"The Effects of Ovulatory Cycle on Women's Clothing Preferences" by Norman P. LI and Kristina M. DURANTE

The Effects of Ovulatory Cycle on Women's Clothing Preferences

Publication Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date



Because the costs of pregnancy and nursing are high for women, and offspring require significant resources, a long-term mating strategy is generally more reproductively beneficial for women than a short-term strategy (i.e., sex with no commitment) is (e.g., Buss & Schmitt, 1993). However, there may be specific conditions or situations in which the reproductive benefits of short-term mating outweigh the costs. Obtaining better genes is a viable strategy when conception is likely. Because conception is most likely to occur around the time of ovulation, the point at which a woman is in her menstrual cycle may be a relevant factor in determining the potential reproductive benefits of a short-term mating strategy. One way to signal short-term availability may be to wear more revealing clothing (Grammer, 1996). The current study sheds light on whether women's clothing preferences are influenced by their ovulatory cycles as well as other variables that may interact with the menstrual cycle. We compare women's clothing preferences around the time of ovulation to preferences on days in which fertility is expected to be low.


menstrual cycle, ovulation, clothing, female sexuality, sociosexuality


Gender and Sexuality | Social Psychology

Research Areas



Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference 17th HBES 2005, June 1-5

City or Country

Austin, TX

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