Singapore Law Journal (Lexicon), School of Law, Singapore Management University | Yong Pung How School of Law | Singapore Management University

The Singapore Law Journal, is a journal run by Lexicon, a student-run club under the School of Law at Singapore Management University. It publishes commentaries, case notes, and/or articles on current developments and issues in all legal fields, in particular, on subjects relevant to Singapore law, common law legal systems, and international law.

The Singapore Law Journal is published annually with the first issue in 2021 and is available in print and digitally. Singapore Law Journal (Lexicon) may be cited as SLJ. Reissues of the Singapore Law Journal (Lexicon) may be cited as SLJ(R).

ISSN: 2737-5048.


Submissions from 2024


Foreword, Pey Woan LEE


Acknowledgements, Ee-Ing ONG


The importance of theory and history in understanding and developing the common law of contract – some further preliminary reflections, Hon. Andrew PHANG


Veil piercing in Singapore: A proposed approach, Ivan Wu Hwan TANG


The effect of choice of court agreements on third parties, Tiong Min YEO


Doctrinal basis of delay as a bar to equitable rescission of contracts, Tse Loong Ryan LOW


An updated account on the similar fact rule, Siyuan CHEN


The application of the totality principle in Singapore, Zi Yang WONG


An abiding commitment to the death penalty? Centrality of the rule of law in the administration of capital punishment in Singapore, Eugene K. B. TAN


The limits of reliance on reliance damages? Case comment: Liu Shu Ming and another v Koh Chew Chee, Yu Jie Isabelle LIM

Submissions from 2023


SLJ editorial notice, Singapore Management University


Foreword, Pey Woan LEE


Valedictory reference in honour of Justice Andrew Phang: Compilation of valedictory addresses for Justice Andrew Phang, Hon. Sundaresh MENON, Indranee RAJAH, Lucien WONG, Hon. Yihan GOH, Adrian TAN, Davinder SINGH, Scott TAN, and Hon. Andrew PHANG


Taming reflective loss – Miao Weiguo v Tendcare Medical Group Holdings Pte Ltd [2022] 1 SLR 884, Pey Woan LEE


Stephen’s prudent person and the standard of proof in Indian Evidence Act Jurisdictions, Siyuan CHEN


What cases are to be heard by the Appellate Division and why: Noor Azlin bte Abdul Rahman and another v Changi General Hospital Pte Ltd [2021] 2 SLR 440, Grace Jin Yi NAI


How to construe an atypical bill of lading: The “Luna” and another appeal [2021] 2 SLR 1054, Alexis Kaixin LOK


Single crime, dual crime and another? Expansion of the concept of joint liability under section 34 of the Penal Code – Public Prosecutor v Azlin Bte Arujunah and other appeals [2022] 2 SLR 825, Ting Xuan Jordan CHIA and Natalia Mai DO NGOC


The lack of a time bar: An injustice within unjust enrichment claims – Esben Finance Ltd and others v Wong Hou-Lianq Neil [2022] 1 SLR 136, Jie Loong TAN


When sparks fly because of your neighbour’s independent contractor: The stricter-liability test of private nuisance in Singapore – PEX International Pte Ltd v Lim Seng Chye and another and another appeal [2020] 1 SLR 373, Samuel Hzi Xun TAY


Cyberoperations and sovereignty in international law, Joel Wei Xuan FUN


The advisory jurisdiction of the Constitutional Tribunal under article 100 of the Constitution, Don Jia Hao HO

Submissions from 2022


Foreword, Hon. Andrew PHANG


The precise ambit of the sealing requirement for deeds, Robbie Shih Rong TAN


Retirement from trusteeship – Express and statutory powers: Supreme Court Case Summary: Chan Yun Cheong (trustee of the will of the testator) v Chan Chi Cheong (trustee of the will of the testator, Noemi En-Hui Sarah CHAW


A novel approach to deriving sentencing frameworks – Sentencing as a science and/or art? Supreme Court Case Summary: Takaaki Masui v Public Prosecutor, Keith Ian Ray TOH and Shawn De Xian ANG


Remedying the uncertainty surrounding penalties and liquidated damages: Denka Advantech Pte Ltd v Seraya Energy Pte Ltd [2021] 1 SLR 631, Qing Zhe TAN and Rui Xin LEE


Through the rocky road – Divergent opinions on “No oral modification” Clauses: Charles Lim Teng Siang v Hong Choon Hau [2021] 2 SLR 153, Wei Xuan Joel FUN


The interaction between foreign and domestic doctrines of illegality: Ang Jian Sheng Jonathan v Lyu Yan [2021] 1 SLR 1091, Wen Yee CHANG


Walking a tightrope in the online arena – Regulating the freedom of expression, Yoong San TAN


Reforming Singapore’s law on division of matrimonial assets, Jia En TEO


Giants of contract law – Some personal reflections, Hon. Andrew PHANG

Submissions from 2021


Foreword, Yihan GOH


Accrual of cause of action in negligence: IPP Financial Advisers Pte v Saimee bin Jumaat, Gary Kok Yew CHAN


Do algorithms dream of mistaken contracts? Supreme Court case summary: Quoine Pte Ltd v B2C2 Ltd, Lokman Bin Mohamed Rafi HAKIM


The impossibility defence: Supreme Court case summary: Han Fang Guan v Public Prosecutor, Kwang Chian LEE


The limits to freedom to contract: Supreme court case summary: Leiman, Ricardo v Noble Resources Ltd, Jia Xin TAN


Form or substance? Excluding liability for misrepresentation, Zhi Jia KOH


The presumption of innocence: A golden thread always to be seen, Mark Zi Han CHIA


Elections during COVID-19: Welcome clarifications, unanswered questions, Joel Wei Xuan FUN


Two steps forward, one step back? An attempt to cure due process paranoia, Louis Yi Hang LAU