The collection contains journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) of Singapore Management University. The school research areas include Asian and comparative legal systems, Public international law, regional and trade law, Private law, Innovation, technology and the law, Dispute resolution, Legal theory, ethics and legal education, Public interest law, community and social justice, and Public law.


Submissions from 1992

The Company Promoter and His Legal Status, George Thomas Luis Shenoy Conference Paper

The Law of Guarantees in Singapore and Malaysia, Kee Yang Low Book

The Legal Status and Duties of the Company Promoter, George T. L. Shenoy Journal Article

Third Party's Misconduct as a Ground of Suretys Discharge, Kee Yang LOW Journal Article

Submissions from 1991


Implementing Corruption Prevention Strategies through Codes of Conduct, Mark FINDLAY and Andrew STEWART Journal Article


Notes: Termination of employment contracts and taking advantage of one's wrong, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


The Law of Assembly in the People's Republic of China: Implications of the Retreat to Formal Legalism for the Legislative Process in China, Mark FINDLAY and Thomas Chor-Wing CHIU Journal Article


Corruption Control and Monstering: Government Agendas, Community Expectations and the ICAC Solution, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

An Introduction to Banker's Commercial Credits, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book


Commentary on Pitfalls of Force Majeure Clauses, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Computer Software Agreements, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter


Constitutional Law in Malaysia and Singapore, Kevin Yew Lee TAN, Tiong Min YEO, and Kiat Seng LEE Book

Constitutional Rights and the Constraint on Populist Dissent: Recent Resort to Legalism in China, Mark FINDLAY and Thomas Chor-Wing CHIU Journal Article

Contract Planning: Liquidated Damages, Deposits & the Foreseeability Rule, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article

Copyright and related rights in the construction industry, Gordon Ionwy David LLEWELYN Journal Article

Creditor's Responsibility for Principal Debtors Misconduct, Kee Yang LOW Journal Article

Drafting of Force Majeure Clauses, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Legal systems of the PRC, Chor-Wing CHIU, Ian DOBINSON, and Mark FINDLAY Book

Monopolies and Restrictive Tade Practices in Developing Countries: The Asean Perspective, George Thomas Luis Shenoy Conference Paper

Recent Developments in Corporate Law in Singapore, George Thomas Luis Shenoy Conference Paper

Small Business and the Choice of Corporate Form, George Thomas Luis Shenoy Conference Paper

Surety's Right of Marshalling: Clearing Some Misconceptions, Kee Yang LOW Journal Article

The Wood Inquiry: Unanswered Questions concerning the Special Branch and its Future, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

Submissions from 1990


The Hong Kong Jury: A Microcosm of Society?, Peter DUFF, Mark FINDLAY, and Carla HOWARTH Journal Article

Evolving Dispute Resolution: Where ADR Meets Litigation: Discovery in Arbitration, Andrew WHITE Conference Paper

A Building Contract Casebook, Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book


A Commentary on Professor Fisher’s Thesis: Ideology, Religion, Private Property and the Supreme Court 1987-88, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Construction Law Reports (Vols 15,16,17,18,19,20), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book

Contract: Cases and Materials, Michael Philip FURMSTON, H. G. Beale, and W. Bishop Book

Current Problems of International Trade Financing, P. K. Ho, Hui Meng Helena Chan, and E.P. Ellinger Book

Information Technology and the Law of Copyright in Singapore, Sze Shun, George WEI Book Chapter


Jurisprudential oaks from mythical acorns: The Hart‐Dworkin debate revisited, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

Mallal's Digest: Vol. 1: Arms and Explosives, Banishment, S. Chandra MOHAN Edited Book


Parallel Imports and the Intellectual Property Rights in Singapore, Sze Shun, George WEI Journal Article


Reception of English Law in Singapore: Problems and proposed solutions, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

Sale of Goods, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

Service Marks Registration in Singapore: The Time has Come, Locknie HSU Journal Article

Software Protection Laws in Singapore, George S. S. WEI Journal Article

The Development of Singapore Law: Historical and socio-legal perspectives, Andrew B.L. PHANG Book


Whither economic duress? Reflections on two recent cases, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

Submissions from 1989


ICAC and the Community, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article


Exception clauses and negligence-the influence of contract on bailment and tort, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


Show Trials in China: The Aftermath of Tiananmen Square, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article


Of codes and ideology: Some notes on the origins of the major criminal enactments of Singapore, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


Sugar Coated Bullets: Corruption and the New Economic Order in China, Mark FINDLAY and Thomas Chor-Wing CHIU Journal Article


Measuring the Unjust Enrichment in a Restitution, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter


