Submissions from 2004
Asymptotic Dynamics and Value-at-Risk of Large Diversified Portfolios in a Jump-Diffusion Market, Kian Guan LIM, Xiaoqing LIU, and Kai Chong TSUI Journal Article
Behavior and affect/emotions over time, Charles L. HULIN, Reeshad S. DALAL, and Michael R. BASHSHUR Report
Bias in the correlated uniqueness model for MTMM data, James M. CONWAY, Filip LIEVENS, Steven E. SCULLEN, and Charles E. LANCE Journal Article
Book-length scholarly essays as a hybrid genre in Science, Susheela Abraham VARGHESE and Sunita Anne ABRAHAM Journal Article
Capacity Allocation among Multiple Suppliers in an Electronic Market, J. Hazra, B. Mahadevan, and Sudhi SESHADRI Journal Article
Challenges to Academic Marketing: Toward the Next Decade, David B. Montgomery Working Paper
Charles Hulin on the evolution of work and organizational psychology., A. Hernandez and Michael Ramsay BASHSHUR Journal Article
Convergence and Restructuring: A Comparison of Japan and the United States, Abdul Rasheed, Toru YOSHIKAWA, D. K. Datta, and J. Rosenstein Book Chapter
CTA Strategies for Returns-Enhancing Diversification, Francis Koh, David K. C. Lee, and Kok Fai PHOON Book Chapter
CTA Strategies for Returns-Enhancing Diversification, David Kuo Chuen LEE, Francis KOH, and Kok Fai PHOON Book Chapter
Does the Age of Data Matter? Notes on the Selection of Data for Strategy Research, James Arthur ROBINS Book Chapter
Efficient estimation and testing of oil futures contracts in a mutual offset system, Michael McALEER and SEQUEIRA, J. M. Journal Article
Embedded Co-Operation in the Context of Singapore's Regionalization Program: The Batamindo Experiment Revisited, Caroline YEOH, Adeline KWAN, and Siang Yeung WONG Conference Paper
Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation: The Tension between Creating and Claiming Value, Maw Der FOO, Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Hwee Hoon TAN, and Voon Chuan AIK Journal Article
Entrepreneurs' Decisions to Exploit Opportunities, Young Rok Choi and D. A. Shepherd Journal Article
Equitable Performance Fee for Hedge Funds, Kok Fai PHOON, D. Lee, and S. Lwi Journal Article
Exception Clauses, Mary Wong Book Chapter
Expert knowledge and the role of consultants in an emerging knowledge-based economy, Hans-Dieter EVERS and Thomas MENKHOFF Journal Article
Exporting Expertise and Extending Economic Boundaries: Extrapolations from the Singapore Experience in Bangalore, India, Siang Yeung WONG, Priyam Saraf, and Caroline YEOH Conference Paper
Export Performance as an Antecedent of Export Commitment and Marketing Strategy Adaptation: Evidence from Small and Medium Sized Exporters, David B. Montgomery and Luis Filipe Lages Journal Article
Financing Internationalisation: Growth Strategies of Successful Companies (Chinese Version), Annie KOH Book
Financing Internationalisation: Growth Strategies of Successful Companies (English Version), Annie KOH Book
From dramaturgy to theatre as technology: The case of corporate theatre, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and Iain MANGHAM Journal Article
G. Casella & R.L. Berger: Statistical Inference, Horng-Jinh (translator) Chang and CHANG, Hannah H. Edited Book
Global Consumption : (How) Does Culture Matter?, Seh-Woong CHUNG Conference Paper
Heuristics for a Brokering Set Packing Problem, Yunso GUO, Andrew LIM, Brian Rodrigues, and Yi ZHU Conference Proceeding Article
Hmi Holding, Chin Tiong TAN Book Chapter
Hmi Institute of Health Sciences, Chin Tiong TAN Book Chapter
Household Economics and the Asian Family, David K. C. LEE and Euston T.E. QUAH Edited Book
Impact of information and communications technologies on government innovation policy: An international comparison, Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER and Chelvin LOH Journal Article
Information Flow, Volatility and Spreads of Infreuently Traded Nasdaq Stocks, Chunchi WU Journal Article
Information Sharing in Distribution Channels, Wang Yusong and John Zhang Conference Paper
Innovation management in Asia: Some preliminary findings, Arnoud Cyriel Leo DE MEYER and Sam GARG Book Chapter
