Guest editor’s introduction: Controversies and continuities in management studies: Essays in honour of Karen Legge

Timothy Adrian Robert CLARK, Singapore Management University


This issue represents a moment of transition in the history of the Journal of Management Studies. After being involved with the Journal in a number of capacities for over 25 years, Karen Legge is retiring as a General Editor. We mark this event by publishing a collection of critical essays stimulated by her work as an influential writer and researcher in management studies. Whether as colleague, teacher or editor she has continually struck a balance between developmental mentoring, critical insight, sage service, and a sense of humour and enjoyment for each task she undertakes. Karen embodies many of those qualities we all admire in the very best scholars. Her work is rigorous, innovative, clearly articulated, draws on the broad social sciences and is frequently provocative as it lays bare previous unacknowledged assumptions. In this respect it reflects the guiding principles of Journal of Management Studies with which she has been associated for much of her professional life.