Rethinking work study programs: A data analytics work study program for undergraduates

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Conference Proceeding Article

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Rapid technological advances in digitization and data analytics have reshaped both the business models and the required employment skillsets. This has resulted in many industries facing a digital skills gap leading to unfilled jobs. To bridge the talent gap in data analytics and provide better career prospects for undergraduate students, Singapore Management University (SMU) conceived and implemented a data analytics work-study program, SMU-Google WSP, in partnership with Google and its partner companies. This structured program is unique in terms of how it integrates the university curriculum with targeted work experience to equip students with relevant professional and technical skills before they embark on a job related to their coursework. The innovative design of the program provides undergraduate students the opportunity to gain real-world work experience while pursuing a full-time program of study. Moreover, the program allows students to maintain a healthy work-study balance. The positive outcomes from the two past runs of the program in terms of job prospects and attainment of learning objectives and the strong endorsement from both the students and industry partners is a testament to the way the program has been structured and implemented.


Data analytics, work-study program, undergraduate, higher education, industry partnership, part-time work


Databases and Information Systems | Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations

Research Areas

Data Science and Engineering


Proceedings of 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2021, Online Conference, August 9-13





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