"The Minimum Expected Cost Paging Problem for Multi-System Wireless" by Abhishek ROY, Archan MISRA et al.

The Minimum Expected Cost Paging Problem for Multi-System Wireless

Publication Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date



The paper discusses the problem of optimal (minimum expected cost) paging for multi-system, fourth generation (4G) wireless cellular networks. A mobile node can lie simultaneously in multiple, overlapping cells. Hence, at a particular point in the paging sequence, the probability of successfully paging the mobile in a particular cell will depend not just on its marginal residence probability in that cell, but instead on the joint probability distributions. Due to this fundamental difference with a single-system cellular network, the problem of obtaining the optimal paging sequence turns out to be NP-complete. After proving this NP-completeness result, the paper presents a greedy, and intuitively appealing heuristic, where the paging sequence is obtained by choosing cells in the decreasing order of their conditional residence probabilities. The probability is computed conditional on the mobile not being present in the previous cells of the paging sequence. The paper describes how such probabilities can be computed by using a mobile-node driven, asymptoticallyoptimal, location update strategy and also quantifies the resultant savings in the paging cost.


Software Engineering

Research Areas

Software and Cyber-Physical Systems


Workshop on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks WiOpt 2004, March 24-26

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