Towards generating transformation rules without examples for Android API replacement

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Conference Proceeding Article

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Duplicate record, see Deprecation of APIs in software libraries is common when library maintainers make changes to a library and will no longer support certain APIs in the future. When deprecation occurs, developers whose programs depend on the APIs need to replace the usages of the deprecated APIs sooner or later. Often times, software documentation specifies which new APIs the developers should use in place of a deprecated API. However, replacing the usages of a deprecated API remains a challenge since developers may not know exactly how to use the new APIs. The developers would first need to understand the API changes before they can replace the deprecated API correctly. Previous work has proposed an approach to assist developers in deprecatedAndroid API replacement by learning from examples. In this work, we also focus on Android APIs and propose an approach named No Example API Transformation (NEAT) to generate transformation rules that can assist developers in deprecatedAPI replacement even when code examples are not available (e.g., when the deprecation has happened recently). We have validated the effectiveness of NEATon generating transformation rules for deprecated Android APIs. Using NEAT, we can generate 37 transformation rules for 37 out of a selection of 100 deprecatedAPIs and have validated these rules to be correct.


Databases and Information Systems

Research Areas

Data Science and Engineering


Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME 2019

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Cleveland, USA

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