Inspired by Acer - BenQ, Chin Tiong TAN Book Chapter
Inspired by Acer - BenQ, Chin Tiong TAN Book Chapter
Intelligence Strategy: The Integrated 3c-Ok Framework of Intelligent Human Organizations, Thow Yick LIANG Journal Article
International Evidence on Institutional Trading Behavior and Price Impact, Chiraphol New CHIYACHANTANA, Pankaj K. Jain, Christine X. Jiang, and Robert A. Wood Conference Paper
k-Center problems with minimum coverage, Brian Rodrigues, A. Lim, F. Wang, and Z. Xu Conference Paper
Management fashion as collective action: The production of management best-sellers, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH Book Chapter
Management fashion as image-spectacle: The production of best-selling management books, Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK and David GREATBATCH Journal Article
Marketing as strategy: Understanding the CEO's agenda for driving growth and innovation, Nirmalya KUMAR Book
Marketing Management : An Asian Casebook, H Schutte, S. M. Leong, S. H. Ang, and Chin Tiong TAN Book
Meta-Heuristics with Local Search for Retail Shelf Allocation Optimization, Andrew LIM, Brian Rodrigues, and Xingwen ZHANG Journal Article
Metaheuristics with Local Search Techniques for Retail Shelf-Space Optimization, Andrew LIM, Brian RODRIGUES, and Xingwen ZHANG Journal Article
Multisource Feedback, W. K. Balzer, G. J. Greguras, and Patrick Raymark Book Chapter
Notes from an ‘Intelligent Island’: Towards Strategic Knowledge Management in Singapore’s Small Business Sector, Thomas MENKHOFF, Yue Wah CHAY, and Benjamin LOH Journal Article
Notes from an Intelligent Island: Towards Strategic Knowledge Management in Singapore's Small Business Sector, Thomas Menkhoff, Yue Wah Chay, and Benjamin Loh Working Paper
Operational Hedging: A Review with Discussion, Onur BOYABATLI and L. Beril TOKTAY Report
Organizational politics and multisource feedback: An opportunity or a threat?, G. J. Greguras and J.M. Ford Textbook
Organizing around Intelligence, Thow Yick LIANG Book
Outsourcing, Phanish PURANAM and Kannan SRIKANTH Encyclopaedia
Parameter Selection in Genetic Algorithms, Onur BOYABATLI and Ihsan SABUNCUOGLU Journal Article
Price Rounding and Bid-Ask Spreads before and after the Decimalization, Yan HE and Chunchi WU Journal Article
Privatizing Telecoms and Residual State Influence on Financial Performance, Burkhard N. Schrage and Paul M. Vaaler Working Paper
Procedural Priming Effects on Spontaneous Inference Formation, Kirmani Amma, Michelle P. LEE, and Carolyn YOON Journal Article
Reflections on the Field of Strategy, Howard Thomas and T. Hafsi Book Chapter
Reinventing Acer, Chin Tiong TAN Book Chapter
Relationship Marketing and Contract Theory, Sudhi SESHADRI and R. MISHRA Journal Article
Resource-based Theory and its Link to the Global Strategy, Structure and Performance Relationship: An Integrative Framework, Olivier FURRER, Jeffrey A. KRUG, D. Sudharshan, and Howard THOMAS Journal Article
Singapore's Regionalization Blueprint: A Case of Strategic Management, State Enterprise Network and Selective Intervention, Caroline YEOH, Chee Sin Koh, and Charmaine Cai Journal Article
Stock Market Anomalies, Seng Kee, Benedict Koh Journal Article
Strategic Risk and Competitive Advantage: an integrative perspective, A. Fiegenbaum and Howard THOMAS Journal Article
Talent Management: An Uncommon Route to Reaching Strategic Goals, Elisa HUKINS and Thomas MENKHOFF Journal Article
Taxes, Default Risk and Credit Spreads, Chunchi WU and Sheen Liu Journal Article
Technical Indicators, David K. DING Journal Article
The "Bonding Hypothesis": What it is, Why it Matters, and Why Latin America is Different, Burkhard N. Schrage and Paul M. Vaaler Conference Paper
The Chinese Tao of Business : The Logic of Successful Business Strategy, G Haley, U Haley, and Chin Tiong TAN Book
The Choice and Consequences of Using a Category Captain for Category Management, Wang Yusong, Jagmohan S. Raju, and Sanjay K. Shar Conference Paper
The Information Content of Trade Size in a Specialist Market with Heterogeneously Informed Traders, Chunchi WU and J. Li Book Chapter
