Pickup and multi-delivery problem with time windows

Pham Tuan ANH
Aldy GUNAWAN, Singapore Management University
Vincent F. YU
Tuan C. CHAU


This paper addresses a new variant of Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows (PDPTW) for enhancing customer satisfaction. In particular, a huge number of requests is served in the system, where each request includes a pickup node and several delivery nodes instead of a pair of pickup and delivery nodes. It is named Pickup and Multi-Delivery Problem with Time Windows (PMDPTW). A mixed-integer programming model is formulated with the objective of minimizing total travel costs. Computational experiments are conducted to test the correctness of the model with a newly generated benchmark based on the PDPTW benchmark instances. Results show that our proposed model is able to solve small-size instances. Alternative approaches for solving larger problems are proposed for future research.