"Adaptive Transmission Power for Optimal Energy Reliable Multi-hop Wire" by Suman BANERJEE and Archan MISRA

Publication Type

Conference Paper



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We define a transmission power adaptation-based routing technique that finds optimal paths for minimum energy reliable data transfer in multi-hop wireless networks. This optimal choice of the transmission power depends on the link distance between the two nodes and the channel characteristics. Typical energy efficient routing techniques use a transmission power such that the received signal power at the destination minimally exceeds a desired threshold signal strength level. In this paper we argue that such a choice of the transmission power does not always lead to optimal energy routes, since it does not consider differences in the receiver noise levels. We first analyze the optimal transmission power choices for reliable data transfer over a single link. We do this analysis for both the ideal case from an information-theoretic perspective, and also for realistic modulation schemes.Subsequently we define our technique for transmission power adaptation that can be used in existing routing protocols for multi-hop wireless networks. Through detailed simulations we show that current best-known schemes incur upto 10% more energy costs in low noise environments, and up to 165% more energy costs in high noise environments compared to our proposed scheme.


Software Engineering

Research Areas

Software and Cyber-Physical Systems


Workshop on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks WiOpt 2003, March 3-5

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