Common mistake in English law: the proposed merger of common law and equity, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

Construction Law Reports (Vols 12,13,14), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book

Croner's Model Business Contracts, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

Departures in Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Effective Delivery of Legal Aid Services: The Singapore Experience, S. Chandra MOHAN Conference Paper

Legislation Comment on the Homes for the Aged Act, Locknie HSU Journal Article


Of generality and specificity – A suggested approach toward the development of an autochthonous Singapore legal system, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

Parallel Imports and the Tort of Passing Off and Trade Mark Infringement: Colgate Palmolive v Markwell Finance Co, George S. S. WEI Journal Article


Quantum Meruit and Building Contracts: Part II Does the Contract Price put a Ceiling on a Recovery via a Quantum Meruit?, Howard HUNTER and J. W. CARTER Journal Article


Quantum Meruit and Building Contracts: Part I The Quantum Meruit Concept, Howard HUNTER and J. W. CARTER Journal Article

The Law of Copyright in Singapore, Sze Shun, George WEI Book

The Role of the Engineer, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Submissions from 1988

'A' Level Law, Anthony M. Dugdale, Michael Philip FURMSTON, S. P. Jones, S. H. Sherrin, and K.M. Stanton Book

Analysing (In)formal Mechanisms of Crime Control: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Mark FINDLAY and Ugljesa ZVEKIC Book

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Construction Law Reports (Vols 11), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book

Dynamics of Collective Conflict: Riots at the Bathurst Bike Races, Chris CUNNEEN, Mark FINDLAY, Rob LYNCH, and Vernon TUPPER Book

Institutional Responses to Corruption: Some Critical Reflections on the ICAC, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Lessons in Fighting Corruption, Mark FINDLAY Magazine Article

Litigation from the Perspective of the Specialty Trade Contractor, the Subcontractor, and the Material Supplier, Andrew WHITE Conference Paper

Policing and the Community: Some Issues raised by Overseas Research, Russell HOGG and Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

The Demise of Corrections, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

The Law of Tort in Hong Kong by Robyn Martin [Book review], Locknie HSU Book Review


Theoretical conundrums and practical solutions in Singapore commercial law: A review and application of section 5 of the Civil Law Act, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article


The Politics of Jury Reform, Mark FINDLAY and Peter DUFF Book Chapter

The Politics of Police Discretion, Sandra J. EGGER and Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter


The Role of the Jury in a Fair Trial, Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

Understanding Crime and Criminal Justice, Mark FINDLAY and Russell HOGG Edited Book

Submissions from 1987

Georgia and the Development of Constitutional Principles: An Essay in Honor of the Bicentennial, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

A Building Contract Casebook, Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Philip FURMSTON Book

Acemi all approccio analitico dei meccanismi informali di controllo del crimine [in Italian], Ugljesa ZVEKIC and Mark FINDLAY Book Chapter

Acting on Information Received: Mythmaking and Police Corruption, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

Construction Law Reports (Vols 7,8,9,10), Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book

Contract and Tort after Denning, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article


Creativity and responsibility – Covenant, contract and the resolution of disputes: Introductory notes, Howard HUNTER Journal Article

Current Developments in International Securities Commodities and Financial Futures Markets, K. L. Koh, Hui Meng Helena Chan, P. K. Ho, and P. N. Pillai Book

English Building Contract, Michael Philip FURMSTON Journal Article


Illegality and Banking Transactions, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter

The Australian Shipbuilding Industries Case: The Protection of Australian Copyright Works in Singapore, George S. S. WEI Journal Article

The Emergence of a Legal Framework for Economic Policies in the ASEAN, George T. L. Shenoy Journal Article

The Jury under Attack, Mark FINDLAY and Peter DUFF Book

Towards a Singaporean Jurisprudence, Kok Keng Lau, Raymond Clement, Mei LIM, and Tiong Min YEO Journal Article

Tribute to the Honourable Tan Sri Dato Seri Eusoffe Abdoolcader, SCJ, Raymond Clement and Tiong Min YEO Journal Article

You and the Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON and V. Powell-Smith Book

Submissions from 1986


Of ‘cut-off’ dates and domination: Some problematic aspects of the general reception of English Law in Singapore, Andrew B.L. PHANG Journal Article

The Functions of Criminal Law in Riot Control, Chris CUNNEEN and Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Control of Unfair or Unconscionable Practices, with Special Reference to Consumer Protection: Country Report for Singapore, Helena Hui Meng CHAN Conference Paper


Organised Crime as Terrorism, Mark FINDLAY Journal Article

Chapter on Contract in All England Law Reports Annual Review, Michael Philip FURMSTON Book Chapter