Publication Type
Conference Proceeding Article
Publication Date
Modern software systems rely on mining insights from business sensitive data stored in public clouds. A data breach usually incurs signifcant (monetary) loss for a commercial organization. Conceptually, cloud security heavily relies on Identity Access Management (IAM) policies that IT admins need to properly confgure and periodically update. Security negligence and human errors often lead to misconfguring IAM policies which may open a backdoor for attackers. To address these challenges, frst, we develop a novel framework that encodes generating optimal IAM policies using constraint programming (CP). We identify reducing dormant permissions of cloud users as an optimality criterion, which intuitively implies minimizing unnecessary datastore access permissions. Second, to make IAM policies interpretable, we use graph representation learning applied to historical access patterns of users to augment our CP model with similarity constraints: similar users should be grouped together and share common IAM policies. Third, we describe multiple attack models and show that our optimized IAM policies signifcantly reduce the impact of security attacks using real data from 8 commercial organizations, and synthetic instances.
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics | Databases and Information Systems
Research Areas
Data Science and Engineering; Intelligent Systems and Optimization
IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
City or Country
Vienna, Austria
KAZDAGLI, Mikhail; TIWARI, Mohit; and KUMAR, Akshat.
Using constraint programming and graph representation learning for generating interpretable cloud security policies. (2022). IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
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