To Trade of Not to Trade: The Effects of Broker Search and Discretionary Trading on Securities Market Performance, Chunchi WU, J. Li, and D. Zhang Journal Article
Transforming Language into Business Influence: A Tutorial in Persuasion, Susheela Abraham Varghese Journal Article
When the Cat's Away: A Content Analysis of MNC Overseas Recruitment Print Ads, Siew Meng LEONG, Hwee Hoon TAN, and Marissa Shen-Yi LOH Journal Article
Submissions from 2003
A Differentiated Service Scheme to Optimise Website Revenues, J.H Ou, Mahmut Parlar, and Sharafali MOOSA Conference Paper
An Evolutionary Approach to Bandwidth Minimization, Andrew LIM, Fei XIAO, and Brian RODRIGUES Conference Proceeding Article
A Multi-Faced Buildup Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Container Packing, Andrew LIM, Brian RODRIGUES, and Y. Wang Journal Article
An Investigation of Consumer Online Trust and Purchase-Repurchase Intentions, Dan J. KIM, Donald FERRIN, and Raghav RAO Conference Proceeding Article
An Investigation of Consumer Online Trust and Purchase, Re-Purchase Intentions, Dan J. KIM, Donald L. FERRIN, and H. Raghav Rao Conference Proceeding Article
Design and Analysis of Cylindrical Antiresonant Reflecting Optical Waveguide, Chyng Wen TEE and S. F. Yu Journal Article
Displaying group cohesiveness: Humour and laughter in the public lectures of management gurus, David GREATBATCH and Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK Journal Article
Does World-Level Volatility matter for the Average Firm in a Global Equity Market?, SEQUEIRA, J. M. and Lan DONG Journal Article
Kill a brand, keep a customer, Nirmalya KUMAR Journal Article
Measuring attraction to organizations, Scott HIGHHOUSE, Filip LIEVENS, and Evan F. SINAR Journal Article
Modularity and the Product Lifecycle, Peter Cebon, Oscar Hauptman, and Chander Shekhar Working Paper
Nurse Rostering Problems: A Bibliographic Survey, Brenda CHEANG, Haibing LI, Andrew LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES Journal Article
Performance of high and low book-to-market stocks with strong financial signals: Evidence in Asia markets 1991-2002, Choong Seok Joseph KANG and Kuan Yong David DING Working Paper
Prospect theory, analyst forecasts, and stock returns, David K. DING Conference Paper
Shortest Path Problem with Cache-Dependent Path Lengths, Z. FU, A. Kurnia, Andrew LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES Conference Proceeding Article
Situational and Dispositional Predictors of Displays of Positive Emotions, Hwee Hoon TAN, Maw Der FOO, Chee-Leong CHONG, and Renee NG Journal Article
The Demand and Supply-Side Impact of the Kimberly-Clark, Scott Paper Products Merger in the Facial Tissues Category, Andre Bonfrer and Jagmohan S. Raju Working Paper
The Performance Implications of Ownership Driven Governance Reform, Toru YOSHIKAWA and Phillip H. PHAN Journal Article
The Structure of Affect: Reconsidering the Relationship between Negative and Positive Affectivity, Russell CROPANZANO, Howard M. WEISS, Jeff M. S. HALE, and Jochen REB Journal Article
To Pester or Leave Alone: Lifetime Value Maximization through Optimal Communication Timing, Xavier Dreze and Andre Bonfrer Working Paper
The Airport Gate Assignment Problem, H. Ding, A. LIM, Brian RODRIGUES, and Y. ZHU Conference Paper
The Relationship between Creativity and Technology in Videogames, Feichin, Ted TSCHANG Conference Paper
Building Intelligent Organizations with Strategic Knowledge Management, Thomas MENKHOFF Conference Paper
Aircraft and Gate Scheduling with Time Windows, Yi ZHU, Andrew LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES Conference Proceeding Article
SMEs and Emerging Technologies, Oscar Hauptman and Wee Liang TAN Conference Paper
Individual- and Perceived Contextual-Level Antecedents of Individual Technical Information Inquiry in Organizations, Hwee Hoon TAN and Bin ZHAO Journal Article
Management Education in the Asia-Pacific with Particular Reference to Singapore, Eng Fong PANG Conference Paper
Manpower Allocation with Time Windows and Job Teaming Constraints, Xi LI, Yan Zhi LI, Andrew LIM, and Brian RODRIGUES Conference Paper