoot Book


Ignorance of the Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

Is there a right to die?, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

New eyes for old: The future, present and past in the evolution of mineral agreements, David Nathan SMITH Journal Article

Review of Family Law in Hong Kong [Book review], George S. S. WEI Book Review

Submissions from 1980


The Continuing Debate over Tuition Tax Credits, Howard HUNTER Journal Article


Universities and the Needs of Local and Regional Communities, Howard HUNTER Journal Article


Criminal Liability for Complicity in Abortions Committed Outside Ireland, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article


A warmer way of disputing: Mediation and conciliation, David Nathan SMITH Book Chapter


Contractor's Guide to the I.C.E. Conditions of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book


Misrepresentation and Fraud, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

Recent Reforms in Swedish Higher Education, Mogens N. PEDERSEN and Howard HUNTER Book

The Detention of Political Prisoners: An Irish Solution, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

The Scope of Accomplice Liability under 18 USC Section 2(B), Andrew WHITE Journal Article

Submissions from 1979


Statutory and Judicial responses to the Problem of Access to Government Information, Constance Y. SINGLETON and Howard HUNTER Journal Article


Editorial Privilege and the Scope of Discovery in Sullivan Rule Libel Actions, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Pre-Sentence Reporting in Juvenile Courts: The People v Donoghue, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Submissions from 1978


An Essay on Contract and Status: Race, Marriage and the Meretricious Spouse, Howard HUNTER Journal Article


A warmer way of disputing: Mediation and conciliation, David Nathan SMITH Journal Article


Federal Antibias Legislation and Academic Freedom: Some Problems with Enforcement Procedures, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Submissions from 1977

Admissibility and Use of Statements Made to Police Officers: A Re-examination Part II, S. Chandra MOHAN Journal Article

Bail in Offences Punishable with Death or Imprisonment for Life, S. Chandra MOHAN Journal Article


Bail in Singapore, S. Chandra MOHAN Book


Cheshire and Fifoot's Cases on the Law of Contract., Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

Submissions from 1976

Admissibility and Use of Statements Made to Police Officers: A Re-examination Part I, chandra Mohan Journal Article

Chapter on Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter


Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON, G. C. Cheshire, and C. H. S. Fifoot Book

Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Conduct of operations and development goals, David Nathan SMITH Conference Proceeding Article

Conflict avoidance and concession agreements, David Nathan SMITH and Louis T. WELLS Journal Article

Negotiating third world mineral agreements: Promises as prologue, David Nathan SMITH and Louis WELLS Book


Prescription drugs and open housing: More on commercial speech, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Submissions from 1975


Report on Antitrust Implications of Joint Industry Activities under Price Controls, William W. SADD, William E. HUTH, John C. CORTESIO, and Howard HUNTER Journal Article


Mineral agreement in developing countries: Structures and substance, David Nathan SMITH and Louis T. WELLS Journal Article


The abandonment defense in private antitrust conspiracy cases, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Submissions from 1974

Chapter on Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Maintenance Proceedings in Singapore, S. Chandra MOHAN Journal Article

Submissions from 1973


Georgia Investment Company v. Norman: The Supreme Court creates a New Form of Class Action for Georgia, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Mining the resources of the third world: From concession agreements to service contracts, David Nathan SMITH Journal Article

Submissions from 1972

Chapter on Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter


Man and Law in Urban Africa: A Role for Customary Courts in the Urbanization Process, David Nathan SMITH Journal Article

New Zealand Illegal Contracts Act 1970: An English View, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article