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Conference Proceeding Article



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Lip reading aims to predict the spoken sentences from silent lip videos. Due to the fact that such a vision task usually performs worse than its counterpart speech recognition, one potential scheme is to distill knowledge from a teacher pretrained by audio signals. However, the latent domain gap between the cross-modal data could lead to a learning ambiguity and thus limits the performance of lip reading. In this paper, we propose a novel collaborative framework for lip reading, and two aspects of issues are considered: 1) the teacher should understand bi-modal knowledge to possibly bridge the inherent cross-modal gap; 2) the teacher should adjust teaching contents adaptively with the evolution of the student. To these ends, we introduce a trainable “master” network which ingests both audio signals and silent lip videos instead of a pretrained teacher. The master produces logits from three modalities of features: audio modality, video modality, and their combination. To further provide an interactive strategy to fuse these knowledge organically, we regularize the master with the task-specific feedback from the student, in which the requirement of the student is implicitly embedded. Meanwhile, we involve a couple of “tutor” networks into our system as guidance for emphasizing the fruitful knowledge flexibly. In addition, we incorporate a curriculum learning design to ensure a better convergence. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed network outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on several benchmarks, including in both word-level and sentence-level scenarios.


Curricula, Modal analysis, Speech recognition, Audio signal, Collaborative framework, Cross-modal, Interactive strategy, Learning designs, Lip reading, Modal data, Performance, Teachers', Teaching contents, Students


Databases and Information Systems | Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces

Research Areas

Information Systems and Management


Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)





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